MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 190

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Fu Wensheng shouted nervously. Chen Hao turned his head and handed him a reassuring look. He turned to the sixth grid.

The short-haired girl walked step by step into the plaid, her look calm, and her age was not stable. She looked at each other calmly, and she returned to the snow and waved at her smile, revealing a bright smile.

No one understands why Mu Huixuan chose Chen Hao as an opponent. Her points are 5 and Chen Yu is 2. Everyone knows that this little girl looks weak, but her point is 2. Even if the probability of losing is only one in ten thousand, once you lose, your lucky dice will become 2. Mu Huixue should choose a player with the same number of points, so that no matter the outcome, neither of them will suffer.

“Don't she be so confident about her strength?”

Everyone thought of it.

Chen Yu looks calm, but there are countless thoughts in his mind.

Mu returned to the snow and she was sure to win. Others did not know, she understood very well. However, any player who is in the group of Snow Selection can't lose. The gap in strength is like a scorpio. Since everyone is chosen the same, why did she choose her?

Super-thinking thinking constantly, but Chen Hao still can't figure it out.

There is absolutely no logic in this matter.

Can only be adapted.

Chen Yuzheng is thinking about the intention of returning to the snow. He only hears a laughing female voice: "Your physical fitness does not seem to grow much?"

Chen Hao stunned and looked up at each other.

Mu back to the snow and low voice, laughing with the volume that only two people can hear: "Eating the chocolate ice cream, all players have a certain degree of physical improvement. I roughly divide each person's physical fitness by an order of magnitude, Your physical fitness is 1, then others will increase the value of 1-2 individuals. Only you, there is no improvement."

Chen Yu was shocked. She didn't move a hand in Santa's copy. She was invited to challenge her and surrendered directly. How did Mu Huixue see it?

"Breathing, walking, every minute, everybody's muscle strength and five senses are not resting." After a pause, Mu returned to the snow and opened his mouth. "Seeing a person's physical strength does not necessarily require him to fight. Even if you walk, you can see a little doorway. Hey, how old are you this year? Looks like you are a little bigger than the little boy."

Chen Hao was silent.

This can't blame her for not thinking about it. She really knows little about this kind of physical strength.


Mu back to snow: "Small."

Chen Wei: "Is it a duel?" She said, she took her nephew from her pocket and walked to Christmas sock. The little girl put the scorpion in the sock and deliberately went to the corner of the plaid, far from the pair of socks.

Mu Huixue needs to put the scorpion into the socks, and the two talents can start a duel. Mu Huixue’s strength is strong enough to put the scorpion into the socks, and she can kill her in the blink of an eye and not give her the chance to surrender. Chen Hao is fully prepared to put an end to all accidents.

Mu returned to the front of the socks, turned to a small lucky scorpion, a flash of light in his eyes, throwing the scorpion into it.

"I think……"

"I surrender."

A simple and neat female voice interrupted Chen Yu’s words, and the little girl looked at each other in a wrong way.

The tall woman in a black tights put her hand into the stocking and took out the scorpion that Chen Hao had just put in. She looked like a lazy, went to the middle of the sixth grid, ready to continue her game. Mu Huixue looked up and found that Chen Hao had not left the grid. She raised her eyebrows: "Don't go? I have to continue playing."

Chen Hao fixed her eyes for a few seconds, turned and walked back to the starting point.

Fu Wensheng whispered: "Sister, what do she want to do..."

Chen Hao put his index finger in front of his lips and made a squeaking gesture. She looked at the sixth grid, the sleek black woman gently skipped six grids and returned to the starting point. On the way she encountered two sudden crises. The lucky point becomes 2, and the bad luck is rolled over. But she did not move, she was still the light and light, but she did not relax her vigilance and did her best.

Seeing Mu Huixue and jumping to the seventh grid, Chen Yu whispered to Fu Wensheng: "She wants to see if I can hold this dice, maybe she is also very curious, my physical quality can not be improved, how do I live to the present What is my abilities, which one can help me go."

On the other side, Tang Mo saw that Mu Hui gave the scorpion to Chen Hao and thought for a moment and understood her intentions.

Before the game began, Mu Xue said that she came to Fu Wen, and hoped that Fu Wen killed her.

This sentence is not lying, she is very serious. She really wants to die.

Giving the donkey to Chen Hao may bring her more danger, but she is not afraid to return to the snow.

Under the act of Bai Ruoyao’s infinite death, it is a heart that is extremely afraid of death. Under the cautious appearance of Mu Huixue, it is the determination to really want to die.

Those who are not afraid of death are actually the most terrifying.

Tang Mo took back his sight and walked to the front of the grid. His points are 1, if you start the game rashly, you will definitely encounter a more terrible punishment than the number of points back to the snow. Tang Mo does not intend to take risks. He threw a scorpion, and a small scorpion drew a parabola in the air and settled in the sixth grid.

Santa Claus surprised and snorted and looked up at Tang Mo.

Tang Mo faintly said: "Can you go directly to the sixth grid?"

Santa Claus annoyed: "Can you still do this? Hey... well, I don't seem to say that I can't do this. The child is really smart, but I caught the loophole of Santa Claus. It seems that next time I have to add this rule. Going to the rules of the game."

There is no doubt that Tang Mo chose the young woman.

The latter was ugly, and his eyes were red with Tang Mo, and he could not wait to smash him. However, with the guilt of sin, the strength of this woman in the 19 players may be considered a middle stream. In this group, it is far from the opponent of Tang Mo. She struggled to fight with Tang Mo, and she quickly confessed before the small parasol was about to reach her throat.

Tang Mo took her nephew and returned to its original position.

On the other side, Chen Hao took the donkey and walked to the starting point. Fu Wensheng looked at her back nervously, and the thin little girl was straight back and walked silently to the forefront. She glanced at the scorpion in her hand, threw it into the first plaid, and then walked in easily and walked out.

Then there is the second grid.

Chen Hao’s physical fitness cannot be improved, which is compared with other players. She is definitely a lot stronger than before the Earth went online, but her ascension is the level that normal human training can achieve. With her strength, jumping in the grid of each room size, and not leaving a second footprint, is already the limit. Once in danger, she is extremely difficult to escape, and certainly the game fails.

Fu Wensheng wants to persuade her to accept it, don't risk the customs clearance game.

It is expected that Chen Hao has jumped three grids and has never encountered danger.

Fu Xiaodi touched his head: "A lucky scorpion of 5 points is so useful?"

Mu Huixue stood with his arms in his arms, and his dark eyes stared at Chen Hao, thoughtfully.

Chen Yu threw the dice into the fourth grid. She skipped the four grids and jumped back slightly. Just when everyone thought she prepared the fifth grid, she suddenly put away her throat and said to Santa: "I give up, change someone."

The crowd looked at her in surprise.

Mu Huixue also stunned, watching the little girl walk back to Fu Wensheng's side.

Fu Wensheng: "Sister Jie, why don't you continue?"

Chen Tong: "The next time there should be danger, triggering punishment."

"how do you know?"

Chen Yu looked at a player behind her and began to roll the dice and play the game. After watching it for a while, she turned to explain: "Small voice, do you think the penalty mechanism of this game is completely random? There are a total of nine grids, the last two grids are currently no one, the first seven grids, each grid Is the punishment difficulty the same?"

Fu Wensheng thought: "I don't know if the punishment is random, but the difficulty of the punishment of these seven grids is different. There is a male player who has experienced the punishment of glass sugar **** and chocolate beans in succession. The glass sugar ball is the first. Two plaids, its punishment is like a plant vs. zombies, and spit out sugar **** and swearing. The chocolate beans are even more terrible, and the whole plaid is occupied by chocolate beans. If you don’t leave the plaid within two seconds, you will definitely be the ocean of chocolate beans. Drowning, can't escape again."

Chen Wei: "So the difficulty of punishing the grid is different. According to each person's dice points, the probability of encountering danger is different. Before me, a total of 16 players started the game."

"Sixteen?" Fu Wensheng did not expect Chen Hao to even remember the game process of the other two groups of players, in the heart.

Chen Wei: "Well. I probably counted the number of times they encountered punishment, which round of punishment, and how many lucky points they have. My lucky point is 5, normally I am going to the first There should be two punishments before the five grids. But Mu Huixue played the game in front of me, and she triggered a lot of punishments.” Then, the little girl looked at the Santa Claus sitting in the ninth grid. "It's him, he is controlling this game."

"He really wants to kill all the players present, but under the supervision of Black Tower, he can't do this. Even he has to control the number and frequency of punishments to ensure the fairness of the game. Mu back snow is very strong, so even her The lucky point is 5, she also encountered too many punishments. I am weak, it doesn't matter if I give me a little sweetness, as long as I am punished in the fifth grid, I will be completely annihilated."

Fu Wensheng said: "Is Santa Claus in control?"

Chen Tong: "This is just my guess. Hold the same number of lucky dice, powerful players will encounter more punishment, weak players encounter less. I only observed sixteen people, the sample is too Less, this speculation is not accurate. But fortunately, this proves a 100% fact..."

Fu Wensheng: "What facts?"

Chen Hao looked at the children seriously: "Small voice, it is impossible for us to pass the game."

Fu Wensheng: "..."

This is not a bad thing! ! !

On the other hand, Tang Mo did not think about this layer of Chen Yu. Their group now has the turn to play games.

Ning Hao’s points are 1, he stood before the starting point, did not hesitate to learn Tang Mo, throw the dice into the sixth grid. The young, tall and thin youth stood in the plaid, and the line of sight swept through the other three players in the group. Young women are the least worried because her points are 1. Ning Yu directly throws the dice into the sixth grid. Obviously, he wants to open the big stage of the fight, and change the dice with others. No one will choose her.

Tang Mo looked at Ning Yu coldly, watching Ning Yi gaze at Bai Ruo Yao and said: "I chose him."

Bai Ruoyao spread his hands and walked up hippie smiles.

They each put the donkey in the socks and prepared a duel. At this moment, Tang Mo smiled and attracted the attention of both.

Tang Mo looked at Bai Ruoyao: "Are you going to give him the donkey?"

Bai Ruoyao looked at Tang Mo and slowly opened his mouth: "Tang Tang, what do you say, how can I not understand?"

Tang Mo: "I said, you intend to deliberately release the water and give the donkey to Ning."

"Tang Tang, you yell at me, why should I let the scorpion." The baby face youth pretends to hold the heart, and said sadly: "I am so unselfish in your heart. I want to let you give me the scorpion, I What is your relationship with you."

Tang Mo: "What do you have to do with me, I don't know. But obviously, your relationship is not very simple." After a pause, Tang Mo turned to look at Ning Yu and said four words: " still Not on?"

Ning Hao brushed his face.

Tang Mo smiled: "When did you hook up and visit the candy house... or earlier?"

Bai Ruoyao narrowed his eyes and looked at Tang Mo. After a moment, he laughed.

"Hey, guess? I guess, I will give you the 6-point scorpion."