MTL - The Best Of You-Chapter 113 Extra 6

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In recent years, Shen Nianshen's career has become bigger and bigger. The company's industry is not only a large-scale best-selling game, but also includes social software, video websites, e-commerce platforms, and so on.

Shen Nianshen's career has been so successful. Someone around him always reminds Sun Tiantian of goodwill, saying that if a man is rich, it will deteriorate. Even if he does not want to change, his value is there, and he is handsome. .

When faced with such a kind reminder, Sun Tiantian just smiled.

Maybe men can go bad all over the world, but her idea is not, she doesn't even have to think about it.

Sun Tiantian and Shen Nianshen have been married for many years. The children are three years old, and they are the same as when they were in love.

As the family's largest light bulb, Shen Jiayan's children can see all kinds of kisses from parents.

Dad also bought a skirt and a bag for mom every day. The closet in mom's bedroom could not fit anymore, but Dad said it didn't matter, and there was a cloakroom.

Dad loves to buy things for mom, and buys them here and there every day. He can't. If he wants something, he has to finish the homework assigned by his father, but the homework assigned by his father is rare, but fortunately he is very smart.

He sometimes felt that his mother was more like a child than him. After washing his hair, he asked his father to blow her, asked her to cut her nails, and went upstairs to ask her to hold her.

When the family was watching TV, his mother was always leaning on his father's arms, and he was sitting "solitary" on his own small sofa.

Sometimes when he turned around, he saw his dad was kissing his mother. He was bumped into him, and his dad didn't flush. "Watch your TV."

Every time at this time, the children of Shen Jiayan laughed secretly.

Father is especially good to mother.

Mom also likes to sleep late, so she can't get up in the morning for breakfast.

Dad especially loved her mother. If she didn't get up for breakfast, he brought breakfast to the bed, fed her, and let her continue to sleep.

The child Shen Jiayan expressed her envy, so one day she also learned that her mother was lazy, and her stomach was so hungry that she would not get out of bed. He thought that Dad would bring breakfast to him for a while.

As a result, wait, wait, wait. The room door was finally opened. He thought it was breakfast, but he hadn't gotten excited yet. Dad came coldly from the door. "Shen Jiayan, is your skin itchy?"

Child Shen Jiayan: "..."

Hum, it really is just the mother's privilege to sleep late.

So poorly got up from the bed, dressed himself downstairs, and sat down at the table for breakfast.

Of course, there are times when my mother is murdered by my dad. For example, my dad does n’t let her eat cold food, and she is shy again. When my dad is not home, he secretly buys ice cream and comes back to eat. As a result, she had a stomachache within a few days. When she was lying in bed with a pale face, her father was sitting next to the bed, scolding her while covering her belly.

But her mother was particularly lame, and when her father scolded her, she looked at her with tears in tears. "I'm so hurt, you still scold me."


Every time my mother pretends to be pitiful, my dad can't bear it anymore, and asks especially softly, "Does it still hurt?"

My mother said it hurts, but my father was distressed and went to boil the mother's sugar.

Shen Jiayan felt that her mother was petted by her father like a little princess.


When the child Shen Jiayan was four years old, he went to the grandfather's house to celebrate the New Year. His aunt asked him if he liked his younger sister.

Shen Jiayan nodded, "Like."

Cousin said, "Will you let your mother give you a baby?"

Sun Tiantian was beside him at the time, and wanted to hear what his son said. Who knew that the little guy shook his head seriously, and said, "No, dad said that her mother was very hard to conceive, and she didn't want a child."

Sun Tiantian froze, subconsciously looking at Shen Nianshen, who was playing cards with his father.

In fact, since her son was three years old, she wanted to have a little sister again, but Shen Nian refused to say that one child was enough.

Sun Tiantian looked deep in Shen Nian's heart, suddenly sore in his heart.

The child Shen Jiayan peeled an orange and ran to Sun Tiantian to feed her, "Mom."

The cousin next to me looked at it and smiled, "Why Jiayan are you so kind to your mother?"

The child Shen Jiayan was quite proud, saying, "Dad said, Mom is the little princess of our family, and we must spoil her."

After hearing this, Sun Tiantian was moved and wanted to laugh.

She touched his head and looked happy.

After spending the New Year at home, after setting off fireworks in the early morning, it was already a little bit more when I went home.

The streets were quiet and the neon lights flashed in the city.

Sun Tiantian remembered hearing his son's words at home at night, and his mouth was bent. "Cousin asked Jia Yan if he wanted a little sister, what do you think?"

Shen Nianshen asked: "How do you say?"

Sun Tiantian: "He said that Dad said that her mother was very hard to conceive, and she would not have children."

Shen Nian listened deeply, the corners of her lips were bent, and a smile appeared in her eyes.

Sun Tiantian glanced back, his son was asleep on the safety seat.

She leaned over and kissed Shen Nianshen's face lightly. Her eyes were very bright and she looked at him with a soft voice, "Husband, Happy New Year."

Suddenly snow fell out of the window, and snowflakes fell on the window of the car. Shen Nianshen parked the car slowly on the side of the road. He clasped Sun Tiantian's head and kissed down.

Sun Tiantian laughed quietly, raising her hand to hold Shen Nian's deep neck.

Silent at night, snowflakes drifting out of the car window, the two kissed tenderly in the car.

After a while, Shen Nian loosened her slightly, and Wen Liang's lips gently rubbed against Sun Tiantian's lips. He looked at her and said softly, "Twelfth year, Happy New Year."

When Sun Tiantian heard this sentence, tears burst into her eyes.

It has been twelve years.

From the age of eighteen, they have been in love for six years, married for six years, there is no so-called seven-year itch, they are not tired of each other, and they seem to be in love every day. I hope there can be many more twelve years to accompany each other.

Sun Tiantian looked at Shen Nianshen, and tears suddenly fell down.

Shen Nianshen raised her hand to wipe her tears, and whispered, "What's wrong?"

Sun Tiantian shook her head, she held Shen Nianshen's arm, leaned her head lightly on Shen Nianshen's shoulder, and looked at the falling snow outside.

Returning home, Shen Nianshen gently took his son out of the car.

The car was quiet, and after a long time, Sun Tiantian suddenly said, "I'm so afraid of getting old."

Shen Nian froze slightly and looked at her sideways.

Sun Tiantian raised his head, his eyes flushed. "When we get old, if you go before me, I will go with you, OK?"

Shen Nianshen frowned, "What nonsense?"

Sun Tiantian's tears fell again, "Really, I can't imagine life without you, I will not live."

Shen Nian's eyes were dark and he looked at her for a long time without talking.

He raised his hand to wipe her tears, and sighed, "You have children, you fool."

Sun Tiantian shook her head. "The child will grow up and have his own life, but my life is you."

Shen Nianshen tightened his heart. He looked at Sun Tiantian and his eyes were slightly red. He took her into his arms and hugged them tightly, as if to melt her into the blood.

He lowered his head and kissed her cold lips on her forehead. It took a long time before he said dumbly, "I love you."

The author has something to say: I have been waiting for 2k novel reading network