MTL - The CEO’s Villainess Childhood Friend-Chapter 38 She does not reject him.

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Seeing everyone seeing it, Joe squinted and whispered to Ye Peicheng: "Ye brother, I won't crush you?"

Ye Peicheng is helpless: "No."

Joe was relieved, and immediately stepped forward, kneeling on the back of Ye Peicheng, his arms still wrapped around his neck.

Behind him, a sound of inhalation.

In this kind of inhalation, Ye Peicheng lifted Joe firmly and stood up.

The live room was blown up again, and the uncle grade powder [Shenyu cp ashes powder] at the moment the speed of typing is reflected.

However, because he is an emperor-level fan, his barrage will be bolder and brighter in the live broadcast. So, I saw the golden words on the screen showing the words -

"it is good!"

"Pig Eight Rings"

"Back wife?"

"Come back home!"

Below, other fans laughed: "The local tyrant, is it usually not typed?"

“Suddenly, I feel that the local tyrant is super cute? I look forward to participating in the next recording!”

"However, why do the local tycoons say that my husband is a pig? The husband is so handsome!"

"The local tyrant is definitely too excited to think of other adjectives, but we know it! Wait for my male **** to go home!"

"Good sweet and sweet! Wait for ing..."


At the moment, Ye Peicheng has already walked more than ten meters with Joe.

From the beginning, Joe Mo was worried that he would fall. Now he puts his hand loosely on Ye Peicheng's shoulder. Her fingertips swayed slightly as he climbed the mountain, and seemed to sweep his chest. Every time she accidentally touched it, she felt that Ye Peicheng’s muscles seemed to be tight.

By the time of the seventh and eighth time, Joe couldn’t help but ask: "Ye brother, is it that I am a little heavy?"

Her voice was soft, because she was kneeling on his back. When she spoke, her breath fell on his back neck. Ye Peicheng only felt that the small current on the neck was rising, and the tiny current was surprisingly amazing. When they spread out, it seemed that his whole body had been charged.

His breathing was a little tighter, and the sound was lower than usual, as if it was easy to get into the wind: "Not heavy."

Joe Moe found that the man in front of him looked thin, but his back was quite wide. His body had a clean and clear atmosphere, and that breath made her sleepy.

She yawned and her voice softened: "Ye brother, thank you for carrying me back, what do you want to eat back, I will do it for you."

Ye Peicheng’s lips are not consciously evoked: “Good.”

In front of Joe Ruohuan did not know when it came to the back, she was still talking to the host, because the photography encountered some conditions, to talk to the host, so Joe Ruohuan fell.

As soon as she turned around, she found that Xing Yichen was in the position of less than two meters beside her. He crossed his pocket with one hand and looked straight ahead. To be exact, he is watching Joe.

Qiao Ruohuan’s fire that he tried to suppress was suddenly unable to control it.

She deliberately pretended to be inadvertently, and walked to Xing Yichen's side, just about to open her mouth. Then she felt that the man next to her suddenly showed an unpleasant breath. She looked at Xing Yichen's gaze and found that Joe's head was biased. Pillowed on the shoulder of Ye Peicheng, the appearance seems to be asleep.

So, is Xing Yichen jealous? He would have eaten the vinegar of Joe Mo and Ye Peicheng? !

Qiao Ruohuan couldn't describe the absurdity of the moment and the sudden panic of a sudden surge. She turned her head and looked at the man beside him without hesitation.

He is still looking at Joe's direction, the darkness of the moonlight is not clear.

Until, when Joao was stunned by something, it made a sound, and Xing Yichen turned around.

In a very short period of time, Qiao Ruoying clearly saw the surprise of Xing Yichen's eyes, even if that expression was quickly replaced by other emotions, it was still so dazzling.

It turned out that he really didn't know that she had been with him all the time!

When Xing Yichen saw Joe Ruohuan, he realized that he did not seem to care about her today.

Looking at the front of Joe Pei, who was sleeping peacefully on the back of Ye Peicheng, the irritability of his heart almost rose to the extreme. Xing Yichen kicked the soil on the grass in front of him and was about to walk a few steps forward. He felt that he was shaken by something.

He subconsciously turned his head and saw the watch worn by Joe Ruohuan. It was just that the dial reflected the moonlight before it slid into his eyes.

He couldn't help but think of the scar under the watch, so the fire of his heart was gradually replaced by the original touch. Xing Yichen thought, Qiao Ruohuan had some words to say badly last night. He used to let her go. What happened recently?

After all, it was true that she saved him at the beginning, and that their earliest nights were also true.

Xing Yichen turned his head and rushed to Joe Ruohuan: "Is it tired?"

Qiao Ruohuai slowly put the table below, and my heart was relieved, she finally won. Just, the body is not tired, the heart is very tired.

When everyone arrived at the entrance of the guest house, Joe Mo was still not awake. Ye Peicheng turned to ask Qin Qianqian: "Qian Qian, the room key of the stranger, do you know where?"

Qin Qianqian thought for a moment, reached out to touch Joe's pocket, and surely touched the key, she said: "I will help you open the door."

Beside him, the host laughed: "It’s definitely a lot of cooking, and everyone is going to rest early tonight. Tomorrow morning, we will go to the market!"

The crowd went upstairs, and Ye Peicheng took her back to her door. Qin Qianqian opened the door. He walked her back and went to the bed. Qin Qianqian at the door smashed Ye Peicheng and blinked: "Ye teacher, you are busy. Good night!"

When she finished, she ran away, and did not forget to bring the door when she went out.

In the room, only Ye Peicheng and Joe Mou.

Ye Peicheng put Joe on the bed carefully, she yawned and stumbled: "Ye brother, go home?"

He stared into her eyes: "Well."

She snorted and then picked up the pillow on the bed and continued to sleep.

Under the light, Joe's cheeks were covered with a layer of light powder on the warm light. She slept very well, very quiet, and the lips were bright and full. The petals were slightly puffed, and the undefended appearance made him tolerate. Live a sigh.

She sleeps so safely, isn't she afraid that he is a bad person?

It seems that she initially rejected his approach, as if they were holding her for the first time, she was like a hard-headed scalp.

Now, she will laugh at him, softly call him ‘Ye Ge’, and will fall asleep peacefully on his back...

Ye Peicheng’s scorpion bottom has warm light overflowing, softening the entire cheek.

At this time, Joe in his sleep snorted and twisted slightly. Because of the thinness, her neckline was pulled a little in the twisting, revealing the shoulders and the beautiful collarbone.

The white skin, and the looming gully below, saw that Ye Peicheng had a tight throat.

He panicked his eyes up, passing her slender white neck and falling on her pretty lips. The petals could no longer move.

The ghost made the difference, he felt that he seemed to be tempted by some kind of power, and leaned closer to her.

Their lips were getting closer and closer, and when they were about to kiss, Ye Peicheng’s brain suddenly burst into a spirit, which made him suddenly react.

He quickly sat up straight and looked at the girl who was still sleeping peacefully. The heart leaped wildly.

A consciousness that slowly emerges in the mind -

Ye Peicheng found that he seemed to like Joe to be awkward.

I like this girl who is sometimes smart, sometimes cute, and sometimes makes people laugh and laugh.

He stared at her for a few seconds, smiled and dyed his lips, his fingers touched her cheeks gently, then moved away, turned and took off her shoes, and covered her with a thin blanket, which was closed. The lamp left the room where Joe was groaning.

When Ye Peicheng walked out of the door, his footsteps were very light. He closed the door and was about to go to the stairway. He found that there were several yuan in front of the sole of the foot.

He stooped and smashed the money and found that it was not fake. It was a bit confused. Recently, he seems to be possessed by the **** of wealth, always paying for it?

Moreover, every time I squandered the money, I asked the people around me, no one said that I lost money, so that he even thought of the children’s song that he learned when he was a child: "I am on the side of the road, I have a penny and hand it over to the police uncle. ......"

Ye Peicheng smashed the song he sang in his mind and collected the money. He planned to ask other people if they were lost tomorrow.

At this moment, a thousand miles away, Ye’s cell phone rang, and his assistant called: “Ye Zong, I found the personal information of [妤哥哥求赘]!”

"Well, say." Ye Father had just watched the live broadcast at the moment, took a shower, and was in a good mood.

Assistant said: "The original customer information should not be leaked, but this user should be watching the live broadcast for the first time, so his original nickname is his name, called Huang Wei, in his data card, the mobile phone number is also external. Open, it is 15733211278..."

I first heard the name of Huang Wei, Ye father thought, the world will not be so small. After listening to the assistant’s phone number, Ye’s father adjusted Mr. Huang’s mobile phone number. When he saw it, he immediately pulled his mouth.

The world is so small!

In his mind, the inscrutable feng shui master Mr. Huang turned out to be [妤哥哥求入赘]!

All of them are in their 50s, and they are also called a little girl, who is a brother, and also asks for it? Mr. Huang, what about your face? !

Ye Father’s heart spit in the room, but suddenly thought of one thing.

He has a quota for the next program, and he certainly can't go. After all, if he is the father of Ye Peicheng, if he goes, he loses his vest, and maybe he still has a reaction to his son's chasing daughter-in-law.

However, Mr. Huang is different, if he gives the quota to Mr. Huang...

So, Ye Father picked up his mobile phone and called Mr. Huang over.

Mr. Huang is a little depressed today. He is in a bad mood and refused to ask him for his recent work. When I saw Ye’s call, he rang a few times before he answered: “Mr. Ye.”

“Mr. Huang.” Ye’s father paused and organized the language: “In fact, although we are older, we have to play with young people and keep up with the times!”

Mr. Huang heard a confused message: "What do you mean?"

Ye father said: "I was watching a live broadcast recently, there is my son inside, and you said that there is pure and clean air..."

Mr. Huang sat up straight and said: "Mr. Ye, you will not be [Shenyu CP ashes]]?"

Ye father silently said: "Mr. Huang really is a **** operator!"

Mr. Huang did not shy away: "I am [妤哥哥求赘] ah! Ye Laodi, I took a call to recharge late, you robbed my place, I am so ah..."

Ye did not expect that Mr. Huang would admit that he would not turn around: "I am calling you, I want to give this quota to you! You know, my son and my future daughter-in-law are inside, I am not convenient. Join, so you log in to my account and contact the program group! When you help me stare at my son!"

Mr. Huang only felt that the pie fell in the sky, and he was alone in the unbiased. He was pleased to answer: "No problem, Ye Laodi, this matter will be handed over to me!"

"Thank you Huang Brothers!" At this moment, the two men have already called their brothers up.


At night, Mr. Huang had already contacted the program group to participate in the next recording.

The moon fell on the sunrise, and the next morning, the competition at the market was officially opened.