MTL - The Distinguished Cute Master-Chapter 1286 Meng Shi is on, the finale

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Chapter 1286, the teacher is on, the finale

An ancient plane.

In the night Shen Yuanyuan holds a little cute, holding a small Zhengtai in the hand, is in the spring of the willow tree, waiting for the beginning of the Yuan.

Night Xiaotian yawned in his arms, "Hey, mother is not lost, why not come?"

The night is a small choice, and on the other hand, he is secretly calculating. His current level of calculation is very limited, so he can only calculate a rough estimate.

"Not good, the mother is not in this plane, it seems that she is really lost!"

Night Shen Yuan laughed and said nothing, then he rolled a white ball around him.

The hairballs roll all the way to the feet of the night, and then the white belly.

"When is the meal, the baby is hungry..."

Her milk was finished, and another white ball rolled over.

"It’s so hungry... The white tiger is not giving milk, just turned over and almost killed me..."

Then another one rolled again.

"Hungry, I am probably the first white tiger to starve in the world..."

Night Shen Yuan looked at them with a smile, and their white dragon brother came over and put the milk on the side. He said helplessly, "You are not a white tiger bloodline, you are a bloodline? You have only eaten before an hour... ..."

The potted milk has just been put down, and the three are smashed up and shake their tails. "Thank you brother! The older brother is so handsome! My brother will give us a small stove next time!"

Night Xiaotian looked novel, and came down from the night Shen Yuan, and went over to play with them.

Not far away, seven or eight little white tigers smelled the taste of food, and all of them came over. At night, they chose to see a lot of furry troops attacking. They quickly kept their sisters in the past, and there was a mess in the night. It fell cold here.

Li Tian took a cup of tea and suddenly appeared. Then he looked at a group of little scorpions on the grass and sighed. "It is hard to raise a child. Fortunately, I don't have to raise it. I enjoy it every day."

Night Shen Yuan smiled and glanced at him. He still didn't talk. The little boy who painted a doll in one year ran over and gave him a slap in the face.

"Dad! I am your son, don't you don't want me!"

Li Tian’s body trembled. “Roll, I don’t have such a bad son!”

When he said this, the little boy turned into a little girl, and then said with a scream of milk, "I will be your intimate little jacket when I don't be a son~"

Li Tian: "..."

"You tell me honestly, are you secretly downloading strange people?!"

The little girl listened and smiled and squinted into a slit. "Yes, are you very touched? Because I am so worried about you!"


Under a poisonous gas bomb, the little girl escaped very cleverly. The night Shen Yuan raised her hand, and a mask shrouded the little blind door that was playing, and then he looked at the sky with some helplessness.

In the sky, Gu Yan stared at the little girl with a murderous look.

"Do you dare to hide?! I teach you to refine your poison but destroy my poisonous Ding? Do you think you can escape if you escape here?!"

The little girl saw Gu Yan chasing it, and was shocked, and then quickly became the look of Li Tian’s childhood.

"Dad, I haven't escaped, I want to be a mother!"

Li Tian listened to an old blood spit out, "The beast! You just called my father! Also, why did you use my face when you messed up?!"

The super computer smiled and revealed a white tooth. "I am here to help you try your father's heart! If I am still wearing this face and my father is still killing me, then he must not really love you!"

What he thought in his heart was that whenever he confessed his face with Li Tian’s face, Gu Yan had a magical sense of refreshment, and this was a test of Bailing!

Gu Yan met, and it was very comfortable. He looked at the super computer with his arms in his arms. He said, "Let's let you go this time, come over to me, let me talk about how you used to blow up my Ding."

The super computer saw that he had escaped, and he quickly went to the fart, and said in his mouth, "I don’t know how to teach my father, I can only give one more..."

Li Tian sat in the fist and squeaked, and the little beast that was thrown when it was used up!

Night Shen Yuan coughed and smiled at the side. "It seems that you will not be able to leisurely in the future."

Li Tian was not convinced, he snorted, "How come? I only use one to worry about it. Although it is a little bit, it can cause trouble, but at least... at least better than Xiaobailong’s family? Their home is built. One to split one!"

Night Shen Yuan listened deeply to it and couldn’t help but turn his head to one side.

On another grassland on the riverside, White Tiger is competing for food with the strongest white tiger!

"This is mine! As a son, you have to learn to be modest!"

Xiaobaihu is in front of the big white tiger, the milk murderer said, "The food battlefield has no mother and child!"

"Well, this is what you said, then I am not welcome!" White Tiger smiled, defeating a little nephew is not the same as playing? Who knows that she really spit out a fire, actually returned by the fire of Xiaobaihu, the white tiger may wish to roll back in a circle, and finally his face changed back to human form.

The victorious little white tiger smugly swallowed the jade and wonderful spirits on the grass, and raised his chin high in front of her!

"You are deceiving! You hide the strength!" White Tiger dissatisfied, patted his **** and stood up and pointed at the little white tiger. "You didn't have this strength last time!"

It hurt her to hurt him and deliberately controlled the fire within a certain range, and the result was counterattacked.

Xiaobaihu is proud of himself. "Hey, I want to eat at the mother-in-law here. How can I leave a little card? Hey! It’s so delicious!"

"Ah! I am not filial to you!"

The white tiger said, the fists screamed and passed, but when a white shadow flashed, Xiao Bailong looked helpless in front of her, and then stuffed a jade in her hand, whispering.

"Give it to you, and you are the most."

White Tiger is satisfied!

I saw her over the white dragon and rushed behind him to show off her eyebrows. "Hey, see no? How about your fraud? The grain depot is mine!"

Xiaobaihu suddenly felt a heart, and he was stunned. "It’s still a trick! I forgot my mother has a breeder!"

"What? Little tiger scorpion, you say it again!"

"Okay, he is your own..."


Seeing the old man, he quickly took the sword and went over to watch the fun. The axe also quietly followed the past, and the new trio was perfectly formed.

At this time, the river face in front of the night Shen Yuan took a bubble.

He kneeled down on one knee and just reached out and was caught by a hand that suddenly appeared in the water!

"Let me guess, are you a daughter-in-law missing?" The playful female voice came directly from under the water, making the night Shen Yuan cried and laughed, but he cooperated and gently pinched her hand and said, " Know where it is."

"Oh, I know!"

I saw a hand coming out of the water, and then she snapped a finger, and there was a Q-like early statue on each side.

"Look, you lost this golden wife, or this silver wife?"

The night Shen Xiaoyuan chuckled, I saw him bent over his hands and reached into the water, then directly held the body of the Yuan Dynasty and took her out!

"I lost your stupid wife."

Seeing him as always, he was shackled for many years at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, but seeing him staring at himself with a pair of stars and sorrows, he was completely unable to parry and his cheeks were reddish.

"Cough, let me go down, there are still minors around!"

At night, Shen Shenyuan glared at her waist. The water vapor on her body was erased at the beginning of the next second. He bowed his head and kissed her on her little mouth. After the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, she said softly.

"It doesn't matter, they can't see, and they have to get used to it. After all... I still love you for many years and love you more and more."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, there was a feeling of sweet bubbling. Is this guy’s mouth smeared with honey? Do you dare to be sweeter?

However, she did not forget that they came to dinner, everyone has not seen for a long time, or find a place to eat first ~ eat and talk!

So she took the hand of Shen Yuan overnight and said, "I just met the time and space storm when I came, so come late, or eat first, the little guys must be hungry!"

"Good." Night Shen Yuan took her and greeted the children and went to the direction of Bailong.

Looking at a lot of cheering rounds, Yuan Yuan said with emotion, "I am a father when I am a white dragon. I am also the mother of two children... Xiaoyuan Yuan, do you see if I am old?"

Night Shen Yuan chuckled, "No, it was more beautiful at the beginning."

“Really?” At the beginning of the Yuan dynasty, “Is it true that you really intend to reinvent the bones and become a woman to Li Yan or Gu Yan?”

Night Shen Yuandao, "Hey, look at the results of their final discussion."

I really wanted to see it at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, but she turned around and said something else. "Right, the mother-in-law is said to have given birth to your younger brother."

Night Shen Yuan is very helpless, "know, let's go back together."

"And my mother, oh, oh, grandfather, it's time to go see them! What gift do I have to give them?"

"What you bring, they will like it."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he suddenly smiled.

On the grass, in the sun, she stopped to look up at the night Shen Yuan, and asked, "What about you? They all have gifts, what gift do you want?"

A gust of wind blew in time, shaking the hair of the night Shen Yuan, and making the pet in his eyes softer.

I saw him reaching out and pulling her gently to the back of her ear.

"Every day I spend with the master is a gift."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he was satisfied, and his fingers were closely linked to him.

"Me too, accepting you as a disciple is the luckiest decision of my life."


Seeing that the two started again, the night chooses to take the sister to take a step, but the small group is curious and looks at it, and the smiles are mixed.

There, Li Tian waved at them, "Obuchi, can't be tired, I won't run at the beginning, come over and help, your craft is good!"

On the one hand, the white dragon's eye quickly grabbed Gu Yan's hand, but he smiled helplessly. "Gu seniors, this thing is not good for poisoning!"

Gu Yan heard a little embarrassed hand back, "habited."

Everyone who doesn't pay attention to it has already begun to steal it. At the same time, there is a small computer that steals.

At night, Shen Shenyuan and the early Yuan heard a smile and walked toward them.

"I'm coming!"


The setting sun slowly fell, the stars rose, the night wind, the bonfire, the laughter of everyone...

Tonight must be a great night, and tomorrow, it will be even more exciting!