MTL - The Best Small Farm-Chapter 2470 Dodu Daguai eat snacks

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   Chapter 2470 Dudu fights monsters and eats snacks

   "Morika, it seems that she intends to compromise." Tunku Baan showed a slight smile.

   "The United States intends to withdraw from Southeast Asia. The current Molika is like a tiger that has lost its teeth. Sooner or later, she will lose the interests of Paradise Island. I think this is the reason why she compromised so quickly." The middle-aged representative looked proud.

   This time I came to negotiate with Molika, but she was very passive the first two days. Molika’s attitude was too firm, and even this middle-aged man had a headache. You know, if Molika insisted on not compromising, this man wouldn’t have many good options.

   There are not many reckless men like Hei Feng who slap their heads and do things head-on. The attitude of the United States is ambiguous. Who knows whether it will use smoke bombs. Although the US policy does not say that it changes three times a day, it is not static.

   However, looking at Molika's reaction this time, it is really possible that the military center will withdraw from Asia. "Let Heifeng prepare. If there is any accident in the negotiation, it is time to let Molika see our strength." The middle-aged man said.

   Heifeng sneered, this time the Heifeng pirates came out, not only as thugs, but at that time, they will teach you pretentious **** a lesson.

   "Ms. Molika, the Black Wind Pirate Ship is less than two nautical miles away from us. Do you need to warn me?" Molika's assistant walked over to Molika and asked for instructions in a low voice.

"I didn't say it just now, I want to play with pandora, don't disturb me if there is no important thing, I'm not going to tell you about this trivial matter, don't worry about them." Molika glared fiercely, disturbing herself and pandora. Assistant for the little guy game.

   Assistant, with a wry smile in his heart, this is still a small matter, it is obvious that the Black Wind Pirates are not good. "Yes."

  The assistant called on the boat, Molika's bodyguard and several leaders of Paradise Island to convey Molika's words. "What, Miss Molika, how can this be."

   "Shut up, Miss Molika doesn't need you to talk too much, just do as Miss Molika said."

"All right."

   In fact, everyone is still somewhat worried. "Perhaps Miss Molika has already thought of a countermeasure."

   Everyone couldn't help comforting themselves, but seeing the pirate ship getting closer, their hearts sank.

   "The Black Wind Pirates came to send a signal."

   "Take it."

  Black Wind, grabbed the walkie-talkie. "Tell Jasmine, come over and speak."

"Who are you?"

   "I'm Kuroka, tell Molika, I know she's on the boat." Kuroka said domineeringly. "Give you a minute, then, as if there is no answer, I can't guarantee what will happen."

   "Captain Kurokaze, please wait a moment." The person in charge of receiving the information immediately found Molika's assistant.

   "Ms. Molika said, don't disturb her, she is doing an extremely important thing now, don't disturb her except for the end of the earth." The words of Molika's assistant made the person in charge of information reception dumbfounded. "Please tell me again that Captain Kuroka of the Black Wind Pirates has just given an ultimatum and will attack our ship in one minute."

   The assistant's eyelids jumped, joking, this is a big deal. "I know, I'll go right now."

  Molika, Zhenghe Dudu, played Monopoly. When the game was at its most exciting, the assistant knocked on the door and disturbed Molika, so that an excellent opportunity was missed.

   "Hahaha, pandora is ahead again."

  Dudu clapped his little hands with a little happiness on his face.

   "Give me a reason, or else, give me back to the gambling boat." Molika looked back at the assistant coldly.

   "Ms. Molika, Captain Kurokaze gave us a minute, as if you didn't accept the negotiation, he was going to attack." The assistant took a deep breath.

   "He dares."

   Molika's eyes widened, domineering sideways.

"A dog who dares to bark at its owner, this bastard, I will take care of him sooner or later." Molika, talking about her master, is actually the United States after all, but compared to Molika, a person who has American nationality and has a deep relationship with the United States, Have a good position in the cooperation. Heifeng, who is relatively cooperative, is a thug who responds to voices. His real status is a bit like a dog and a master compared to Molika.

   "Ms. Molika, the Black Wind Pirate Ship dispatched thirty pirate ships. I don't think it's a joke this time." The assistant bit the bullet and said, Molika's eyes became more and more gloomy.

   "Tell Heifeng, because I think he has done so many things for Pirate Island, as if he turned back immediately, I will let it go, as if I was obsessed, I will let him know how powerful Thunder Strike is." Molika said.


   "Shut up and tell Kuroka what I said, word for word." Molika said. "Do it now."

"All right."

   The assistant smiled wryly, this is a big trouble, Hei Feng's temper, this assistant is very clear, after saying this, there is no room at all, it's really strange if you don't fight.

  God, above, bless me, the assistant prayed and came to the communication room. "Time is up."

   "Captain Kurokaze, please wait a moment."

   The assistant said immediately. "Miss Molika has a few words for you."

  Black Wind, snorted. "I'd rather hear what she has to say."

   The assistant smiled bitterly and told Heifeng what Molika said word for word. Before Heifeng finished listening, the veins had already burst out. After listening, he punched the shelf next to him. "Okay, Molika, worthy of being the Queen of Pirates, I admire Heifeng, and I will prove how stupid this sentence is."

After   , the phone slammed on the table. "Give me a notice, attack, and throw all of them into the sea to feed the sharks except for Mollyka."

   "Black Wind."

  The middle-aged and Hussein, Tengku Baan, rushed over after hearing the news. "You are crazy, we are here to negotiate, not to be crazy."

   "Shut up, I've had enough. If you say one more word, I'll be the first to send you down to feed the sharks."

The middle-aged man fought a cold war. After all, he was just coming over on behalf of his superiors to spread the word, and another one, he was not a murderous black wind pirate ship, facing the flickering black wind, especially when his eyes were already red. , Hei Feng, who will kill if there is a disagreement, the middle-aged man shouted in a stern voice. "Hei Feng, you're crazy, don't forget that I'm from Mr. Wang."

   "If you weren't from Mr. Wang, you would have died ten times earlier."

   Black wind, revealing a trace of viciousness. "Lock it up for me, if you dare to make any movement, chop it up for me."

   "Black Wind, you."

   "Hmm." Hei Feng turned his head and snorted, and the middle-aged man immediately shut up and didn't dare to speak.

  Tengku Baan and Hussein, did not expect things to change so quickly, the black wind is uncharacteristically. "What do you have to say?"

  Tengku Baan smiled wryly. "This is Captain Kuroka's place. We are just guests.

   "I like to hear this, please invite the two of you to a bar for a drink."

  Black Wind, said. "When I clean up that arrogant despicable queen, I'll accompany you for a drink."

   "Captain Kurokaze is too polite."

  Tengku Baan smiled, but the worry in his eyes did not diminish at all.

   Came to the bar, Hussein, a little resentful. "Why stop me, that arrogant guy, I don't believe what he dares to do to me."

   "Hussein, don't provoke a pirate king who is already crazy." Tunku Baan said. "You don't know what a mad pirate will do, let alone what a mad pirate king will do."

   "Does he really dare?"

   "That's right," Tunku Baan said. "Even now the President of the United States is on the Molika, and the black wind dares to do it."

   "It's crazy."

   Hussein, cried. "He doesn't consider the consequences later, is that something he can bear?"

"Hussain, that's us, we will consider all possible consequences, so we are always polite to Molika, unwilling to tear our face, need to negotiate, but Heifeng, not us, he is a pirate, a pirate king, kills people Countless, bloodthirsty pirate kings." Tengku Baan said, handing a glass of wine to Hussein. "Hehe, Hussein, be happy, have you forgotten our purpose?"

   "Of course not," Hussein said. "But if Heifeng destroys Jasmine, what benefit can we gain."

   "Benefits, hahaha, Hussein, you think Batu and Molika, who do you prefer as your opponent." Tunku Baan looked at Hussein.

   "Although Hei Feng is arrogant, arrogant, and bloodthirsty, I still would rather choose him as my opponent." Hussein said.

   "That's right," Tunku Baan said. "Since that's the case, if Heifeng really killed Molika, shouldn't we be happy?"

   "I said so, but the black wind is too arrogant." Hussein, said.

   "Be arrogant." Tengku Baen, more people will be dissatisfied with arrogance. That's our chance.

  Hussein pondered with his wine glass in his hand. Perhaps, Tunku Baan was right, but he felt a little uncomfortable when he thought of the arrogant appearance of Heifeng.

   On the other side, Kuroka arranged the boat to quickly approach the yacht Queen Molika No. 1.

   "Sister Molika is so noisy outside." Dudu pouted and was having a good time.

   "Ms. Molika, the Black Wind Pirates are attacking us." The assistant slammed into the door.


   Molika snorted. "I didn't see me playing with pandora again, baby, did the girls from Maria play games?"


   "There are a lot of gunshots outside, it's very noisy."

   Dudu bulging small mouth. "Don't play, don't play anymore, pandora goes out to beat the bad guys and play again."

  Morika laughed, finally, she did not waste herself, playing childish games with a few villains for so long. "What are you still doing, tell the restaurant to prepare the best set meal, oh, by the way, and dim sum, you must use the best materials, the best craftsmanship, and the most attentiveness."

   The assistant was dumbfounded. Outside, there were constant gunshots. Seeing that the Black Wind Pirates were about to attack, at this time, he even wanted to eat. This is too much. Could it be that Miss Molika is crazy?

   "What, didn't you hear what I said?"

  Morika glared at the assistant with an aura, and the assistant immediately nodded subconsciously. "I'll make arrangements right now."

   "Well, do it well, pandora can beat the bad guys."

   Dudu villain, satisfied with a little head.

  Assistant Molika, you can't laugh or cry, you are a five-year-old kid, don't talk big, you're totally crazy.

   (end of this chapter)