MTL - The Demonic King Chases His Wife: The Rebellious Good-for-Nothing Miss-Chapter 11690 Palace 2

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Princess Yunzhu was talking bad things about Su Luo.

"There was someone from our Su family recently. It looks really annoying. I don't want to stay in the mansion anymore..." Princess Yunzhu complained a lot about this person.

Ning Miaoyan was curious: "Who is this person? The princess who made such annoyance is unhappy? Just send such a person away. Does Su Mansion have to tolerate her?"

Princess Yunzhu looked helpless: "Send her? How could it be so easy? She is looking forward to our house. Even today's banquet, she insists on coming. I can't persuade her. ."

"Hey, you also know that the girl from the remote outlying city wants to integrate into our noble circle, how can I persuade you to live?" Yunzhu Princess looked distressed.

"Then she... is she here?" Ning Miaoyan was very curious, who was the person in the mouth of Princess Yunzhu?

Princess Yunzhu said, "I asked Seventh Sister to take her with a carriage. They are following our carriage. I'm afraid it's already here?

Ning Miaoyan smiled: "Then I would like to meet, what kind of person do I have to join our circle?"

Princess Yunzhu sneered secretly in her heart. She has spread the reputation of Su Muke everywhere at this banquet. As for Su Muke...what she told Master Dou to do, is she afraid that she has already done it?

Su Muxia should have come here for help now, right?

When Princess Yunzhu thought so, Ning Miaoyan met Su Luo in the front hall.


When Ning Miaoyan saw Su Luo at a glance, her first reaction was anger!

But when she thought of what the elders in the family had said in her mind, she took a deep breath... She couldn't be angry with Su Muke, because their Ning family were all rescued by Su Muke.

Of course, Ning Miaoyan didn't want to thank Su Luo, so the next moment she saw Su Luo, she turned around to leave, but Su Luo smiled and called her.

"Ning Miaoyan, long time no see."

Ning Miaoyan turned around, complaining silently in her heart, not wanting to see you, okay!

Su Luo patted Ning Miaoyan's shoulder familiarly, "Why are you turning around? I won't eat you again."

Ning Miaoyan secretly complained in her heart, you won't eat me, but will you poison me? Just thinking that the entire Ning family was almost poisoned to death by this Su Muke, Ning Miaoyan had a chill in her back.

I don't know how the Seventh Prince told the elders in the family. Ning Miaoyan's order was: Shut up, don't make enemies with that girl Su, and help her if necessary to repay the kindness that the family owes her.

Kindness? Almost poisoned Ning's family, and returned her kindness? Ning Miaoyan wanted to complain, but... the most authoritative old man in the family said that, what can she do?

Although very reluctant, at this moment Ning Miaoyan's face squeezed a smile: "Ha ha ha..."

Su Luo glanced at Ning Miaoyan suspiciously, and commented: "You are really ugly smiling."

Ning Miaoyan glared at Su Luo, but she had nothing to do with her.

Su Luo looked at Ning Miaoyan at this moment, and he felt quite fresh. After being an enemy for so long, Ning Miaoyan was abused by her several times, and as a Ning Miaoyan actually gave up her hatred.

Not fun. Su Luo put down Ning Miaoyan, turned his head and walked inside slowly.

Su Muxia who stood by was stunned!