MTL - The Correct Way of Face-Slapping in Transmigration-Chapter 6 1.5 Slap family

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"Dear Creek!" As soon as Gu Yunxi stepped out of the airport, he received a warm hug. The visitor is Adam, the person in charge of Country C of State D of Qilins, who is his only friend in Country D.

Adam is one of the heirs of the National University of D. Going to the position of Gelins is purely for the purpose of cultivating his abilities. He wants to see how far he can go after leaving the protection of the family.

Ge Qilins regarded Gu Yunxi as a guest, respected him, and responded to everything, because the core of all their products was in the hands of Gu Yunxi.

Gu Yunxi can leave Ge Qilinsi, but Ge Qi Linsi must not lose Gu Yunxi.

At the same time Adam is also one of the few who knows Gu Yunxi's dual identity. The world's impression of Du Xi is a famous researcher at home and abroad, and who can think of him as a "weak and unscrupulous" person or country D? The boss of the Yuntian group.

Becoming a researcher and excelling in the professional field was once Du Xi's goal in life. He replaced Du Xi and naturally left Du Xi a proof of existence.

Gu Yunxi slightly stretched out his hand to separate the enthusiastic Adam. He was not used to being so close to people.

Adam shrugged. He and Gu Yunxi have known each other for more than three years. Being able to allow him to hug has shown that he is a friend recognized by Gu Yunxi.

Taking Gu Yunxi into the car to pick him up, he wasn't particularly aware of the reason why a good friend came to country C. In the few years of acquaintance, Gu Yunxi spent most of his time in researching with his laboratory.

After arriving in the car, Gu Yunxi leaned his head back. In recent days, he has been conducting experiments almost overnight. He has very little rest time. Even after adjusting his body data, he will still be tired. The short rest time on the plane is not enough to eliminate his fatigue.

Gu Yunxi yawned, a few tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes, his eyes narrowed slightly, coupled with his handsome appearance, so touching that even Adam, who was used to his beauty, couldn't help breathing.

Adam is a handsome and wealthy master, and his men and women like him. With his abilities and family background, even if it is exercise ability, Geelins is not enough to let him see. After all, although Ge Qilins has huge wealth, compared to some old-fashioned families, the bottom line is too shallow, which is probably the so-called upstart.

But he willingly stayed there, dedicated himself to Ge Qilinsi, and found out that he had a secret feeling for Gu Yunxi in his heart. I want to be closer to Gu Yunxi, I intend to get the moon near the water tower.

However, he also knows that for Gu Yunxi, his position is a working partner, a familiar good friend.

Adam came back from the shock of Gu Yunxi, calmed his breath and heartbeat, and spoke to him about Yuntian's recent situation in country c.

"Our products have blocked most of the domestic related companies after being listed in country c, especially Su's, which previously occupied a large market share. Their product update speed has been okay in recent years, but the effectiveness is relative to our Gekilins Still a little too backward. "

Gu Yunxi nodded. These were all his expectations. Ge Qilins' main opponent in entering the country c market was Su's. Without his Geqilins, he might have to fight with Su Shi on the price, but with his technology and developed products, Su Shi's products could not reach the eyes of the masses.

Entering country C this time was not a difficult task, and it was completely useless to let Adam come, but Adam insisted that he had no choice but to let him. He closed his eyes slightly and squeezed his eyebrows. "Continue."

"Su wanted to cooperate with us. Su Zhantuo met me and said bluntly that Ge Qilins is not a local company in country C. If they are too aggressive, they may be subject to state sanctions. So they put forward the conditions and were willing to Buy the exclusive right of our products in country c at a high price. "

Gu Yunxi chuckled twice, Su Zhan would really think that this cooperation would not be a small benefit to Geqilins, and the huge profits of Geqilins' products would not be bought out in one go.

What's more, with the support of the world's number one biological company, Su's will be invincible in the country C market for at least the next 15 years.

The so-called national sanctions are nothing but national protectionism for local companies. At the beginning, they may pose a little threat to Yuntian, but the advanced technology and high-efficiency products for Qilins are what every country dreams of. If the crackdown is excessive, Ge Qilins will directly withdraw from the country C market. I am afraid that the country C government will not accept it.

I would like to come to Su Zhan to make such a proposal, relying on their deep roots in country C, maybe the support of that man's power? Gu Yunxi does not believe that the astuteness of Su Zhan and Su Father would not know that Qin Mo's handwriting was behind their Su family. It is estimated that Qin Mo didn't want others to know, so they opened one eye and closed one eye, and didn't dare to be too public. This can be seen from their common letting of Su Ruo and Qin Mo.

So now that this unreasonable request for Yun Tian's blatantly is that Qin Mo will help them get it, it is a person who can only cover the sky in country c.

Thinking of the handsome and cruel look of the man, Gu Yunxi licked Yin Hong's lips, and he couldn't wait to compete with that man.

He has the Yuntian group to dominate the entire country, and Qin Mo covers the sky in Southeast Asia, and slightly outperforms him in strength, but he is in the dark, Qin Mo is in the bright.

Perhaps, he can also take another method, find someone to seduce the man to pry Su Ruo's corner, and verify how deep the man's love is? If Su Zhan's golden finger is gone, how long can he support it?

After living for tens of thousands of years, Gu Yunxi had long believed in the love that will never die. Didn't Qin Mo like pure girls, then help him find a few more to try, but he doesn't believe that a man with a good temper can reach him. Withstand temptation.

"I don't care about Su's side," Gu Yunxi stretched her waist lazily, and she looked extremely **** casually. "The government of country C is not so stupid as to deal with us. Adam, you are my friend, I am not going to hide you , This time I returned to China to destroy Su and make Su Zhan's life better. "

Adam stared at Gu Yunxi's light-skinned skin and the faint mermaid line looming from his waist. He acknowledged that the feelings for the youth in front of him began with his unique appearance, but as the days when the two got along, Adam had to admit He was completely occupied. Gu Yunxi is the most fascinating demon girl he has ever seen. Even sitting quietly is like a gorgeous flower.

However, Gu Yunxi's words caused a deep loss in his heart. Instead of telling him the reason for coming to Country C, he was telling him that they will always be friends.

Also, his identity determines that he will definitely return to the family in the future. The family will not allow him to be with a man, and people like Gu Yunxi will not be wronged for others.

From the beginning, he lost his chance of getting youth, and everything was just delusion.

Gu Yunxi glanced at Adam in meditation, how he could not understand the feeling in Adam's eyes for so long, but it was impossible for them. Adam can be his partner, a friend, and a lover is not appropriate for them. He was accustomed to coldness, and if he became a lover, he would soon be tired of Adam.

Gu Yunxi was so heartless, he blocked his way before he could speak. Adam sighed slowly, holding his forehead and grinning, "I see, I will resign from the position of Ge Qilinsi after helping you deal with Su's," he continued slowly, "the family also urged I have been for a long time and it is time for me to take responsibility. "

The car drove to C University. Since it agreed to the academic exchange of C University, Gu Yunxi followed the school's intention to live in the place they provided. Of course, there was another reason. He wanted to see Su Ruo, who had fascinated Qin Mo. Su Ruo is now a freshman of c.

Su Ruo is the sister of the original blood. Gu Yunxi thought that it would be a bit immoral to send someone to pry her corner. After all, Su Ruo has never been sorry for the original, but that's just superficial.

According to world data, Su Ruo was the first to discover that Su Zhan was not the Su family. However, she had a deep relationship with Su Zhan. Not only did she not reveal it, she let Qin Mo help after knowing that Du Xi was killed by Su Zhan All the evidence was erased, and the four people who had killed Du Xi had now died.

In order to show his importance to Du Xi, he spent a lot of money to buy a quiet villa next to the school because the price was expensive and there were not many residents.

After setting up his luggage, Gu Yunxi quickly took a bath, put on a silky silver-gray nightgown, took a bottle of ice water and walked to the balcony to observe the surrounding scenery.

The evening breeze blew, blowing off the pajamas on the youth, exposing a delicate white jade chest and two attractive red pimples on it. Gu Yunxi whispered and closed the robe.

Qin Mo stared intently at the young man on the opposite side, breathing slightly, his face rising uncontrollably a little hot.

He didn't expect to see the person on the plane here, and it was still such a sloppy picture. The youth, like a poppy, seduces people to fall, only two face to face, and even he can't help being seduced. But he was a very strong-willed man, and instantly suppressed that strange emotion.

Gu Yunxi smiled with a lip, which is a coincidence. On the opposite side will be Qin Mo's villa, which represents their fate? I just don't know if it will be a fate.

The seduce plan was originally just for fun. After all, Qin Mo was so infatuated with Su Ruo, but when he saw Qin Mo's weird expression and rigid posture, he knew that the feeling described in the world data was exaggerated. Already.

Qin Mo likes Su Ruo, but has not reached the point where she can defend her. At least Qin Mo is interested in his body. It is better that he enters the battle in person. He has been reincarnation for tens of thousands of years. taste.