MTL - The Blind Date Went To the Wrong Room, But Was Confessed By the Other Party-Chapter 19 Wedding ring

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The car continued to drive, entered the community, and stopped at the parking space. Jiang Xiyao suddenly said:

"I'm sorry about this afternoon. I didn't think about it completely. I wanted to help you, but instead I caused you trouble."

Fang Zheng was startled, what do you mean? This woman took the initiative to apologize to herself?

"It doesn't matter, donation is a good thing, but if you donate in my name next time, you'd better tell me, otherwise the principal suddenly invites me over for tea and suddenly asks me to sit and sit in her office, I really Flattered."

Jiang Xiyao suddenly smiled and looked at Fang Zheng: "But you are a very likable man, otherwise I wouldn't do such a superfluous thing."

Fang Zheng smiled awkwardly: "Thank you for exaggerating, then let's go upstairs, my girlfriend?"

Jiang Xiyao nodded.

Take the things for the elders and go to the elevator. This high-end apartment is different from the ordinary apartment where Fang Zheng lives.

From the moment you walk into the community, you can see that the greenery, architecture, style, as well as the elevator area and floor design all show the difference of the rich.

It was just that the two of them knocked on the door and found that Jiang Xiyao's mother seemed to have something to go out and not come home.

Jiang Xiyao asked Fang Zheng to change his slippers and sit in the room for a while, then she went to wash her face.

Fangzheng was sitting on the big soft sofa. Looking at the whole room, he felt like a work of art. Is this home? This Nima is the palace!

"Xiyao, how much did your family buy?"

Jiang Xiyao heard the voice in the bathroom with a gentle tone: "This floor is more than 270 square meters, but if you count the upper two floors, the total is 800 square meters."

Fang Zheng was surprised: "You bought the third floor?"

Jiang Xiyao said: "No, the house itself is sold on three floors, and there are stairs in the house that you can go up and down freely."

Fangzheng looked back, and indeed at the end of the house, he could see a circular artistic staircase leading directly upstairs.

Nima, you can't even dream of living in this kind of house.

After washing her face, Jiang Xiyao went into the room and changed into the loose clothes she was wearing at home. She is now wearing a white long-sleeved dress and a slightly shorter skirt, but the stockings are not taken off.

The woman came to Fangzheng and sat down.

"My mother is probably going out to buy something. You should watch TV first."

After turning on the TV, Jiang Xiyao took out his mobile phone and continued to deal with the company's work. Fang Zheng glanced at Jiang Xiyao's dress.

To say that people are beautiful, they really look good in anything they wear. This loose white long sleeve is really used on Jiang Xiyao. Bai Nen's shoulders are specially exposed because of the unique design, which attracts Fangzheng. It's hard to take your eyes off.

"Xiyao, I see you've been holding your phone all day. Are there so many things in the company?"

Jiang Xiyao didn't look up: "Didn't I tell you? Recently, the company has encountered some problems. There is a big project that has been delayed for a long time. I think the plan is all right, but the customer is always dissatisfied."

She was shocked and suddenly looked at Fangzheng, Fangzheng had a bad sense of crisis.

Jiang Xiyao frowned and said, "Fang Zheng, you know a lot about women, don't you?"

Fang Zheng shook his head, very decisively: "I don't understand."

Jiang Xiyao glanced at him: "I didn't mean that. I want to show you the photos of my client. Try to analyze her preferences."

In fact, Jiang Xiyao was just joking, otherwise, if Fang Zheng could really see what he could see from a photo, then his fake boyfriend would really be a god.

Able to do special police.

Jiang Xiyao found out the client's photo from the data, and it was a selfie of a woman.

The woman in the photo is about forty-five years old, with a serious expression and a lot of artwork on her body, including earrings, necklaces, rings, and headgear.

In the selfie, the woman is holding a cute teddy dog ​​in her arms, and the puppy sticks its tongue out happily.

Jiang Xiyao put the phone in front of Fang Fang, afraid that he would not be able to see clearly, so she took the initiative to get closer to him, and the two were almost next to each other.

"Can you see something?"

Fang Zheng glanced at the photo and felt nothing special.

"You're a big boss, don't your subordinates not know what customers like?"

Jiang Xiyao looked sad: "I have investigated the public relations, and this boss doesn't seem to like anything in particular. The only hobby is this little teddy dog ​​she is holding, but all the words that can be used in the public relations are used, and it is useless. ."

Jiang Xiyao remembered something: "Do you remember the day we met? The time you walked into the wrong room, wasn't I waiting for someone?"

Fang Zheng realized: "You were waiting for this female boss at that time?"

Jiang Xiyao nodded: "Yes, but I waited for an hour and she didn't come. You are here."

Fang Zheng took over the phone, thinking in his heart that this was indeed a tough winner.

Although Fangzheng has never been in contact with very high-level business circles, he knows even after watching TV dramas that for such high-level customers, product copywriting is only one aspect, and the main thing is network connections and friendship. You have to do what you like.

The eagle's eyes opened.

Fang Zheng looked at the photo, originally his attention was on the pet dog, but after the Eagle's Eye was opened, a ring on the right hand of the female boss of UU Reading actually emitted a faint white light? !

The meaning is very clear, this ring is the point, the dog is just an accident.

Fangzheng carefully looked at the position of the ring, ring finger? Wedding ring?

"Xiyao, is this female boss married?"

Jiang Xiyao shook her head: "No, um, but she seems to have been divorced twice, what's wrong?"

Fangzheng pointed to the woman's ring in the photo: "Can you ask someone under your hand to investigate this ring, which one of her ex-husbands gave her? This ring should have a very special meaning to her."

Although Jiang Xiyao was skeptical, she still believed in Fangzheng and hummed: "It's easy, I'll just call and ask, just wait a moment."

She took back her mobile phone and quickly dialed the number of a business manager. After explaining the situation, there was a reply there, and she also explained some things.

The woman's eyes lit up.

She hung up the phone and said to Fang Zheng, "This ring seems to have been given to her by her first ex-husband. After she divorced her first ex-husband, this ring was always on her hand, and the female boss told her The first ex-husband seems to have started from scratch, and then the two divorced for unknown reasons."

Then the two almost unanimously said:

"Start with this ex-husband first!"

"Let's start with this ex-husband first?"

With such a tacit agreement, the two of them blushed inexplicably. Fang Zheng smiled and said, "This ex-husband must have a very special meaning to her. If you let your subordinates start from this aspect, I believe there will be a breakthrough."

Jiang Xiyao suddenly felt a sense of breaking through the barriers, looking at Fang Zheng with a hint of curiosity and appreciation, this man is amazing..

It just so happened that at this moment, the door of the room also opened.