MTL - The Black Card-Chapter 1372 Get rid of black cards within 10 years

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() After the yacht company person left, Shi Lei called Wei Qing.

"Oh, hey, Da Shi, you remembered me." Wei Qing's voice was exaggerated, and the phone was a bit noisy. His side should now be around ten o'clock in the evening, probably in some night lights.

Shi Lei smiled and said, "Can you still have a good chat?"

"I dare not chat with you, Da Dao."


Wei Qing converged on that cynical tone and said, "Find me at this point, what's the matter?"

Shi Lei said, "I just sent people away, and I didn't care about jet lag. I am still in London, but I ordered a yacht from a French company, and they will send me to China after a while. You know, Wu Dong is not very suitable for placing these, I think it is more appropriate to put them in magic. This requires you to help me. "

"I knew, you do n’t need my help, you Shi Shao would never think of me." Wei Qing's tone suddenly became a bit resentful.

Shi Lei said helplessly: "I'm really busy at this time. I'm not like you. You people born on the Jinshan Mountain are different from people like me who starve to death if they don't work one day."

"Hey! You come less. How much money do you have now? What kind of **** is my little money? The past two years have been smooth sailing, but not billions of net worth. What about you? Just a Kaixuan Are they worth ten billion yuan? I won't say that there is no conclusive Hong Kong polygene in valuation in the market. "

Shi Lei scratched his head and said, "I don't have time to tease you with poverty. Would you like to help me find Duan Duan?"

"Don't, don't, Dang Gongzi is with me. What's wrong, let him listen to the phone?"

Shi Lei thought that Duan Gongzi would surely have heard him talking to Wei Qing now. If he didn't say hello, people wouldn't know what he would think.

"Okay, let Duan Gongzi answer the phone."

Soon, Duan Gongzi answered the phone. Instead of making a fool of Shi Lei like Wei Qing, he smiled and said, "Hello, Shi Shao."

"Hello Duan, I'm so sorry, I haven't contacted you for a long time."

"Shi Shaogui is busy and normal. Moreover, I have heard more or less about your foreign affairs."

In a word, he understood that he knew more than Wei Qing, but he did not chew the tongue with anyone around him.

"Shi Shao bought a yacht? Want a club?"

"Well, I don't usually have much time. I definitely need a professional club to help."

"I'll do less for Shi. When will your yacht arrive?"

"In half a month, it's almost half a month."

"Well, I will definitely help you to do it properly, whether it is testing or launching a test drive, there will be no problems."

At this time, Wei Qing shouted anxiously: "Hey, you two don't bring this, Shi Lei asked me for help. Why did you grab me a bag and grab it?"

Shi Lei said with a smile: "Thank you so much. It will take me about 20 days to return to China. I will get together when the time comes and help me to take the yacht to the sea to try water."

After a few more chats, the two sides hung up the phone. Shi Lei threw the phone on the sofa, leaned back against the sofa, and completely relaxed.

From last night to now, Shi Lei spent at least 200 million yuan for more than ten hours.

And that's not all. On the yacht side, there are still more than 100 million on the road, and investment in scientific research institutions, there are still more than 100 million on the road.

There is still 400 million yuan of funds. Waiting for Yao Er to find a US quotation at any time.

Of course, there is also a billion-dollar collection, which is also ready to go.

All these things are estimated to be spent within a week. In addition to the balance of the yacht.

This was the fastest time for Shi Lei to spend money, and it was the fiercest, and he was forced to spend it. Not only did he not feel the thrill of spending money, on the contrary, the whole process was a little hurry.

From the current point of view, the yacht certainly constitutes a postponement of consumption, and less points have to be deducted by one or two points. After buying a house, Shi Lei certainly hopes that it can also constitute a postponed consumption, so that points can be deducted.

Not surprisingly, the quota of this period, the end result is that he can hardly get any score.

Of course, this depends on the investment of the scientific research organization that Yao Er helped him find. If it is a leading technology investment, this extra point will be outrageous.

But where are so many leading technologies? The non-revenue investment part will definitely have extra points in the future, but most of it is Shi Lei's own research and development projects. Most of the projects that Yao Er found were in the civil field. In that case, the valuation of Heka is limited, and most of them will not cause extra points.

For Shi Lei, since he has the right to know the composition of the basic score and the additional score, he must control these scores more strictly so that he can delay more time at the fifth level.

It is not expected that it will take five years to meet the ten quota cycle, at least three years is the best.

By the time he reaches level 6, Shi Lei can use the opportunity to double the length of that quota cycle.

Not surprisingly, the sixth level should be 10 billion a year, and the time doubled can be two years. Even if the sixth level is not reached in the end, at least Shi Lei's life for ten years or eight years is not a problem.

Shi Lei is now very confident. With his current ability to control money and the various abilities he has mastered, he should not face the fate of being killed by a black card within ten years.

In ten years, if Shi Lei can't fully understand how to get rid of the black card and cancel the contract with the black card, it can only be said that Shi Lei has no ability.

In any case, ten years is enough for Shi Lei to arrange everything in front of and behind him.

After doing his best, Shi Lei's mouth filled with a smile, he just felt that in the next period of time, he should be able to relax a bit.

Especially after he has settled the ferryman thoroughly.

The reason why he told Duan Gongzi that he would stay in Europe for about 20 days is because of ferrying people.

Less than twenty days are left until the new government of Thayastan unfreezes the companies that and its assets have acquired.

Shi Lei warned himself that he must take advantage of this opportunity to completely kill people.


After another week in London, Qixuan Britain's market in France has been fully opened. Because it is dominated by the Zidane family, it has become extremely vigorous immediately after it was launched on the market. feel.

Shi Lei thought he would be a half-moon in the half-month in London, but he did not expect that his phone would start ringing after the opening of the French and French market.

Many magazines and newspapers didn't know what channels they used to get his personal phone call, and they called one after another, hoping to have an interview with him, including the European branch of Time Magazine.

Shi Lei refused all of this, but it also made him realize that he probably needed an assistant around him.

Yao Er called and told Shi Lei that there was news in the American house.