MTL - The Empress’ Livestream-Chapter 1 001: Gangster

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Chapter 1 001: Gangsters in the River

Jiang Yanji, a federal general, a female of gender, was the former Chief of the Regiment of the Seventh Army.

Why is there a "predecessor" prefix?

Because she is dead.

She clearly remembered that death was so sudden that she even caught her off guard.

But it is also good, at least before she can feel the pain of death, her consciousness has been taken away from her body.

The ears roared loudly, as if to break the eardrum, the world was rendered into a red light.

The next moment, the sight in front of me turned into silent darkness, and an indescribable chill swept her soul.

Although he died like this, there was a little regret.

But for many soldiers, it is also a blessing to die so painlessly.

However, as an atheist, she has always respected science, and never thought that she could still feel after death.

What made her cry and laugh was that the pain she hadn't experienced before she died had tasted it well.

There was unexplainable severe pain throughout her body, and she had never frowned when she was injured, and could hardly help crying out.

It hurts, the kind of pain in the eyes of Venus.

This kind of pain left her a deep impression, as if forced into a small box. Someone compressed it inward without stopping the external force, reducing the space inside the box. And, as if there was no end to this process, she would not be reconciled without compressing her to the size of a slap.

Suddenly, the sharp pain seemed to go beyond a certain point, something banged into her head.


Jiang Yanji couldn't help but want to curl up. The severe pain in her head even overwhelmed the pain from her limbs, so she didn't have the slightest reason and time to think about other things. As if there were no pain except the pain of tearing and tearing.


I don't know how long this brain-like severe pain lasted. She even suspected that she was used to it, and an indescribable scorching surrounded her completely. Seems to evaporate.

Where am I?

As the brain came up with this instruction, she desperately wanted to open her eyes and look at her surroundings.

Could it be that she fell to hell?

However, things did not go as expected, those eyelids seemed to be filled with thousands of pounds of lead water. No matter how hard she tried, she could not open a seam.

Strange, when the consciousness drifted, a faint electronic sound came from the ears.

[Ding——Gong Dou Live Broadcasting System inspects the host again, starts the inspection scanning program, the scanning progress is one percent ...]

The stern, electronically synthesized sound was getting closer and closer to her, and Jiang Yanji subconsciously wanted to raise her ears so that she could hear the song clearly.

[... scanning progress twenty-three percent ... twenty-seven ... thirty-six ... forty-two ... fifty-one ...]

What is this?

Jiang Yanji tried hard to gather the scattered consciousness, trying to figure out who the master of that voice was.

However, the other party didn't seem to want to bother with it and still reported something by himself.

[Drip-After the host's body is scanned, confirm the binding ...]

[Binding in progress ... Further verification of host identity, please wait ... Verification in progress ... Verification completed ...]

【Ding! 】

A bit of a sharp voice sounded, and Jiang Yanji burst into cold sweat.

She felt as if her mind had been stuffed into a cloud of black fog, and she wanted to think but couldn't remember anything.

That weird electronically synthesized voice is still being broadcast in a hurry.

[Name: Jiang Yanji]

【Gender: Female】

[Age: 41]

[Birthplace: Unknown (tentative)]

[Features: Wrestling (tentative), Reasoning analysis (tentative), Other abilities (tentative)]

[Attribute: Unknown (tentative)]

Hearing his name and age, Jiang Yanji's consciousness was much clearer, and the voice in his ear was not so unrealistic.

[Beginning to merge souls, the degree of fusion is 0.1% ... drops, the host points are insufficient, the fusion is temporarily terminated, and the final fusion is 0.3%]

[System: Gong Dou Live Server 007 is here for you (Jiang Xiji → Liu Lanting)]

After that, the voice was silent again, as if it had never appeared.

Before she could think further, a gust of wind brushed her cheeks, and her scattered senses gathered again.

Vaguely, she felt that the ground was shaking, and that feeling of vibration became stronger and stronger over time.

Squeaky squeak-a sound of wood rubbing into my ears, followed by a depressing sob.


She struggled to open her eyes, her eyes slowly turning from a darkness to a blurred view.

It was just that she took too much effort, so it didn't last long, her eyelids sank, and she closed again.

"Brother Lanting ... Brother Lanting ... wake up ... wake up and look at Waner ..."

There were calls from ear to ear, Jiang Yanji thought it had nothing to do with herself, but the owner of the voice cried and shook her shoulder while crying, causing her drowsy and tired brain to burst almost ...

She said weakly, "Don't, don't shake me ... dizzy ... so uncomfortable ..."

Maybe it was her mosquito that was so light that she could only hear it. The one who cried and shook her did not stop the bad behavior.

In the end, Jiang Yanji raised his hand and wanted to wipe away the wicked hands, but his arms were as heavy as gold, even if he moved his fingers, it also exhausted his whole body. In the end, she simply gave up the move and adjusted her breathing while enduring the sobbing weeping in her ears.

Can't stop, can't resist, then bear it silently, when she gets used to it, maybe she won't feel so uncomfortable.

Obviously, not only Jiang Yanji feels annoying crying, but the other side also shows this disgust.

"These **** girls just cry and cry, and they get upset when they hear ... oh!"

After spitting, the rough man rushing to the bus lifted his horse with a whip.

The road was rough and the carriage was bumping.

His cursing did not stop the crying in the carriage, but louder because of fear.

Upset, the rugged man raised his whip and drew a few curtains from the compartment. A string of beads and bells rang so loudly that the noble lady inside looked frightened. "Cry two more times for Lao Tzu, a whip Damn you! "

There were more than one carriage on the mountain road, and there were two carriages running behind, not too far from each other.

If on a strange mountain road, such a chaotic driving of a carriage, the biggest possibility is that the car was killed.

However, these coachmen are familiar with driving, and they know the mountain roads well. In addition, in a hurry, they drove three exquisite and luxurious carriages out of the drag racing taste.

"Don't be so fierce, it was all we robbed us with great effort. Which of these little ladies is not a famous beauty in Hejian County? Don't mention such a group, even if you only see one, that is also a lifetime Accumulated blessings. "

(End of this chapter)