MTL - The Correct Way of Face-Slapping in Transmigration-Chapter 122 7.8 Slap the eternal redeemer

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"What did you say?" Gu Yunxi froze and asked incredulously. This situation was unexpected to him. After all, this is not a world of cultivation, and it should not happen.

"My brother and I are identical twins. But my brother's body has died in the mother's body, but his soul is still there. So we have been sharing the same body. Until one day, my brother suddenly became very wrong. , He left some very strange words, it died out soon, and then, I waited for you. "Song Ziqing replied in a low voice. His elder brother is a company that grows with him and is an integral part of his life.

"Since it's a twin soul, why did you let me enter this body in the first place? Your soul is complete and you can completely exclude me from the beginning."

Gu Yunxi would not believe such a person's words so easily, and continued to ask with a cold face. Song Ziqing was truly recognized by the laws of the world. When he entered the world, his soul was stronger than him.

Song Ziqing was silent for a while, and then continued, "Because I know you're here to help us. I don't know what happened to make my brother disappear. But I know the pain in his heart. The soul when he left it's painful."

Gu Yunxi examined the transparent soul in his head with skeptical eyes. After several minutes, he asked, "Do you think I'm like a fool?"

Based on the hysteria when Song Ziqing just faced Zhou Fan, it can be concluded that the memory of the soul in this body is shared. But this man told him that he didn't know why the other soul disappeared.

The young man sneered twice and continued, "You know exactly what happened and you know what your brother has experienced, but you do n’t want to admit it or dare to face it. So I want to take my hand to take revenge on Zhuo Yeye, He drove away from Zhou Fan. You still love Zhou Fan in your heart, and someone who abandons you and kills you. "

Song Ziqing looked at him in panic, opened his mouth, and wanted to refute Gu Yunxi. He wanted to say that he wasn't. He had no feelings for Zhou Fan long ago. He hated the man who had betrayed him. But when the words came to his lips, he was silent. When Zhou Fan talked to him in a gentle tone today, the joy that he produced could not even deceive himself.

Gu Yunxi didn't need this person's answer, because his words were so firm. He looked at Song Ziqing expressionlessly and said flatly, "I will leave this body as soon as possible."

He could not accept the coexistence of two souls. Whether it's the body or the mind, what he wants is unique. If he stays, Song Ziqing must go. He has no right to deprive others of his life, and he will not selfishly reach that point.

"No." Song Ziqing shook his head. "You want to stay and complete revenge with my body."

He is a cowardly person and dare not face such a deplorable and desolate world anymore, and it is impossible for him to surpass Zhuo Yeye by those vague memories.

Song Ziqing wasn't born again. What he had in mind was only the vague fragments left by the twin souls, and he knew faintly that he and the Song family were about to usher in a cruel fate, and the culprit that caused their tragedy was Zhuoyue Ye.

Zhou Fan, Zhou Fan is an accomplice.

"If you abandon this body, it is not good for you." He can see that Gu Yunxi is a real strong man, and he can definitely do his last life as "Song Ziqing" and lead the Song family to unprecedented glory.

A little Gu Yunxi was wrong.

The memory of the body is indeed shared, but when it comes to the key places of the world setting, Song Ziqing has no impression at all. Such as the secrets of Song Jiayupei, Zhuo Yeye's system. Therefore, until now, Song Ziqing did not understand why Zhuo Yeye would become the final winner.

"Do you think I would care?" Gu Yunxi's lips curved an arc, and his eyes glowed with indifference. Even if replacing the body would cause damage to the soul, he would not accept anyone's threat. Moreover, what he has to do is to suppress the darling of heaven, and it has nothing to do with who it is.

"You can't go, you have to help us fulfill our wish."

"I have no obligation to help anyone." Gu Yunxi sneered.

Song Ziqing's handsome face was twisted for a moment, and she bit her lower lip fiercely, and said, "I know your origin, as long as you are willing to help me, I will tell you a secret related to your identity." This is his brother's stay. The most important words.

Gu Yunxi smiled sarcastically, raised his right hand, smashed it without hesitation, and forced himself out of Song Ziqing's body. His origins are simple, just a dim flower growing on the banks of the Styx River.

He Baihan listened to the discussion in the hall silently, and suddenly a pain in his chest. He stretched a hand over his chest, and frowned frantically.

When Song Ziqing, who was full of depression, appeared in front of him, his emotions rose and fell sharply, staring at the young man's handsome face momentarily, intense repulsion and disgust struck up instantly.

He Bohan stood up, slamming Song Ziqing's slender neck, exuding a creepy killing, and the masculine and handsome face became somewhat distorted.

"Say, who are you ?!" His angry roar made the lively room suddenly quiet.

"He Baihan, what are you doing?" Song Ziqing's face paled slightly because of the pain. He twisted his eyebrows and looked at the man, then looked pale towards Zhou Fan.

In the end, he was in love with Zhou Fan. When he was in danger, Zhou Fan was always his subconscious person. The things in his head were more like a terrible nightmare to him. When Zhou Fan showed concern and concern for him, he felt that he was alive and well.

"Say, who are you, where did you get him?" He Baihan's face was very ugly, and he pressed Song Ziqing's body with his hands. The members of the team swallowed in horror and couldn't help wondering if He Bohan was a madman.

"Isn't this Song Ziqing, why did He Bohan ask such a question and still look so bad?"

Questioning voices permeated the room. Zhou Fan looked at Song Ziqing's eyes for help, and finally stood up and held He Baihan's arm.

"Let him go."

"Get away."

He Baihan glanced harshly at the man and said coldly. He moved and immediately rushed Zhou Fan a few steps away. Further exerting force, he said sharply, "Again, I will kill you."

"He is Song Ziqing, and it is my boyfriend Song Ziqing. What do you want to do? He Baihan, are you crazy?"

Zhou Fan knew that he was not He Bohan's opponent, and he dared not act lightly. But he understood that now was the perfect opportunity for him and Song Ziqing to repair the relationship, and there was a sense of fear in the words of reprimand.

Song Ziqing's eyes were red, and a low sobbing sound was made.

Zhou Fan's love for him made his heart shake. Now that he already knew the problems between them, why couldn't he choose to give Zhou Fan another chance, let go of the suspect and send Zhuo Yeye into the abyss together. The shameless shameless Zhuo Yeye confused Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan just loves the wrong person.

He Baihan was unmoved, and looked at Song Ziqing with a vicious face.

"I'm me, he's not me. He Baihan, you know." The threat of death opened Song Ziqing. He looked up, the disturbed king He Baihan, and the whole person was dropped to the ground the next second.

Song Ziqing was kneeling weakly and paralyzed, and coughed several times, panting heavily.

Zhou Fan quickly walked over and took him in his arms, patting the young man's back gently.

He Bohan looked around and walked silently to the dark corner, beating against the wall like a sleepy beast.

"Oh, now I care about me and don't pretend." In the void, a gorgeous young man stopped beside the man and stroked his short hair.

He Baihan stopped the thumping action, staring slyly in the air, and said hoarsely, "Are you still there, right?" He could not see the person, but he could feel the existence of that person. He held out his hand, and after shaving his face, a contented smile on his face was never seen before.

The members of the team silently stayed away from He Baihan. They felt that this man was crazy because of unknown reasons.

He Baihan was originally a cold-hearted person who was extremely difficult to get close to. He is even worse now. He refused everyone's approach. If he wanted to talk to him, he had to keep a distance, even Zhuo Yeye was no exception.

"No wonder they all said you were crazy."

Gu Yunxi lay on He Bohan's shoulder and leaned softly in the man's ear. The man's nervous approach made him laugh and felt warm.

Even if he couldn't see him, his lover insisted that he be left with a position that no one could violate.

He Bohan's mouth twitched slightly, showing a slight smile of inadvertence.

A group of people drove off-road from Song Ziqing, galloping on the road. They were lucky along the way, they only encountered one or two swaying zombies.

Song Ziqing whispered coldly to Zhou Fan a few days later, still unable to resist Zhou Fan's gentle offensive, the two reunite smoothly. Zhou Fan also took the initiative to keep a distance with Zhuo Yeye.

Along the way, Song Ziqing's attitude towards Zhuo Yeye was obvious.

Zhuo Yeye could avoid Song Ziqing but avoided it. He became much silent, and his status and prestige in the team were far less than before. Now they are eating and using from Song Ziqing villa. Even Song Ziqing provided a batch of firearms, which greatly enhanced the team's combat effectiveness. How does he compare?

Gu Yunxi stood in the air with the attitude of a soul, looked at the two of them, and put a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

After leaving Song Ziqing's body, he was not in a hurry to find a usable drive shell, but followed this group of people to continue northward. The strangeness of this world revolves around Song Ziqing and Zhuo Yeye. To understand the problems in the world, staying with them is undoubtedly the best choice. Moreover, his soul suffered some trauma during the process of detachment, and he needs to cultivate, so it is not appropriate to call the world energy immediately.

Gu Yunxi repeatedly recalled what Song Ziqing said to him that day, and observed it secretly for a long time, and was quite sure that the person who came out of the zombies was not Song Ziqing, and there was a great possibility that he was the brother in his mouth. And Song Ziqing knew nothing about the systems owned by Song Jiayupei and Zhuo Yeye, otherwise he wouldn't even hang Yupei around his neck.

Gu Yunxi originally intended to directly destroy this piece of jade, but felt the familiar energy fluctuations from jade. That belongs to the repair he signed with Jingtian.

The discovery made him hesitant.

After rushing for several days, the team finally stopped and found a place to rest.

He Bohan was sitting alone, with his eyes down, playing with the gun in his hand.

"He Baihan, Zhuo Ye has a purpose to save you at night. Don't believe him too much. He is not a good person." Seeing the handsome man alone, Song Ziqing came to remind him of the opportunity. He has a good opinion of He Baihan, such a powerful and handsome psionicist who must be drawn to him.

He Bo gave the young man a cold look, his body was exuding a cold look, and he walked to the other side in a very shameless manner, and began a daily drowsiness.

The smile on the corner of Song Ziqing's mouth stiffened, and he snorted coldly, and returned to Zhou Fan's side and complained twice. Zhou Fan took him in his arms and comforted him, and a hint of coldness flashed in his dark eyes.

"Zhou Fan, we don't have much supplies." Zhuo Zhuan frowned in front of Zhou Fan in the aisle, glanced at Song Ziqing, and then said, "There is a big supermarket in front, and I'm going to take a few people to find something to use. ".

"Go to yourself! We will not go!" Before Zhou Fan answered, Song Ziqing shouted loudly. Although the memory is not very clear, he knows that at this time he was thrown into the zombies by Zhou Fan.

He was not born again. He had not experienced the pain of being bitten by a zombie, but just looking at the picture in his head was enough to make Song Ziqing shudder.

Now that he has abilities, it doesn't mean that he dares to take risks.

Zhou Fan frowned, couldn't help wondering whether Song Ziqing, who had been able to strike him that night, had really existed. This man is still indulgent, timid and cowardly as before.

Zhuo Xuan looked up at Zhou Fan at night, his heart was awkward. Originally, he was the core of the team and the object everyone was after, and his relationship with Zhou Fan progressed very smoothly. As a result, overnight, Song Ziqing awakened, and he became worthless. Anyway, he had to figure out a way to quickly let Song Ziqing disappear.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Yeye made a deal with the system.

In a quiet night, the city was once so bright that it lost its original prosperity, and tens of thousands of zombies roared on the street.

A dozen people hid in a high-rise building, tremblingly looking downstairs in hordes of zombies looking for human flesh and blood, their faces were filled with unbelievable fear.

City D is the only way for them to reach Base C, and they have never thought of the world as a zombie. If there are no abilities in the team, they will all have to confess here as food for zombies.

The advent of the last days makes the situation of human beings extremely sad. They are no longer the masters of all things, they have become hunted, they are the meal in the eyes of zombies.

Thinking like this, everyone looked at He Baihan and Zhou Fan with worship and admiration. Both of them are top powers, it's theirs.

Zhou Fan tilted his head and nodded to them with a smile. When he rescued these classmates, it was out of human instinct to care for his companions. Although he was selfish, he still had a sense of justice and responsibility that a man should have, and never thought about leaving this group of people alone. Now that you're saved, you're responsible.

He Bohan did not respond to these eager gazes, his eyes were still staring at the air in an instant.

"What's wrong with He Baihan?" Zhuo Yeye asked the system in his mind.

"According to the analysis of the system, he has no physical and mental problems. The system is not almighty, and there is no way to know why he has become weird. Please ask the host to explore on his own."

"You are really useless." Zhuo Ye said with a pale face. Originally thought that there was a golden finger that was invincible. Whoever thought of this thing was asking a few questions, and the whole day can only provide some trivial information. He doesn't want to pay attention to Song Ziqing now, he wants to know about He Baihan!

He strode to He Baihan and sat down, looking at the man who didn't blink his eyes, stretched out his hand and dangled in front of him, but was gripped by his wrist.

The man's cold eyes fell on him, and he asked coldly, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay, I just feel that you are not very active these days. I want to ask if you are uncomfortable. Would you like to take a break. Arrange other people to watch vigil tonight." Zhuo Ye smiled at night, moving his body toward the man. .

"I'm fine." He Baihan's eyes were still cold, and he let go of Zhuo Yeye's wrist and stood up.

Zhuo Xuan was anxious at night, holding the man's hem. He felt that He Baihan's attitude towards him was becoming more and more unfamiliar, and his eyes were no longer gentle. It was he who risked his life to rescue the man. This man could not do this to him.

He Baihan's pupils shrank. If it wasn't for a sudden return to God, thinking that the person in front of him was his life-saving benefactor, maybe he would have just subconsciously wounded someone seriously.

Before he met the unknown soul, he was very grateful for Zhuo Yeye's kindness, and he also condoned him. Now I see that this person did not know why there was some separation.

He is a man of gratitude, forcing himself to suppress that feeling back.

Gu Yunxi floated in the air, looked at the two with a humorous smile, and suddenly his heart tightened, thinking of a very serious problem. The lover was seriously injured at that time, and was treated by Zhuo Yeye. Doesn't it mean that the lover is always on the line at any moment, maybe an inconsequential injury will take his life.

The gorgeous teenager sucked himself out fiercely, looking at the tall and strong man, he ignored such an important thing.