MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 2106 Find a father for the campfire?

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"Yalingo! Why do you not find me if you have action, but you are looking for your Royal Highness?"

Li Yalin returned to the witch world this time and was not ready to leave immediately. After all, the reinforcements he needed were not only a fire in the fire, but also a certain amount of time.

There is no need to do it personally under the Princess's Highness. As long as the will is conveyed to the bottom, it will be immediately represented by the Royal Highness Princess. This is very convenient.

But it is precisely because of this, the fire of the smoldering witch in the fire, will inevitably lead Li Yalin's sister, ah ... is the attention of the Yimei Gongxia.

In this case, Li Yalin was taken for granted by Dohua Gongxia.

"Because the bonfire's troops are better at frontal combat."

In the face of his sister's persuasion, Li Yalin seems to be unable to do anything other than a bitter smile. The contradiction between Xiaoxia and the bonfire is not a day or two. Although the bonfire has never revealed anything, even her Personality, basically ignore Xiaoxia, but the problem is that Xiaoxia is treating the Princess of the Princess as a hostile enemy!

When I was on the battlefield, Xiaoxia was quite competitive. Seeing that most of the workshop witches are admiring the Princess of the Princess, she is going to find another path, recruiting and recruiting among the witches of the tower, and it really makes her come together. A team is coming.

After all, it is the sister of Li Yalin, the master. This name is quite powerful. When Li Yalin strongly gathered the witches in the world, the thunderous and unstoppable momentum left a deep heart in the hearts of the tower witches. shadow.

Xiaoxia’s fox and tiger strategy is really successful.

It is a pity that the ones who can be shocked by Xiao Xia are basically unseen characters who have no potential. If they want to be worthy, those tower witches will never be inferior to the workshop witches, but they can say Fighting power, it can make people feel very sad.

For example, the five fools of the Sakura group.

Kurashiki dandelion, Ujin Muhuan, Shiling Ling, Gui Hu and the four sisters of the field of wilderness, if you dress up well, it is more than enough to make a beautiful girl combination, but they can be said to be the fighting power of the witch. I can't say no, but if I really want to use them to achieve something big, then I can only say that I want to smash my heart.

There are also a few of the stars, love, Mai, and Mitsui, what else can they do besides being treated as a vase?

Well, it’s a bit too much to devalue these witch girls. To say that their current strength can basically compete with the Devil’s strong, and experience the baptism of the war, plus Li Yalin’s hanging in the back. Even if the qualifications are no worse, the strength can be filled in.

What is really worrying is mainly their IQ problem. I don’t know if there were too many villains at the beginning. Now the IQ of these tower witches has also become a villain level, which makes people feel awkward.

Now Xiaoxia came to the door and asked why her team could not come in handy. How can Li Yalin explain?

Although the truth is hurting, this is still true.

"Cut! The troops of His Royal Highness are not all others in management! She is just a mascot on the surface!"

Xiaoxia knows why Li Yalin chooses a fire in the fire? Of course she knows.

I know that it is not known that Xiaoxia can accept it, so she will come to the door.

Now Li Yalin said so straightforwardly, what else can she say besides being unhappy? Who makes her men do not live up to expectations, one is more than a tease, it is no wonder that his own Yalin brother does not send them to the battlefield.

"Well, Xiaoxia, although you can't go up in the frontal battlefield, I still have a task to hand over to you. This time the enemy has a large invasion. I need more assistance, not just a bonfire, you have to Go with me to the battlefield."

Looking at Xiao Xia’s whispering voice, Li Yalin almost laughed and patted Xiao Xia’s head. He didn’t want to fight his sister.

As he said, this assistance mission, Xiaoxia and her team are still to be dispatched, and in a sense, their mission is also very important.

"What? Are you talking about Yalingo?"

Just a sullen look, but now after hearing Li Yalin's words, Xiaoxia's eyes suddenly lit up.

This is the plot of the peak, but she could not have thought of it.

"Can I still lie to you? Go and get your team together, and soon we will set off."


Xiaoxia’s unbelievable expression made Li Yalin smile, and took a shot of Xiaoxia’s head, which made him a stupid sister.

Originally Xiaoxia thought that there was no hope of playing, but now she likes to descend from heaven. How can this not excite her?

Cheers, not waiting for Li Yalin to say anything, Xiaoxia will go straight all the way to run away, she wants to gather her team in the fastest time, and in any case can not lose to the Princess!

"Xiao Xia that child... still grow up."

Xiaoxia was happily preparing for it, but she did not think about it. Her every move failed to escape her mother, the eyes of Xiaohuagong Xiaomachi.

With a slight sigh, the face of Dohuagong Komachi showed some disappointment, and at the same time, the tall woman standing next to the small town of Dohua Palace, could not help but smile.

"In contrast, our home bonfire is much stronger!"

Yes, standing at the side of the Xiaohua Palace in the town, it is the mother of the fire in the fire, it can be regarded as the sound of Li Yalin’s mother-in-law’s fire, compare the performance of Xiaoxia, and then look at the daughter’s heart in Li Yalin’s heart. The status, she will be happy to be considered normal.

"While the bonfire is stronger than Xiaoxia, I can't go anywhere. With the character of bonfire, I think she really has a relationship with Yalin. When will it have to be delayed?"

The sound of the fire is triumphant, but the Dohua Palace Komachi did not let her happy for a long time, because don’t look at the close relationship between Li Yalin and the fire in the fire, but in fact, they really did not happen between the two. What is the relationship between the lines.

Even the last layer has not broken, what is it to be happy about?

"This... With the character of a bonfire, it is too difficult for her to take the initiative. Yalin is not the kind of person who will actively push down the bonfire. The two children are really anxious..."

When I think about the relationship between my daughter and the default son-in-law, the wind sounds in the fire, and it is clear that the next step is happiness. But the two people just don’t break through the relationship. When will this go down?

If the witches of the towers seized the opportunity, then they can still get it?

The sound of the fire is very clear. Since the eternal Zhu Hong appeared as the contractor of Li Yalin, it immediately caused a huge wave between the witches. Especially for people to vomit, the eternal Zhu Hong actually claimed to be Li Yalin's woman! It’s just shameless!

She clearly asked her own son-in-law privately, and got the news that the two did not break through the last layer. What did the woman say?

It is because of this relationship that the witch of the tower thinks that being the 'master's pillow person' like eternal Zhu Hong will be the best way to go to the top, such as Medusa, such as Black Schwartz... even Wei Cohende's kind of witch who seems to be a small character in the fire, has such a wild vision!

Can such a thing be tolerated by the wind?

No! Can't stand it!

Therefore, the sound of the fire has always wanted to let the daughter and son-in-law break through the last layer of relationship. Unfortunately, the daughter does not give force and the son-in-law does not take the initiative. This problem is really difficult to solve.

"There is no hope of the bonfire. I really want to change the status quo. We must start with Yalin."

When I think about it, the sound of the fire is very uncomfortable. Fortunately, there is a good staff member around her. As a small mother of Li Yalin's 'mother', she quickly grasped the real key figures.

Yes, the key to changing this is still in Li Yalin’s body.

"Starting from Yalin's body?"

Dohua Palace Komachi said this, suddenly let the wind and the sound of the fire stunned, she did not know how to think of this friend.

"Actually, I have been thinking, if you... or I have a relationship with Yalin, and this matter is still known by the fire, what will she react to?"

In the face of her close friends, Dohuagong Komachi suddenly smiled mysteriously, and it was because of her smile that the wind and the wind could not help but was shocked.

"What is the relationship with Yalin? Xiaomachi, do you know what you are talking about? I am Yalin's wife's mother... you are his..."

"I am not the mother of Yalin. In fact, we don't have any blood relationship. I actually know that I just don't want to accept this fact. I have always wanted to treat him as a slap."

In the face of the strange eyes of his close friend, Duohuagong Xiaomachi was very dull at this time, gently shook his head.

"So many years have passed, I have long thought of it. I can't come back. He will leave me forever. This is a fact, whether you or I have to admit it."

Looking at the sound of the fire in front of him, Dohuagong Komachi said what he wanted to say, clearly, it should be her sad words, but she is still very calm.

"The bonfire is our common daughter. After so many years, we don't really need to keep the secret anymore. I think it might be possible to find a father for the bonfire, and it will even stimulate her feelings. After all, if not That accident, the bonfire will not lose his feelings."

The more the Dohua Palace Komachi is open, the more frowning the brows of the wind and the wind, and listening to this meaning, this pair of close friends who are close to Lily, what hidden secrets?

Yes, they do hide a huge secret, a secret that has been hidden for many years and is still strictly conservative!