MTL - The Black Tech Life of Scum-Chapter 215 : Wang Beibei's Money (2)

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"Xiao Fan saw what you said. When did you object to what you want?" Wang Beibei said with a smile. "Don't worry, I'll call you later, and I'll leave tens of thousands of dollars in pocket money, but you can't talk about what's going on first?"

"Well," Zhang Yifan nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "make luxury!"

"High-end appliances?" Wang Beibei suddenly lighted his eyes and asked.

For Zhang Yifan's accomplishments in electronics and machinery, he couldn't be more clear;

Zhang Yifan shook his head and said calmly, "Vegetables and fruits!"

Wang Beibei was disappointed: "Are you going to grow watermelons and vegetables in your hometown?"

"It's not me, it's you, or else you think you should give you half of the shares," Zhang Yifan said;

"I'll go as long as I go, but this fruit and vegetable has nothing to do with luxury goods? It's definitely not expensive for anyone to buy expensive;" Wang Beibei.

"You dress more than 100,000, right? Why did you buy it?"

"This is different. The clothes are worn on the body. I have the spending power. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be comfortable? Besides, I can buy clothes once or twice a year. Vegetables and fruits These are eaten almost every day, "Wang Beibei justified;

He also knows that spending a lot of money will definitely make Zhang Yifan look a little unsightly, but he still thinks his consumption is reasonable;

"Aren't you economically strong now? Would you buy a thousand yuan a pound of watermelon?" Zhang Yifan asked.

"Unless there is something special about this melon, I will not be such a fool, and my money is not brought by the wind!"

"But litchi in Huadu, Guangdong Province can sell hundreds of thousands of pounds. Do you say the people who buy it are stupid?" Zhang Yifan asked.

"That's different. Others have good varieties and good tastes, and then this auction has some hype," Wang Beibei said. "People buy this lychee, most likely not by themselves, but by bribes in disguise;"

"If you think about it, ask someone to do things, give money directly to things, and suspect bribery, but it ’s completely different to carry fruit. It ’s normal. No, if you go to a friend ’s house, you do n’t want to order fruit It ’s just that this fruit is a bit more expensive, and the packaging is definitely better, plus a certificate or something at the auction, your mind is here; ”

"Yes, can we do this differently?" Zhang Yifan laughed. "Anyway, we only make fine products, only expensive ones! We are targeting customers like you;"

"Have you developed a good variety or a cultivation method?" Wang Beibei asked in surprise.

"No," Zhang Yifan shook his head, thought for a second, and added: "If you use organic fertilizer, the taste will be better, and you haven't eaten those melons you have grown."

"That melon is delicious, but I still don't think I can sell it for 1,000 yuan a catty," Wang Beibei said again, "do you have a plan or idea for what to do?"

Zhang Yifan shook his head again: "Why am I still looking for you? It's because you are a luxury consumer and you know the psychology of those people. It's more appropriate for you to find a way."

"To be a luxury product, at least it needs to be well-known. It must be used for advertising for 20 million dollars. It won't even hit the water splash;" Wang Beibei said, and then suggested: "Otherwise, let's start with Be more up-to-the-minute, and fight for brand reputation? "

"No, you need to do high-end," Zhang Yifan said, "don't even want to transfer the money to me, when you make a plan, I will hit my money on your card;"

After speaking, Zhang Yifan turned away and walked for two steps. Then he turned around again: "You better get the plan as soon as possible, but it is the fruit season in the New Year;"

I didn't really leave until I had finished speaking, and I didn't wait for Wang Beibei to explain anything.


Wang Beibei repented when he returned to his temporary office. He knew that Zhang Yifan was serious this time;

If Zhang Yifan only said that his consumption was a bit excessive, he would have thought about how to justify it;

However, Zhang Yifan did not play cards according to common sense at all. He directly pointed out that he wanted to run a luxury fruit project, and he promised too directly at the beginning;

Not why, because there is a promising future with Zhang Yifan!

Now that he is in the pit, Wang Beibei can only do it bit by bit. In short, the project must be launched!

Even if all the 20 million investment is lost, Wang Beibei is not too sorry, so he has to sell his car!

Yes, there will be dividends again at this time next year, so why bother with the gains and losses in front of you?

Wang Beibei made up his mind, not only to engage in this project, but also to develop a sense of content and achievements, so that everyone can see their abilities!

When it comes to electronics, whether it is research and development or production, Wang Beibei does not have any bright spots, and he has no technology and experience;

In addition, there is an experienced manager such as Lexus who is very familiar with each process and has a good set of work;

Naturally, he seems to have a poor sense of existence in front of him ...

And this fruit, although I have never done it, but at least I am the organizer, have n’t I ever made a technology product before? Not hundreds of millions of profits in the first year?

Wang Beibei started to take out a book and write on it ...

The current fruit business model is basically online sales and market circulation. The fruit in market circulation is basically purchased by large wholesalers to the place of origin, and then shipped to the large fruit trading market for distribution. Very few fruit farmers carry it out for sale. ;

For online sales, either online celebrity merchants go to fruit farmers to buy in batches, and then sell them in separate packages, or fruit farmers rely on the platform to sell online;

These are mainly low-cost strategies, and now Zhang Yifan wants to do the opposite, then Wang Beibei really has to study the psychology of users.

Buy luxury goods by yourself, just to wear comfortably, is it easy to use?

It must be more than that, Wang Beibei knew that he still had such a little vanity in his heart. He wore such a high-end product and was more confident in walking and speaking;

And driving that sports car, the kind of feeling of being watched on the street and being on the road, other cars are far away from it, is the thrill of driving the research institute's warrior;

The warrior with a military license is on the road, and other vehicles are avoiding it. That is because he can't afford it. The warrior is thick and thick.

While driving Lamborghini, others are far away from it. They are worried that they cannot afford it. This car is too expensive and it is too expensive to repair.

Luxury cars and watches can be used to display, but how to display high-end fruits?

Watermelon, no matter how delicious it is, it's just a watermelon. Other melons sell for one or two dollars a pound. Zhang Yifan's family is high in sweetness, rich in water, and good in taste. That is at most ten yuan a pound. Are you afraid that no one will ask?

Wang Beibei thought about it carefully. If it is his current situation and wants to eat a melon, what price can he accept?

After thinking about it, he felt that fifty to one hundred yuan a pound was the highest price he could accept;

A big melon is more than ten or twenty pounds, and it costs a lot to spend one or two thousand yuan, and this melon must also have characteristics, and no matter how rich it is, you do n’t want to be an injustice. After all, other melons only cost dozens of yuan;

How about litchi?

This year's litchi production is small, and the price is naturally expensive. In some places, the contract price of Qizixiao in the orchard is five to eight dollars a pound;

Qizixiao is basically ten to fifteen dollars a pound in the market, and the taste of Guiwei varies from twenty to thirty.

But why can the few trees in Huadu sell up to several hundred thousand a catty, and the average price is thousands of yuan?

Wang Beibei analyzed it. Indeed, the fruits produced by those trees are excellent in both sweetness and taste. Although he has not eaten it, he just read the information on the Internet;

But the most important thing is its history. One of these trees has been to Beijing, and the fruits produced by the other trees are also tributes. Not to mention ordinary people, even officials are afraid to eat brightly-- May occasionally secretly eat a few tablets or there will be.

There was a well-known woman in the Tang Dynasty, called Yang Guifei, who was said to be very beautiful and probably had some unique skills. In short, the emperor spoiled her;

This woman loves to eat fruits. The ancient fruits are not as rich as the modern ones. What durians, what mangosteens, kiwis, lotus mist, strawberries ... a lot, don't make up words;

Anyway, lychee from Lingnan is the favorite of Guiyang Yang. The emperor must have ordered the minister to try his best to meet such a small requirement. After all, the royal concubine did not do anything, just wanted to eat some fruit. It would be too incompetent to meet this requirement;

However, at that time, the traffic conditions were relatively poor, and the saltpeter ice-making technology was not yet mature. As soon as the lychee was picked, it was sent by 800 rushes, and it took several days to reach the capital ....

Riding horses was bumpy. Coupled with lychees for a few days, the concubine would definitely not eat fresh lychees. Although the fruits that were dropped on the way would not let her eat, but they were still on the branches and the taste was not so good Already

So one year, an official thought of a way: in the season of litchi maturity, a litchi tree was dug up with roots, and the whole tree was loaded with mud into a specially made carriage and transported to Chang'an;

In fact, it is relatively easy to do this. First, the concubine can eat the freshest Lingnan litchi every day. Now she eats and picks. Because of the size of the carriage and horsepower, this tree must not be too big. Try the freshest lychee ...

Secondly, the carefully selected tree has at least one hundred to two hundred pounds of fruit, and it will not mature on the same day. It is impossible for the consort to finish it in three to five days, so there is no need to use it every day. Sending people to rush for eight hundred miles, that's the only way the emergency military newspaper can be useful, avoiding the risk of others complaining to the emperor;

The emperor at the time was actually not good at doing things. There were always officials to report, labor and people hurt money, and so on, and they were morally abducted at every turn. No, it was based on death.

This thing did a really good job, and later the official was promoted by the emperor, and he did a good job in oil and water ...

The story should have ended here, but after the official was promoted, he still wanted to bring himself the tree of official fortune;

In fact, the fruit of that tree was thrown out of the palace after the fruit was picked. In the winter of Changan, it is impossible to survive;

The official paid for it, and hired someone to bring the tree back to Lingnan, plant it back to the place where it was dug, and take care of it;

The next year, when it was time to eat lychee again, the new officials in Lingnan did not dig any more trees. Instead, according to the past 800 rushes, they picked the best fruits, and even the time was right. In Changan, sprinkle the salt on the immature litchi fracture, and it will be cooked in Changan;

It was also this year that Lingnan had competitors, that is, the litchi transplanted in Sichuan Province also matured;

The parents of Sichuan Province have exhausted their thoughts in this regard. They dug the three trees with the best results and shipped them directly to Chang'an. The promotion of the officials in Lingnan is not a secret. Everyone knows the reason. Zhiduming.

Officials, no matter what else, they must know one thing, that is, try to figure out what they want;

So when Yang Guifei made an evaluation, she praised Litchi in Sichuan Province and gave Lingnan a bad review ...

In fact, everyone understands, what's the comparison between fresh and shipped for several days?

But at that time, as a noble concubine, no matter what the reason, I only look at the results, your results are not as good as others, no matter what, you just do not do well anyway!

So the errand of tribute litchi fell to Sichuan Province ...

Eating fruit is a trivial matter. The emperor's affairs are still so much. No one pays much attention to it. Sichuan Province sends it so silently. Anyway, digging a few trees every year has no effect on officials, but it also creates Some professional households ...

After several years of this, the concubine suddenly sighed to the emperor one day: "This lychee doesn't taste so good, it is still the lychee from that tree from Lingnan that year!"

This is normal, as if a person and a friend said:

"Now the old godmother is so unpalatable, the old godmother a few years ago is delicious!"

"The snow owl is really unpalatable now, it is still delicious as before!"

But Wang Beibei also knows that, for example, he used to use two-sided needles for brushing his teeth, but now he uses black people .... I do n’t know if the taste has changed, or something else. Come back, don't want to use it twice ...

Has the product formula or raw materials changed?

Not necessarily, or it may be people ...

And the story of the Tang Dynasty has follow-up. The first tree that has entered Beijing has grown up, and it is no longer possible to dig it out and transport it to Chang'an;

But the concubine has this idea, the emperor must be satisfied, how to say it is his favorite little three, not ...

So the official compromised and thought of a way again, cut the branches!

Cut down the few branches that produce the best fruit, and then send her an express delivery over 800 miles, and you must explain that this is the tree that was cut down that year ...

When the new lychee entered the palace, the emperor looked at Yang Guifei with anticipation: "Concubine, this is the fruit branch cut down from the tree you like to eat, should you be satisfied this time?"

Yang Guifei's emotional quotient is not low, otherwise she was killed in the palace, so she ate one after another and fed the emperor a few by the way, and finally said, "It's still the packaging, the taste ... "

So, that official continued to be promoted ... when he told his old man to return to his hometown, he also glorified his hometown ...

The problem is that Wang Beibei wants to learn something in it. Now let's not talk about the national mother. It is the fruit that local officials want to eat. Others will send it to you directly.

There is no room for operation, and those litchis in Huadu can be sold very expensive for historical reasons and under the name of Yang Guifei;

But in his own hand, even if it is Zhang Yifan's organic fat melon, he has no such conditions at all, and there is no historical factor ...

It simply won't work!

No one will sell your account!

Wang Beibei was caught in a dilemma, and he was thinking there all the time, there was nothing he could do.

Suddenly, he thought of a point. The specialty of Yangshi is mango ...

There are big and small things like mangoes, such as Jinhuangmang, which can weigh two or three pounds, even larger, and small, such as Guiqi or Tainong ...

The most important thing is that there are also mangoes grown in the village of Nali where Zhang Yifan lives, including Li Bingjia, who also planted a few acres of mango, although it is not easy to take care of, because it is not necessary to take care of it. , Really can't motivate fruit farmers;

The mango thing, Wang Beibei, a local, knows very well that he sells it online, that is, a box of tens of dollars, about sixty or seventy, and also postage;

If you want to talk about losses and gains, even if you are in the presence of a fruit farmer ~ ~, it is really unclear, because the cost of each piece of fruit land is different, and the output is of course different.

You can't say that I apply fertilizer three times a season, and you will have the same output and the same quality as if you did not apply once a season.

Should labor and land be counted as costs?

It costs 200 yuan a day to go into the city to work as a small worker. If you grow this mango, you don't have one hundred yuan a day. The land is still yours. Is it cost-effective?

In fact, the peasant also has an account ...

How big the mango tree is, Wang Beibei knows it. The old tree is very big. To pick, you need to use tools such as bamboo poles;

But there are still a lot of things that are not too big. They are the knowledge taught by Zhang Yifan's parents at Zhang Yifan's house. The fruit tree at the age of four or five is actually not much bigger ....

This seems to be a market that can be easily occupied. There are high-end customers who need fruit. I will transport the tree directly to you, and even the tree will be transported with mud;

Those who can afford this price of fruit don't care about this money, so this place naturally exists;

If you want mangoes, I ’ll bring you back the mango tree. The fruits are on the tree. I ca n’t drop one if you drop one. Then take the net bag .....

As for where the source of the tree comes from, in fact, the fruit farmer knows very well how much profit this fruit tree will bring to him, but also bears the risk of falling prices. If he has enough money, is he afraid he will not sell it?

He doesn't sell, he sells a lot of people!

This seemed to work, Wang Beibei thought cheerfully.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Anyway, that ’s it. High-grade fruits. Others just tell you where they are from ...

I can even pull you over a tree, what do you want to do?

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