MTL - The Divine Doctor and Stay-at-home Dad-Chapter 7 The little guy is ill

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Lin Momo got out of bed and got some stiff limbs, feeling that everything was restored to the level before the injury. Qin Haodong said that it was good. It was indeed possible to leave the hospital. He told An Biru to go through the discharge procedure.

When they walked out of the hospital door, several luxury cars parked in front of the door. Zhang Dejun immediately greeted Lin Momo with a dozen bodyguards. After that incident yesterday, Lin Zhiyuan strengthened his daughter's protection.

However, only these bodyguards came, and did not see the figure of the little guy, which made Qin Haodong somewhat disappointed. Fortunately, he just left a hand, with the banner to go to the door for treatment, followed Lin Momo to get on the bus, or I really can't see my daughter today.

Linjia Villa, Anbi Ru back to the company to handle affairs, Qin Haodong followed Lin Momo into the door. Just entering the door, I saw a scene of chaos. Lin Zhiyuan was walking outside the door with Tang sugar and flustered. He was followed by a female doctor wearing a white coat and a large mask.

The little guy wilted in Lin Zhiyuan's arms, his spirits were weak, his face was blue, and he did not see the vitality of yesterday.

"Dad, what is going on?" Lin Momo hurried forward and asked.

"Momo, are you really good?" Lin Zhiyuan saw that his daughter was slightly wrong, and then said, "Tang sugar is sick, burning is so bad, I am going to take her to the hospital."

"What happened? Don't have a good body, how can I get sick?"

Lin Momo asked anxiously.

Lin Zhiyuan said: "Maybe it was cold in the hospital last night. After I came back, I started to have a fever. It was not effective for the doctor to use it several times, so I have to go to the hospital."

He said that Gao doctor is the family doctor Gao Yan next to him. The big family like them will be equipped with family doctors. Generally, they don’t have to go to the hospital.

Gao Yan stepped forward and explained Lin Momo further: "Miss Lin, I have just used the best antipyretics and the most advanced antibiotics for Tang Tang, but they have no effect.

Now Tang Tang high fever 39 degrees 5, I suspect that it is infected with a new type of virus, this is not the medical conditions of our family can be treated, or to go to the hospital to conduct blood tests, diagnosed as soon as possible! ”

"What, do you actually use antibiotics for Tang sugar? You don't know if antibiotics harm children?"

Qin Haodong heard the fire here, the little guy is his life root, and he can't be hurt a little.

"Are you questioning my medical skills? I have pre-treatment of Tang Tang in accordance with the most advanced treatment plan in the country." Gao Yan said that Qin Haodong after Lin Momo’s body, coldly asked, "You again Who is it? Do you know medicine? Why do you question me?"

Lin Momo explained: "Gao Jie, this is Dr. Qin Haodong Qin."

Gao Yan has always been cold and proud. Seeing Qin Haodong’s age of 20 or so, he did not look at it. He said disdainfully: "Miss Lin, I know the level of medical skills, but no doctor can question it."

At this time, the original little guy who heard the spirit heard the voice of Qin Haodong, tried to open his eyes, and shouted weakly: "The uncle of the **** doctor saved the life, the Tang sugar is so uncomfortable, may be dead."

Lin Momo is the current president of the Lin Group. Her injuries are highly trade secrets and Gao Yan is not aware of it.

Listening to the little guy called Qin Haodong, the uncle of her doctor, her look is even more disdainful.

"God doctor, it’s so funny, it’s a fool!"

Her voice was not loud, but everyone in the room heard it. Lin Zhiyuan and Lin Momo’s look changed slightly, fearing that Qin Haodong was angry.

Qin Haodong simply couldn’t take care of this self-righteous woman. He took the little guy from Lin Zhiyuan’s arms. “Mr. Lin, don’t give me Tang candy, her illness is to go to the hospital and can’t cure it!”

He has already seen it. The little guy is not infected with any new virus at all, but the child is weak. The hospital’s suffocation is heavy. He was infected with suffocation last night and caused fever. If you don’t hurry, it will be very harmful to the body. .

"Doctor Qin, then I am bothering you!"

Lin Zhiyuan said politely that he now admires the five bodies of Qin Haodong's medical skills.

Gao Yan said loudly: "No, Mr. Lin, the situation of Tang Tang is very dangerous now. I can't stand the toss anymore. I must go to the hospital right away."

"High doctor, Xiao Qin's medical skills are very high, he can certainly cure Tang sugar."

Lin Zhiyuan explained.

At this time, Qin Haodong had placed the Tang candy on the sofa in the hall, and then took out the needle bag from the body.

He is now repaired as not recovering much. If he enters the realm of building a foundation, he can drive away the suffocating suffocation, but now he must use acupuncture.

"What? You turned out to be a Chinese medicine practitioner?" Seeing Qin Haodong touching the needle bag, Gao Yan immediately broke between him and Tang Tang, and said to Lin Zhiyuan and Lin Momo: "Mr. Lin, Miss Lin, Chinese medicine is a deceptive Do not believe in tricks, if you let him toss like this will definitely hurt Tang Tang."

Qin Haodong's face sank, this woman is still not finished, the voice said coldly: "You are not qualified to question Chinese medicine, hurry up to me!"

Lin Momo went up and said: "Sister Gao, you can rest assured that Dr. Qin's medical skills are really good."

"Miss Lin, I hope you respect science, don't be fascinated by emotions. Don't be so sweet, you can't hurt her because of your personal emotional factors."

In her view, Qin Haodong is the little white face that Lin Momo knows. The reason why Lin Momo believes that this person is entirely out of emotional considerations is not how good Qin Haodong's medical skills are.

Lin Momo was also the overbearing president of the company. At this time, he was questioned by a small family doctor. He suddenly sank his face. "Doctor Gao, it is my right to choose who to treat Tang Tang. Please let me go. !"

"No, I am a family doctor. It is my duty to be responsible for the patient. If I am there, I can't let him touch the candy, unless you fire me!"

Gao Yan has been a family doctor for more than three years in the Lin family. On weekdays, Lin’s father and daughter are very respectful to her, which also makes her develop a proud character.

I think that between her and Qin Haodong, Lin Momo will definitely choose her own. After all, she is a medical doctor who returned from studying in m, regardless of her academic qualifications or medical skills.

"That's good, you are fired now!" Lin Momo said quietly.

"What... what?"

Gao Yan realized that she had done something stupid. She rushed to see Lin Zhiyuan, hoping to get a turn from Lin Zhiyuan.

Lin Zhiyuan said in a deep voice: "Doctor Gao, you have been in our family for so long, and give you another chance, either let it go or leave."

Although Gao Yan is a medical doctor who returned from studying in the m country, but the big boss like Lin’s family is still not very good to find, and the choice between the rice bowl and the face is finally chosen. The arrogance of the arrogance is swept away. Silently let it go.

Qin Haodong came to the side of the little guy. Tang sugar looked at the silver needle in his hand and said with some fear: "Uncle God, do you want to give Tang candy a needle?"

"Yeah, just stick a few needles of Tang sugar!"

"Uncle God, do you have a pain?"

"You have said that the uncle is a **** doctor, of course, it does not hurt, only the stupid doctor will hurt the needle!"

"Well, I close my eyes and I won't hurt if I don't look at it."

Tang Tang said that he closed his eyes and asked "How long does it take for a doctor to take a needle?"

"Soon, you sing a song to the uncle, just wait for you to sing it!"

Qin Haodong said that his shot was like electricity, and he put more than a dozen silver needles in his hand from the head to the foot into the acupuncture point of Tang Tang.

His technique of needle-out has reached the realm of perfection. Under the nourishment of Aoki, the little guy feels nothing at all, and starts to sing with his eyes closed.

"Little bunny... open the door..."

There is not much suffocation in Tang Tang, and it is very easy to expel. After two or three minutes, Qin Haodong was expelled.

When he pulled the silver needle out, the little guy’s song was not finished.

"Okay, don't have to sing again, it's already finished."

Qin Haodong gently licked the little guy's fleshy face.

"Really, it doesn't hurt at all!"

Tang Tang excitedly jumped up from the sofa. The blueish face of a few minutes ago has been restored to ruddy, and the whole person has recharged the vitality of the past.

Lin Zhiyuan went to the little guy's forehead and touched it. He cried in surprise. "Don't burn, Tang sugar really doesn't burn!"

Although I know that Qin Haodong's medical skills are magical, but I have cured Tang Tang so quickly, it is still far beyond his expectations. I just know that the little guy is hot and scary in his arms.

"Uncle God, you are really great, I have cured Tang sugar so soon!" The little guy jumped on the sofa excitedly.

"Of course, you said that the uncle is a doctor." Qin Haodong laughed.

"Uncle God doctor, after the Tang sugar is sick, let you see it alone, and I will not let Gao Hao see it again. She has sent several shots to Tang Tang, so it hurts, but Tang Tang is still very uncomfortable!"

Gao Yan was stunned by the side watching. After listening to the words of Tang Tang, she said, "This is impossible. It must be that I have just used the medicine for Tang Tang. Chinese medicine is a deceptive thing. It is impossible. There is such an effect."

Qin Haodong turned his head and glanced at Gao Yan and said, "Have you studied Chinese medicine?"

"I am a doctoral student studying in m, how can I learn the trick of deceiving people!" Gao Yan said disdainfully.

"Do you know Chinese medicine?"

"Why should I understand that?"

Chen Haodong took two steps forward and stared at Gao Yan. "Are you sick? You haven't studied Chinese medicine, you don't know Chinese medicine. You don't even know what Chinese medicine is. Why do you open your mouth and say that Chinese medicine is cheating? Human?"

"This... my professor told me that he said that Chinese medicine is not scientific at all. It is completely feudal superstitious things. It is impossible to cure diseases!"

"You said that Chinese medicine can't cure the disease. How good is Tang sugar?" Qin Haodong said coldly.

At this time, his heart raised a raging anger. Those who did not know what Chinese medicine was. They liked to smash the Chinese medicine practitioners who shut their mouths and shut up. There was no basis for saying that they were justified.

"I have said that Tang Tang is definitely cured by me and has nothing to do with you. Only Western medicine is the right path, and Western medicine is the most scientific."

Qin Haodong sneered and said: "Since Western medicine is so scientific, it can cure diseases. Then why not cure your own bad breath?"