MTL - The Big Shot’s Movie Star Wife Is Beautiful and Sassy-Chapter 535 cheated

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  Chapter 535 I was fooled

  Chu Qingge came out of the villa after washing her face and saw Yun Zhan standing at the door.

  Her expression has returned to normal, but her eyes are a little red and swollen.

   "Are you here too?"

Yun Zhan snorted and teased, "Yeah. Surprise? Why don't I come when you and him owe you a favor. I sold you a favor today, and I have something to do tomorrow. Both of you have to contribute. "

   This is pointing at her last airport saying that the relationship between the two should not be too complicated, just use each other's power.

   "The consciousness is quite high." Chu Qingge said in a low voice, "but fate is not very good. I met such a cruel and shameless person. Don't worry, if you have something to do, I will definitely take someone to watch the fun."

   "You!" Yun Zhan gasped.

  Ye Hanzhi stood beside the two, expressionless, and did not participate in them.

  Chu Qingge glanced at Yun Zhan: "Thank you."

   "Huh?" Yun Zhan thought his ears were broken.

   "But it won't change me to watch the fun." Chu Qingge said again.

  Yun Zhan: "." His ears are still intact.

  The handling here is almost the same, Chu Qingge will go back with them to the place where they stayed in Continent A.

   On the road, they counted the driver, seven people per car.

   Several people in the car smelled of blood, and had to open the windows to ventilate.

  The car drove for a while, He Yuzhe said: "Sister Xi, were you frightened when the explosion happened there?"

  Chu Qingge sat on the left of Ye Hanzhi, and on the right was Chu Yimo, she nodded.

   "Ninth Brother, don't worry." Su Qian sat next to He Yuzhe and said, "No one of our people is broken over there."

  Chu Qingge nodded again. Although she didn't speak, she looked at Su Qian and He Yuzhe, meaning to let them continue talking.

He Yuzhe said: "Our third master's head is not an ordinary head. When we saw the location, our first reaction was to come to you. And when our third master saw the location, the first time we saw the location, people came to A continent to expose it deliberately and covertly." whereabouts."

  Chu Qingge had a smile on his face.

"The third master came directly to a wave of anti-surveillance." He Yuzhe said, "We figured out their conspiracy in a short time, and then we took the initiative to throw a thunder over there last night, and there was a continuous bombing. After that, let The people who were secretly monitoring outside the laboratory followed you to find the location, surrounded and beat you."

  Chu Qingge turned his head to look at Ye Han.

  Ye Hanzhi didn't look at her, but lowered his eyes. But holding her hand, he squeezed it a little harder.

   "And what is the most annoying thing, do you know, Sister Xi?"

   "What?" Chu Qingge asked.

   "We asked him why he felt that way." He Yuzhe said angrily, "In the end, this guy said: I don't know, I feel."

  Maybe He Yuzhe's tone was too angry and funny.

  Everyone in the car smiled except Ye Hanzhi.

  Ye Hanzhi seems to be a person whose energy has been exhausted, leaving a shell, and the inside has fallen into dormancy.

   "Sure enough, I am the only mortal among all the gods." He Yuzhe sighed, "Fortunately, someone took me to fly, so I won by lying down."

  Chu Qingge raised the corner of his mouth slightly, then turned his head to look at Ye Hanzhi again.

  Ye Hanzhi lost a lot of weight.

   Made his appearance look sharper.

   "Ye Hanzhi, you have lost a lot of weight." Chu Qingge said softly.

  Ye Hanzhi blinked slightly with his lowered eyes, and then he turned his head to look at Chu Qingge.

   But after looking at it, he didn't speak, and lowered his gaze again.

  Chu Qingge: "."

  He Yuzhe, Su Qian and Ye Tingjue looked at them.

  Chu Yimo was on the right of Chu Qingge, so he naturally saw Ye Hanzhi's eyes.

  For the first time in his life, between his sister and a man, he wanted to stand on that man's side.

  Ye Hanzhi has lost more than ten catties no matter what.

   On the other hand, his younger sister has a red face, and it is very likely that she is a little fatter.

  Ye Hanzhi was so worried in the imperial capital that he almost couldn't sleep.

  Chu Yimo was also silent.

  At this time, what can Ye Hanzhi say.

  But although Ye Hanzhi didn't say anything, he rubbed his thumb on Chu Qingge's hand, comforting her and telling her that he was fine.

   They stayed in continent A for half a month, completely moved the Jing family's laboratory, and shipped it back to China.

  The people on the second basement floor were also rescued.

  Most people are not life-threatening, but some are difficult to treat.

   In the past half a month, they moved theirs, Chu Qingge sorted out the data in his head, and thought of a solution to 319.

  But experimental proof is needed.

   Besides that, Chu Qingge found that Ye Hanzhi was extraordinarily calm.

   Not only calm, she felt that Ye Hanzhi could be described as cold.

  For the matter of drugging and sneaking away, Chu Qingge always thought that Ye Hanzhi would settle a big score with her.

   But Ye Hanzhi didn't, and didn't even mention it.

   During the half month they were in continent A, they ate and lived together, and Ye Hanzhi still took care of her as before.

   Will serve her vegetables and peel shrimps for her. At night, she would blow her hair, hug him to sleep, and kiss her between the eyebrows.

   But that's all the interaction between the two of them.

  Because they are busy during the day, they have little time to talk. Most conversations are also about labs.

   And not only to her, but to everyone, Ye Hanzhi spoke less and rarely smiled.

   He would smile at her, but this smile was not as gentle as before.

   Half a month later, they all returned home.

  Chu Qingge and Chu Yimo returned to the Chu family first.

  Ye Hanzhi didn't follow her, but sent Nan Cheng to Chu's house an hour after she returned home.

  Chu Qingge began to think about her marriage.

  She stayed at Chu's house for a week, and Ye Hanzhi only called her every night, and never mentioned the matter of coming to pick her up.

  The possibility of marriage change is increasing.

  Chu Qingge didn't know if he was affected by his mood, and his appetite for eating was much worse.

  After being forced to rest at home by her parents for a week, she plans to go to the graduate school.

  The morning of going to graduate school.

  Ye Hanzhi suddenly appeared at her house and picked her up.

   Halfway, Chu Qingge saw that it was not the way to the research institute, and thought: Is this the way to the Civil Affairs Bureau?

  Chu Qingge started to get motion sickness again, feeling nauseous.

   Just when she was about to talk to Ye Hanzhi, the car stopped at a manor.

  Chu Qingge looked at the vast manor, and the yard was still under construction. "Where is this?" she asked.

   "Dihan Manor. Where I live." Ye Hanzhi helped her unbuckle her seat belt, "I didn't live in Ye Zhai before, so I will live here."

  Chu Qingge followed him out of the car.

   And as soon as she got out of the car, Ye Hanzhi, you held her hand.

  Chu Qingge felt that he was anxious to grab his hand, as if he was afraid that she would run away.

  Ye Hanzhi took her hand and led her all the way back to the bedroom.

  Chu Qingge was still a little confused why when she came to the bedroom here early in the morning, she suddenly heard the sound of a lock being locked.

  She was startled, admiring the manor, and the mood of admiring the room suddenly disappeared.

   Two words immediately popped up in my heart: It's over.

  Ye Hanzhi stood at the door and looked at her, slowly unbuttoning his cuffs. His eyes gradually turned hard, and then he snorted: "What do you think of this place, madam?"

  Chu Qingge looked at him calmly, but didn't want to answer his question.

  Everything is instantly understood.

  Where is there any marriage change, she was fooled. She's been fooled, and Ye Hanzhi is here waiting to settle accounts with her.

  Being indifferent and calm is because Ye Hanzhi is suppressing his emotions.

  The reason why she was sent back to the Chu family for a week was to pave the way for her to be locked up here.

   This is because she will not even be allowed to go home in the future.

Goodnight everybody



  (end of this chapter)