MTL - The Black Tech Life of Scum-Chapter 269 : News and Questions

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Led by the County Poverty Alleviation Office, the county party committee dispatched several capable cadres, plus an inspection and awarding team composed of various departments such as the county television station, the propaganda department, the animal husbandry bureau and other departments quickly set the list, and then there was no time left , Just announced the agenda to visit

People who grew up in that era have a different kind of enthusiasm for honor, and naturally, the old head is not exempt;

After receiving the notification from the village party secretary that the leader would go to the pig farm to award the prize, he was ready. In fact, there was nothing to prepare. The first phase of the pig farm's renovation work has been completed and the inside is running normally;

The staff's work has already been skilled, and there will be no changes. Even the staff's work clothes have been solved by Wang Beibei. He is tailored for each staff in the ethnic clothing store in the county. Customized national costumes for the kind of costumes used in grand festivals;

The costumes of the Zhuang people are still very good. They don't have so many silver ornaments, but the embroidered laces and patterns are still very beautiful. I have to admit that the wisdom and aesthetics of the ancient working people are still very good;

Of course, working in this costume is a bit cumbersome, but it looks good!

When I entered the monitoring website, I saw all wearing white coats or canvas overalls, working expressionlessly, no one wants to look at them a little more, and was so fooled by Wang Beibei, even if he didn't look at pigs, You can also watch the girl who feeds pigs work, seductive!

Moreover, the current work of the pig farm does not pay attention to efficiency, and there is no heavy physical work, so the impact is not large .....

In order to pay attention, the old Zhang even put on a suit, so he almost didn't wear a tie.

How to invest in the pig farm and how to run it? The old Zhang did not want to point his fingers. After looking at Zhang Yifan's ability to make money, he was also relieved;

It ’s just that the old head feels that he has to accept the award and accept the commendation;

It wasn't that he was very happy and wanted to show the limelight, but that he was worried that the two guys, Zhang Yifan and Wang Beibei, had no experience and didn't know the importance. They were afraid that they would accidentally offend which leading cadre.

The so-called Yan Wang is good-seeing, and the little ghost is difficult to get rid of. Such a flat-headed people is not a good thing if they get into the incumbent officials, even if Zhang Yifan is a soldier, this status is not good;

After a party from the county arrived, the old Zhang head took this group of leaders to visit the various processes of the pig farm. The focus is on the demonstration of automated farming;

Watching the leaders slowly nodded in front of the camera, praised with joy, and the old head didn't figure out whether they understood or pretended. If it was the latter, the acting skills would still be superb;

After watching all the processes of the pig farm, the reporter also took a clip of the employees of Li Bing at work. The old head took them to take a look at the construction site under construction, and Hu blew his grand blueprint. ...

In the end, he was still in the best restaurant in town and set up two tables of so-called special local dishes. In fact, it was not far from the county seat. What else could he not eat in the county seat?

After the party was full and drunk, they boarded the car with satisfaction, and set off on their way back to the county seat. Then the old man with a red face was drunk and returned home with satisfaction. The harvest this time was indeed not small;

Not only the taxes and fees for three years are directly reduced or exempted, but also you can apply for a business subsidy, you can apply for a small low-interest loan, and the Animal Husbandry Bureau will come to check regularly, and carry out epidemic prevention work for each batch of pigs in the pen for free. Technicians come to train workers some farming knowledge ...

These preferential policies were previously dare not even think about the old head, but now they have been brought to their own. Of course, in the eyes of the old head with a lot of wealth now, these things are not so attractive, but mosquitoes The legs are also meat!

What made the oldest Zhang most satisfied was the award of the model enterprise of poverty alleviation, the certificate of merit, certificate issued by the poverty alleviation office, etc .;

With these things, the pig farm can also be regarded as a talisman. At least for a few years, if you want to move this farm, you must first weigh it, after all, it involves more than the poverty alleviation office;


The county TV station's resources are very limited, because its audience is only the county town and surrounding villages and towns that have cable TV. Moreover, due to the lack of program resources, other programs (basically TV shows) are rarely available except for news and advertisements. What audience will there be.

Therefore, its advertising revenue is very meager. Whether it is adding equipment or increasing personnel, it depends heavily on financial allocations;

This has led to the fact that his news crew can only dispatch one or two groups, because there must always be a group of people to deal with unexpected news events;

It is under such conditions that the county television news team is efficient. The material shot every day has only a short period of dubbing and subtitles, and sometimes even less than an hour, but it has to catch up with the county news broadcast at 8 o'clock in the evening. The show has to say that the burden is also heavy;

Of course, there are only two or three news, but they occupy a half-hour period. Editing and production will be a bit rough, but it also meets the needs of such a basic information dissemination;

That night, the news was broadcast on the county TV station. The leader spoke first, then the introduction and narration of the various processes in the pig farm, plus the awards and listing ceremony. It was broadcast for nearly 20 minutes. ;

Who are the people watching the county TV news program?

A large part of them are civil servants in townships and counties. Through this program, they want to be one step ahead to understand what new policies are in the county and what news is happening.

The remaining part is for those who are full and have nothing to do, or the TVs that some shops use for public broadcasting, ordinances, etc., have nothing to do with their lives. Watching the news in this county is pure Is to find a sense of substitution;

After all, they do n’t follow the drama, and they do n’t like watching variety shows. While watching the news, most of them still have a mobile phone in their hands, watching the county news, just want to see if there are familiar scenery into the camera, and even Seeing an acquaintance's face flashing through can make them excited;

Otherwise, the production of rough, nutritious, and dull county news will not attract their attention at all;

However, this time, this group of people quickly found something different:

Yishui's young beautiful girl, dressed in national costume, where to feed pigs?

Serve twenty pigs with five people? This does not include people who are janitors, growers, and bosses ...

Then, another automated pig?

Automatic feeding, automatic weighing of pigs, automatic bathing, massage, and even cleaning of pig manure and pig urine ...

That's all, but can you monitor the pig's health in real time by computer?

Want to be so exaggerated? Even people do n’t have this treatment, right?

What's more, these little pigs still have food to eat, and the fruit is still tens of thousands of dollars, and it will cost three hundred to one yuan!

Three hundred dollars a pound, what is this concept? In Zhushi, if it is Baitengtou seafood market, Boston lobster weighs three to eight pounds, 168 pounds, Cailong is a little more expensive, two hundred Sixty-eight pounds, the red dragon, that is, the Australian lobster, is only more than three hundred pounds ... and the king crab over Maozi, about two hundred dollars a pound;

At the price of lobster, you can eat such oranges on the street for three or five dollars, and they are still used to feed pigs, and they must be skinned and fed by beautiful girls ....

Is there any truth in this?

This is okay if it is in a developed area. After all, the lives of rich people are sometimes difficult to understand, but this is in a small mountain village in Yang County .....

As a result, this news directly caused a sensation, how many of these things were alleviated by poverty, and few ordinary people in towns really care about this. There are disgust about playing digital games and fake big empty things, and more, No real influence;

"Look at the news from the county TV station. Pigs eat better than people!"

"There is heating in winter and air conditioning in summer. I drink mountain spring water and eat organic food. All the beautiful young ladies are waiting. I really feel that I am not as good as a pig!"

"It's so good to make pigs, eat well, live well, and have a bath every day to help you. Does the village still need pigs? My dad often says I'm a pig!"

"After reading the news from the county station, a pig with 100,000 yuan is not necessarily a panda. They really dare to do it! Sorry, people are not as good as pigs!"

A series of friends circled it out, and the pictures were all taken directly on the TV, some even recorded directly, and some directly cut a video and threw it into the group of friends;

In the information age, the speed of dissemination of information is beyond imagination. Within five minutes of this news broadcast, many people saw the information;

If people are not as good as dogs or other news, they may not attract too much attention;

However, people are not as good as pigs. This topic is quite controversial. After all, some dogs in rural homes may not be able to escape the fate of going to the dining table, but most pet dogs in towns can have a good ending ... .

For pigs like Yang, there are not many pet pigs in Yangxian. Most people still keep the ancient concept of pigs: kill and eat meat.

So the conditional mobile phone parties tuned to the station one after another, and wanted to see how a person is not as good as a pig, a pig with 100,000 yuan, can't that pig weigh a few kilograms?

Even if it is not near the TV, some people will ask curiously what is going on;

For a while, this news really caught the attention of many people, and some people even recorded the whole news and uploaded it to the Internet, short video software, and WeChat group ...

The ratings of the county television station suddenly increased several times. Of course, this is not known to the staff of the television station, because they have not participated in the survey of ratings, and the cost of data collection is not a small county. TV stations can afford it.

Maybe no one has considered, how much influence will happen in a small county?

Generally speaking, in addition to large-scale natural disasters, events or unreasonable cases, the case of Feixue occurred in June, otherwise the news in a county is basically that people in their county will pay attention to it, and at most they will add Some people who go out, because outsiders do not pay attention to these things that have nothing to do with them at all;

However, as long as people in a county are not people who have never been to the county for half their lives, there will be a large number of outsiders in his circle of friends;

The average person has a lot of resistance to sunbathing, sunbathing, and food in the circle of friends, not to mention selling things. It ’s not bad if you do n’t stop the screen, and you can occasionally like it. Absolutely friends

With such a high level of collective immunity, there are not many circles of friends that can make people repost. Of course, smart people will send some joke soup or something, and it will also attract some reposts. Anyway, it is entertainment. Who is it? Improper that is one thing;

However, some special circle of friends will still attract the attention of some people, and then forward, such as this person is not as good as a pig.

Spoof? It does n’t exist, but it ’s official news. Although the county TV station is really low, it ca n’t be messed up;

Picture famous? Everyone ’s location and internal video were announced. Unless the leaders in the county are silly, who would play with this pig farm? The pig farm can be said to be closed, but it is not a joke about the career of so many people.

The 100,000 yuan per pig is a gimmick, or is there any other reason?

I do n’t understand, so I forward it, and I do n’t ask others to think about it at once. Many people just want to explain.

But can this thing make money?

Many people are asking question marks in their hearts, and some even directly put an exclamation mark. Impossible!

No one is stupid, they will buy a pig at such a high price, and it wo n’t become immortal if they eat it ...

A pig with a price of 100,000 yuan, even if the pig grows to 200 kilograms, it will be 500 yuan per kilogram of meat. What is it not fragrant for the price?

However, the development of the situation is not as imagined by the people who originally sent out the circle of friends. Let's question the sky-high pig and the sky-high orange-it seems that there is a sky-high pig in front, and the attention of orange is not too high. ...

Everyone has their own thoughts and failures. Many people may play the things they like to play, such as games or video websites after reposting the information. This kind of reposting is completely irresponsible. I'm too lazy to go back, I just turn around, no matter how you interpret it.

However, there are still some people who like to ask questions and start tangling. Why can this pig be sold so expensive?

Just because it's organically farmed?

Just because they were raised by several beautiful girls in national costumes?

Just because it eats sky-high oranges?

Just because they solved the employment of so few people?

Then, the county government awarded them a prize?

No, there must be something wrong here!

People who read more Conan will understand a sentence: "There is only one truth!"

Therefore, some people started to look up this somewhat hot news ~ ~, and these people are professional media workers, but they are looking in the wrong direction;

First of all, what they investigated was poverty alleviation. In fact, without them, Liu Xing had already found out clearly, and even had enough data and evidence, otherwise he could not convince his superiors in the report;

However, it is certainly impossible to show Liu Xing's report in the news. This is impossible. Who would watch the report? And this is definitely a decision made by the County Poverty Alleviation Office and the County Party Committee.

Coming up with a big news of fraudulent achievements, or bribery, will indeed be a sensation, and it can even skyrocket and become famous all over the world;

However, the same person who can sit in that position will naturally not make a stupid decision so easy, not to mention that this is not one, but a group of people;

Not to mention that Yifan Science and Technology Farm has not given them any benefits. Even if it does, they may not dare to accept it, but will only be more cautious;

How much oil and water can a pig farm have? At least for now, there are no officials thinking about fishing for oil and water in this pig farm, maybe, but they dare not do it.

Honestly start a business, solve a little more poverty alleviation, and avoid failure as much as possible. This is what leaders most want now;

When corruption is temporarily out of here, some people think of another aspect .....

Very simple, how to explain the tens of thousands of orange trees?

Why is it worth tens of thousands?

A lot of questions were piled up online, and the attention was not small!

If you say something else, there is really no good way to explain Zhang Yifan's side, but the orange tree has done too much preparation .....