MTL - The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir-Chapter 199 One mountain is taller than a mountain

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A lot of people were a little surprised, this strange Yu Hou with a grain owner to come to the party will be considered, after all, the boss also got the master praise, poetry is also good. But this is all down the mountain, good restaurants do not go to eat, even go to the food line to eat?

What does the food line eat? Eat rice?

Jiman also felt that there was some accident. This group of people is not a royal family or a court minister.

In the midst of silence, Qian Yingchen said: "Also, I heard that Ji's food is selling Gongmi, and we have to taste what it is."

Many officials also buy Ji's rice. Where can't Gongmi eat? Everyone knows that Qian Yingchen is helping to speak, but Mo Yuhou has opened his mouth, and everyone has no reason to refuse.

So three carriages, a group of people went to Ji's food.

In the two days of Jiman’s mountain, there was something wrong with the food. Digging out money from the hands of a lot of old fritters will naturally have sequelae. Liu Ji and Rong Ji are now and Ji’s torn face, the price of food fell to one or two silver, and they slammed the paper on the official government, saying that Ji’s maliciously lowered the price of food, causing the food price in Beijing to be unstable. The food bank lost money and lost.

Originally, the law of this era was not as wide as it was, but Liu Ji and Rong Ji were born in this blood, sold a few properties, and found a copy of the book of the Ministry of the House and the Ministry of the Ministry of Justice. Let Ji's downfall, so that they can make up for their shortfalls.

So the government accepted the paper, and when Jiman was absent, he would take it back to Tuen Mun for interrogation, leaving the arrester to return to Jiman back in Ji’s food.

Although Liu’s treasurer is very distressed to send out the ceremony, but the reluctant child can not set the wolf, Ji’s family has a supporter, and he can only go to the insatiable Husband. Although the flowers are very painful for him, as long as Ji's falls, everything is worth it!

I have already inquired about it. Zhu Shilang is busy with other things. He heard that Shangshu has told him that there is no need to protect Ji Ji. Ji's this time is dead in any case.

Jiman sneezed on the carriage and exchanged it for Ning Yuxuan: "I said that it makes you sleep on the bed, not so embarrassing."

"In the next He De He can sleep with Hou Ye." Sucking his nose, Jiman looked at several other grandfathers in the carriage, and his heart was guilty. Where does she have to go to order a dish to greet this group of people?

In advance, I found someone to go back to the grain line to order, so that I would not go out to the Yanyan Tower to order takeaway. These adults who did not expect to eat vegetarian food for several days can still be interested in her light home cooking, naturally what is more meat.

The passers-by who took the money reward went to the food bank to inform, but they were stopped by the catching catch. I heard that the season boss was coming back. Liu’s treasurer and Rong’s treasurer left the dinner that was being eaten and quickly rushed to the Ji’s food line to watch the fun.

I remembered that the seasons were so calm and they had rolled out their hard-earned money for several years. Both of the shopkeepers hated their teeth and couldn’t wait to see Zeman being taken into the dungeon.

The keeper’s catch was also greeted, and when he saw the season full, he directly caught it.

The three carriages slowly arrived at the Ji's food line. Ji Man just got off the bus and didn't react to what happened. He was arrested by several catchers.

"What?" Quarterman frowned.

"Hello, is the season boss of Ji's food line?" asked quickly.

"It's him! It's him!" A few of the busy shopkeepers called up and called: "He is the season!"

The hurry nodded and was preparing to take the person away, but there were several people down the car. The first person who came down looked at the posture, and kicked the hands of Jiman with one foot without saying anything.

The catch was fast and unprepared. He was kicked aside and immediately pulled out the knife at the waist: "Bold, is there anyone dare to resist?"

The person in the car came down with a plain robes, but his face was very nice, quite a bit of a scorpion, and it looked very gentle. No one felt that the kick was just kicked.

Can't help but look around and catch it, will it be played by other people?

Ning Yuxuan reached out and pulled Zyman over. He swept the catch and glanced: "Which trick are you?"

"Before the death of Jing Zhaoyin, I came to catch the season of the owner of Ji's grain." Hunting quickly looked at Ning Yuxuan's eyes. He didn't know this person. He only felt that he was very ordinary and he was probably a bureaucrat.

"Well, why do you want to catch it?" Ning Yuxuan said while letting the driver pull the curtain, and the next few curious people also got off. If you haven't eaten yet, you have to catch people?

Suddenly there was a large group of men and women in front of them, and they all dressed very well. The catching was a little flustered. Step back and say: "This is the command of the top, and it is not clear at the bottom."

"Top?" Xiao Tianqi raised his eyebrows and looked at Ning Yuxuan: "Which is it?"

Next to Liu, the treasurer and the singer’s cabinet are not right. This time, where did the season meet and know what the official is not? However, if you look at this group, there are not many people who know each other. There is probably not much official position. After all, they have seen even Shangshu.

After thinking about it, Rongji’s treasurer ran to the door to help the rescue.

Hunting and watching Xiao Tianyi can't answer, can only be said to be Jing Zhaoyin.

"You told him to come, we are waiting inside." Xiao Tianxiao said with a smile, and walked with everyone: "The dinner is not used, the five internal organs are really empty, everyone will go ahead."

Jiman frowned and looked at the Liu shopkeeper in the crowd. He really didn't have a good thing when he saw him. She lost a living path to them. I didn't monopolize the tenant's contract once, and she was wearing it behind her. What little shoes?

Sure enough, she is the kind of knife and mouth, and often feels that she is quite awkward to others, and the result is always left alive. Is it a matter of giving her a living path to her?

Ning Yixuan really did not give her a wake up.

Going into the grain line, I found the wing on the second floor and sat down for this group of people, then told the buddy to buy snacks and order food. A group of people who are still very hungry are now curious about this season.

“The season boss is a black merchant?” asked Sun Changyang.

Ji Man blackened his face and shook his head: "The next is to do the business." Just use a little means to make more money.

"Why would you catch it and catch you?" Sun Changyang said: "Or who girl you sold?"

Does her face look like a trafficker? Jiman was crying and laughing, but Zhu Yurun next to him whispered: "Mr. Ji is a good person."

This sentence is not unexpectedly exchanged for a cold voice.

Zhu Yurun’s flat mouth does not speak.

The dishes haven't come yet, and a group of grain shopkeepers are surrounded by Jingzhao Yin. Jing Zhao Yin is also helpless. If it is not Shangshu’s instructions, he will not be doing things during this dinner.

"Where are the people?" Jing Zhao Yin said: "I still don't let the catch catch people. If you commit a crime, you have to catch it. Who can protect it!"

The food buddy trembled and led the old man upstairs. Several shopkeepers looked around in Ji's food line and touched the white rice and smiled slyly.

The result was not a while, Jing Zhao Yin face no one down, and did not say a word, go on the sedan.

"Adult?" Several shopkeepers were stupid. I don't understand what happened. I quickly went to chase the sedan chair. As a result, I saw a fat hand in the sedan window. Jing Zhaoyin said: "You go to someone else. This is not the case. This season is full!"

Can you tell me? Why can't you tell? A few food shopkeepers don't understand, but they can't just let it go, they cost a lot of money!

Can you scare Jing Zhaoyin, is it really a big official? Liu treasurer thought about it, but how big is it? Can you be too big for the Shangshu adults from the second product?

A few people squinted and went to visit the Lishu City, the Shangshu Shangshu. The Li Daren was short-handed and naturally helped to do things. Jing Zhao Yin is actually scared to strike? Who will be in Ji's food?

With a little curiosity, Li Yucheng took the sedan chair and went to Ji's food.

In this gap, Jiman has already greeted everyone who used the food and drink snacks of the falling geese. Everyone said that she was careful and knew that this group of people used to eat the dishes of the falling geese.

After dinner, I was idle, and some people said that the family department had arrived.

"This small food bank, the face is really big enough." Luo Yan smiled and smiled: "There are so many people here, and they have eaten Mr. Ji's dishes, but will not let Mr. Ji suffer aggrieved. ”

Jiman arched his hands and there was a layer of cold sweat behind him. I am really grateful to Ning Yuxuan’s efforts to eat at the Ji’s food line, otherwise she may not be able to be sent to the Dungeon today. When people come to the rescue, they will have to lose a few layers of skin.

When Li Lancheng came in this food line, he did not see anyone coming to meet him. At the moment, there was some dissatisfaction in his heart. Once he heard that everyone was in the wing, he was even more unhappy.

Liu Zhangjiang and Rongzhang looked at the expression of Shangshu adults, and they were happy to open their flowers. They quickly led to go upstairs and followed them to see.

Fortunately, the second floor is big enough. It is a high-level hall that Jiman usually uses to give a lot of people a meeting. It is not difficult to accommodate so many people.

Only when Li Yucheng entered the door, the atmosphere in the room changed a bit. The people who just said to laugh, they all stopped to look at the door.

Li Yucheng did not expect that these people would come in to see them, and his face would be white.

Liu’s treasurer and Rong’s treasurer stood behind and saw Shangshu’s reaction. He also helped Liwei’s shouting: “You have seen Shangshu adults, still not ritual?”

Jiman jumped in his heart, and Shangshu moved out? Liu Ji and Rong Ji are not doing the cost of killing Ji's?

"In the next season, I have seen Shangshu adults." Jiman first took the ceremony, and Sun Changyang on the other side followed the ceremony: "Li Daren."

Li Daren did not have the same authority as several of the treasurers thought, but he paused and went to Xiao Tianyi and Ning Yuxuan to hold the fist: "I can't think of meeting the prime minister and Hou Ye here."

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