MTL - The Divine Martial Stars-Chapter 612 God in the West

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Li Muyi waved.

[Seven Treasure Tower] flew back to his hands.

Golden light is flourishing.

In an instant, all the blood, broken bones, hair and broken bodies in the entire mountain belly space are all smashed into fly ash, blown by the flames of the flames, and disappeared without a trace.

Like the gloomy cave of Shura's hell, it suddenly becomes warm and bright.


In the center of the cave, a magma fire column is sprayed out and turned into a flame tentacle.

The roaring sound is like the devil madness from hell. It is heard from the fire cave. A huge skull of flames and flames emerges from the fire cave. The creeping magma liquid flows slowly on its face, extremely terrible. When the mouth is breathing, the red flames distort the air.

Just a skull, the underground magic caves became hot and crowded.

"Who is it, disturbing my dreams?"

A female voice full of laziness sounded.

Resounding in the magic cave.

Is this flamey demon sound so feminine?

Everyone is a stay.

When I look closely, I see a huge middle-aged woman standing on the huge head of the fire, wearing a goose-yellow dress, bare legs, red hair and long hair, almost to the heel, slender legs, crystal clear jade, It is like a fairy coming out of myth.

The person who spoke just now is obviously a middle-aged woman of this kind.

It is worth mentioning that the face of this middle-aged woman is obviously an oriental.

Not a Western face.

When Li Mu’s eyes were swept away, he saw the rich starry spirit of this woman.

It can be said that this woman is the most powerful one among the stars and stars he has seen.

To what extent is it strong?

It has reached the level of Xianwang.

In the mortal world of the earth, this is already the ultimate degree.

In exchange for Li Mu before the ascent, I am afraid that I will not be able to take this person.

No wonder [Seven Treasures Tower] can't live this person.

"Thirty-six days, which one are you?"

Li Mudao.

The woman was lazy, and he smiled.

The first second was still with a smile, and the next second was instantly killing.

The three ignition stars are illusory, and they are in the shape of a character. When they are empty, they will come to Li Mu.

In the magic cave, the instant killing is overflowing.

Li Mu flexed a finger.

Killing the enemy.

The three ignition stars fly back and go faster.

The lazy woman changed her face and her body shape jumped.


The head of the evil demon under her feet was instantly shot by the three ignition stars.

The red magma shot in the magic cave.

The lazy red color on the woman's face disappeared instantly, and a pair of Danfeng scorpions stared at Li Mu, and the look was dignified.

"Heavenly Star."

She answered Li Mu’s question and then asked: “Who are you?”

Obviously, in her perspective, Li Mu is now qualified to talk to her.

Sky Star?

Among the thirty-six days, the fourth star,

No wonder, the strength is so strong.

Far more than any previous star magic species.

Li Mu did not answer, and once again urged [Seven Treasures Tower], in front of a star-studded beautiful woman, the forehead directly smashed down.

The heart is hot.


Sky Star is furious.

She has already put a low profile.

But the other party is so proud.

"I want to take you..."

In one sentence, half of the golden tower has been slammed on her head. In a moment, it is black in front of me, and the drips of Venus are splashing and stunned.

By the time she reacted, the man was already in a golden space.

On the wall of the four walls, there are four kings, large and small lamps, with thousands of gods, a kind of avenue, everywhere, pressing her to the ground, and from the four In the eyes of the king, the golden light is shining like a chain, wrapped around her body, and the pain is surging.

"I...what happened?"

After the reaction of the stars, the whole person was paralyzed.

She also has a lot of magical secrets, and many methods have not been used.

The result is suppressed?

This...not too comprehensible.


Struggling wildly.

But the more struggling, the stronger the power of the surrounding pressure, the golden chain seems to be a whip, slamming on her body, each blow is enough to penetrate her body, the pain Heart palpitations.


Li Mu was only a god, and he saw the situation inside the tower.

He didn't show up and ask for anything.

First, I will be held up for a while, and I will be frustrated.

Others, looking at Li Mu’s eyes, are extremely shocked and admired, with a hint of wonder.

Tianxingxing is so strong that it is only a breath, so that they will collapse their fighting will. As a result, Li Mu is like throwing a brick, throwing out a golden pagoda, and ruining such a beautiful woman? This is really a hot hand to destroy flowers, no mercy.

Woman, in front of Li Mu, has no privilege.

Li Mu recalled [Seven Treasure Tower] and landed in the palm of his hand.

"You are waiting here."

Li Mu grabbed the pagoda and rushed directly into the central fire cave, like mud and mud, and plunged into the magma below.

The battle of the bangs soon came.

It will soon end.

Li Muzhong returned to the magic cave, with a satisfactory color on his face.

In addition to the sky, in the underground flame, it is still hidden in the scorpio, especially one of them, the strength is actually a little higher than the sky, and he was randomly tortured by the town into the [Seven Treasure Tower]. He is a heavenly star.

Tianji Star, ranked 36th, ranked third.

For Li Mu, the harvest is huge.

In the end, the group left Bailangfeng.

The yak king carries hundreds of people and the back is still very spacious.

Under the Bailangfeng, Li Mu was still in the middle of the valley.

In addition, about 10,000 Western powerhouses have been regrouped and will be blocked.

"Oriental, don't think about getting out of this land."

"There is the ability to kill us all."

"On behalf of the will of God, I will purify you here today."

"You don't have to be afraid, go together, no matter what, you can't let these orientals leave here alive."

Still a variety of shouts and slogans.

Li Mu stood on the tip of the giant horn of the yak king and overlooked it.

"I count to ten, roll. Otherwise, kill innocent."

He directly used the Yuanshen to convey his will in a spiritual way.

Western powerhouses are even more irritated.

There are still people who are constantly tempted.


Li Mu waved his hand.

Yuan Zhen and Jin Longwang rushed out at the same time.

The wind and the rain, suddenly spilled the earth.

For the West, this day is destined to be a dark day.

Is a shame day


The Temple of Heaven in Europe was smashed, and more than 20,000 Western monks were converted into blood and fly ash under the Alps. For the West, it was definitely a big injury.

In the end, Li Mu and his party, the entire West, were horrified in horror.

If there are monks and forces at the beginning, and take the initiative to intercept the Eastern advance team, then now the entire Western cultivation community - especially the European cultivation world, regardless of the strength of the status, almost all the strong, all the cultivation forces, Crazy to avoid Li Mu.

For Li Mu, it is a bumper harvest.

It has successively suppressed the Tianji Star, the Sky Star, and dozens of other scorpions, so that the number of prisoners in the Qibao Linglong Tower has reached 38, and he can complete his own 'mission'. A big step.

And Li Mu did not bother to leave the West.

He directly investigated the inside and outside, and dug out some of the stars in the West, and they dug them out and suppressed them one by one.

The only pity is that Li Mu did not find the jade that was suspected of being a scorpion.

It stands to reason that Yuxi should be in the Temple of Heaven, such as Tianxingxing and Tianjixing, who are qualified to master this piece of jade.

But now it is not in their hands.

This shows what?

Explain that in the Western world, there is definitely the existence of people far beyond the stars.

As a result, people such as Tianjixing and Tianxianxing have to transfer the jade to him.

Where is this person?

Li Mu sent the people of the advance team together with the prisoners who came out, and sent them back through time and space, while he himself stayed in the Western world.

He wants to continue looking.

Ten days have passed.

A month has passed.

Two months have passed.

Li Mu almost traveled all over the western land, but did not find any clues.

In the end, he turned his eyes to the Vatican.

If the Temple of Heaven is a powerful power jointly established by the great forces of Europe, then the Holy See is a cult of the wealth, resources and air transport that has been inherited for countless years.

To a certain extent, the influence of the Holy See and the loyalty of believers are far greater than the Temple of Heaven, which was destroyed by Li Mu.

A long time ago, the church began to play an important role in Western European history.

Therefore, in the evaluation of Li Mu's heart, the weight of the Vatican is much heavier than the Temple of Heaven.

If the piece of treasure in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor is still in the West, then it can only be the Vatican.

Go all the way and kill all the way.

From the enthusiasm of the Western powers to the evasiveness of the present, no one dares to face Lee Mu.

Because this is absolutely equal to death.

Li Mu killed a fame.

On this day, Li Mu came to the door of St. Peter's Cathedral.

This ancient building, built in the fifteenth century, is located in the Vatican and has great cultural and spiritual significance.

At the same time, it is also the sacred sanctuary of the Holy See.

Old and beautiful.

At the entrance of the church, Li Mu walked toward the interior of the church after observing the art for a quarter of an hour.

In the church, a silver-haired curly hair, a kind-hearted contemporary pope, with three red archbishops and twelve Holy Spirit knights, are waiting for the arrival of Li Mu.

"God is by my side... Li Mu, you finally got into here."

The old pope spoke, speaking Chinese, and the words were round.

After Li Muyi, he laughed.


It is really interesting.

He opened the door and said: "Hand over the jade in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor."