MTL - The Deity of War-v9 Chapter 2218 Holy

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This site is the fastest update of the latest chapter of the God of War! For the gods of the Pangu world, Hongmeng Lingbao is absolutely tempting.

After all, they have already tasted the sweetness of Hongmen Lingbao.

Today, the value of a considerable number of artifacts, for the true God, is estimated to be less suitable, and the quality has reached the best of Hongmeng Lingbao.


and so.

At this juncture.

Even if it is a Naga god, it is not willing to offend Qi Ying!

After all, they have great needs for Hongmen Lingbao.

Have any accounts, remember them for the time being, wait until Hong Meng Lingbao arrives, then look for opportunities, find Qi Ying to count!

"Hey, Qi Ying, I hope you were lucky at that time, don't hit me!"

The face of God, Naga is a dark heart.

She has been unhappy with Qi Ying for a long time.

This time, Qi Ying took her hand and snatched the crystallization of the source, which made Naga God more resentful.


The enhancement of Qi Ying’s strength also made Naga God feel a certain threat.


"Our family, finally meet again!"

On a regular wine cellar, Qi Ying opened his arms.

Beside him, Qin Susu, Qi Yueer, and Jian Zu, solitary, all toasted, a total of wine.

In addition to the old.

They also began to discuss the current major issues concerning the world.

"At present, the situation in the Pangu world is actually very complicated." Jian Zu analyzed to Qi Ying. "In addition, there is a certain contradiction between the new part of the gods and the gods under the plane of God. And God Between the gods of the plane, there are also factions. In addition, there are the existence of hedgehogs, and the external enemy of the holy world... The situation is changing in real time, maybe the next moment will be met What new enemy."

"This is the case." Qi Ying nodded and then said again. "But these are all small things... I am most worried about it, or the third detachment! Once it is shot, it is estimated that it is not only the **** of the Pangu world. The gods of other worlds in the face of God will also suffer from the catastrophe."

The sword ancestors slowly said: "I have heard from the land gods. But the information we have is still too little."

Qi Ying smiled slightly.. "But I know, some people, maybe understand the deeper hidden feelings."


The sword ancestors questioned.

"The big snow sacred, snow is no pity." Qi Ying said faintly, "If there is anyone who knows that even the gods are not clear, I think this mysterious saga."

Jianzu heard a word, then nodded, and aligned with the English, deep in thought!

Snow is no pity, has been in their heart, the most mysterious one!


A few days later.

A place in the sky.

"After a long time, I finally saw him again."

Qi Ying gave no pity to the snow in front of him and smiled slightly.

After a long period of time, the smell of snow without pity still makes Qi Ying unable to see through!

Perhaps these years, the air transport of the Great Snow Sect, continued to grow, and even cover the realm of snow without pity itself, Qi Ying has been unable to judge, what is the realm of snow without pity.

"Qi Ying, your name, even in the face of God, is now resounding in all directions!" Snow raised his eyebrows without a pity. "I didn't expect you to take the initiative to contact you."

Qi Ying smiled.. "I heard that the snowy dynasty is growing, I want to see how far it has been. I wonder if you can take me to see you?"

Snow has no pity, and the light flashes past.. "Of course. The heavy snow, welcome you all the time!"

The two figures are shaped and suddenly changed.

Qi Ying is already in the snowy sacred dynasty. Over the vast mainland, Nuo Da’s long-range gas is hovering above.

Compared with the last time when the Great Snow Spurs came, the current snowy dynasty is more prosperous, and the people do not know how much more than before.

Also really let Qi Ying, surprised a lot.

"I don't know if you are kneeling, can you send me a mobile warrior and study it?"

When traveling through the snowy city, Qi Ying opened the door.

The armor of the Great Snow Sect is very interesting to Qi Ying. They are similar to 傀儡, but they are very different from 傀儡, and they are very different from the heavy armor. It is a very special existence.

Qi Ying even conceived.

Can you use the skills of refining semi-artifacts and Hongmen Lingbao to create the strongest mobile warrior?

To know.

The power of the mobile warrior, to a certain extent, is determined by the energy provided.

If you replace the mobile fighter's energy source with the source of power?

This makes Qi Ying very interested and has an urgent desire to study.

The snow is not pity, nor is it natural. On the spot, he dispatched personnel to send more than ten different types of mobile warriors to Qi Ying for research. He said: "Mobile Suits have become the main productive force of the Great Snow Saga. A lot of manpower. It is replaced by mobile fighters who are engaged in handling, assembly, casting, etc. They are work-type, agricultural, and combat-type!"

"It is indeed a magical existence!"

Qi Ying feels.

This technique can be applied to the face of God... I don’t know, how terrible it will be!

Of course, it is not just whoever, there is this ability.

We must know that the power of the plane of God and the power of the Pangu world are not at a level at all. At least the current position of the gods, even if they all know the production techniques of the mobile warrior, the power of the whole plane of God may not be Can create a mobile warrior in the face of God.

This requires extremely skilled technology and excellent deductive research and development capabilities.

The gods in the plane of God are all busy with the chaos of chaos. Who has the time to study these things?

Qi Ying received the mobile warrior, naturally he is not happy.

And revisited in the hometown of the Great Snow Saga, and the changes that have occurred in the Great Snow Saga in the past decades have not been surprising. In the Great Snow Sect, most of them have been much more moisturized than those in the main world of Pangu.

call out!

Qi Ying and Xue had no pity, and stood tall above the snowy sacred.

"I can see that my Majesty is a snowy sacred place, and I have poured countless efforts." Qi Ying said slowly, "But I don't know if your Majesty thought about it. In the future, when the whole Pangu world was robbed by the era, Snow Journey Can you survive from it?"

Snow did not listen to Qi Ying’s words, and he laughed.

"What are you laughing at?"

Qi Ying asked inexplicably.

"Haha!" Snow is pitiful or smiling. "Hey, it’s laughing at you, it’s too small!"

Then, the snow changed without pity, and said very seriously. "Qi Ying. You think, why don't you go to be a god, but stay in the snowy dynasty? The descendants of you have long been able to control the sacred. But he did not leave... but the Holy Ghost is the key to defending against the catastrophe!"