MTL - The Deity of War-v9 Chapter 2262 Hope for victory

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This site is the fastest update of the latest chapter of the God of War! After the disappearance of the will of heaven, the void appeared, and it was a saint who disappeared that year!

The first saint son-in-law between heaven and earth, Buddhism Sansheng past Buddha, now Buddha, future Buddha, and Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian Master, and Bodhisattva, etc., all the saints of the heavens are here!

There is also a group of Yaozu Sansheng, behind the Qitian Dashengmeiwangwang, there are burly and unparalleled Pingtian Dashengniu devil, mixed with the Great Saints and the Devil, plus the Great Sea of ​​the Resurrection, the Great Deity, the Great Sanctuary, the Great Ventilation A total of seven demon people!

These saints, the Great Saint, have the power of the Lord.

And the breath is the most popular, but it is a face-like appearance, the same old man who appeared before.

"Pangu? How can you still have entities?"

The Chaos Pangu Giant is staring at the old man.

"I am not Pangu." The old man said, "My name is Hongjun! The first of the saints, the incarnation of the Tao!"

"Dow? Ah hahaha! Pangu, do you turn the last will into a 'dao'?" Chaos Pangu giant laughed. "No wonder the power of these saints disappeared when the destiny destroyed the First Age." It turned out to be hidden by you!"

When the ancients returned to the heavens and the earth, the spirit was turned into the will of heaven, and the heart was turned into the true essence of heaven and earth.

However, the heavens and the earth are really unwilling to be bound, and they have deprived of the fate of the heavens and the earth, the power of air transport, and created the first and second era of the catastrophe, and created the plane of the gods, and cultivated the power to integrate any source. "Shen Min" wants to take all the sources of the world into their own possession and thus detach themselves.

This is the Chaos Pangu Giant at the moment!

And the will of heaven, the conspiracy of the heavens and the earth has been discovered at the time of the first epoch, but the lack of power can only affect the creation of the human race by the son-in-law and become the first saint, thus the birth of more saints in the world. At the time when the destiny destroyed the first epoch, the will of heaven would create another world with the power of saints, making it a sanctuary for saints.

It was the most difficult world to visit, and even the plane of God could not be connected.

There are always exceptions to everything. Fang Tianhua, who had not yet reached the level of the gods, found the world of saints and gained a trace of connection with the will of heaven.

The will of heaven, and the sages who have been sleeping, are awakened.


Heavenly will, incarnation of Hongjun, lead the fairy Buddha demon, and join hands with the gods against Chaos Pangu Giant!

Hongjun snorted. "In these years, you are getting stronger, but the saints are getting stronger! Your survival, the price is the death of others, after all, it is only a husband. You can't be detached!"

"Want to stop my way, you can try it!"

Chaos Pangu Giants continued to wave the open axe!


The open axe fell, Hongjun directly greeted him, and his hand appeared a long sword.

The long sword and the open axe are opposite each other. Hongjun’s body has been withdrawn since the earthquake, and the Chaos Pangu Giant, under this attack, has stepped back for the first time!

"has hope!"

"The head of the saint, Hongjun, he has the power to counter Pangu!"

"We, together with the saints, can't compete with Pangu!"

The gods are very confident.

Qi Ying’s eyes also ignited hope.

It is at this time.

Qi Ying, received a voice.

"This style of mouth, you remember..." Next, it is a string of obscure characters! Qi Ying's exhibition "Lian Shan Yi" has no way to interpret it.

"Who's the voice?"

Qi Ying was amazed, and finally his eyes fell on Hongjun.

In the blink of an eye of Qi Hong, Qi Yingxin suddenly had an ominous premonition.

This voice seems to be from Hongjun.

"Hua, help me interpret this string of characters!"

Qi Ying immediately handed the characters to Qi Hua to interpret. His "Lian Shan Yi" was born in the Pangu world after the collapse of Tiandao. There are certain defects, and "Book of Changes" is perfect and perfect.

Soon there was a response from Qihua. "It's hard to interpret... It takes a while, but it's ok to interpret it! It should be something about ‘天道’!”

"it is good!"

After Qi Ying knew it, he joined the battle!

For a time, hundreds of gods, saints, while besieging the Chaos Pangu Giant.

This is the final battle, they can not retreat, once they are won by Chao Pan Pangu, they are a deadly situation.

The power of the Chaos Pangu Giant is almost unstoppable!


God, the saints join hands, the strength is also very horrible!

The saints are all full of avenues, and the Lord of God has the power of the original.

"Hey, eat a good old grandson!"

The demon sacred "Qi Tian Da Sheng", the most sage, the most eye-catching, a gold rod, turned into a giant pillar, squatting on the chaotic Pangu giant, and even the latter, there was a depression.

"It is the strongest demon sacred, the strength is so strong!"

The Red God of War was shocked. His power originated from the Qitian God of War, and Qitian God of War only got a part of the Qitian Dasheng. He was able to reach the level of God, but in front of Qitian Dasheng, still There is a feeling of mountain elevation.



Emperor Jun, son-in-law, all incarnate into a half-human and half-snake, one person holding the Hongmeng Lingbao "regulation", one person holding Hongmeng Lingbao "moment", two pieces of Hongmeng Lingbao launched together, forming a square in the void Array, shrouded the chaotic Pangu giant.

Chaos Pangu Giant, trapped in a large circle, suffered endless attacks.

"Yu Ji, help me!" Snow has no pity to carry the hand of the country, the golden dragon, flew out from the country, and Yu Ji also played out the power of the road, into the golden dragon.


All the golden dragons, finally merged into a giant dragon, rushed to the square, and fought with the chaotic Pangu giant.

Jianzu, the master of the heavens, each with a sword.

The sword of the sword ancestor, a sword will be smashed into the body of the chaotic Pangu giant, and the four-handed sword carried by the celestial body behind the main body will fly out and become a powerless swordless array, shrouded the chaotic Pangu The giant body.

Taishang Dao, Yuan Shi Tian Zun, Bodhi ancestor, true god, Naga god, fighting god, will be the ancestors of zombies such as the marmots... one god, one saint, all come out.

Hongjun’s body is now integrated with Fang Tianhua.

After the fusion of Fang Tianhua, he sighed.

After all, it is coming too fast!

The sage world has been recovering, but it will take a long time to fully recover! However, after the Pangu plan was launched, the catastrophe began. This time the crisis of the Wan Cang, at the last moment, the will of Tiandao had to share its power with the sleeping saints to wake them up.

If Hongjun has his own body, perhaps facing Chao Chao Pangu, you can win the battle.

However, in desperation, the power of heaven can only be merged with the body of Fang Tianhua, which can be matched with it.

In this way, there should also be hopes of defeating Chao Pan Pangu!