MTL - The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron-Chapter 2985 Hospice

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Sure enough, the crushed blue-hearted shards squirmed and reunited together, and quickly reorganized into a complete blue-hearted cymbal.

Seeing this scene, the cheering crowd was cold as their hearts were poured.

Especially the old ancestors, the face sinks like water.

After countless years of tempering, the blue heart iron has long been an immortal blue heart iron body, even if the body is broken, it can be instantly restored.

It's impossible to kill him!

With a hint of despair, he whispered, "Let me lie down!"

The giant palm stepped on it fiercely, and crushed the blue heart again to crush it, but it had no effect, and the blue heart again immediately healed again.

Then, in the depression of the old ancestors again and again, the blue heart was restored again and again.

Every time, the people present were despairing.

"Step on it! Step on it! Thanks to you, the deity is already immortal!" Lan Xinying laughed: "When you can't step on it, this deity will kill you all!"

The giant pimple operated by the ancestors relies on energy to operate. It is impossible to step on endlessly. After all, there will be a moment of energy exhaustion.

At that time, when there was no arrogant force against the invincible body of Lan Xinyu, the whole Tibetan Tianshan was dying.

The ancestors of Aoki and Nether ancestors were sinking in water, and they provoked a ghostly existence.

Dangerous and immortal, they are full of revenge on them.

"Dingzun, what should I do?" Aoki's ancestors set their sights on Su Yu. Among them, only Su Yu might have a way to counter the blue heart.

But, unexpectedly, Su Yuning whispered: "Notify the evil girl, lead Ding, and all the members of Ding, all quit Tibet Tianshan, the farther you go, the better!"


The two ancestors heard that their hearts were so heavy that even Dingzun could not help it.

No, the undead body with the blue heart, who can help him?

The nether ancestor thought, "Dingzun, why not try to take another shot and attack its deadly key?"

Just now Su Yu almost destroyed the blue heart bead on his arm and killed it?

If you do it again, you will succeed.

However, Su Yu shook her head slightly and stared at the blue heart that was constantly recovering, asking, "Will you fall twice in the same place?"

The nether ancestor understood Su Yu's meaning and sighed in silence: "It's a pity."

Just now, Su Yu played a series of calculations and almost caused a fatal blow to Lan Xinyu. That was the only chance.

The blue heart who learned the lesson will not give Su Yu any chance.

"Now if I take a shot, I will give Lan Xinquan a chance to get out of trouble." Su Yu understood beyond the score.

Lan Xinyu was able to be crushed continuously because he was not given the opportunity to shoot. Whenever he recovered, he was crushed by his ancestor.

If Su Yu, a third-party shot, perhaps Lan Xinyu could use the external force to get rid of the broken situation from time to time. At that time, it would not be easy to step on Lan Xinyu under his feet.

"Do as I tell you, and immediately rule all the creatures in Tibetan Tianshan and retreat. If you don't want to, then follow them!" Su Yu said.

There are still a small number of forces in the Tibetan Tianshan. They have never joined the tripod. They are willing to follow the persuasion, but they are not willing to do so. Su Yu has no time to take care of them.

"Well, what is the respect?" Aoki's ancestors listened to the meaning of the words. It was more convincing that he himself had notified him. Why did they let them go?

Su Yu said: "I stay here, try to get more time for you, go!"

The ancestors of Aoki and Ghost were extremely moving. At the moment of life and death, Su Yu did not abandon them, but instead tried to earn time for them by life.

This is easy to say, but what can we really do? How many people are there?

Most of the leaders regard their power as a tool to protect their own interests, but Su Yu, in fact, uses his own life to protect the interests of his power.

The old ancestor of Aoki was totally hesitant and completely determined.

He was a little hesitant about whether to join Ding completely, only to see the ghostly ancestor cancel his race and integrate into Ding completely.

But now, there is no hesitation.

Such a leader is hard to find in heaven and earth. What can they hesitate about the Aoki Saints?

"We are waiting for the return of Dingzun!" The two ancestors bowed down and went back immediately, telling everyone to retreat.

Su Yu jumped up, jumped to the head of the giant cricket, and said, "Miss ancestor, is there anything else to explain?"

This is the end, the old ancestors of Lu Xin can not escape, but can not kill Lan Xinyu, the ultimate fate can only be the giant Luan after losing power, was killed by Lan Xinyu.

As an old monster with countless years, he should have understood this long ago.

傀儡 The ancestor's voice was hoarse, and his eyes were full of sorrow: "Everything is lost by accident! We are in the abyss, we are looking for ourselves, we are nothing special! Old man, do not blame anyone!"

"Even, I should also thank you for stealing the blue heart and iron heart, which has never succeeded in this treacherous Halloween strongman." Laozu sighed.

"If he gets a blue heart and an iron heart, then I am afraid that he can't even break it. At that time, he will really be invincible and sweep the world, and I will die in the abyss!"

"Fortunately, you stole your heart, he is not a complete blue heart iron golem!"

Su Yu listened silently, he knew that there must be something else going on with his ancestor.

"Heart, take it away, find a suitable tadpole, or a suitable body, and incorporate the heart into it. In that case, it may be able to create a different existence." 傀儡 ancestor's voice became more and more hoarse, even some exhausted.

Manipulating giant puppets is also a huge drain on themselves.

Su Yu listened to the meaning beyond the words, could Lan Xinyu fit into the body of the soul?

This is an artificial heart!

"This is the secret method of fusion of the heart, you remember it clearly." The old ancestor once again passed the method of fusion to Su Yu through the meridian vibration method.

Su Yu silently accepted ~ ~ and said silently: "Is there anything else?"

My old ancestor grinned and said, "I want to ask you to avenge my abyss, but revenge, but that's not realistic."

Lan Xinyu has reached the point of immortality, no one in the world can kill him.

Su Yu, it's even more impossible.

"I have nothing to explain. I just hope that if you can find the rest of my Dai clan, you must pass on the ancestral techniques that we have mastered in the abyss of the abyss." The ancestor's voice revealed infinite sadness.

A Scripture flashing from the body of a giant puppet fell in front of Su Yu. (Updated at 8:30 pm) ()

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