MTL - The Cold Lord God Always Acts Like a Spoiled Brat To Me-Chapter 11 She is not doing her job to move bricks (11)

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   Chapter 11 She is not doing her job to move bricks (11)

   This is a good material for actors!

   After briefly looking at each other for two seconds, Mu Junchen took the lead to look away, his long eyelashes drooped down, his eyes fixed on the girl's slender wrist, he paused for a moment amid Ruan You'an's uncomfortable struggle, and let go of his hand.

   Ruan Youan breathed a sigh of relief, and quietly rubbed her wrist with the back of her hand behind her. There was no temperature on the other party's body.

   Sure enough, it was too insecure, Ruan Youan sighed.

   "...You don't have to be afraid, it's all right." Maybe the atmosphere was a little stagnant, she took the initiative to speak out, and her voice was clear and pleasant in the rain.


   The tail is muted and hoarse.

   is not only insecure but also good at words. This is a typical manifestation of introverted self-esteem, alas.

   Ruan Youan saw that his profile was exceptionally handsome in the heavy rain. He was only wearing a thin shirt, and he didn't know whether it was because he was unhealthy or cold, and his skin looked like a vampire.

   She felt that she should give him more care, so she reluctantly took off her jacket and put the camouflage uniform on Mu Junchen's body.

   The other party is wearing a shirt, with a **** collarbone, a prominent Adam's apple, a thin jawline, and a lip color like rouge.

When    approached, I smelled the moist, slightly cold woody fragrance, which gave me a familiar sense of security.

   Mu Junchen unconsciously stretched his body when the girl approached, staring at her silently.

   It wasn't until Ruan Youan put the coat on him that he realized something later. The camouflage uniform was still contaminated with the girl's temperature. When it was attached to the skin, the warmth seemed to penetrate into the bones and flow to the blood.

   He looked sideways at the lamp sign in the distance, his eyes were dim and his fingers tightened.

  The two young masters were still apologizing, looking at the scene of Mu Junchen and his wife's love and love in front of them, their hearts were like a dog, when did Young Master Mu have a wife! Doesn't it mean that Mu Junchen has never been close to women!

   "Sir..." Lu Jiu called out bravely.

   Mu Junchen returned to his senses, looked down at his empty fingertips, and after a few seconds, he knocked on the handrail, lazily and indifferently.

   as cold as ever.

  This is their mr!

   "You guys are arguing, sir." Lu Jiu understood and stepped forward, "What's your name?"

   The two who fell on the ground looked at Lu Jiu, their expressions were frightened, and their faces were pale.

   "Don't tell me, do you want me to take the initiative to investigate?" Lu Jiu has practiced Sanda for a long time, and has been with Mu Junchen for a long time.

   "Chen, Chen Xu..."

   "Lu Ping..."

   They knew they were done.

  Lu Jiu was polite: "Okay, I will visit in person someday."

After   , Lu Jiu saw that Mu Junchen didn't speak, so he said, "Aren't you going out yet?"

  Chen Xu and Lu Ping got weak hands and feet, got up from the ground and soaked in the rain. They were so embarrassed that they didn't even dare to ask for mercy.

   "Stop." After a second or two, Mu Junchen suddenly made a sound, like a beer frozen below zero, with great piercing power.

   The two of them turned around stiffly, but they agreed: "Young Master Mu."

   Mu Junchen didn't even look at them, his thin lips parted lightly: "Apologize to her."

   Both of them were stunned for a moment, and after reacting, they quickly apologized to Ruan Youan, for fear that Ruan Youan would care about them again.

   Ruan Youan's expression was blank, and she subconsciously looked at Mu Junchen next to her. Mu Junchen was also looking at her, her eyes were deep, the rain was noisy, and the scenery was blurry. From time to time, a car drove by on the road, splashing a splash of water.

   She slowly retracted her gaze, looked at Chen Xu and Lu Ping, and said earnestly: "After this lesson, I believe you all have a long memory."

   "Yes yes yes yes yes!"

   The two of them cried and nodded, they don't have a **** memory!

   Ruan Youan said word by word: "Be a human being, don't bully others. If you bully people too much, you will be unlucky."

"Yes yes!"

   They saw that Ruan Youan was no longer speaking, and was about to run with his tail tucked. As soon as they got into the car, they were stopped by the cold: "What are you doing?"

   When the two young masters looked back, they saw Ruan Youan's expression icy cold.

   "You guys are drunk driving!" Ruan Youan felt absurd and said angrily in disbelief.

   The two of them reacted, tremblingly withdrew their little feet towards the sports car, and stood there at a loss.

   "Drunk driving constitutes the crime of dangerous driving and is a violation of traffic laws. It is not only irresponsible for one's own safety, but also causes serious harm to the life and health of the society and the general public!"

   Ruan Youan's voice was clear and stern.

  The two sons and brothers are stupid. I didn't expect Ruan You'an to be so serious about popularizing the law with them in the evening. For a while, I was a little moved: "Then what should we do?"

   "Find a chauffeur." Ruan Youan sighed, "Ask Qingtian about the wine, how many people will get drunk and drive back? You only have one life, and safety is not a joke."

   "You're so right, we call it a chauffeur!" The two were so moved.

   Zhuo Wan was still on the other side of the phone asking what was wrong, Ruan Youan realized that the phone had been ringing and didn't hang up. She held the phone in an embarrassed voice and whispered, "It's alright, thank you auntie."

   "An An, you can call me mother, I always wanted to have a daughter." Zhuo Wan said with a smile.

   Can Ruan Youan say that he was just yelling? Of course not.

   But I don't feel embarrassed to call it that again. After all, the engagement will be terminated sooner or later, but Mu Junchen's mother is really gentle and beautiful.

  The girl didn't speak, and Zhuo Wan didn't let her call again. Boil a frog in warm water, no matter how old she is, but she knows it all.

   "An An, give Jun Chen the phone, and I'll have a word with him."

The voice from the phone was extremely kind, but Ruan You'an turned pale in shock, and looked at Mu Junchen for a moment. Before the man could speak, she hurriedly covered the phone and said, "I'm sorry, aunt, he he he... he Fell asleep!"


   "Yes, he's already sleeping, I'm afraid it's not convenient, next time! Next time definitely!"

   "Okay." Zhuo Wan felt something strange and couldn't tell.

   Ruan Youan breathed a sigh of relief, and hung up the phone after a few vague words. Her tone was super milky, and she was definitely the little daughter that the elders liked.

  The two sons have already left, and the three of them are left on the street corner. The rain washed the whole city, and the neon lights were flashing.

   "I fell asleep?" After two seconds of silence, Mu Junchen looked at her calmly and spoke.

   "Isn't this to escape disaster?" Ruan Youan put away the phone.

   Mu Junchen didn't bother with her about coaxing Zhuo Wan, the ends of her hair were wet with rain, meaning unknown: "How do you know..." Who am I.

   Before Mu Junchen could finish his question, Ruan Youan looked fortunate and said after the disaster, "I didn't expect them to be so foolish!"

   Mu Junchen paused.

   Add more~Request a ticket~



   (end of this chapter)