MTL - The city of Monkey King-Chapter 1122 Blend into one

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One gas, the sun, the moon, and the natural pride.

This one, do not worship the Buddha, do not deceive the ghosts and gods.

If the day is not righteous and the land is not benevolent, I will make the Buddha God a dust.

I laughed and asked the sky, and I was tearful.

Then back to the wind hurricane, a stick of heaven and earth!


The wind blows in this land of Xianting.

The ban on the void, in the moment when Sun Wukong’s body breathped out, it was completely broken, and the void was banned, and the holy powers within the Xianting.

Nothing was in the first time, they all left Xianting, and the volley was outside Xianting. They all looked at the situation inside Xianting.

Among them, it includes the nine-day mysterious woman and the Nangong Yiren.

Also, Qin Feng.

After Qin Feng, Feng You, Yan, Bing Ruo, these three are all with a hot color, looking at the scene inside Xianting, watching... Sun Wukong!

Many of the fairy goddess inside the fairy court are also desperately galloping outside the fairy court, but between the numbers.

This broken Xianting, there are only two people left.

One is the Jade Emperor Zhang Bairen, and his sacred god.

Second, it is Sun Wukong.

In the hands of a dragon with a golden dragon hoop stick, a golden red armor, the shirt behind him, flying freely, especially the two red dragonfly on the top of the head, full of meaning.

"Criminal days."

The golden hoop sticks in the hands of Sun Wukong, and the eyes are scornful.

"After, it’s crazy."

The Jade Emperor screamed coldly, and the **** of the heavens in front of him suddenly danced the ancient axe with his hands and cut it toward Sun Wukong.


Sun Wukong smiled long, and the golden hoop in his hand slammed forward.


Wanjie vibration!

I saw this sacred god, in the case of Sun Wukong, it was actually three steps back.

And this is just a beginning!

"Come back!"

"Come here again!"

"carry on!"


Sun Wukong is like a wild horse that has taken off the front of the country. In his hands, he has a golden hoop stick, and he is madly falling toward the **** of punishment. With one stick and one stick, he can’t stop retreating.

Suddenly, it is necessary to stop the attack of Sun Wukong.

Beyond Xianting, those holy powers that watched the battle were nothing but horror.

Originally, they thought that Sun Wukong was not an opponent of the sacred god, but now this scene has changed their minds!

The power of Sun Wukong, nothing in sight!

The face of the jade emperor Zhang Bairen, this time is also very ugly, this is the **** of death, is the treasure he pressed, how could it be so defeated!

The same is true of other people’s views.

Of course, except for some people.

For example, Qin Feng, Qin Feng looked at this Xianting's battle, when he saw Sun Wukong's mighty power, he would retreat from the sacred god.

Of course he is satisfied with this result.

However, he is very clear.

The power of punishment is absolutely not limited to this.


The land above the sky of Xianting, the Bodhi ancestor who was with the town of Yuanzi, he also saw it thoroughly.

He is not clear about how strong the sentence is.

However, in the eyes of Bodhi's ancestors, it is definitely not as good as Sun Wukong.

The punishment of the moment, the reason why it was suppressed, is nothing but manipulated by Zhang Bairen, and it does not play its true power!


Sun Wukong is another great one.

Directly hit the heart of this criminal day, I saw this punishment day, directly smashed dozens of steps, the body shape is unstable, as for Zhang Bairen's face, this time is already ugly to the extreme.

“I will let you see, what is really powerful.”

The Jade Emperor snorted, and then stepped out and stood on the shoulders of the sentence.

this moment……

Among his eyes, the white gold shines, and at the same time, the **** of the heavens is also shining with platinum.

Light, glaring.

And when this light dissipated, the figure of Zhang Bairen disappeared above the shoulder of the **** of the gods.

However, the pressure of this sacred god's body is a violent increase, and the voice of Zhang Bairen is heard from this sacred body: "The monkey should also let you taste, what is the taste of escape!"

The Jade Emperor was actually united with this sacred god.

In the hands of the ancient axe, once again raised, from the top of this axe, with a bright white gold light mixed with purple gold light appeared.


In a word, I saw the Pangu axe on this day of punishment, and slashed down.


Buddha world.

The land of the Great Hall.

The ancient Buddha, sitting on the lotus platform, looks calm.

At this time, his side, the most central lotus platform, the figure of Sakyamuni slowly appeared.

Fang Yi appeared.

There is a pressure of killing, locked in the ancient Buddha.

"Buddha respects this trip to Xianting, but it is still complete."

Even though the killing of Sakyamuni is locked, the ancient Buddha still has the same look. He naturally knows why Shakyamuni would look like this. He knows what happened to Xianting.

This time, Sun Wukong Jin Jin went out together.

But now, Sakyamuni came back, but the golden body of Sun Wukong did not come back, and the ancient Buddha of the burning lamp could not perceive the existence of the ancient relic.


Sakyamuni faintly opened, and the killing sentiment was also collected at this time. The tone and calmness were cold.

"Also ask the ancient Buddha to know a little."

"What is done in this seat is for the Buddha world, for the sake of all beings."

"In the future, I hope that the ancient Buddha will know nothing about this seat."

The words of Sakyamuni are very simple, and they are very direct.

He is blaming the ancient Buddha, the Monkey King, and the ancient Buddha does not tell all Sakai.

If Sakyamuni knew that Sun Wukong’s golden body had such a big risk.

He will definitely not bring Sun Wukong to Xianting this time.

Now the situation in this world has changed completely with a peach festival.

Slightly lifted, Sakyamuni’s eyes pierced the Great Hall of the Great, and looked beyond the Buddha’s world, where there were a large number of Heavenly Soldiers.

These Heavenly Soldiers are entrenched outside this Buddha world, and at this moment...

Beyond this Buddha world, the commander is the Emperor of Shanggong.

The three emperors of Xianting, the Ziwei Emperor, the Shanggong Emperor, the Houtu Emperor, and the Ziwei Emperor went to the mainland of the Taoist Territory, and the Heavenly Soldiers who led the Taoist circles were shocked by the Taoist circles.

After the earth, the emperor went to the demon.

The first opportunity was taken up by Xian Ting.

This time, the plan of the Jade Emperor Zhang Bairen, if there is no Sun Wukong to recapture the golden body, is definitely a perfect plan!

Although the method is very hot, the process is bloody, but this result...

However, it was the Xianting that had been in the doldrums. In one fell swoop, the momentum exceeded the Taoist two circles. Nowadays, the situation in this world is extremely beneficial to Xianting. 2k novel reading network