MTL - The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir-Chapter 246 Love

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"General, the medicine is good." Someone kindly reminded me next to him.

Ning Mingjie was a little embarrassed, and quickly took the jar of medicine down the fire, and poured a bowl into the medicine bowl.

The people around him looked at him quietly, seeing that he was uncomfortable and couldn't help but look up and anger: "Do not have to practice patrol?"

The soldiers were shocked and retired. They just wanted to leave, but they all saw suspicious blush on their faces.

Ning Mingjie, who is squinting, is very scary, but with a blush, the whole person looks like how angry and angry.

The soldiers then smirked and went back to the side.

Ning Mingjie took the medicine and went in to give it to her heart. The heart was holding her stomach and it was uncomfortable. As a result, he couldn’t help but smile.

"Let me laugh again, let people send you back to Beijing to raise a baby!" Ning Mingjie blushes to scare her.

He did not smile, and shook his head.

There was a joke in the army, saying that the general was also the person who got the kitchen on the battlefield, the favor of the lady, and the others.

In order to correct the military style, Ning Mingjie also specially gathered the training words. The general meaning is summarized: Are you idle? Is it too little to practice so that you have time to take care of my family? Which eye is watching my pet wife? I have no pets! I am busy with a single fight! If you don’t win this game, you should go home and eat it.

After angering the statement, Ning General turned and went to give the medicine. Some soldiers want to help, he shook his head: "Men's family is always not careful enough, or I come in person."

The soldier looked at him with horror, looked up and down Ning Mingjie for a long time, turned and left. After a while, the army began to guess whether the general was a man or a woman.

I feel that the present day is very happy. She is not as delicate as the average daughter's family. The children in her stomach are also eager to compete. After a while, she will ride again and the fetus will be stable.

She can accompany Ning Mingjie to play drums for him, her drums are always the loudest and most powerful. She can also rest quietly in his arms after the war, and accompany him to think about the future when the child is a man or a woman.

At this time, Ning Mingjie belongs to her alone.

"If it is a man, it is called Ning Ai, if it is a woman, it is Ning Aixin!" He took a thigh and felt that he had been with Ning Mingjie for a long time. It was really more and more talented.

Ning Mingjie's mouth was pumped and gently picked up her hand: "The name is a generation, and it cannot be the same as your mother."

"Don't you think this is very good?" The heart was wide open and it was unbelievable: "It's all you love me, how good."

Ning Mingjie a trip.


In his life, fame and fortune have everything, but a single word of love, but feels extravagant <=\"con_r\">.

The rebel army uprising surrounded the new city on four sides, Ning Mingjie led the elite soldiers to intercept the side, but the helpless army was trapped in the mountains. Outside the military camp broke contact, the inside was chased by the anti-thief, hiding in the mountains. If there is no reinforcement before dawn, it will inevitably be found hiding in the ground, and even if it is a bad war, it should not escape.

Ning Mingjie is worried, but knowing that he did not have his orders, he even led the reinforcements to come to the rescue. On the mountain, a fierce battle, when the rising sun rises, he stood on the mountainside, looking at the distance, she was holding a three-ring machete, laughing with eyes: "French!"

In the armor armor, she is beautiful and wears colorful clothes.

Ning Mingjie was slightly embarrassed. When she came to the front with him, he came back and asked: "Why do you know that I am trapped?"

He shrugged his shoulders: "I don't know, but you haven't gone home since dark. I came out to find you. They said that I was out of this safety. For the sake of the children in the stomach, I brought two teams. ""

Therefore, only the husband did not go home to find his wife late, and then he took the enemy back to him and saved him from the predicament? Ning Mingjie was dumbfounded.

"What's wrong?" He looked at him curiously.

"Nothing, let's go home." Ning Mingjie took her horse in front of everyone, and hugged her in her arms.

Holding his heart red, he was happily holding his waist, completely ignoring the eyes of the people around him, and buried his head in his arms.

The two sides have truce and the rebels have retreated to the countryside. In the spring of the second year, I gave birth to a lovely little niece. Ning Mingjie felt so happy at the first time, set up wine in the army, drunk with a group of soldiers, and returned to the camp but saw the heart crying so sad.

"What's wrong?" Ning Mingjie asked in surprise.

"Do you not like boys in the Great Songs?" He was saddened by the heart: "I didn't give you a boy."

Ning Mingjie was crying and laughing, and picked up the child to comfort her: "I like my daughter."

"Cheat." Do not believe.

"Really." Ning Mingjie concentrated on the wisdom, said: "This is the tradition of my family, the heavy female is not heavy, do not believe you look at the jade Houfu, is the small county owner more favored than the boy?"

Holding a heart, remembered to go to Houfu several times, Ji's daughter was stunned by the baby, and even believed.

This should really be the tradition of Ningjia.

Holding the heart and not crying, holding her daughter and whispering: "That named her love."

Ning Mingjie wrinkled his face, this name is also too real...

The mouth is flat, the child in the arms is crying, and the heart is crying. Ning Mingjie instantly felt that one of the first two was big, and quickly nodded: "Well, it is called love."

This is the satisfaction of the heart.

After the month, she can accompany him to the battlefield. As long as she is behind her, Ning Mingjie can safely look forward, and no one will hurt him behind his back.

The martial arts of the heart is also better every day, mostly the <=\"con_r\"> honed on the battlefield. Finally, one day, when Ning Mingjie was distracted, he won the game with his heart.

"I won!" He held his eyes wide open and cheered and lost a big knife. The whole person hung on Ning Mingjie.

Ning Mingjie laughed, but she felt that she was so generous and unconstrained. It was also very cute.

On the battlefield, they died together, and they saved each other several times. Their lives have long been connected. When I returned to the capital, I took my heart and embraced it. When I stepped back to the house, I felt a little more confident than the original.

She no longer needs to learn embroidery and cook, still holding her three-ring machete, watching Luo Wei and others fight in front of her.


"This is my daughter." The moon smiled and pointed at the little daughter in her arms: "Calling love."

Luo Yan frowned: "How can the name be chaotic? Since it is the daughter of the general and the prostitute, it is natural to follow the word..."

"It's called love." Ning Mingjie came in from behind, and when he saw him, he didn't care about anything. When he put down the knife, he went up and hugged his arm. Little love also stumbled to catch up with Ning Mingjie's thigh.

Ning Mingjie coughed a little, and she stood down in a down-to-earth manner, and she was in a formal style: "Since the general is back, let's have dinner."

Luo Wei is about to talk, Ning Mingjie has nodded: "It’s used in the hall, all the way, waiting for you to rest."

"Yeah." He smiled and nodded.

Luo Wei and Xiang Yu face are not good-looking. I haven’t seen it for three years. My wife is alone with the general for three years. How is this good?

"There is a lot of money, and the accumulation of the bones. How to manage her for three years, there are many more than three years in the latter half of her life, and there is no reason to fight her?" Xiang Yu bite his teeth.

Warm jade quietly looked at Ning Mingjie in the garden.

He was as usual, just sitting faintly. Not far from the heart, I saw the fruit of the tree, as if I wanted to climb up and pick two. Ning Mingjie clearly did not look at her, but stood up and walked over, whispered a few words with the heart, helped her fly the trunk, and picked two fruits that could not be eaten at all.

The heart sneered, Ning Mingjie also raised his lips, and then continued to sit back and go.

"It seems to be different from before." Warm jade whispered.

"What are you talking about?" Xiang Yu did not hear clearly.

Warm jade lips, but only shook his head.

Sometimes, a man's heart can be divided into many pieces. At that time, it is still possible to fight for it, because it can't catch the whole, but it can also catch some pieces.

But once the man has only one heart, it can't be robbed. Because once the heart is given to people, it will not be transferred to the second one.

Looking at the woman riding in the distance, Wenyu sighed and turned away.

Luo Wei is still discussing with Xiang Yu, what should be done to offset the three years of the wife and the general.

The house is deep, and the man will always make the woman not stop fighting.

For the rest of my life, only the woman who is rich and luxuriant, but not a man’s heart, is the saddest thing. <=\"_r\">

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