MTL - The Empress’ Livestream-Chapter 1797 1797: Stock up on decades

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Chapter 1797 Chapter 1797: Hoarding a Decade of Goods

Seeing Jiang Yanji say so domineeringly, the old chief was quiet as if he had dropped the line.

After a while, they slowly climbed up.

[Your dad]: Although I don't want to disturb you to give off the power of the king, there is one thing I want to report to you.

Jiang Yanji frowned and asked, "What is it?"

[Your dad]: You may not be able to give birth to a normal child, the specific details can not tell you clearly.

"You say this?" Jiang Yanji said, "I already had a hunch, but only one of the two embryo sacs is mentally abnormal."

The two embryo sacs should be twins, but now there is only one mental fluctuation, indicating that only one embryo sac is normal.

If one of the embryo sacs does not grow, it is still common sense, but the growth speed of the two embryo sacs is comparable.

Jiang Xiji remembered the inside story previously revealed by the old chief executive, and was already mentally prepared.

According to the old chief, Jiang Yanji must return to the Federation to continue to be the army commander, and even take over the position of old marshal.

She is so important that it is impossible to spend her whole life in this time and space.

This plane is so important that the Commonwealth must borrow the luck that Jiang Yanji has accumulated from this era to survive the calamity. Then people need to take over to maintain the dynasty, let the luck flourish, and even make it further. After thinking about it, Jiang Yanji thinks that the old chief is the most likely candidate, because she has contacted such an old acquaintance so far. The capabilities of the old chiefs are also eligible.

Of course, this is just her guess.

When she found that the embryo sac was abnormal, she was more certain. The body prepared for the old chieftain cannot have a master, because taking the body is a capital crime in the Commonwealth. If the old chief wants to come over to replace the mess, then this kind of born soulless can only be used.

"It's either you. After all, it's an acquaintance. If it's unknown, I'll find a federal complaint instead."

This world is far away from the Federation, although it is a little behind, but ambitious people come and can be mixed up.

Jiang Yanji didn't want a guy who knew and faced him to come and ruin her efforts.

Even if it was a small farm, she had worked hard for many years to plan it!

Now it was the old head's turn to silence again.

[Your dad]: Do you really mind? Don't ask me what's inside, why do you do this?

Jiang Yanji waved, "I can trust the capabilities of the old chief, and it is definitely more reliable than the family nanny robot."

My daughter is a twin sister with the old head, and she can also make the old head shout obediently, just think about it-the bones on the body are so comfortable that she wants to sing! The most important thing is that with the joining of the old chief, the education problem of the child is solved.

The only mustard is that the body used by the old chief was produced by Jiang Yanji, which is very strange.

"I said why I have so much appetite lately, and my appetite trend is soaring. It turned out to be your scourge."

[Your dad]: Oh--

She doesn't carry this pot!

"Say, when are you going online?"

[Your dad]: After you are born, I don't want to experience the feeling of coming out of the birth canal again.

Jiang Yanji turned black at the hearing.


It was as if she were willing.


Jiang Yanji suddenly thought of one thing. If the old head comes online from the new body, who will buy it for her in the future! !! !!

The ghost knows how long the Federation will let her stay in this world-at least after the old chief's body is mature and can stand on his own?

That counts, at least eighteen years!

What is eighteen years?

Jiang Yanji couldn't help but plan for her own **** life.

"Everyone will not only be a superior or mother or daughter in the future ... then I will know that no one will say anything secretly, where are you now, old chief?"

The old head Wen Tun asked her why.

Jiang Yanji said, "If it is an ancient era with the sprouting technology, buy me a few hundred more boxes and keep them. I want to stock up."

Old Chief: "..."

Jiang Yanji asked again, "Do you know the new body **** of men and women?"

Old Chief: "???"

"Whether it is a man or a woman, you always have to be responsible for yourself and your partner. Frequent births are painful, so you should buy more, I will help you store it? I do n’t know how long you want to stay here, but it ’s not just For eighteen years, this thing is well prepared. "

Jiang Yanji's words were deliberately aimed at the old chief.

Who in the Seventh Legion doesn't know that the old chief smokes, drinks, fights, and spends his arms, but he is an old cadre with an old-fashioned style.

If she comes to this era, most of them will not learn Jiang Yanji's Yan dog.

I thought I would meet the old leader Thunder Roar, and the clinker returned her five words.

[Your dad]: Thank you for reminding me.

Jiang Yanji: "???"


The system prompts that your friend [your dad] is offline.

Estimated where to go for wholesale.

"Did I look away? This goods is covered with the skin of an old cadre, but the heart is extraordinarily undecent?"

After whispering, Jiang Yanji suddenly felt the heat coming from her waist, so hot she almost unloaded the sword.

Looking down, the source of heat is actually the sabre at the waist.

She raised her hand and stroked the handle, pulled out the blade, and found that the blade that was white and bright on weekdays was slightly pink.

Jiang Yanji: "..."

Suddenly there was a lot of dirty 18X content in my brain, such as human sword play or something.

"I remember the old chief called the virtual spirit creature in this sword as 'A cub'. Isn't it a child but ..."

Emmmm ...

The taste of giants, mortals do not understand.

"Say ... if Zixiao called me to be bully at that time ..." Jiang Yanji opened his mind, "Maybe it's going to be awkward."

If I want to achieve this, then I do n’t know how many years it takes to “teach ~~~ teach” to take this step _ (: з) ∠) _

Jiang Yanji can only put away the idea.

The examination of the admissions examination is much larger than the graduation examination of Jinlin College, and scholars gather in Marushu.

Many foreign scholars came here in admiration, but felt the embarrassment of farmers entering the city when they stepped into Xiangyang County.

They look novel everywhere they look, and at the same time they feel a strange sense of exclusion.

Many scholars heard about how prosperous Xiangyang was when they rushed to take the test, but no matter how they imagined it, they always felt that the so-called prosperity was only a little more lively than the counties and counties in which they lived. For "sit down and watch the sky."

To this end, a lot of jokes have been made.

The learning environment is already rich in Marushu, where poetry gatherings are being held everywhere, and scholars are invited to exchange ideas and exchange information. Many foreign scholars thought that they could come and overlook the country guy, but they did not expect to be watched by the scholars who lived here.

A certain scholar mentioned an orphan volume, saying that this orphan volume was a certain clan's collection, and it was easy to not borrow it from outsiders. He also borrowed it after reading a lot of relationships, which was very precious—I thought it would get familiar Envy and flattery, as a result, many people looked at him with the eyes of a fool-after a careful inquiry, I realized that Jinlinge has a complete set of books, which anyone can read.

This gentleman is proud of him as a baby. What is that behavior not to show favor?

(| 3 [▓▓] good night

(End of this chapter)