MTL - The Black Technology Era of Xueba-Chapter 19 Burst of Strength (1)

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Xiao Xiaoming admits that he has bad grades in the past, but he will never cheat in exams. In addition to disdain, he is also lazy.

I was too lazy to learn in the past, how can I cheat diligently.

During each exam, Xiao Ming saw that Chen Lin and Wan Tao had prepared a lot of cheats. During the exam, they were sweating and turned around and still couldn't find the answer. The ranking was still the last in the class. Xiao Ming didn't understand. What's the point of cheating.

So, the man who said he cheated at the first diagnosis must have overestimated Xiao Ming.

"Go to the school today to find you, teacher Liao said from your class teacher!" Xiao Jianqiang said, "I'm over forty, and I've been criticized by your teacher. You think I'm good."

Xiao Xiaoming calmed down and put aside the sewage treatment in advance and said, "Why does Teacher Liao say I cheated?"

Seeing his son's reaction, Xiao Jianqiang calmed down. According to his understanding of his son, if his son talked, he would have jumped to a height of eight feet. At this time, he was quite calm, and his eyes were calm and he did not avoid.

Mo Ruofu, who knows the child, Xiao Jianqiang leaked the test questions from Teacher Liao, and many students said that they knew the answer to the test questions in advance.

Xiao Jianqiang said: "You only got more than 300 points in your monthly test. You got more than 500 points in one or two weeks, which has improved by more than 200 points. Therefore, you have been listed as the key object of skepticism, and you must report the criticism in a small area. "

This is the long-term teaching of some high school teachers to develop a stereotyped thinking. Students with good grades should be well tested, and students with poor grades are suddenly well tested, that is cheating.

Xiao Xiaoming said frankly to his parents, "Do you trust your son or your teacher?"

Wu Hehui and Xiao Jianqiang only thought at this time that Xiao Ming was really hard during this time. If he did not mention today's skipping class, he would already be very strict in life and self-discipline.

"High school senior, does cheating still make sense? The results of the college entrance examination will not be worse than the previous monthly exam." Xiao Ming looked at Xiao Jianqiang from an adult's perspective. . "

Xiao Ming handed Xiao Jianqiang a one-liter measuring cup and said, "Dad, you must take a little sewage back when you go to work."

After speaking, Xiao Ming did not go to school for self-study. After returning to the bedroom, he continued to review English and other subjects.

Xiao Jianqiang and He Hui glanced at each other, and both felt that Xiao Ming had grown up.

There is no father who doesn't feel bad about his son, and no parents who don't trust his child. After calming down, the Xiao Jianqiang couple regretted their attitude towards the son just now.

"Will he be angry?" Xiao Jianqiang asked He Hui in a low voice.

Tong Hehui looked at the closed bedroom door and said, "No! In the past few weeks, Xiao Ming has matured a lot."

"It's time for the college entrance examination, it's time to grow up!" Xiao Jianqiang looked at the measuring cup in his hands and lost his thoughts.

Uh ...

一 大 Early the next morning, Xiao Ming ran for morning exercise as usual and then went to school to study early.

As soon as I entered the classroom, Xiao Ming felt a strange look.

The news of cheating in the exam has spread throughout the class yesterday, and the students obviously despise Xiao Ming.

"Master, you are here!" Chen Lin and Wan Tao immediately came to greet them. They were the only ones who believed in Xiao Ming.

"Have you done the question you assigned the day before yesterday?" Xiao Ming asked, "Check it out when I'm done."

Learning and practice must be combined, and a targeted question every day is one of Xiao Ming's special training methods to improve their performance.

Students whispered:

"The exams cheated, what pretense to pretend to be?"

"Still mentoring them, isn't this a pile of scum?"

At this time, teacher Liao entered the classroom and everyone became quiet.

Teacher Liao said: "Xiao Ming, come to my office."

"It's about to be asked for a parent."

"If you cheat, the school will report the criticism!"

Teacher Liao's office, Teacher Liao sat there and looked at Xiao Ming coldly.

Because it is a large office, many classes in three classes have come to the office early.

"Say it." Teacher Liao was sitting side by side on the boss chair, the cold was pressing.

This is a conversation method commonly used by high school teachers. It only tells you to say it without telling you exactly what to say.

At this time, the students are thinking or not, how much? If you say less, you will be charged with deception, and the punishment will be heavier. Say too much, shake out everything the teacher doesn't know, and you can't help yourself.

Chen Lin once suffered a set.

Ms. Liao asked Chen Lin about his disobedience in class. Chen Lin was "speak" by Mr. Liao with a look, and she was so frightened that she was late in the morning, smoking in the toilet, and fighting.

I can imagine the result, this poor silly child.

Xiao Xiaoming is certainly smarter than Chen Lin. He chose to be silent.

The two confronted each other for a few minutes, and Teacher Liao said, "Is it not a question or a cheat sheet that is written in advance? The question is not good, cheating is a question of moral character ~ ~ Do you know? "

Snap the hat, the second trick.

Xiao Xiaoming still did not speak, Teacher Liao couldn't help getting angry.

At this time, Mathematics teacher Fang walked in and saw Xiao Ming standing here and asked, "What's wrong with Xiao Ming, Xiao Liao?"

Teacher Liao was furious and said, "Mr. Fang, you didn't come yesterday. You have been notified in a small area. This time the exam questions were leaked ahead of time. Xiao Ming knew the answer in advance, so this time Xiao Ming scored more than 300 points. Scored 560 points. "

"No! Xiao Ming cheated?" Teacher Fang felt the improvement of Xiao Ming's mathematics these past few days. Even Chen Lin and Wan Tao, who were coached by Xiao Ming, had made progress. He said, "Xiao Ming should not cheat. There is no way to memorize short answers. "

Teacher Liao came up with his own judgment: "Mr. Fang, you don't have to speak for him. Think about it, Xiao Ming went from high school to high school, and every exam was a countdown in the class. If there are more than 300 points and more than 500 points, what is cheating? "

Sometimes Mr. Fang is old-fashioned, but he is quite upright. He said, "Mr. Liao, you have to give reasons for everything. Have you seen Xiao Ming cheating? Anyway, I haven't seen it, I only saw Xiao Ming for the past few weeks Progress! You can't be wrong with good and positive students! "

The two were together. Teacher Liao said, "Mr. Fang, you have been teaching for almost 40 years. Have you ever seen a student who has improved 200% to 300% within two weeks?"

"That's not true!"

"That's cheating in exams!"

Xiao Xiaoming was so speechless that the two teachers quarreled first.

Mathematics teacher Yang of the first class came up with a sentence, "It is very difficult to judge after cheating without cheating. You can ask Xiao Ming to do another set of test papers."