MTL - The Day I Checked In In the City-Chapter 416 stay in the capital

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"I've taken it seriously, and I'll post it on the Internet in a while, big brother, don't you mind if I give you an exclusive feature!" Li Xupi said with a smile.

When the middle-aged man heard this, his color changed suddenly, and he immediately stood up and showed his leadership style, but unexpectedly, he was restrained by the seat belt, which made him feel lonely.

"Oh, big brother, I'm just joking, don't you mind!" Li Xuyun said calmly.


The middle-aged man's face was gloomy, he snorted coldly, and ignored Li Xu.

Young people today are elusive.

Better to be less provocative!

"Brother, in fact, our country is still making progress. No matter how good a foreign country is, it is still a foreign country. My younger brother still has two points of thinness in the United States. If your niece goes abroad in the future, you can contact me!"

Li Xu looked at each other sincerely.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man frowned, cleared his throat, and said, "The little comrade's political consciousness is still very high!"

"Haha, normal, normal."

After speaking, Li Xu ignored him, put on the blindfold, and fell asleep.

Just now, Li Xu signed in as usual, and the system rewarded him with an abnormal identification card.

This card can select the target person, and then customize the identity content you want to query, and the card will display the abnormal identity information of the target person.

For example, if you select Gao Mou and check his abnormal identity, the system will show that he is the concubine of his wife Bai Mou!

The first time Li Xu encountered such an interesting card, he used it on the middle-aged man next to him.

The result was beyond his expectations.

The system directly shows that the CIA agent in the United States is a descendant of the Ida family in the East Japanese country.

Li Xu was dumbfounded at the time.

Good guy, considering the identity of Huaguo, this guy actually has a triple identity.

I'm afraid this is not the middle way of the Infernal Affairs!

For this color,

Li Xu naturally wanted to stab him!

When the middle-aged man heard Li Xu's exaggeration, he suddenly became interested and was about to continue the chat, but suddenly Li Xu fell asleep as if no one else was there.

I just felt that a bunch of questions were suddenly blocked in my throat, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

With a long sigh, he secretly remembered all the deflation he had eaten on Li Xu on the heads of the group of young people in the unit.

The comfort level of the first-class cabin is unmatched by ordinary cabin seats, and Li Xu slept for several hours.

When he woke up again, the plane had already flown over the vast ocean.

Li Xu looked into the distance through the window, white clouds were blooming, the sun was warm, and the blue sky and the blue sea in the distance formed a straight white line, which outlined a beautiful landscape.

Li Xu stretched his muscles, and then called the flight attendant to ask for some food and mineral water.

"Little brother, you're awake!" The middle-aged man was worthy of being the leader. At this time, his expression had already returned to normal, and he looked at Li Xu with a warm expression.

"Sleep. Too sleepy." Li Xu yawned and replied.

"Yeah, I don't know what industry the little brother is engaged in in the United States? Doing business or politics?"

The middle-aged man cleared his throat and asked curiously.

"No talent, be a "teacher" at MIT!" Li Xu had a calm smile on his face.

"Oh, it's amazing, it's amazing!" Although the middle-aged man is in politics, he has heard of MIT.

However, this was far from what he thought.

"General, general."

"At first glance, my brother is a talent, full of talent. It's not easy!"

"I won the award, I won the award. My brother is not an ordinary person." Li Xu said "humbly"!

"You can't be more promising than my younger brother." The middle-aged man replied with a smile.

"Brother, to tell you the truth, brother, I have a way to get people into MIT to go to school?" Li Xu glanced around, then leaned into the middle-aged man's ear and whispered.

"This, and this matter?" The middle-aged man wondered.

"Of course! I heard from my brother just now that he plans to let his niece come to study here?"

"Ha, just mention it casually, I think the country is pretty good!" The middle-aged man took precautions in his heart.

"So, it just so happens that our college has an exchange quota for foreign students! Since my brother is not interested, then forget it." Li Xu spread his hands and said nonchalantly.

When the middle-aged man saw Li Xu's posture, his eyes rolled a few times, and then he smiled and said, "It's fate that everyone can take the same flight, why don't you leave your contact information?"

"Okay, nothing to say."

Li Xu told him his mobile phone number in the United States.

Also ask for the phone number of the other party.

Only then did Li Xu know the name of this "two devils", Wang Boshan!

For the rest of the journey, Li Xu chatted with the "big brother" one after another, which relieved the boring journey.

After chatting all the way, the two of them didn't know the bottom line, they were talking about superficial things.

The middle-aged man originally thought that Li Xu was the kind of young man with a piercing nature.

Unexpectedly, after chatting for a while, I found that there were quite a few calls, and I immediately fell in love with him.

He took Li Xu's stab at the beginning as if he had lived in a foreign country for a long time and did not understand etiquette.

After a long flight of more than ten hours, it finally arrived at the Capital Airport.

Li Xu got off the plane with the middle-aged man. As soon as he got off the plane, a group of people gathered around him.

Li Xu was startled.

When he understood their positions, Li Xu realized that it was a false alarm.

"Brother Wang, you look like a person in a high position." Li Xu's words were not exaggerated at all, at least he was a deputy leader of a state-owned enterprise.

"How can it be, it's all for the people!"

It seems that because of getting off the plane, Wang Boshan's posture has become pinch again.

When he reached the exit, Li Xu looked back at Wang Boshan and said, "Brother Wang, then I'll go back first. Let's talk again when we have a chance!"

Wang Boshan nodded, the leader was full of style.

After Li Xu took two quick steps to leave, Wang Boshan also walked out of the station with his subordinates.

Just two steps away, he saw Li Xu, who had left before, sit in a red convertible sports car.

The driver is also a fashionable and pretty young girl!

Wang Boshan was stunned for a moment, and then said to his subordinates seemingly inadvertently: "This brother I just met, this car is still very good!"

"Yes, this sports car is not cheap!" The subordinate echoed.

When Wang Boshan heard this, his style changed and he said, "As employees of state-owned enterprises, we must keep ourselves clean and resist temptation!"

"President Wang is right!"

"We must keep in mind the teachings of our leaders, and always demand ourselves with the utmost strictness."

The sound of flattery here did not reach Li Xu's ears. At this time, he was sitting on the co-pilot of Sun Xuening, closing his eyes and resting.

Since his video became popular on the Internet, many people who knew him in China called him.

Sun Xuening is one of them.

I asked him a long time ago when he was coming back and wanted to invite him to dinner, saying that Huang Mao Deng saw that Li Xu was making a fuss abroad, and he must treat him to the best Wagyu beef!

It's okay to eat wagyu beef, but forget about the beef pen!

There is no reason not to go to someone for a treat, so Li Xu contacted her before boarding the plane.

So the previous scene.

"Don't pretend to be asleep, what's the energy when you fight with the old black bull?" Sun Xuening said when he saw that he was like a dead fish as soon as he got in the car.

"I don't dare to talk much, I'm afraid that my dazzling light will sting your heart deeply and make you fall in love with me!" Li Xu said nonsense without opening his eyes.

"Bah, I'll fall in love with you, my mother, I have hundreds of thousands of bags, and I'll fall in love with a man?"

Sun Xuening sneered.

"I actually don't mind if you're Lily!"


Sun Xuening was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he suddenly realized, and patted Li Xu's arm vigorously with his hand.

"Why did you go abroad and become so shameless!" Sun Xuening said.

"Haha, I haven't seen you for a long time, I'm panicking!"

"Trust you, don't make a phone call!"

"I won't be poor with you, Huang Mao Deng?"

"I went to a hotel. There were many people today, so I didn't pay attention. Huang Mao felt ashamed and went there in person." Sun Xuening said with a smile.

"You can't do it, it's different where you go to eat." After Li Xu finished speaking, he called Huang Mao Deng.

The bell rang for a long time before it was connected.

"Brother Li, this younger brother is gone today. The restaurant I mentioned is full, so I really need to make room!" Huang Maodeng felt a little embarrassed. order.

"It's a big deal, let's not go to eat, find another place, long time no see, let's have a little wine and be happy, it's fine!" Li Xu hurriedly persuaded him to come back.

Huang Mao Deng glanced at a certain man who had just left arrogantly, and spat fiercely on the ground.

Then he turned and left the pub.

If someone hadn't stepped in first, the tavern wouldn't have given him this face.

Half an hour later, the three met in a private restaurant, found a clean place, ordered some specialty dishes, and ate and drank.

"Sister Xuening, do you know who wrapped Yu Xiangyuan today?" Huang Mao Deng Jie and Li Xu had a drink, and then complained to Sun Xuening.


"Liu Yunsheng!"

"He? Does he still have a wallet?"

"Yeah, I'm also puzzled. I heard that his pharmaceutical factory had collapsed some time ago, and I was happy for a long time. I didn't expect it to turn over so quickly?" Huang Maodeng said with uncertainty.

"Maybe it's an investment. Come on, what are you mad at with him? I found out that you are very idle all day long. You can't do anything serious except to find people, even if you are asked for things!" Sun Xuening glared at him At a glance, he said that he hated iron.

"Ha, what am I doing, my brother can do anything, and I can be my rich second generation comfortably!"

"Look at your prosperous appearance!"

Li Xu listened, and when he heard the pharmaceutical factory, his brows moved.

Because of his contact with pharmaceutical factories in the United States, Li Xu is particularly sensitive to this word now.

"What kind of pharmaceutical factory is that Liu Yunsheng running? Do you know what it produces?" Li Xu looked at Huang Mao Deng and asked.

"I don't know, it seems to be animal husbandry! Is it Sister Xuening?" Huang Maodeng replied uncertainly.

"Well, it's from animal husbandry. I don't know the specific medicine! What's the matter? Are you interested in this too?" Sun Xuening looked at Li Xu and wondered.

"Ask what you want! It's fine."

"By the way, Li Xu, your little girlfriend, I found another play for her, isn't it interesting?" At this time, Sun Xuening said with a smile.

"Little girlfriend?" Li Xu was stunned for a moment, then thought of Tian Xiaona.

"Thank you so much, but I have no mercy!" Li Xu said jokingly.

"What kind of favor do you want, someone like Li Ge, who is capable of writing and martial arts, where can you find it! Sister Xuening, you have to learn to cherish it!" Huang Mao Deng laughed.

"Fuck you! Worry about you!" Sun Xuening threw a quickie at him displeased.

Huang Mao Deng smiled and avoided.

It's been a long time since the three of them chatted and gossip for a while, and they also drank two more glasses. The meal ended after an hour and a half.

After eating, Huang Mao Deng said: "Sister Xuening, you can drive back by yourself. Brother Li and I have some personal affairs, and I will go back after a while!"

"You? Are you going to wash your feet?"

"No way, we are still washing our feet, and a lot of girls are waiting to warm the bed for me."

Sun Xuening frowned, and his eyes stared fiercely.

"No, no! I'm joking."

"go home!"

Sun Xuening glanced at the two of them, and then involuntarily took the two to the hotel where Li Xu was renting.

"Another day, another day, I'll take you there again, and tell you, it's absolutely unexpected!" Huang Maodeng raised his eyebrows and whispered in Li Xu's ear, looking cheap!

Li Xu nodded.

He is still interested in these massages, baths, and star-rated services, but he is not as thirsty as before.

After all, he has no shortage of women now.

It's not a serious girlfriend, but she is a **, and the quality is also very good.

At the entrance of the hotel, Li Xu watched Sun and Deng leave before turning around and returning to the hotel.

After a night of jet lag, Li Xu tossed and turned a little.

After lying in bed and watching Douyin for a long time, I fell asleep.

The next day, Li Xu took a taxi and rushed to the high-speed rail station early in the morning, bought a ticket to Jeju, and was going to take the bus directly back to Jeju.

After a long absence, he was still rather anxious.

On the way to the high-speed rail station, Li Xu found a remote place, took out the mobile phone with the system-customized mobile phone card, and directly called Guoan to report.

It's been a day since I wanted to report him.

If it weren't for their group of things, the core technology of electromagnetic ejection would not have been stolen by Laomei!

If it weren't for their group of sanctimonious people, deceiving the top and the bottom, and doing evil for the wrong, they wouldn't have gotten such a bad credibility now.

Li Xu hated them deeply.

One report counts as one.

After reporting, Li Xu is in a good mood!

By eleven o'clock in the morning, Li Xu finally arrived at Jeju Airport.

At this time, Chen Xiaojie was already waiting at the airport.

The parting this time, after all, has crossed the distance of the vast ocean, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the ends of the earth.

When it was time to pick up the plane, Chen Xiaojie hugged Li Xu excitedly as soon as she saw Li Xu coming out.

Li Xu smiled and said, "Is it still possible to run?"

Chen Xiaojie smiled and kissed his lips like a dragonfly.

He didn't speak, but expressed his heart with his actions.