MTL - The Dragon Emperor-Chapter 71 Jade-winged gold plaque

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When the forest war was overwhelmed by the jade-winged golden cymbals, suddenly there was a dangerous atmosphere in the abdomen of the jade-winged golden dragonfly!

Then he did not hesitate to turn into the body, after all, the defensive power of the body is several times the state of the person! The forest war after becoming the body did not feel safe, and the warning signs in the heart were more frequent!

Suddenly, Lin war felt a pressure from the top, and the pressure to shred everything!

The silver light on Lin warfare flashed and wanted to struggle.

However, the body of the jade-winged golden dragon is bigger than the forest war, and it is also a few steps higher than the forest war, so the forest war is crushed and dead, and it is impossible to move!

The jade-winged golden dragonfly is now in a contradictory situation.

He began to think that he was just a human being. After seeing the silver knives, he killed the forest war. Therefore, the killing skills of the Yi people have been brought out - Jin Hao jumps!

However, when Lin was turned into a body, he hesitated. The relationship between the Kirin family and the Jinlu family has always been friendly, and the beasts are very short-sighted.

If the unicorn in front of the scorpion is killed, and the relationship between the Jin dynasty and the Kirin family deteriorates, then he is the biggest sinner of the Jin dynasty. Although he hates the Jin dynasty, he is all himself. Growing up from a young age!

Hesitation is hesitant, but it has already been made out of the golden scorpion, and the unsettled spiritual power of the abdomen has begun to appear.

Going to the unicorn attack under him.

The breath of death began to appear around the two beasts, but the forest war was very strange to see the hesitation in the eyes of the jade wings.

Suddenly, the Yu Guang of the jade-winged golden scorpion smashed into a dark shadow, but it didn’t react to what was going on. The huge body of the jade-winged golden eagle flew to the side! It’s a clock away!

After Zhong Li saw the shape of the forest war, he said nothing, it was printed on the right side of the jade-winged golden dragonfly!

The strength of the five-clawed golden dragon is so great, and the clock is used up from the palm of the hand! When this palm is firmly hit on the body of the jade-winged golden dragonfly, it will immediately blow the fat body of this cockroach!

The spiritual power of the abdomen of the jade-winged golden dragonfly was also released, but the track was clocked.

Off the palm of your hand! I saw that it was a black spiral of spiritual power, full of four or five meters thick!

The strength of four or five meters is less than a foot away from the head of the forest war! I saw that the spiritual power was like a drilling machine. The rumbling rushed to the place, and the underground soil scattered around and covered the forest war.

After a while, the spiritual power was finally completely drilled into the ground, and a black lacquered hole was formed, and it was not at the bottom! The jade-winged golden dragonfly has been wounded by the palm of the clock, and the corner of the mouth has begun to flow out of the black blood, kneeling on the ground, and the headlights of the car are staring at the person who sneaked in front of him.

Is this person not aware of it as a master?

Sneak attack on yourself! Looking at the black lacquered hole, the guy’s technique of punching holes is very good. Looking at the rules of the hole, it’s definitely a good hand to drill the earth.

Use it!

Hey, the heavens are the heavens, and you will encounter a dragonfly. The technique of drilling wells is so good! At this time, the forest war stood up from the ground, shook his big head and smashed the dirt on the fur.

Zhong Li and Lin Zhan were also surprised to see the big hole. If the spiritual power was hit on the forest war, the forest war was likely to be shredded by the spiritual power.

Needless to say, your defense is useless at all, and the reason why the spiritual power is black is because the spiritual power is corrosive! The cultivation of the forest war is lower than the jade-winged golden cymbal, and its own defense is ineffective under the corrosive spiritual attack!

Hey! The jade-winged golden eagle is angry. This unicorn has spared him, but the human being in front of him, he actually attacked me, I want to kill him!

The jade-winged golden cymbals are also nonsense. A pair of powerful retreats leaps and flies toward the rear. At the same time, they also open their mouths, and a slender and slender object is directed away from the clock!

When the bell was called in the jade-winged golden scorpion, it was already infused with the attention of the jade-winged golden dragonfly! At the same time, I also thought that this jade-winged golden scorpion is quite ridiculous, and he screamed and gave an alarm before attacking others.

Well, like the police on the earth, when the people are arrested, the bell is ringing! Suddenly, the clock clearly saw what the thin and long thing that was shot at him was. It was the tongue of the jade-winged golden dragonfly!

The red tongue is split on both sides, and there is a slimy mouth on the top! Zhong Li’s body was so excited that it was disgusting, and he didn’t want to be glued by this thing!

Although the clock is not clean, but, you are willing to

Come to marry you?

Fuck! I can't stand it! Oh shit!

"Taiji God-by-God Dafa" made it out that the figure of Zhong Li began to change into a flowing, fast, flying toward the jade-winged golden dragonfly, and by the way, escaped the tongue that made Zhong Li feel disgusting.

The jade-winged golden dragonfly is a bit surprised. Although his tongue attack is ordinary, it is very fast when shooting, and it is rare to be able to hide it when it is lower than himself!

Put away the heart of surprise, the tongue rolled to the left, want to bundle the bell into a scorpion!

The clock is bent into a bow from the right leg, and the left leg moves with the right leg. The whole body is easily escaped at a strange angle!

The jade-winged golden dragonfly is not so discouraged, the tongue is raised like a long whip, and once again it is turned away, this time the speed is doubled!

When the clock was clear, he raised his right hand without hesitation, and made a semicircle on his chest. Then his palm pushed to the front of the void, and then the recoil of the palm, the body of the clock retreated three feet and three points backwards. Not much more, just to avoid the scope of the jade-winged golden tongue attack!

The jade winged gold angered, and the tongue desperately went to the clock, sometimes like a long whip, sometimes like a brocade, sometimes like a bow and arrow.

However, every blow was ridiculed by the bell to the understatement. The jade-winged golden cockroach was so anxious that he looked at the corner of his mouth with a hint of rogue smile. He had never seen such a graceful body before he was so big!

Damn, tired of Laozi, this is more tired than the four or five mothers! The jade-winged golden dragonfly is cursing in the sly, and there is no way for him to take the body of the clock, but the repair of his early stage is not covered!

With a bang, the jade-winged golden eagle took back his long tongue, and then the forelimbs picked up!

Then I saw the complex spiritual fluctuations around the jade-winged golden cymbals, and the heart of the clock felt a little bad!

Lin war has already flown from the ground, he has not suffered any great damage, just a little force off, at this time is staring coldly at the jade winged gold. Looking at the fighting between these two super-beasts is very good for you.

Sure enough, the heart of Zhong Li’s heart just flashed a little, and the figure of the jade-winged golden dragonfly began to blur. The space within a thousand feet seems to be locked, making the clock feel a little hindered by the action!

The strength of the king is really strong, and you can use the air machine to lock the space of the small piece! Locking the space represents the space in this small piece,

Increase your own strength by at least 30%, and your own attack can hit the enemy as much as possible!

In the scene, there are seven identical jade-winged golden dragons!

Split surgery? Is this actually a secret technique? Zhong Li and Lin Zhan looked at the seven jade-winged golden dragons in front of them!

No, not a split! After carefully watching the clock, I found out that this is not a split, but the superb speed of the jade-winged golden dragonfly! In other words, there are six in the field that are the afterimage of the jade-winged golden dragonfly!

The clock is left to make a residual image, and it is estimated that his "Tai Chi God-to-God Dafa" can also be done, but there is absolutely no such residual image, and the time of the residual image is not so long.

Maybe it can only be done when your own cultivation has reached the end of the mysterious level or when the Taiji God-to-God Dafa reaches the second level!

The position of the jade-winged golden dragonfly and the six afterimages are regular, just in accordance with the position of the Big Dipper!

I saw the jade-winged golden dragonfly and the six afterimages began to produce wonderful connections!