MTL - The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir-Chapter 4 Unchangeable result

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The hot tea poured a new lady, and Jiman’s hand was also burnt. I don’t know who was screaming next to it, and the whole lobby suddenly became messy.

Mo Yuhou frowned and raised her eyebrows. She got up and pulled her away. She pulled Wen Qi to pat the tea on her body and whispered, "Is it hot?"

Wen Yan was shocked and slowed down to look at some chaotic scenes. He smiled casually and said: "It's okay, this is an accident, don't be so nervous, isn't it a cup of tea? My robe is thick." ”

Jiman stood with his hand on his side, thinking that this is really not harmful to everyone, she did not do anything, how did the knee hurt?

A few women next to the glance, everyone's face is tense and strong, calm, and can't see who just moved hands and feet, how to move hands and feet. Ji Man felt that she really underestimated the wisdom of the ancients.

There are guests among the guests, and Mo Yuhou is not good at getting angry. He just looked at Jiman coolly and let Xi Niang help the new lady into the cave.

Jiman stood hard with his scalp, and I don’t even want to know that Mo Yuhou will definitely settle after the fall. She has honestly changed Nie Sang's temper, and the plot is different. The result is still the same. Nie Sangqi still has to be confined.

Sighed, and it’s safe to come. If she doesn’t lose her life, she will relax a little. Anyway, she is a knife.

At the end of the ceremony, all the aunts and sisters were also helped back to the room. Jiman looked at the eyes of everyone, and with a smile, he held his hand and thought about it.

"The master..." He also heard a lot of movements outside, and he called her with some worry, but he did not dare to say anything.

Jiman smiled at her side: "Do not worry, there will be no major events. My mother's family is a bit weighty, and the acolyte is already the bottom line. He shuts me up at most and will not take me any more."

Nie Sang's maiden is a good thing. My father is a general of three products, my aunt is a nobleman, and there is a brother who is the uncle of Yushi and the brother of Zhong Shulang. It is because of these backgrounds that Mo Yu Hou has been enduring Nie Sang-soo’s actions. Until recently, because of the strangeness of Yu Yuhou’s thoughts, Nie Sang-soo’s own death, the ruin of the palace, the emperor’s anger, and the nobles When he fell out of favor in January, he was only awaited by Mo Yuhou.

Jiman thinks that Mo Yuhou is a typical negative heart. Nie Sangqi married him at the beginning, and it is also the Ming media. He was mad at him and lost his body. When he was taken, he was taken away from the position of a wife. Mo Yuhou was afraid to feel dizzy in the dark.

Hey, who is in love with this person, men can't just look at the skin! Jiman taught Nie Sang in his heart, and she didn't know if she could hear it.

"Hey, what is dinner?" Stayed in the room for a while, and it looked dark, and Jiman asked with a stomachache.

At the door, I heard the stumbled and ran in, whispered: "The slave has just gone to the kitchen and asked, Hou said, saying that there is a happy event in the house today, you can add food, but there is no dinner in the house... The master will continue Thinking about January, eating... eating the same as slaves."

The sound is getting smaller and smaller, and when I say that I am crying out, I don’t stop shaking. Jiman groaned and couldn't help but wonder, is Nie Sangqi often abused or what? How to scare people into this way.

"Just married to candy, he did not even give rice, really stingy." Screamed, Jiman pinched his shoulder: "Don't shake, I don't hit you. No dinner, no dinner, will be I’ve been there, I will help me get breakfast soon, I’m not picky.”

He looked up at her in horror and nodded, and ran out quickly.

Mo Yuhou did not ask what was going on and continued to close her confinement, thinking that she also hated Nie Sang to the bones. Jiman is too lazy to care about it. She can't change everyone's opinion in one day, only slowly.

“What did she say?” Mo Yuhou stood outside the new house and asked Liu Yan next to him.

Liu Wei is weird: "The son of Mulberry didn't cry, but he said that Hou Hou was stingy, didn't give food, and then he rested."

Ning Yuxuan raised his eyebrows and thought for a while, shaking his head and saying: "Continue to look at her."


Nie Sangqi’s eccentricity also made him unable to attract any interest. Today is the day of his and Wenxi’s great joy. After today, he will certainly not let any one of Houfu bully Wen Yu.

In the dead of night, Jiman was so hungry that he couldn't sleep. After a long time, he finally got up and woke up and slept outside, whispering, "Where is the kitchen?"

He was probably very sleepy, stumbled to point her in the direction, and went back to sleep.

Jiman sneaked open the door and looked at it. No one outside, confinement relied on consciousness, and no one would look at her... right?

Going out with a slap in the face, I walked in the direction of the squatting finger for a while, except that the house was the garden, and I couldn’t tell where it was the kitchen. After looking for half an hour, I finally saw a plaque with a food porch. Jiman’s eyes were beaming, he looked at the door with the lock and decided to overturn the wall.


What? see you tomorrow!

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