MTL - The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils-v2 Chapter 208 Chengxian (End)

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"Li, there is a demon in the city." Naimo said diligently toward Qingmo.

"Yes, I feel it too." Mu Tianlang and Leng Hanyan looked dignified.

How come here, demon? !! Demon, shouldn't it exist in the devil world! ?

Wherever demons appear, there will be a lot of **** killings.

"It seems that this demon has already started, and the **** smell has spread here." Ge Yiming said.

Xiaoyao Yunmang's eyebrows frowned slightly. "A lot of people died."

"What kind of demon dare to run here to scatter the field, let me meet her!" Mo Qingli stood up, looked at the distance, and then called Yueyao, "Notice, close the gate, no one is allowed to go out. "

"Yes, Queen."

Although Yue Yao didn't know what happened, it can be seen from Mo Qingli's look that something important must have happened. Mo Qingli didn't say, she wouldn't ask.

She just had to do it.

Soon, Mo Qingli's order was passed by Yue Yao to every corner of the imperial city in the fastest way.

"Mo Qingli, why do you want to hide in the golden house for a lifetime?"

There was a cold drink in the air, with a strong sense of irony and disdain in the voice.

The sound, Mo Qing? !!

Aren't they already disabled? !! Still have the strength to scream? !!

No, this smell ... is it magic? !!

Has Mo Qing become a demon? !! But, why ...

Mo Qingli suddenly thought about the incident where Mo Qingli was tied to the door by her, and then the entire street was burned to ashes. At that time, Mo Qingli had faintly felt something was wrong, and later forgot about it because of other things.

Now, in retrospect, it seems that I heard the devil's eyes appear, and this seems to be the case.

Mo Qingli stepped out of the hall. Afterwards, Namo they looked at the wind in the air independently. Mo Qingli's expression was slightly condensed, and a faint but unquestionable voice was heard in Feng Mo's ears.

"Whether you are a man or a demon, killing a man must pay his life."

The wind in the air heard the words for a moment, and then laughed, "You zombie is really funny. Rong Hua Fugui, who is obsessed with the world, doesn't say, and is still here with a sign of justice to ask Miss Ben to die? joke!"

"What's more, when we first met, you were going to fight and kill me. If the old guys in fairyland knew that their descendants were like you, I do n’t know if they would vomit blood! ... "

Not speculative.

As soon as Mo Qingli's expression converged, he wanted to come forward and be stopped by Mu Tianlang.

Mu Tianlang smiled at her, "I'm coming."

The blue hair was blown up by the breeze, and in the light of the sun, the beauty was dusty. With your toes lightly, Mu Tianlang flies up to the sky, standing opposite the wind, and his voice is as cold as snow. You shouldn't discredit my Xiaoli. Now it ’s useless to regret it. The king will pull out your tongue and pay my little Lili for compensation. "

"Oh ..." Feng Yan also smiled enviously, but there was no smile at the bottom of his eyes. "Then see who can pull out his tongue!"

Yue Yao had already brought a large number of soldiers to the surrounding area, but seeing the two men fighting in the air, Yue Yao was completely messy.

How good is this trivial effort to be like them, without having to rely on the power of any object to cope with it in the air! ?

What a terrible thing.

Unexpectedly, the Shenyi is also a master of martial arts, so hidden.

Yue Yao can't see it, but it doesn't mean that Mo Qingli can't see it. Xiu Mei's eyebrows get tighter and tighter.

Mu Tianlang's strength is very clear, Mu Tianlang's talent is undoubted, and it must take some time for Mu Tianlang to successfully enter the fairy world.

But now, he has fallen behind in three moves.

How could this demon in Mo Qing's body be so powerful? !!

Naimo's eyebrows were also frowned tightly, and from the body of the wind, he felt a very dangerous breath.

"I'm afraid, Mu Tianlang, not her opponent!"

Mo Qingli looked up, Mu Tianlang had released the fire dragon, and the two were united, but they couldn't change the situation of gradual decline.

"Be careful." Mo Qingli exclaimed.

Mu Tianlang's chest was beaten by the unrelenting palm of the wind, and he immediately spit out blood. Naimo flew forward and caught up with Mu Tianlang who was flying upside down. Even the breath of the fire dragon was too weak.

Mo Qingli can feel that the ice dragon in her body feels the atrophy (flame) of the fire dragon's breath, which is endlessly manic.

"How's it all right ?!"

"It's okay." Mu Tianlang smiled weakly.

Naimo's eyes stared at Feng Feng, "Now, leave it to me!"

Mo Qingli stepped forward and took Mu Tianlang down, his eyes full of concern, "Why are you fighting so hard? You know you can't fight, but you still fight with your life?"

From the perspective of Mo Qingli, how can he not see that Mu Tianlang just used his own body to block the wind, and then beat his fatal move.

However, Mu Tianlang's deadly move was in Feng Yan's eyes, but it was irrelevant, so she fled away.

"I'm okay." Mu Tianlang smiled, and then raised his hand to shave the tip of his nose, using his usual ridiculous tone, and said, "I'm angry and wrinkled, and I become an old zombie, but it's not good. . "

But the pale cheeks showed Mu Tianlang's weakness at the moment.

Mo Qingli had to stiffly smile back at him, "I'm not angry, you should heal yourself."


Mu Tianlang was not arrogant, he was seated in the protective cover of Mo Qingli's hand and healed.


"Presumably you are the famous Nemo ?!" Feng Yan still smiled, and the smile on the face of Qingcheng bloomed even more (tempting).

Naimo smiled indifferently. "If the younger generation didn't guess wrong, you are the wind and the wind!"

On the immortal? !!

Mo Qingli and Leng Hanzhen looked at each other, weren't they demons? How is it a fairy, or is it a fairy? !!

Xian is also divided into many types, and this is the most top kind of title.

"Oh, I didn't expect that for so many years, some people still remember the name of Benxian." Feng Yan's eyes were a bit empty, as if recalling her past.

"Shangxian's famous juniors have always been like thunderbolts in the fairy world. Today, they are fortunate to see their seniors, and it is also a great blessing for the juniors." Naimo was not humble, neither did it make people feel half complimented, nor did they make them feel half unworthy comfortable.

"Well, you junior knows better than that zombie, so, as long as you hand over the wind and dust spirit, I guarantee that you are all safe and sound.",

Fengchenling? !!

Mo Qingli looked at Fengchenling in surprise, and Fengchenling stopped when he heard his name.

Aren't she the one who loves Mo? !! how……

Nemo Wenyan's face in the air slowly subsided. Mo Qingli's temperament was well understood. Fengchen Ling is her lover. It is impossible for Feng Qing to let Mo Qingli surrender Fengchen Ling. In this case, the First World War is inevitable.

Thinking of this, the temperature around Nemo's body gradually cooled down, exuding a sense of murder. Feng Yan didn't care, it seemed that he had expected this result long ago.

"Since you don't know what to do, don't blame the seniors for their cruelty! Presumably even if the old guys in the fairy world knew it, they wouldn't blame me."

Although Feng Feng wasn't afraid on her mouth, she was afraid to speak everywhere.

Start, faster and harsher than Mu Tianlang just now.

Naimo fell into the downwind in the first round, and Mo Qingli's hand was pulled tightly, his eyes fixed on the sky.

"You bully a junior like this, I'm afraid it will become a reality in the future, right ?!

Naimo heard his voice, and looked half-happy and half-surprised, looking away. Not far from him, Xiaoyao Yunmang was proud and independent, exuding the momentum of the world.

"Oh drink, Mang, you come here for fun too!" Feng Yan raised his eyebrows, his eyes seemingly gone, and he swept under Ge Yanming standing underneath, chuckling out loudly, "So you are for him ?! Hahaha ... Did the Jade Emperor wake you up yet? You, oh, hahaha, have stolen the world to continue the leading edge! "

Xiaoyao Yunmang's hard face did not have the slightest fluctuation, his tight lips showed his anger at the moment, saying that he could, and that Ge Yiming could not.

"What about you? For the devil's wind spirit, he didn't fall from the immortal into the demon path. As a result, the other devil does not love you at all, and would rather risk the confrontation with the jade emperor, he would also win the glass fairy. Even if he fell into With Fanchen, she still loves Lixianzi, but not you. "


The smile on Feng Yan's face gradually dissipated, and he immediately changed into a sloppy color, "Stop your mouth."

"Dare to do it, don't dare to say it!"

"court death."

Xiaoyao Yunmang Yuguang swept Nemo, both of them looked at each other and nodded. Immediately, both of them released their most powerful killing moves.

When the two men in the sky were fighting like tea, Ge Yiming condensed a divination, and then fell back two steps.

If it weren't for Mo Qingli's support, she would have fallen on the ground.

"What's wrong?" Mo Qingli asked.

Ge Yiming's lips turned pale, and he shook his head again and again, "No, no. How could this be happening !!!! My hexagrams were obviously not like this before."

Looking at Ge Yiming like this, Mo Qingli's heart gradually fell into the ice cellar, raised his eyes, and looked at the three men fighting in the sky.

Namo and Xiaoyao Yunmang were gradually scratching their bodies. On the other hand, the wind on the other side was as clean as walking out of the painting.

Mo Qingli's heart sank gradually, Leng Hanyu couldn't stand aside, and he flew up to join forces to fight wind.

Although so many people join forces to fight against one person and look at how much they deceive, only the people inside them know that, even so, they are not opponents of wind.

Mo Qingli bit her silver teeth and said to Fengchen Ling and Ge Yiming, "You two stay here well. If things are not right, hurry up and leave."

"I don't," Fengchenling pulled Mo Qingli's corner of his clothes, and his eyes were filled with tears. "Li, you can hand me over!"

"Don't say stupid things." Mo Qingli lovingly wiped the tears from Fengchenling's eyes, and then said to Ge Yiming and Xiaoyao Yunyan: "Ming, please protect the spirit if necessary."

"Okay." Ge Yiming and Xiaoyao Yunyan agreed.

Mo Qingli heard the words, and then breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the three people who were gradually falling into the wind. With a light pad on his toes, he was ready to sky.

"me and you togather."

Mo Qingli's body paused and looked back, "Lang, you ... you're not hurting well, no."

"I can." Mu Tianlang didn't have the hippie smile on his face before, showing his majesty as the king of the wolf clan. Let Mo Qingli not give up refusal.

"Okay, you're careful."


After all, the two jumped into the air together.

Fengchen Ling, Xiaoyao Yunyan, Ge Yiming, and Yue Yao's guards looked at the sky nervously, and they seemed to understand something.

嘭, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭.

With five violent sounds, a raging laughter appeared in the air, "Hahaha ... just because you want to fight me ?! The idiot is dreaming."

"Li." Fengchenling exclaimed and ran towards Mo Qingli.


Immediately, Fengchen was inspired by a strong force behind him, and then fell into a soft embrace.

But Fengchenling felt cold all over, and his body trembled slightly with anger.

"Spirit, I finally, finally saw you again."

The wind was holding Fengchen Ling tightly, and there was excitement in his voice. Fengchen Ling lowered his head, biting Feng Feng's hand holding his waist, "Release your hand, you devil."

Feng Yan froze at first, his eyes surprised, then gradually replaced by a anger, "I'm not loose, I'm not letting go. You just bite me for a zombie? I killed her!"

"No, don't." Fengchenling screamed.

But it was too late, Feng Ying had appeared beside Mo Qingli's body instantly. At this moment, Mo Qingli was covered with scars, and even the strength of raising his hand was gone, let alone having any resistance to Feng Qi. .

A pair of ink-dyed pupils stared fiercely with indomitability.

The wind pinched his lips, and his palms were mercilessly patted towards Mo Qingli's chest.


A little blood red stained with ink-liquid clothes.


Fengchenling, who was fixed in midair by the wind chirps, hissed, and blue silk burst from his forehead.

Mo Qingli's eyes widened, looking at the people in front of him, full of incredible. Scarlet lips, hard mouth, "Qing, absolutely, how do you ..."


Feng Qingjue's body was heavily hit on Mo Qingli's body. The flesh and blood on his back was blurred, and even the clear bones could be seen staggered.

Feng Qing absolutely went to the palace yesterday, and said that he wanted to be dusty, and wanted to see him! Mo Qingli has been too busy with all kinds of things to spare time, but just sent Yue Yao a greeting.

In fact, Mo Qingli always knew Feng Qing's absolute emotions, but she didn't know why and didn't want to delay another innocent person.

But it is such an innocent person who saved her life and even took an innocent life for her.

"Clear, you, why are you ..."

Feng Qing's beautiful lips were tickled, revealing a smile that could change the color of the world, saying, "Li, I'm so happy. Being able to lie in your arms and die is the happiest thing in life . Li, I ... love you. "

Then Mo Qingli felt her lips pressed (held), Feng Qingjue's lips tightly covered Mo Qingli's lips.

The bright red hot blood slowly flowed from Feng Qingju's mouth to Mo Qingli's lips, and the throat cavity gradually spread to the whole body.

The broken meridians have been miraculously repaired at the fastest speed, and the broken aura is slowly condensing again.

It turned out that this last person was Feng Qingjue.

Unfortunately, Mo Qingli knew too late.

"Ha ha ... you zombie is really dead, you are going to die, and you still have time to kiss me." Feng Yan gave a scornful glance at Mo Qing and taunted.

Lying beside Mo Qingli, they clearly felt the energy fluctuations on Mo Qingli's body, and they seemed to understand something instantly, and they put their arms together.

Mo Qingli put Feng Qingjue, who had closed her eyes, aside gently, caressing Feng Qingjue's eyebrows, noses, and lips, and the undercurrents of the eyes were surging.

After years of experience, Feng Yan felt a little danger. She raised her hand and waved at Mo Qingli again, but this blow was blocked by Mo Qingli.

Mo Qingli's face was still a little pale, but he recovered a lot.

"Huh ... at the end of the crossbow." Feng Yan stared at Mo Qingli with a grudge, never expecting she could stand up again.

Naimo reached out, "Li, hurry."

Mu Tianlang, Leng Hanyun, Xiaoyao Yunyan, and Ge Yiming all stretched their arms forward. Mo Qingli knew that now was not the time to be affectionate, two fangs were revealed from her mouth and bite on Namo Naimo's brow frowned slightly, and he held back the pain, letting Mo Qingli suck.

"It's not that easy to **** blood to replenish energy." Feng Yan narrowed his eyes, folded his hands together, and closed his eyes with vigor.

But in this moment, Mo Qingli had finished sucking Nai Mo, Mu Tianlang, cold and cold, Xiaoyao Yunyan, and when he finally bit on Ge Yiming, the severe wind of the palms fell and covered his face. Mo Qingli's eyebrows were faint. He raised his hand and waved hard to block most of them, but many of them fell down.

Xiu Mei frowned slightly, Mo Qingli hugged Ge Yiming tightly in her arms, and allowed those attacks to fall on her back, blood, and fell down the wound.

Feng Yan's face became stingy and bloodthirsty, "You want to fight with me, you're still tender."

Mo Qingli gradually released Ge Yiming, put the weak Ge Yiming and Naimo together, raised his hand and hit a protective cover.

After doing all this, she turned around leisurely, the wound on the back was healing quickly, the condensed eyes looked at the wind with no emotion, thin lips spit out, "You, **** it."

After the words were finished, I saw a residual image passing by, Mo Qingli had appeared in front of Feng Feng, and the sharp fingertips on the palms of both hands swept across Feng Feng, and the unavoidable Feng Ling was drawn by Mo Qingli. Hurt my face.

The wind was furious, and it was more severe than it was.

Fengchen Ling, staring aside, stared at Feng Qingjue, who was gradually cold on the ground. The scenes of Feng Qingjue and Feng Qingjue kept playing back in his mind.

He was injured and Feng Qingju healed him.

He was bullied, and Feng Qing blocked him in desperation.

He loved Mo Qingli, and wanted to see Mo Qingli, and it was Feng Qing who made every effort to arrange for him to see Mo Qingli.


But such a kind person was just killed by her? !!


Fengchen Ling was screaming in the sky, and the imprisonment imposed on him was broken instantly. Fengyu in the distance felt it and looked away at Fengchen Ling.

"Fight with me, are you still distracted ?!" Mo Qingli smiled coldly, but his men showed no mercy.

The sharp fingertips penetrated into Fengyao's shoulders. Fengyao was painful. He bit his teeth and raised his hand to Mo Qingli, Mo Qingli avoided.

The wound on Feng Yan's shoulder has also recovered very quickly. Mo Qingli saw this and frowned slightly, her recovery ability was faster than Mo Qingli imagined.

"Come on, I'll know your little zombie with my own hands." Feng Yan's eyes were killing.

"You have the ability to come." Mo Qingli smiled slightly.

When the two men were fighting, the airborne dust celestial body in the air covered with two small horns, and the dark eyes gradually became strange green.

He stared coldly at the two men fighting at the side.

Mo Qingli and Feng Yan are almost the same. No one can do anything about them, but Feng Yan suddenly feels that there is a strong murderous intention behind her.

Before responding, her chest seemed to be penetrated by something sharp. If it weren't for her closeness to Bao Jinzhang, she would have died in an instant.

Mo Qingli looked at the dusty spirit who exudes magic in shock, "spirit."

Fengchen Ling did not look at Mo Qingli, but stared at Feng Yan with a strong killing intention, "You, look for death."

"Fengling, is it you?"

Fengchen Ling did not answer the wind chirp, and went directly to the wind with the strongest move. Feng Yan's face had also become dignified, Jin Jin who had just rescued her slowly flew from her chest before her eyes, blooming thousands of Guanghua.

Mo Qingli couldn't help covering his eyes.

Feng Ling gave a distressed glance at Jin Ling, where its fringes had been damaged. If it was not for a sudden attack by Feng Chen Ling, Jin Ling's original energy burst would have been several times that of now.


But even so, it is more than enough to deal with Mo Qingli. When she kills Mo Qingli, she slowly fades all Fengchenling's memories.

By that time, Feng Ling is still hers.

The blooming brilliance of Jin Mao wrapped the whole person of Feng Yuan, Feng Yuan closed his eyes, and absorbed the energy contained in Jin Yuan.

At this time, Fengchen Ling came to Mo Qingli, and his strange green eyes looked at Mo Qingli's eyes with a touch of thought. He turned his hand to Mo Qingli and said, "Hurry up, it's too late, it's too late Now. "

Mo Qingli took a deep look at Fengchen Ling. Now she doesn't know if the person in front of her should be called Fengchen Ling or Fengling.

"Hurry up." Feng Chen Ling sang again,

Mo Qingli and Yu Guang glanced at the wind, where the light was gradually fading. Presumably, she would absorb it completely soon.

Mo Qingli didn't hesitate anymore, and the sharp fangs bit on Fengchenling's arm like white onions.

When the wind maggot completely absorbed the energy in the golden maggot, the distressed person would have turned into a common golden magpie, and put away, with a look of hatred and hope in the glass of ink not far away.

If it weren't for her, she wouldn't have done this at all. She must kill her ashes.

The breeze passed, the ink-liquid clothes fluttered, and the indifferent face had inviolable majesty.

"Where's Fengling?"

Mo Qingli's lips slightly ticked, "Want to know? You're dying, I'll tell you."

"court death."

Compared with the previous strength, after absorbing all the blood of seven people, Nai Mo, Mu Tianlang, Leng Hanyu, Ge Yiming, Xiaoyun Yunyan, Feng Qingjie, Fengchen Ling, Mo Qingli felt her whole body A qualitative change has taken place.

Feng Yan and Mo Qingli grew more and more frightened. Why did she suddenly make such a big progress in a short time, what was going on? !!

Did Feng Ling give her his power? !!

Thinking of this, Feng Yan's anger became more and more angry. Every move and every style, do not attack the Mo Qingli.

Mo Qingli is more and more capable.

"General Yue Yao, you say, our empress is a human or a demon?" A general looked at the air, his forehead was full of sweat.

Yue Yao glanced fiercely at the general and said, "Of course the queen is a fairy. The woman in the green dress is the devil. Didn't you see people in half the city are about to be slaughtered by her ?! If not Empress, how could we have such a leisurely chat here? I had already reported to Lord Yan. "

"Yes, yes." The general and the other generals nodded again and again. "The queen was sent by heaven to save us. It was the slaves who had no idea about Taishan."


Yue Yao gave a cold hum, and then stopped. Then his eyes looked at the situation in the sky with deep concern.

Queen, you must be fine!

Naimo and their group also stared at the sky, outside the palace, Liu Nian Sui, Li Jing, and others, also staring into the sky, their palms were sweaty.


With a loud noise, one person in the air was knocked to the ground by another, and a fissure was drawn deeply.

Everyone looked at the sky with their hearts in their hearts.

After a short pause of a few seconds, a warm applause erupted, one after another inside and outside the palace.

Mo Qingli slowly flew to the ground from the air, his eyes faintly looked at the blood-stained Fengye, Fengye's face was pale, and his expression was slack.

"Where's the wind, the wind spirit?" Feng Ling was dying to death, still thinking about the wind spirit.

Feng Chen Ling approached Feng Chen, and Feng Chen raised his hand to catch Feng Chen Ling, but he couldn't lift it.

"Spirit, spirit, I love you. I love you the most. Let us be together, together, cough ..."

Fengchen looked at Fengyun coldly, and the strange green mang came out from his eyes, "I, I have never loved you from beginning to end. The person I love is Li."

"You, you lie. Cough ..." Feng Yan coughed up a lot of blood because of emotional excitement.

Fengchen Ling remained unmoved, and said coldly, "At the beginning, I didn't fall into the mortal world because of the Jade Emperor, but I didn't want to see you."

This resembles Wan Jian's fragile blow on Feng Yan's fragile heart. Feng Ying spit out blood and stared at Feng Chen Ling with unwilling eyes, but his hand dropped slowly.

Fengchenling turned indifferently, looking at Mo Qingli, "She is dead, bury her well!"

"it is good."


The thick clouds were slowly burst apart, and a shadow of white slowly came out, and there was air all around, but it seemed like there was a staircase under his feet, stepping out step by step.

Wan Zhang's light lingered around him, and the faces that could not be described with words gradually appeared in front of everyone.

Mo Qingli lifted his eyes and looked at him, and suddenly he froze.

Isn't this Jade Emperor? Why did his old man come out? !!

Mo Qingli, who was just full of joy, suddenly felt like a discouraged ball, pulling his head. Surely the Jade Emperor knew that she would kill Shangxian and asked her to settle the bill. Uh ...

However, if Mo Qingli was given another chance, Mo Qingli would still kill Mo Qingli.

"Yu Li, for so many years, can you understand the good intentions of your brother?" Yudi said calmly.

Yuli? !! Who! ?

Feng Yan Ling, Ne Mo, Xiaoyao Yunshang, and Ge Yiming all heard each other and looked at Mo Qingli. Is she Yuli? !!

Jade Emperor's sister? !!

Fengchen Ling is even more excited, her eyes filled with joy, Yuli, Yuli, she is Yuli. He looked for Yuli for thousands of years. It turned out that he was always by his side.

Mu Tianlang and Leng Hanyu didn't know who Yuli was, but looking at the man in the sky didn't seem to be small, and his tone was kind. It didn't look like it would hurt Mo Qingli.

"Yu Li." The Emperor called again, soft enough to melt the glacier.

This time, Mo Qingli determined that Jade Emperor was calling her!

"I'm not Yuli, I'm Mo Qingli." Mo Qingli said boldly.

"Ah, I forgot. Your memory was sealed by me." The emperor remembered it later, and Mo Qingli felt a white light flew towards her without feeling any maliciousness, and Mo Qingli was safe. Accepted.

Suddenly disturbed memories suddenly poured into Mo Qingli's mind, Feng Ling, Feng Ling, and, brother ...


Mo Qingli covered her head uncomfortably, Mu Tianlang stepped forward and hugged Mo Qingli in his arms, soothing: "Xiao Lili, it's okay! It's okay."

Yudi didn't worry at all. After a while, after confirming that Mo Qingli completely accepted the memory, he said, "Yuli, remember?"

"Um." Mo Qingli leaned against Mu Tianlang and replied gently.

"Did you figure it out for so many years?" Jade Emperor said.

Figured out your mother's egg, and left her here for so many years without letting her become a fairy. It was because she had done something privately without first notifying him.

Is there such a wonderful brother as he is! " ?

Damn it!

Although Mo Qingli scolded Jade Emperor up and down in her heart, she still obediently said, "Well, Lier wants to understand."

Hum, wait for her to return to the fairyland, and then pack him up!

"Huh, Yuli." Yudi was in a good mood. "Let's go back to the fairyland with me!"

With that said, he was ready to take Mo Qingli away.



Mo Qingli tugs at the corner of Yudi's dress, looking pitiful. "I want to take them along."

Jade Emperor frowned slightly, but nodded when he touched Mo Qingli's poor eyes, and nodded, "Okay."

"And him!" Mo Qingli pointed to Feng Qingjue, who had been dead for a long time, and she would never let Fengqingjue hurt again.

"it is good."

The Jade Emperor gently raised his hand, and Naimo, Mu Tianlang, Leng Hanyu, Xiaoyao Yunyan, Ge Yiming, Feng Qingjue, Fengchen Ling all stood beside Mo Qingli.

Mo Qingli smiled very deeply, "Brother is so good, thank you brother."

"Um." Jade Emperor's pet (drowned) touched Mo Qingli's head, and immediately saw the happy Yunmang on one side, quietly: "Since you sneaked into the lower bound, let you play for thousands of years again come back!"

Said, without waiting for Xiaoyao Yunmang to mourn, they took Mo Qingli to the fairyland.

Leaving a crowd watching the sky with excitement, only Yue Yao's face was a bit lonely. Zhang Feng stepped forward to embrace Yue Yao's shoulders and said softly, "You still have me."


Thanks to my dear friends who have always supported Niuniu Wenwen, the book "The Corpse King" has finally ended in one year. At the beginning of "King of the Dead", Niuniu devoted a lot of effort to writing it, but it was so fatal that it was blocked within three days after it was published. Hmm ... So far, it has been released for three or four months, but maybe Niu Niu has not been so attentive as before. Niuniu is very grateful to those who have always supported "King of the Dead". It is because of you that Niuniu has the motivation to finish writing "King of the Dead". Thank you very much.

Whimper, it's already half past one in the morning, Niuniu is so happy. The conclusion of this article is really like raising a child to an adult. That mood is very happy and exciting. Hahaha ...

After more than a month, Niuniu will return with Xinwen again.

Hope you continue to support Niuniu.

muah! I love you.

Emma, ​​suddenly reluctant. (嘤 嘤 嘤 ...)

ps: This is the body part. In addition, Niuniu may present the previous stories of Mo Qingli, Fengchen Ling and Fengying!

(The words Niu Niu said don't count towards the subscription money, so please rest assured.)

Finally, bow, thank you, with you, "King of the Dead" can be successfully completed, Niuniu can be more motivated to write.

Okay, okay, oh, Niu Niu can't stop as soon as she says, don't say a word.

See you in this article.

Love you again. What, what, what, what! !! !! !! !!