MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 5

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I haven't waited for Mu Chen to have any action. The female practitioner who sat in the fourth place in the sixth house suddenly said: "My disciples in Xiuyang Palace mostly carry the portrait of Mu Shishu, who dares to fight the face of the teacher today. The female practitioners of Xiuyang Palace will not agree. "The tone of this sentence is not low, the voice of a woman is very good, and it is very crisp in a group of old men. The hall is quiet for a time.

Mu Chen: "..." What did the female practitioner of the first house do with his portrait? Exorcism?

On the left side of the woman's repair is a man with a look of truth, seeing the old man around him looking at her dissatisfied, dare to say that he is arrogant, he kindly reminded the sentence: "Sister, you are the master of the first house, hold Something." This sounds right. If you think carefully, you will have other tastes. This is to remind everyone not to forget their identity, have opinions? Kneeling!

Bai Rongrong was quite proud of the crisp chest. The beautiful eyes swept the hall and sneered: "Holding? The soul of the palace never knows what is reserved." This sentence succeeded in making the thirty-six peaks and seventy-two holes The elders of each of them shrank their necks and did not dare to have any more opinions. Obviously, they all knew that Bai Rongrong was not good at it.

Only a few of the temple's lords were a little angry, and this woman was really not arrogant.

The seat on the right side of Bai Rongrong is empty. Everyone knows that it is the seat reserved for the Yanyang Palace.

The sixth place was a cold-faced blue monk. When he saw the expressions of several of the lords, he was dissatisfied with a cold cry. With a single tone, several of the lords took back their eyes and listened to his cold voice: "That Unbreakable bells, Mu’s elders want to take the children and give them.”

The main body of the Hanyang Palace, Liu Hanzhi, was repaired as a sword repair in the middle of the **** of the gods, and together with Mu Chen into the Chongyunmen, it is a hot character that slashes the sword and slashes people to kill and kill. Ruthless, but there is no heart, showing the firmness of his will.

Comparing the treasure of the town to a broken bell, no one in the scene dared to refute, the sword in the other hand was full of frost, and the body was arrogant, thinking of his fierce name, no one wants to find trouble.

An old man quickly stood up and smiled and said: "We have to exchange the soul guard bell with the elder Mu, we can't agree, but there is a condition. When there is a need in the Chongyun Gate, the guardian bell must be handed in."

Mu Chen saw their vacillation, and his heart was even more uncomfortable. No one dared to speak out of his own teachers. He said that everyone dared to question. Think of him as a lonely alchemy teacher who is not happy with people?

Very good, very boring! It seems that I haven’t passed them so far, so that they all feel that they are bullying.

The white figure flashed and the person had fallen into his seat. Sitting here, the bottom of the person's face is completely overlooked, Mu Chen snorted coldly, compared to the hypocrite, this group of old things that really look like it will not hide. When is there a need for this martial art? When he has no brain?

Mu Chen looked at the other side, and he said: "You are not qualified to talk to this seat, let your ancestors come."

"You...the disciple is rude." The cave master was also ruined by Mu Chen, and he did not say a word when he bit his teeth. As soon as he sat on his seat, his face turned red. This generation of Chen, the real hateful itching.

With the lessons of the past, everyone has to think about what to say.

After the silence, a temple master Shi Shiran stood up and arched his hand, and asked politely: "If you can't change, what is the plan for Elder Mu?"

Mu Chen looked at the other side to hide the greed of the eyes, a faint saying: "I heard that the mixed Yuan Zong has a piano, the sound is good." This slow tone with a full carelessness, the meaning is already obvious, he does not have to protect The soul bell can't be used, but you can also take the medicine to other things to change your mind. This kind of thing he has not done, as long as the heart is comfortable, Mu Chen never cares about the rules.

Mu Chen’s sentence undoubtedly gave an excuse for those dissatisfied elders to fight back. The cave owner who had been swept away was whispered: “Is this betray the mountain gate?”

The presence of the audience is not low. Even if the voice is small, it can be heard clearly. Everyone looks at Mu Chen, but it is somewhat optimistic about the play.

The faces of the five people in the first seat are not good-looking, and the tiny grunts seem to have disappeared. Liu Hanzhi had already put his hand on the hilt, and Yue Mingze also pulled down his face. However, it was Mu Chen who was moving faster than them.

A hand raised, the white wide sleeves directly to the other's face, this action is very fierce, completely wants the other person's life.

Kill chickens and monkeys!

I dare not rush to the white, but dare to attack him. Is this that he is better bullied than a woman? Mu Chen snorted, his eyes were raging, and if his prestige could not stand up today, someone would think that he would be weak and deceived, and his disciples would be despised.

When I thought of Gu Yunqi’s sensitive temper, it made the appearance of twisting and killing in the last life. Mu Chen couldn’t stand it. In this world he will protect the little apprentice and never let him be wronged.

I noticed this familiar spiritual fluctuation, sitting on the window and shaking my calf and trying to make a pure face, Gu Yun looked at the direction of the main peak. The twilight was as dark as the ink stain, and the young master and the human hand started. Who is it? Dirty teacher's white hand?

Mu Chen turned his face suddenly, and no one had time to react. The other side was directly swept by Mu Chen, and his face was smashed in the middle of the main hall, and a spurt of blood was spurted. He has been completely blind, as if he did not expect Mu Chen to dare to do it here.

However, this is not over yet. Ying Run's long fingers swayed, and there were countless white flames around Mu Chen. They couldn't see any temperature, but their appearance made the space twist. With Mu Chen's movements, these flames condensed in groups like a butterfly, and they turned into thousands. Each one is like a life, and the monk pounces on the ground. In a moment, a monk in the Yuan Ying period is burned and burned. A little man looks exactly the same as the other person. Yue Mingze sees the meaning that the flame does not stop. Hurry up. Stop: "Ray him a life!"

Mu Chen raised his hand and snapped a finger, and received the flame, giving Yue Mingze a face.

The people present were shocked and watched the scene of the beautiful dream. Then the eyes of Mu Chen changed completely. This white flame legend is one of the three ancient fires, Jiuyang Minghuo! Burned by this kind of flame, even the soul of the soul can not stay, Mu Chen actually let this kind of gods recognize the Lord! Rumors are true!

Moreover, Mu Chen’s control of spiritual power has been reduced to the point of metamorphosis. Even if the flame is shaped, it is like life. This is not a genius capable of describing.

How old is he now? Just a hundred years old, seeing the spiritual power just turned to the gods!

Yue Mingze’s hand hidden in his sleeve also trembled. After the uncle’s exit, it seemed even more terrible. If he didn’t agree with anything, he would never do it.

Mu Chen's indifferent nephew ruthlessly smacked on the faces of the crowd, coldly whispered: "Who else doesn't understand the four words of respecting the teacher, stand up."

Seeing that everyone did not speak, Mu Chen snorted and gave them a label on their heads. Sure enough, as long as they didn’t obey, they slammed the meal. This method tried Bailing.

He saved the life of the cave master, and Yue Mingze also breathed a sigh of relief. He knew Mu Chen's temper. When he didn't provoke him, he was cold and noble. He didn't care about anything. He was so anxious that he would report it and everything could be done. Someone at the scene wanted to test Mu Chen’s attitude, which annoyed Mu Chen. Seeing that Mu Chen’s meaning was that he really wanted to kill the other party. It’s not a trivial matter to kill a hole. He can stop it for the first time. Can stop the second time, if there is another conflict, he guarantees that Mu Chen will dare to kill even these few peaks, and it will not end well.

Can't continue to watch, Yue Mingze stood up with a sleeve and continued to stand up the shelf of the head. He said seriously: "The guardian bell is replaced by two fits. This is the case. Li Changlao commits the following and thinks about it. After a hundred years of peaking the wall, there will be another time, and severe punishment will not be allowed."

Someone just wanted to open a rebuttal to Yue Mingze. Mu Chen was cold and cold. The cold voice pulled out a picking tail. Although it was nice, it was murderous. The people underneath were swearing and honest.

Mu Chen once again confirmed: really owe!


With Yue Yueze went to the forbidden place to take the guardian bell, when Mu Chen returned to Yanyang Palace, Gu Yunxi was waiting for him in his small attic, and saw a little apprentice dressed up. Mu Chen nodded with satisfaction, little apprentice Well, I really look good when I wear it.

Seeing that the young master did not receive the unsightly monkey, Gu Yunxiao smiled at Mu Chen.

In Mu Chen’s opinion, the innocence of the little apprentice’s face was not calculated when he smiled. This expression could not be cured any more, and his mood was much better in an instant. I picked up the little apprentice and threw it into the air. Gu Yun’s eyes widened, and the head of the door was one inch away from the three-meter-high roof. Then it fell down, and then it was hugged by a slim arm. Then, I was thrown out again...

After being thrown seven or eight times, Gu Yunqi has already been unable to stand it. He feels that his head is a little bit ugly. Now his small body can't stand Mu Chen's so much toss. Hurry to grab Mu Chen's sleeves, for fear that the other party will throw him out again, crying and laughing to call him: "Master respect..."

Mu Chen was cold-faced, but his eyes were exceptionally bright, "lifting high."

Mirror Ming envious eyes look at Gu Yunxi, he also wants to be lifted by the palace!

Gu Yunwei: "..."

Giving the little disciple's unique love reward, Mu Chen glanced at the furnishings in the room. He didn't care much about the things in life. No matter what can be used, it can be remembered that the young and middle-aged seem to like gorgeous. Things, food and clothing are not all used. I want to stop him and say to Jing Ting: "Go to the Treasure House to pick up some furniture and change the waste here." From an early age, I have to satisfy the preferences of the younger apprentice. When I was a child, I got too little. When I grow up, I want to More.

Jingting looked at Gu Yunxiao with a complicated look, and walked away with a cold face.

In a short while, Gu Yunying's living supplies were all changed, and each piece was covered with white light. Gu Yunyi looked up and saw that it was a rare weapon.

The tables and chairs turned out to be made of Qingyang wood grown in the sinful valley of the demon world, which has the effect of expelling the demons and warming the soul. This kind of wood is worth a thousand stones in the outside world. He is used to make tables and chairs at will, and a black guqin is placed next to the window. The color is dark and the blue light is shining. It is actually a piece. magic weapon.

Mu Chen Wenhe asked him: "Do you like it?"

Gu Yunqi ran to play with a few unconformed notes, and the corners of his mouth were gently picked up. The soft and cute words praised: "Like, the Master is the best."

Mu Chen felt that the hairs of the whole body were shunned by this sentence. The soft and cute children talked better. He reached out and took care of the head of Yun Yun, and once again picked up the other person - lifting high.

Gu Yunwei: "..."