MTL - The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir-Chapter 182 Unexpected encounter

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Jiman has been stiff all over the place. She is in a place where she can't, but she has escaped her life. It is a woman who has just surfaced, and she has seen many familiar faces.

Who can tell her why the Kangyuan County Lord is here? And a group of aunts, this is a collective spring tour? The owner of Kangyuan County knew her, or someone who sent her out of Jingzhou by hand. If it is met again, it will not be easy.

"Tell you, why don't you move?" Aunt stood on the shore and continued to shout at her.

Zyman turned his head and looked at it, barely smiled: "I accidentally followed the water."

Fortunately, the group of Kangyuan County owners have gone far, and the rest are a few squats, Ji Xian sighed, turned and hugged his chest and looked at them: "Can you bother the girl to borrow a set? Clothes? My clothes have just been washed away by the water."

I frowned and looked at her with a double-headed bun. "I don't have much clothes. You are going out and going far. The front is the temporary accommodation of the generals of the town and the county. Don't crash."

A few of them were curious to see it. There was a green dress that couldn’t bear it. “I have a set of clothes to change, I will lend it to you first. If you don’t have clothes, how can you go ashore?”

"Oh, thank you." Jiman nodded to her nod, and the little voice next to him said: "What do you care about, the first few masters still have to wait."

"There is always no one to keep in the water." The little **** turned and ran away in the distance. After a while, the people around him left, but she came back with her clothes and put it on the shore: "borrow You, I am just making new clothes."

Jiman was grateful. He took off his boots and put on the clothes. He took out the broken silver and gave it to the green gimmick: "These are for you, count it."

Green clothes looked at her boots in surprise and pushed the silver ball: "I don't have a lot of shoes, you shoes... how are men wearing..."

"Ah." Jiman stayed, and his mind turned a corner: "I am leaving home, naturally it is more convenient to dress up as a menswear. You can accept these silvers. [Marshmallow novel network]"

"Since you are leaving home, you will keep it yourself. I am not missing." The kindness is very good, and the silver is turned and turned away.

Jiman put on his clothes and thought about it or poured the water in his boots and put it aside for a while and barely put it on. This skirt is long enough and no one will see her shoes. Now she still has to find a way to find a car back to the capital, the human skin mask just swims and disappears, she is now as dangerous as a chameleon without protective color.

Feel free to take a look at the hair, Jiman walked out of the jungle next to the pool, and sure enough to see a camp. Ning Mingjie and Kangyuan County are also very interested, five carriages, a group of Majesty people, actually stayed in this mountain, it is really interesting.

But when she went to the high hills on one side and looked around, Zeman knew that they didn't want to be interested at all, but at the sight of the nearby people, there was no one in the village, not to mention the inn.

How should she go back? Jiman is stupid.

"That, come over and help get things." Someone shouted not far behind, and Jiman didn't respond.

"Hmmm?" Changshan held the hare Shanzhen in his hand and walked over to look at the dazed screaming: "Don't you hear it? These take it back and let the cook clean up and bake it..."

Jiman turned his head and looked at him, and then both of them were shocked.

"You!" Changshan stepped back two steps and subconsciously went to see his own master who was not far behind.

It turned out to be Nie Sang! Or, Jiman.

When Jiman saw that this person wanted to run, Changshan had a very quick response. The hare that had lost his hand grabbed her wrist and shouted: "The Lord!"

This person described the wolf, but the face was wrong. From Jingzhou, the master went back to a few serious illnesses. The study was full of beautiful faces without faces, but the style of the body was like this. people. He has been with the master for so many years, what the master thinks, he will not know. [cotton candy novel network]

Ning Mingjie heard the sound turned around and saw that Changshan was holding a woman who was struggling. Under the moonlight, it was quite scary.

"What are you doing?" Walking with a bow and arrow, and looking at the woman's face in the hands of Changshan, Ning Mingjie's face changed.


"I have mistaken people." Jiman gave up his struggle and couldn't help himself: "I am just passing by."

Changshan’s hand was not loose at all, but Ning Mingjie seemed to be a little embarrassed. She looked at her for a long time, only to reach out and want to touch her face.

"The generals are self-respecting." Jiman frowned.

Ning Mingjie suddenly smiled, his fingers stopped in the air, and slowly recovered: "It is really you."

The person who sees in the dream will smile gently toward him. Only real people will look at him with such a conflicting look.

"Jingzhou, don't see you for a long time... How can you be here?"

Jiman licked his lips: "Being ruined, brought out from the capital."

Ning Mingjie frowned and felt wrong: "How come you will return to the capital?!"

Her face, can you see that you still have a way to live? When she said that she and Nie Qingyun fell off the cliff, Mo Yuhou also deliberately went to Foshan to give Nie Sang a spiritual position, and the new emperor did not pursue it. If she is alive now, is it not a crime of bullying?

Jiman gestured to Changshan to let go: "This is a long story. I don't usually have this face. It's an accident now... I wonder if the general can see it in a meeting and send me back to Beijing?"

"Nature is OK." Ning Mingjie opened his mouth and had a lot of words to say, but when he saw the meaning of the conflict in her eyes, he swallowed back and took out a handkerchief: "You first blocked your face, I personally sent it. You go back."

Light blue handkerchief, the snowy mountain above is still there. Ji Mandun paused, but he did not say that he had picked it up. The expansion was not big enough, and he could only press it.

"Changshan, take my Malay."

Changshan glimpsed: "Do the master have to send her to the night?"

"Can't let the county owner see it." Ning Mingjie whispered: "Otherwise her life can't be completely saved."

Changshan went away, and the remaining two stood facing each other.

Since the last time Jingzhou Ning Mingjie asked her to follow him, Jiman had some resistance to him. Although she is very supportive of the two men, the family, the wife, the wife, the abandoning the woman, and the new life, but she has nothing to do with him. Interest, originally felt a little, and gradually dissipated. Ning Mingjie is a good person, but too much love, it will be difficult to become a major event.

This time, you should owe your personal feelings. If you go back and send a gift, you will forget it.

Changshan went back to lead the horse. Naturally, he was alarmed by the owner of Kangyuan County. Unfortunately, Changshan refused to say anything. He took the horse and left. Kangyuan County’s mainstay could only see Ning Mingjie with a sly person. The horse.

"Who is that?" Kang Yuanjun’s main face sank.

Next to it, I screamed: "Isn't that the one who just borrowed clothes from the green?"

Ning Mingjie surrounded Jiman on his chest, and she blocked her body. No one could see her face. When I didn't have time to say hello to Kang Yuan, I flew away with Jiman on the road.

Jiman shrank his head and endured all the pain of being smashed by the horse.

"When you come to Beijing, do you want to find Yan Xuan?" Ning Mingjie asked.

Jiman did not hear. The wind is too loud, I really can't hear anything.

"I thought you would blame him. After all, it was the city gate that he opened." Ning Mingjie smiled and said: "It seems that I am worried too much. I have no choice but to open it. Others will open. He opened, but he could still protect the Ning family."

Jiman stunned.

"I have never had a chance to tell you that in Jingzhou, you are always hiding from me. If you can’t say a word, you will disappear." Ning Mingjie smiled bitterly: "Is it also complaining that I have supervised Nie’s people?"

"At the time, you were not in Beijing. Maybe you don't know. Many things are forbidden. You have tried your best to protect you."

The sound of the horseshoes, the wind whistling, Jiman sneered, she did not hear anything, she only knew that Nie Xiangyuan died, only know that Nie Qingyun was forced to change his name to bear the name of the humiliation, only know that the Nie family are gone, what the rest She had no choice but to have something to worry about.

The sound of the horseshoe in the ear suddenly became messy. It seemed that some people came forward and ran very fast.

"Call----" met on the trail and the people on both sides stopped.

"Ming Jie?" Ning Yuxuan gasped and frowned at him: "How come you alone?"

Hearing the voice of Mo Yuhou, Ji Man sighed and raised his head and waved his paw at him: "I am..."

Without saying it, the head was pressed by Ning Mingjie in his arms. He looked at Ning Yuxuan with a serious look: "I sent her back to Beijing. Are you coming out to find her?"

Ning Yuxuan’s eyes sank and he was next to him. He reached out and sent Jiman to himself: “There was something in the house, I came to find her.”

Jiman was shocked by the difficult juggling of this air-changing horse. He leaned in Ning Yuxuan's arms, but he was slightly relieved and boring his head and did not intend to say anything. Can see Ning Yuxuan, then she can naturally go back all round, running around for a whole day, it is really weird.

"How could I meet you?" Mo Yuhou asked faintly.

Ning Mingjie shook his head: "I just saw her when I went to play wild game. Xuan Xuan, I am nosy, she is not suitable for walking in Beijing, you..."

"Do not bother." Ning Yuxuan transferred to Ma Tau Road: "I think the Kangyuan County is still behind, my cousin still manages himself."

Ghost white behind him also changed direction.

Ning Mingjie looked at the two horses gradually drifting away, frowning, or Zema followed.

There is no smoke in the vicinity, and there is only a dilapidated city temple outside the five miles. Ning Yixuan went with Jiman, and just landed, he saw the people behind him catch up.


Just broke the net... Let's make an appointment, respect each other, have a civilized opinion, and don't refute the book, are they good for Anke?

Next, at 5 o'clock, I skipped classes.

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