MTL - The Deity of War-v9 Chapter 2188 Third place

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"From today, you are famous."

The Emperor's palm was taken from the top of a giant bird bathed in golden light.

This golden giant bird is naturally the former flamingo. It accepted the transformation from the colorful Hualian and became the emperor's subordinate.

Let the Firebird surrender, the Emperor also spent a lot of work.

after all.

The world of flamingo fusion is significantly higher than the ordinary gods.

However, the Firebird was besieged and seriously injured. His own strength was limited by the colorful Hualian. In the end, the Emperor still accepted the Firebird, but his own strength also consumed a lot.

As for the kenestry, two purple snakes.

A dying unyielding, the emperor has nothing to say, a sword to kill.

The other one, although he saw the situation is not right, he took the initiative to vote, and also participated in the fight against the firebird, but the emperor did not think that such a person would honestly surrender himself, and use the colorful Hualian to conquer the gods. The number of restrictions is not worthwhile for a district purple snake, wasting places.

Thus, the emperor successfully got the original strength of the two.

This source of power can not be wasted, the emperor chose to assign them to the strong of the dragon, to let the dragons to create more gods.

"It's a pity that the Tianzu can't pick up even the power that can absorb the source..."

The emperor still does not understand, the world of the people, why the Tianzu alone, can not become stronger.


"Qi Ying, what is the secret you said?"

The burning sea **** asked quietly.

The survival of the Pangu world is directly related to the lives of these gods.

If a world is destroyed, the souls of the whole world will disappear, even if it is a god, it will be annihilated together, even if it goes to other worlds, it is useless.

Like Taiyi, Emperor Jun, that is a very special situation.

"He is deliberately exaggerating his words, sensational!" Fei Manjing sneered coldly. "He must be thinking about making up some lies to transfer our attention."


Fighting God came over very seriously and asked. "Qi Ying, what is the situation?"

"It's about the third detachment."

Qi Ying faintly said.

The gods of Pangu Town, the atmosphere was a little stagnant at the moment, everyone’s attention was on Qi Ying, and the petals falling from the sides of the canyon floated on them, and no one cares.

Super off!

Every time the annihilation of the era is accompanied by the birth of the detached.

In the Pangu world, every time you go through a catastrophe, you will be destroyed.

The first era of the catastrophe was that a large number of gods returned the source of power to the world, and the Pangu world was spared from the storm. The second era of annihilation made Pangu world fall apart and came to God by the gods. The plane has acquired a new source of power, allowing the Pangu world to survive and continue to operate for 100,000 years.

And the third one is detached...

Undoubtedly will let Pangu world encounter the third era of annihilation!

"The two true gods in the Heluo world have the special ability to understand the ancient and the modern. I used some price to get the information from them. There is a third person who is detached."

Qi Ying’s words are actually half-truths.

The information about the third detached person was indeed obtained from Di Jun and Tai Yi.

But the true gods of the Heluo world above are familiar with ancient and modern... then it is purely empty.

"Hey! How do we know about the things we have in the ancient world?"

Flying man is shouting.

Qi Ying said faintly. "That is the case, but in fact many of us in the Pangu world have been to the outside world, right? Is it true that we know nothing about other worlds?"


The gods squatted.

They do have a lot of people who have gone to the world outside Pangu World!


Can only say that there is a certain degree of understanding.

I can't talk about what to say, how deep I know, and the paradox infers another era of the world.

"Every **** has different powers, and the two true gods of the Heluo world have this ability. Of course, I can't make sure that what they tell me must be true. I can only say that I listen to the information. Tell everyone, for us, it is a reference!"

Qi Ying still remembers the words of Taiyi and Dijun.

At that time, Taiyi said this: "We have cut off the cause and effect of the Pangu world, but once we reattach it, maybe there will be something else. So we don't want to have any contact with the gods of Pangu world. And you are from some kind of In the sense, similar to us, it is not the **** of the Pangu world, so we can tell you about this information."

just now.

Qi Ying will tell Taiyi's inference to the gods of Pangu.

"The eclipse of the first era is fate, and the eclipse of the second era, although I don't know who it is, but I have an idea, that is, like fate, it is actually our unpredictable guy. On the surface, it is a sudden rise in the dynasty of the air transport, but in fact, the detachment should be the gas transport itself!"

Qi Ying’s voice is serious.

There is a small part of the gods present, which comes from the Second Age.

In the era of the eclipse, they relied on great luck to come to the face of God and avoid destruction.

"You said that the detachment is the air transport?" The **** of war said, "This should not, even now, the Pangu world can still practice the way of air transportation."

Qi Ying smiled slightly.. "The air transport is detached, but it is not the Pangu world that lost the power of air transport. It is like a fateful detachment, but one person has the same fate! Only the will of destiny has left, just as the will of the later air transport In the first epoch, the growth and destruction of a living being is determined by fate. After the first epoch, ordinary creatures can rely on gas transport to change their lives. After the second era, air transport is not absolute. It's more like a simple force. Everyone can persist and unremittingly struggle to climb to a higher level!"

These words are basically a retelling of the original words of Taiyi, and in Qi Ying’s own heart, this kind of statement is also relatively agreeable.

It is the shackles of fate and air transport that may make your own practice become a reality.

If it is still an era in which fate determines everything, then an ordinary creature can only helplessly greet one's life and death, and mortals are destined to become a fairy god. How can one create a new universe? If it is the era of airpower to control absolute power, then those who do not have the atmosphere will be doomed to rise, and many opportunities are irrelevant...

The third era, although the world is far from prosperous.

But the mortal at the bottom is more likely to see hope. I don't know how many people have risen to the end of the grass, but they are all living, have better luck, and are close to one of their own destiny.