MTL - The Empress’s Gigolo-Chapter 18 Bought two pandas

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Passing through the residential area of ​​the members of the Korean National People's Congress, the surrounding people began to increase.

As you have seen these days, the people of Da Yao are almost all physically fit and tall. .

Men's civilians are mostly wearing cardigans, cropped pants, and straw shoes. Bronze strong chests are exposed, almost all of which are eight pack abs.

女子 Women are tube tops, the same shorts, and occasionally animal skin skirts. Slim and plump, full of vitality

Dayao has many people and many hunters, so it ’s easy to move.

It is too hot here, it is estimated that it is at least about 40 degrees during the day.

多少 How much you can wear it cooler.

Many people seen by Bian Renbaqian had short-bladed hunting bows, which made Ren Baqian, who had been living on the earth's stability and environment, feel insecure.

Even in ancient China, swords, bows and crossbows need to be controlled.

And here it is everywhere.

I didn't go too far, Ren Baqian saw another chaos.

This time, several mountain people were arguing with a store owner, and behind the boss were several men with long swords and strong bodies, but their skin was a little whiter, they were a little shorter, and their clothes were seen with others. Dayao people are different.

"That's the people of the Yun country, those **** who squeezed bone marrow." Shi Guanshi said to Ren Baqian with a glance, and he saw that he was not resentful.

Before the two of them waited, the two gangs fought.

Suddenly, the chicken flying dog jumped, and within a minute he saw someone flying out and slamming to the ground, hitting the ground and rushing into the war group.

Li Renbaqian looked at his little arms and calves, and it is estimated that women could not be beaten here. It's too sad.

I soon didn't know where to rush out. A group of people in uniform and long swords pulled the two groups away. The mountain people and several people behind the businessman were taken away, and the boss was safe and sound without action.

"Don't you say nothing?" Ren Baqian wondered.

"It doesn't matter if you draw a circle, but you must manage it when fighting in the street." Shi Guan said.

"What will happen if you catch it?"

"Ten whip, no problem, apply medicine to lie down for a day and jump around alive. But those Yun people are estimated to lie for two more days." Shi Guanxi laughed, full of gloating.

"Why don't they draw circles?"

"The cowards!" Shi Guanshi's tone was full of disdain.

"If you refuse to draw circles, you will be despised. But they don't care." Shi Guanshi explained. "Yun people are different from ours, they care more about money."

Nodding at eight thousand nods, the same is true of the earth, smiling and poor is not the norm.

"Then they fight every day like this, they can't stand it." Ren Baqian wondered why Da Yaoguo hated the merchants so much, but didn't use this method.

"I do n’t have it every day. After all, I have to lay down on the bed for a day to get a lash. I have to lie in bed for a day. And who do this? And they do n’t have dozens of guards? It ’s too tight. If it ’s too tight, they run away, who do they want to buy things from? ”

Zhi Renbaqian understood that the Da Yaoren hated the greed of these businessmen but could not do without them.

In the final analysis, Zi Yaoguo still lacks everything.

In all aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation, most of them depend on outsiders.

Those businessmen have no fear just holding this point, and they are not afraid to force Da Yaouo into a hurry.

Mi Ren walked all the way, admiring the exotic scenery on both sides, mostly various tall wooden houses, mostly two floors. There will be stone walls separating the two houses. Ren Baqian guessed that the stone wall was for fire prevention. So as not to catch fire, burn a large piece.

The shop brands on both sides are also pictographs, but not the same as Chinese characters.

Bian Renbaqian did not know the ancient texts, and did not know if they were similar to the ancient texts of any dynasty.

The most eye-opening thing for 八 is the occasional carriage, let alone be a carriage.

Most of them are sheep-like creatures, but the size is similar to cattle.

Occasionally see one or two deer-like creatures pulling carts.

"咦?" Ren Baqian's eyes stopped suddenly somewhere on the side of the road. Two chubby little guys were tied to the side of the road and were playing around.

The color of the carcass is black and white, the body shape is similar to that of a ball, and the movement is slow. Two dark circles are hanging on the head.

Isn't this a panda? Is it tied here?

"Wait a minute!" Ren Baqian yelled and ran to the side of the panda to watch.

两只 The two pandas are very small, they can't stand up to the knees, they are very clumsy. One was crawling towards the other, and as soon as the other man moved, he immediately fell on his feet.

I turned around and turned my head to see, seeing Ren Baqian looking at himself, spit out his tongue, sold a cute pair.

"This is a flower bear, the meat is not very delicious." Shi Guanshi looked at Ren Baqian next to the two pandas and said smoothly.

"Meat is not delicious?" Ren Baqian laughed. If Shi Guan dare to eat pandas on the earth, let's not talk about gunshots, other people's verbal comments will have to make him hit the wall to kill himself.

The steward of Shishi nodded seriously: "This thing is a lot on the mountain, it is not delicious, and it rarely attacks people, and generally ignores them."

"What's the tie here? What's for sale?" Ren Baqian's heart moved. If he could raise two pandas, he would just wake up laughing. The Dayao people cannot understand the Chinese people's feelings for pandas.

After confirming that it was for sale, Ren Baqian shouted at the shop, "Is anyone there?"

He was a big guy with a big horse and a scar on his face.

大 There are also some big Yao shopkeepers on this street, accounting for about half of the number. The things sold are not as diverse as those of foreign merchants, and are mostly things on the mountain.

"How old is this bear? How can it be sold?"

"Those two baubles, three or four months? Take them for three or two." The big man leaned against the door and said.

"Three or two?" Ren Baqian was stunned, it was too cheap, and it was almost like buying a dog on the earth.

"Stone steward, can you take it back to raise?" Ren Baqin asked, turning his head.

"It's okay to raise, but this thing eats a lot." Shi Guanshi didn't understand what Ren Baqian was buying two flower bears.

"I want it." Ren Baqian was too lazy to even bargain and bought the two pandas directly.

"But let me go first, I'll pick it up when I get back."

"Yes." Dahan nodded.

After paying eight thousand yuan, Yi Ren smirked from time to time on the walk, never thinking that he still had the opportunity to raise a panda.

When I arrived in Shiraishi district, there were many shops selling various swords and longbow arrows.

I occasionally saw some hatchets and kitchen knives and farming supplies.

Xi Renbaqian found a shop and explained his purpose. A total of five sets of iron boxes were played, one large and one small, the small sitting inside the large.

Put a handle on each box.

There are only one requirement for the yaren eight thousand, less rust, not easy to break, the other does not matter.

This kind of box is very simple.

"One set of one or two and a half, five sets of seven or two." The owner said directly.

"OK." After all, the metal products of this world are still more expensive than the earth, which is not unexpected.

I paid half the money, and the task of Ren Baqian was even completed.

Then Ren Qianqian and Shi Guanshi ran a few places in the city ~ ~ to order something.

The crickets are all food for the animals in the beast garden, and they will be sent directly to the beast garden. Ren Ba remembered the two little guys and bought some bamboo leaves intentionally and sent them together.

He wanted to give money, but the steward stopped it.

The beast garden consumes a lot each month, and the bamboo is nothing, the boss laughed heartily and asked Ren Baqian to raise two teddy bears, and said that he would give him some food every time bamboo.

那 Anyway, those two are cubs, so it ’s enough to get some when you go.

I finally bought some inferior wine. Since I rewarded the ten handymen for their hard work, how can I have vegetables without wine?

The wine is called thorn fruit wine. It is reddish in color and has impurities in it. Ren Baqian took a sip of it.

I am said to be made of a kind of fruit. Two or two silver can buy half a barrel, about 15 pounds. Although it is not cheap, it is much cheaper than the so-called spirits of two or two silvers.

I found a place to eat in the city at noon. After all, the income of Shi Guan was not very high, and Ren Baqian now relied on the silver rewarded by the emperor.

He surprised Ren Yaqian that there is a meat gang in this world.

Although the ingredients used are different, they are actually meat tongs?

The meat contained in the rice dumplings has a strong smell. Although the seasonings are average, the meat is fresh and tender. Ren Baqian likes it and ate two more than the slap.

As for the noodles, the noodles made from miscellaneous grains are not very good, but they also have flavor.

During his tenure, Ren Baqian also asked about black mud paste, where can I buy it.

庆 Chen Qing is still waiting for her own formula and ingredients.