MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 465 Robbed on the street

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   Chapter 465 Robbed in the street

"Junjun, you will be the ninth prince of the Great Wei in the future. Whatever happened in the past, it is already the past. In the future, we will look forward to it. Whether it is the grandmother or your father, we will protect you." The queen mother touched Xie Jun. s head.

Xie Jun raised his head timidly and asked the Queen Mother: "What about my brother? Can I still see him in the future? He has always treated me very well, and also asked me to study hard. A reasonable person."

   "That's what he told you? What about the rest?"

   "No, my brother said that as long as I'm happy, I can do anything, but I can't commit a crime, I have to be a good person."

  The Queen Mother was thoughtful.

   She and the emperor have always suspected that the Xie family knew Xie Jun's identity and deliberately adopted Xie Jun to use Xie Jun's identity.

   But now it seems that Xie Jun is too simple, even if the Xie family used to be very poor, they didn't make Xie Jun suffer any hardships, and Xie Heng's reaction didn't seem like he knew about it early on.

  Perhaps, it's all just a coincidence.

   If Xie Heng is really killed because of this, I'm afraid it will make Xie Jun turn against them, it's not worth it.

  The Queen Mother thought of this and promised Xie Jun, "Don't worry, no one will hurt Xie Heng. On the contrary, we will still thank the Xie family well. If it wasn't for the Xie family, I'm afraid we couldn't get you back."

   "Oh, then I can see him again, right?"

   "Of course, he is your brother too."

  The emperor frowned slightly when he heard this, and the queen mother shook her head slightly when she saw it.

  The emperor didn't say anything.

   Xie Heng and Zhao Chuchu were asked to leave the courtyard where the study was located.

   Xie Yan was brought over.

   "Ayan, this is Xiaojiu." The emperor happily said to Xie Yan, "I finally got him back."

   "Congratulations to the royal father for retrieving the ninth brother." Xie Yan was also happy that his brother was finally able to stand upright in front of everyone.

   From now on, no one dared to bully him.

   "Junjun, I didn't expect you to be really my younger brother. In the future, there will be a third brother who will protect you like your brother Xie Heng."

   "Thank you third brother."

  Xie Jun is still very restrained.

   Xie Jun is very clear that this will be the case from now on, and those happy times with Xie Heng and Zhao Chuchu will be gone forever.

  But if he doesn't come, many people will be implicated by him. Xie Jun can't watch innocent people die because of him.

  The emperor and the empress dowager asked Xie Jun a lot about his past, and Xie Jun answered them one by one.

   When Xie Jun said that he was sick, Xie Heng stayed up all night to take care of him, and the queen mother was very touched.

   Such a thing, the royal family will not have.

  If Xie Heng was taking advantage of Xie Jun, he wouldn't have been taking care of Xie Jun like this all the time. Sending Xie Jun back early would bring back greater benefits, but he didn't.

  The Queen Mother could not help but sigh that Xie Jun was lucky to leave the palace to grow up, at least to experience the real brotherhood.

  Otherwise, take a look at Xie Yan and Xie Zhen, which one is not a brother and brother on the face, and you will die in private?


   Zhao Chuchu and Xie Heng stayed at the Third Prince's Mansion until evening before they were allowed to leave.

   Zhao Chuchu took a deep breath, "The Tian family really suffers from persecution paranoia. I feel tired all day long. Do you think Junjun can get used to that kind of life after recognizing his ancestors and returning to his ancestry?"

"He has to get used to it, and now he is guarded by the third prince. Everything will go well in the palace. He will not leave the palace until he is fourteen years old." Xie Heng whispered, "When Junjun enters, look at me. The look makes me a little sad."


   "We've been living with each other for so many years, but suddenly separated, how can I feel comfortable? I watched him grow up."

   "Can't we see you later?"

   "Chuchu, different."

  The emperor definitely didn't want them to be too close, and even alienate their brother's feelings.

   Xie Heng believed that Xie Jun would not be so easily provoked. No one could shake Xie Jun's trust in him.

   But it is completely different from the previous life.

"But I feel the same way. Junjun chose to go back because he believed in you. Dalang, you can't handle this in your own way because you are too calm. Junjun is still a child. But will he grow up? It all depends on your attitude."

  Xie Heng was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then suddenly smiled, "You are right, I think too much, and care is messed up."

   "Okay, it's a good thing for Junjun to go back, let's go, let's go back to eat and drink, we'll try the list later." Zhao Chuchu took Xie Heng and walked towards the vegetable market.

  The sky and the earth are big, and eating is the biggest.

   Xie Heng let Zhao Chuchu drag her, hoping that time could go slower.

   There are still such bold men and women nowadays, even if they are loving couples, they will not be so intimate when they go out.

   So Xie Heng and Zhao Chuchu became the focus of attention all the way.

  Many people pointed at the two and snickered.

   Zhao Chuchu turned his head and asked Xie Heng: "Xie Langjun, what do you think of being pointed at by someone?"

   "It's up to others to laugh and scold, I'll do it myself." Xie Heng said lightly, "It's okay to be a little more intimate between husband and wife, is Chu Chu embarrassed?"

   "Hahaha, do you think I would be embarrassed?"

   Zhao Chuchu is too used to it.

   Whatever others say, she won't lose a piece of meat.

   Let’s say it again, it’s upright, it’s not a tryst to steal love.

  When the two of them arrived at the vegetable market, it was really crowded.

   Especially Xie Heng dressed up as a scholar, which surprised the women who set up the stalls.

  Rao was someone like Xie Heng, and couldn't resist their enthusiasm, so he fled.

   Zhao Chuchu patted his thigh and laughed wildly.

   Xie Shoufu probably didn't expect that one day he would be defeated by a woman.

   "Little lady, your husband ran away like this?"

   "That must be shy, so handsome, little lady is not afraid that your husband will be seen by others?"

   "I heard that some nobles choose good-looking scholars. You have to be careful, little lady, and don't let anyone take your husband away."


  The nearby bosses are all joking with Zhao Chuchu.

   Zhao Chuchu said: "No, my husband only has me in his eyes, and he can't see anyone else's. If anyone dares to rob it, I will go and **** it back."

   "This is the capital."

   "I'm not afraid of someone stealing people from the emperor's feet, what am I afraid of?"

   "Haha, the little lady is really interesting, come, take your dishes, do as I said just now, and specify the delicious ones."

   "Okay, thank you auntie."


   Zhao Chuchu was going to find Xie Heng with the vegetables. She felt that the aunts who sold vegetables had opened their mouths.

   Xie Heng was really robbed! ! !

   Zhao Chuchu watched from a distance as Xie Heng was forcibly escorted into a carriage and drove away.

   Zhao Chuchu: "..."

   It's so fresh, someone actually robbed her?

   Zhao Chuchu walked over quickly and heard the surrounding people talking:

   "Jian'an County Lord is robbing people in the street again?"

   "This is the third one this month, right?"

   "The man is so handsome that he was attracted by Jian'an County Master, can he still escape?"

   "How many faces has Jian'an County Master raised?"


   (end of this chapter)