MTL - The Concubine of the Phoenix Conquers the World-Chapter 875 Open the bow without turning back the arrow

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Bai Lingjue immediately cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, mother-in-law, for your accomplishment."

Qin Shi was a little unnatural, but she couldn't bear this mother-in-law!

"Then, if your marriage is held immediately, will it be too hasty? According to me, this matter can be discussed in the long run, and your father and I can also help."

She obviously wanted to delay, which immediately caused Bai Lingjue's dissatisfaction, and he was eager to solve this matter immediately, so as to avoid any trouble.

At this time, Feng Yinshuang said: "Thank you for your kindness, but some things are done early or late, and the result is the same, we can handle it ourselves."

When his daughter spoke in person, Qin shi naturally had nothing to say.

"Have you really made up your mind?"

"There is no turning back when I open the bow, just ask my mother to help me announce this!" At this time, she turned to look at Bai Lingjue and said, "As for the wedding, I don't want to be too extravagant, I just need to entertain a few relatives and friends. Friends, it can be done under their witness."

Bai Lingjue is naturally a little dissatisfied. His dignified wedding of the owner of Sun Moon Villa must be announced to the world, so that everyone can know what kind of beautiful and moving wife he has married. For him, it is low-key. It's like covering up, isn't it too detrimental to his image?

But in the current situation, it is not easy to hold the wedding soon, and he still can't hold back.

"I'm willing to respect all of Shuang'er's wishes."

Seeing that they had made up their minds, Qin Shi couldn't say anything else.

When Shen Ying learned about this, she was a little shocked at first, but she quickly figured it out, and smiled and blessed: "This is a good thing, then congratulations."

Feng Yinshuang didn't think there was anything, because Shen Ying had already said that she would stand by her side, but Bai Lingjue was a little more suspicious.

"Queen Empress, I vaguely remember that you didn't seem to like me and Shuang'er together at first. What made you change your mind?"

Shen Yingqingli's face was like a smile but not a smile: "Bai Gongzi is too much, I should be vigilant and suspicious of a stranger who doesn't know the details, but later I know your identity and know that you have rescued Yinshuang, I am grateful to you that it is too late, how can I stop you?"

Really? Bai Lingjue still felt a little strange, but seeing how enthusiastic she was and saying that she wanted to officiate their wedding in person, his doubts gradually dissipated.

"Thank you for the Queen Mother."

"It's alright, we're all a family from now on, and this palace doesn't plan to be polite to you. I'll leave the matter of your wedding to this palace! My palace will immediately issue a decree to hold a ceremony for you in the palace's Changning Hall. Yinshuang is The good sister of Ben Gong, Ben Gong will naturally watch her get married and personally deliver her to the hands of the person she likes."

Bai Lingjue's plan was disrupted again. Of course, he wanted to hold the wedding at Sun Moon Villa. After all, he would have more confidence in his own territory, but he never thought that Shen Ying would interfere first.

Since she emphasized the word "Yizhi", it means that she does not allow anyone to refuse, so it is better to know each other.

As long as the wedding can be successfully completed, after he takes Shuang'er back to Sun Moon Villa, he can make a supplement.

"Then thank the Queen for her kindness."

Shen Ying curled her lips and said with a smile: "It's easy to say, Ben Gong also wants to thank Young Master Bai."