MTL - The Enchanting Empress Dowager is Really Poisonous-v2 Chapter 45 Blood Jade's Secret! Lanzer thick line

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The weight of the shoulders made Leng Yan a little speechless. I feel that Xiao Yan is not the kind of person who can lean on a woman casually. Is he really drunk? I glanced at the tight-fitting killer who was surrounded by martial arts and saw that he seemed to be restrained. Then he looked down at Xiao Yan and then stunned, leaning on her, her eyes closed, and her thin lips slightly opened. Xiao Yan is a good-looking person?

Leng Yan's sigh was not over, then Xiao Yan's action made her stunned. He actually stretched out his two arms to embrace her waist, and then clenched it tightly, and almost squeezed her stomach; If she hadn't determined that he had acted unconsciously, she would have thought that he had done it on purpose!

Leng Yante wanted to separate him. Although he was already drunk, even if he was drunk, his strength would not be diminished. No matter how hard she tried, I could not open his hands and made her waist. Very uncomfortable.

"Hoo!" Leng Yan took a long breath and calmed down a few times. There was nothing he could do about it for the time being, and his eyes fell on the field. As an emperor, Xiao Yan's covert effort was not bad, although the other had a Very good master, but there are many people on this side, three against one, and even the master is also won.

The black-slayered killer in that outfit seemed to not stop killing the cold and never stop, trying to end up being cut into pieces by several people, exhausting his internal strength into the sword, whistling with the unstoppable thunder, The Yinwei responded to use his body to stop, but the sword directly pierced his shoulder armor, and stabbed at it without any loss of speed.

Leng Yan reacted and hugged Xiao Yanfei, but his weight was all on her, and eventually he slowed down a bit. Leng Yan had no choice but to hold Xiao Yan aside, and the two rolled around to avoid it. sword.

"Oh!" The sword was inserted into the stone steps, and the sword body was not in the stones. Even so, the hilt of the sword was still buzzing and shaking, making a terrifying sound. It can be imagined that it would be slower if it was cold She and Xiao Yan are estimated to be strung into a sugar gourd.

"Damn!" Leng Yan lay on the ground and glanced at the killer who had been stabbed with a few swords and couldn't die anymore, and sighed, it was too dangerous.

After returning to God, Leng Yi helplessly pushed the person on his body: "Hey! Can you get up?"

no respond!

Leng Yan sighed: "Even if I just ate your tofu, you can't do that? I will return my tofu after you eat it, so what if I don't recognize my account when I wake up?"

The next few hidden guards listened to her words, and their expressionless faces drew at the same time.

Leng Ye couldn't push him away, so he had to hit his hands on the ground with one hand. He stood up with light power and saw a few hidden guards clean up the field before leaving. Leng Ye quickly stopped and said, "Hey! Wait a minute!"

Seeing them as if they hadn't heard, Leng Heng was anxious: "If you take one more step, I will strip your master away and throw it out!"

At last someone stopped and turned reluctantly, his voice stiff: "Is there something wrong with the girl?"

Leng Zhi refers to the nougat sticking to his body: "How do I remove this?"

Unplug? The man's face moved again when he heard the word: "Wait until the master is awake!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? What I'm talking about is now that he's drunk like this, the ghost knows when he can wake up, and get it out quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being polite to him!" Leng Yan threatened.

The Yinwei was silent for a while, and said what he estimated was the longest period since becoming the Dark Guard: "The master was too weak to drink since childhood, and was drowned by several princes when he was ten years old. Since then, the master has always been afraid of wine. Although he is better, he keeps dripping without touching it; but after drinking the master ’s body memory will recover and his heart will be afraid, so he will hold things and let go. Unless he wakes up! "

what? Leng Leng was speechless, then immediately angry: "Then what drink does he drink? He knows he can't drink it!"

Yin Wei is very innocent: "It's the girl you gave to the master!"

Leng Yan would like to slap him: "Fuck! I don't know, you know watching him drink, wouldn't you remind me?"

Yin Wei was very speechless, and then ignored the frosty cold embarrassment, and he was embarrassed!

"Asshole! Xiao Yan, you are a big asshole!"

There was a cold shout from the yard, and the guards gathered together, and then quickly dived into the dark. The master knew that he would drink like this, and he was still at this time, although they were stupid. Does not mean that you have no brain, so it is best to be air at this time!

Leng Yan stood in the courtyard, hung by Xiao Yan, and looked weak at the moon above her head. Who did she provoke?

Although the moon is very round tonight, and there is a beautiful man 'accompanying', but the cold mood is colder than that autumn wind, kicked the stone next to it, and said coldly: "Give me some hangover soup, hangover tea It ’s okay, it ’s best to hurry up, otherwise I do n’t guarantee if you will kill your master! ”

This time the Yinwei arrived was quite simple. A bowl of hangover tea appeared on the table less than two quarters of an hour, and cold Yan hung Xiao Yan in, ready to give him tea, but he was like this now, and she really did n’t She knew how to infiltrate it; it was only then that she looked at Xiao Yan's expression seriously. He did seem to be quiet and well asleep, but his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and his face was always indifferent. Some nervous and upset.

I remembered the words of the hidden guard, and sighed coldly. Sure enough, none of those in power was smooth sailing. His emperor seemed to be leisurely, but there was a lot of unknown sadness behind it. Thinking of this, the anger and anger in his heart also Less, who made him look so good and helped her, hey, I always feel a little softer lately!

He took his head in empty hands and brought the hangover tea to his mouth. She couldn't learn the rude way of Jinyu, and had to coax softly: "This is hangover tea, and you will be comfortable after drinking it, good boy!"

Put it carefully on his mouth, maybe it was the smell of tea that made him not repulsive. He finally opened his mouth, his eyes were still closed, but he swallowed subconsciously. Seeing this, he gave a sigh of relief!

After drinking sober tea, he would have to be awake for a while, sitting alone in a daze, and finally couldn't resist the constant sleepiness, and dragged him to bed, just to sleep, although he was still dead She hugs her waist, but she is too pure.

Xu was tormented, Leng Yan fell asleep soon, and did not have a dream. He slept very sweetly.

The moon rose to the middle, it was midnight, the night was brighter, and the yellowish candle light softened the room!

Xiao Yan, who was drunk for a few hours, finally moved, his frowning slightly opened, then slowly opened his eyes, where there was a clear, drunkenness! He looked at Leng Yan who was hugged by him but slept sweetly. There was something flashing in Xiao Yan's eyes, his eyes fell on Leng Yan's face, and he did not move away for a moment.

I've seen her lazy like a cat, I've seen her domineering look, and she's slightly playful and rogue. Now she is showing this quiet and beautiful face in front of him. She is the most changeable woman he has ever seen. He couldn't even imagine the look of meeting her next moment, but it is undeniable that his eyes could no longer ignore her existence, and there were even some expectations.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yan moved his eyes, got up gently and went to his closet, took out the blood jade from a delicate small box, opened the drawer below, and pulled out a silver needle from a piece of cloth. Holding the two things back to the bed, she looked at Leng Yan's face quietly, and then gently held her hand.

He was afraid that this was the first time in his life that he held a woman's hand like this, and it was also the first time that he found that a woman's hand could be so soft and beautiful that he couldn't hold it down; gently turned her palm upside down With a silver needle, slowly pierce into the end of her little finger. Unplugging the silver needle, a drop of bright red blood beads overflowed, and it was bright and lovely on her white fingertips.

He took the blood jade, let the drop of blood drop on the blood jade, and looked at it momentarily. At this moment, his heart was also tense, perhaps he should be expecting it.

Finally, the drop of blood gradually shrank, and finally all melted into the whole blood jade. The unstoppable overflow of joy in his eyes, the corners of his lips rose, and he sighed, "Really you!"

Bloodthirsty Jade! The treasure of the Liang Kingdom's royal family can **** human blood or poisonous gas from the human body. There is only one piece in the whole world, and the blood jade recognizes the master. Unless the master is dead, other people's blood will not suck. He was also at the time of making a relationship. He took out the blood jade, and mixed the blood drops of that child with his own blood. After the blood jade sucked, the whole jade was divided into two. In this world, except him And the blood of that child, no one's blood can be absorbed by the blood jade, and the cold blood can be swallowed by the blood jade. What this shows is very clear!

Holding back the emotions in my heart, I took up the blood jade and silver needles, took a handkerchief to wipe her blood to the end, and touched a little medicine, and the small wound there was no longer visible.

Looking at her who was still asleep, Xiao Yan smiled slightly, shook her head slightly, and gave her a good horn, but she did not go back to sleep.

"Master!" Seeing Xiao Yan step out, a hidden guard fell.

Xiao Yan looked at the yard that had been restored, and looked up at the moon above him: "Say!"

"It's the new dark guard in Feng Yu Gong. Prince De cultivated it for her, and she has been around since childhood!"

"That woman!" Xiao Yan squinted, and he didn't remember what she looked like: "Send her the killer's head without a leak, she can't wait for someone to reply, it must be anxious!"

In a word, it was light and light, and I could not hear the slightest ups and downs, as if to say that it was the usual thing!

Obviously, this hidden guard has already become familiar with Xiao Yan's temperament, and his eyes did not blink: "Observe!"

That night, Leng Yan slept peacefully in this yard, and had no sleep all night! And that night, the Furui Palace suddenly screamed the heartbreaking scream of Xinhou, who finally fainted. After waking up, she lost her mind, and saw people screaming as if she was scared!

I do n’t know the cold things in the palace. She woke up just after it was a little grey, and looked at the position next to her. Xiao Yan was not there, rubbing her face and getting up, but she saw that he was dressed neatly and sitting in order Drinking tea in the yard!

A dark purple robe embroidered with dark hair. The hair was only tied with a headband. It was still graceful and noble, but there was more laziness in it. Looking at him, think about last night, cold. I drew my eyelids, and I couldn't imagine it. It was deliberately destructive.

Seeing her getting up, Xiao Yan looked over and smiled slightly: "May I have a cup of tea?"

Leng Yan rubbed his forehead: "Drink slowly yourself! I have to go first!" She didn't want to mention it last night, and couldn't open her mouth, hey!

The words fell cold and turned to leave. After taking two steps, I suddenly remembered what turned and asked: "Yes! The killer dealt with last night?"

Xiao Yan filled the tea cup: "Return to the original owner!"

"Oh!" Leng Yi smiled, and raised his brow: "Thank you!"

The words fell directly out of the yard with light work! It was early, and it was gray everywhere. Even the personal image was invisible on the street. Leng Yan flew directly to the Prime Minister's House. The dark guards saw her without blocking, and went in unimpeded all the way, and fell directly on Gong Yuwei. Room entrance.

Uncle Xiang is still there. I do n’t know if I just got up or did n’t sleep at all. I was surprised when I saw Leng Yan: "Why did the girl come here so early?"

Leng Yan could not explain and looked at the door: "When did he sleep last night?"

Uncle Xiang sighed: "Yesterday, the military affairs of North Korea and China went from noon to the night, and did not return until after midnight. After returning, he did not sleep, and he did not know why to sit in the yard for a few hours. He didn't fall asleep until an hour ago, and in two quarters of an hour he should be up and up again! "

Leng Yan sighed in Wenyan's heart, after all, she missed the appointment: "Uncle Xiang, please go and I'll see him!"

Uncle Xiang smiled and said, "Okay!"

Pushing the door in, I immediately felt nervous and holding my breath, and smiled coldly, this person did not sleep at all!

I closed the door and walked to the inside. Gong Yuwei was lying on the bed with her eyes closed and she fell asleep, but because she had n’t pretended to sleep, her eyelashes trembled nervously, and she smiled coldly. Feel cute!

He walked over to the bed, raised his hand and touched his face, and immediately felt that his body trembled slightly, and the smile on the corner of his lips was stronger, almost couldn't help laughing.

Seeing that he wanted to dress, she also made a teasing thought, peeled off the thin quilt on his body, raised his hands to untie his belt, and then peeled off his clothes one by one. Gong Yuwei finally couldn't hold it, raised her hand and pinched her hand, with helpless eyes, a good expression not knowing what to say: "You ..."

Leng Yan lay down and hugged him, pretending to be regretful and evil: "Why not keep pretending to sleep, I haven't seen it yet?"

Gong Yuwei was speechless, and finally turned to the topic: "Why are you here?"

"You don't want me to come?" Leng Yan asked back.

Gong Yu slightly pursed her lips and did not speak!

Leng Ming sighed, and knew that he would be like this! Picked up and kissed his cheek: "I went out of the house last night, but I encountered something, so I dragged it to the present. I missed my appointment last night, sorry!"

Gong Yuwei heard the words nervous: "What happened?"

Leng Yan patted his face comfortably: "It's just some clowns who have jumped on the beam. It has been solved. Unfortunately, I bought Osmanthus wine and appetizers, and I was eaten by myself!" Xiao Yan's food was negligible!

"But it was assassinated again?" Gong Yuwei is not stupid, and can naturally guess one or two, holding her hand tighter, before waiting for her answer to continue: "I will let someone answer you at the gate of the palace in the future!"

"Okay!" Leng Yan leaned over and hugged him, resting his head under his chin: "I'm not protected, don't you think I'm fine now? Don't be nervous!"

Gong Yuwei listened to her stability, but couldn't let go of her heart. She was always in danger, could he not be nervous? Raising her hand and touching the gauze on her neck, she moved slightly: "Let me see your injury!"

Hold his hand coldly: "It's just a little bruise, all right!"

"Show me!" Gong Yuwei immediately took out his rare strength again, and seemed to be afraid of her getting angry after adding the words: "obedient!"

Cold and speechless, this kid is amused! But he did not refuse. Anyway, he knew that there was nothing to hide, and not to mention a serious injury. He slightly raised his head and let him untie the gauze.

Gong Yuwei carefully untied that circle of gauze. The breathable gauze was also embroidered with a white plum pattern, which looked like a scarf, which was good-looking, but he did n’t have the heart to appreciate it today, but he saw Long Yi with his own eyes. The hands are all green, and that strength is not small.

After tearing off the silk scarf, the neck was finally exposed. On the white neck of the past, five fingerprints were reflected at this moment. Although the medicine had been applied, the seal had penetrated into the skin, obviously it could not be removed in a while. At this moment, it still looks like Very clear.

Touching his fingertips gently, his eyes were full of distress: "Can it hurt?"

Leng Yan looked at the pain in his eyes, and his heart warmed. She finally gave her the feeling, and held his hand: "A little pain, it will be fine soon!"

Gong Yuwei flashed guilt in his eyes: "I'm sorry! I watched you suffer, but I can't do anything!"

"Fool!" Leng Yan patted his face, then smiled badly: "If you really feel sorry for me, give yourself to me, what?"

Gong Yuwei didn't expect her to say this suddenly, she slightly hesitated, and said earnestly: "Little sister! I said I would wait until the day you become my wife!"

Leng Yiyi chatted with Gong Yuwei for the first time about this topic: "Yuwei! It's not that I don't have confidence in our feelings, just when do you think we can wait until that day?"

"Even if I quit my queen mother's gorgeous skin and become an ordinary woman, as well as Long Yueli and Hua Jinzhi, they have the same affection for me as you. Long Yueli even wants to die under my hands, I can't do it To let go of ruthlessness, even if I become your wife, can you tolerate their existence? Can you tolerate me more than you? "

Gong Yuwei's eyes darkened: "I know what you said, but ... Xiaoyu, you ..."

"Yuwei! Would you like to hear a story from me?" Leng Yan rolled over and lay inside.

Gong Yuwei didn't understand why she said this suddenly, but she was definitely willing: "You say!"

Leng Yan looked at his head: "What do you say is the best woman you have ever seen?"

Gong Yuwei thought about it, "It's just you!"

Leng Yan laughed: "If you say so, I have nothing to say!"

After sighing, "I am not like this in another world!"

"Another world?" Gong Yuwei, suddenly didn't respond to this word.

"Yes! Another world!" Leng Yan took his hand: "This is not a secret. My real name is Leng Yan, but today's queen mother is Leng Jinghua. We are not the same person at all! It was only last year. At that time, Long Yi hit Leng Jinghua crazy, and slapped her with a slap, and I died in another world. I don't know why, I became her, which is what you see now! "

Gong Yuwei opened her eyes wide and looked at her in surprise.

Leng Yan smiled gently: "Are you afraid?"

Gong Yuwei shook her head gently: "Don't be afraid! I just can't believe it!"

Leng Yan looked at it, his eyes were far away: "I don't believe in such a thing, I never even believe that people will have a soul, but I am here alive. If it weren't for my pain and bleeding, I would Doubt it all is a dream! "

Gong Yuwei suddenly felt that she was far away from herself, panic in her heart, and clenched her hand tightly.

Leng Yanhui held him back: "In my world, there is only one truth, that is to be strong. As long as you have enough strength and sufficient power, anyone can stand on top of the world, higher than ordinary people. Yu officials, even higher than the law! And, both men and women! "

"I have lived in my own **** killings since I was a child. I only knew that if I wanted to survive, I would only become stronger, kill all my opponents, and then I would survive! Until the end I stood in a place where there was no one and shaken, and became The queen of darkness! You can control the power of life and death, and control everything in the dark, but it's all the same danger. Everyone around you may betray you, and stab you at the most defenseless time, even the person you trust most. It may betray you because of something, so that you will not know why you die until you die! "

"Bloody, death, killing; betrayal, assassination, hypocrisy. These have become almost everything in my life. I can smile to everyone every day, but I never give a heart of sincerity. I will trust them, but these trust It's all based on half the defense. Sometimes I feel that my blood is cold, and how can a person who can't touch his own heart learn to love? "

"I used to have many lovers. They may be the sons of high officials, the hegemons on the power side, or maybe only the stars who want to rely on me. They are with me. What they want is only my power and the benefits I can give. , It ’s like a deal between us. It has nothing to do with love. It ’s only sensual. For me, it ’s the easiest, because it does n’t require burden, and it ’s not responsible! ”

"Crossing here, I got this identity, and I never thought I would open up to accept any one person. At first I just wanted to take advantage of this identity and live in peace and stability, and enjoy the sun. Life, but in the end, because of some involvement, I couldn't get it! Even the misfortune went to today! "

After looking at Gong Yuwei, the look in his eyes could not be described with surprise, all of which obviously exceeded everything he knew.

Leng Yan patted his face: "Are you surprised? In fact, I am even more surprised than you. You are the cleanest and purest person I have ever seen. It is like white plum in the snow without stains, because of your simplicity, you I found out that I can also like people, I do n’t need sensuality, I just like it, thinking and thinking, I ca n’t bear to hurt, and get along quietly, even if I do n’t say anything, do nothing, I also feel relieved, as if I was a monster! "

There was some movement in Gong Yuwei's eyes, she touched her face, after all, did not speak!

Leng Yan also reluctantly: "I have only told you these things so far, but I just want to let you know what kind of person I am. I admit that I like you, but I cannot change everything for you. Those things have been implanted. The soul is so ingrained that it cannot be washed away and cannot be removed! "

Raise his hand and cover his face, facing each other: "If you want, I can be your bride and become your wife, but you must be sure that you want me like this, if you ca n’t be sure, we will stay like this, Until you can see your heart clearly, go or stay, it's up to you to decide, eh? "

"Xiao Yan ..." Gong Yuwei looked at Leng Yan for a long time, and finally spoke slowly.

Without letting him say more, Leng Yan covered his lips, a kiss sealed all his words, and separated for a moment: "Don't rush to answer me, I can wait!"

Gong Yuwei stroked her hair and sighed longly, "OK!"

It's early time, Gong Yuwei is going to go naturally. Now that the situation is tense, Gong Yuwei can't be lazy as a prime minister. After a simple grooming, he went out in a carriage.

Leng Yan looked at the top of the bed, and her heart was empty. She couldn't describe her mood and didn't know what she wanted. She sighed for a long time. It ’s useless to think so much!

Out of the prime minister's house, the sky is already bright, people coming and going on the road start their day, and she is a bit boring!

I did n’t feel like walking anymore, I went back to the palace directly. Just after returning to the palace, Lu often looked at her anxiously and determined that she had nothing, so she was relieved: "It's okay for the queen mother!"

Leng Yan chuckled: "What can I do?"

Lu Chang handed the prepared clothes to her: "The queen queen was assassinated last night, and the minions only knew that at midnight. Fortunately, there was news that I saw you went to the Prime Minister ’s House this morning, otherwise Lu Chang would have to worry about death!"

Leng Yan heard a smile and said nothing! But he heard Lu Chang again, "Last night the scream came from the Queen's Furui Palace. Qing Ling went in to see it. A dozen **** people placed their heads by the Queen's bed, and she was stunned. This morning It was hard to wake up, but it was unconscious, as if crazy. Prince Princess of Germany entered the palace early this morning, and sent someone to invite a mage, now I am afraid it should come! "

Leng Yan's eyes flickered, it turned out that those people were actually sent by Huayu Xuan! But she didn't have much mood to manage these things: "Where is Long Yi? Wake up?"

"The emperor woke up last night. The Prince De asked them something, but the emperor said nothing. He dealt with things late at night in the Royal Study Room, and now he went up again! He also knew about the queen, and Prince De said It's tacit to go into the palace to accompany him! "

"Yeah!" Leng Ying said lightly, "What about the grassland? Is there something?"

"The news of the prairie hasn't arrived yet, but Hua Shizi gave you a letter last night!" Lu Chang said and handed over a letter.

Leng Yan put down his clothes and opened the letter. After reading the content quietly, his face was a little dignified.

Lu Chang didn't read the content of the letter, and when she saw that her expression didn't seem right, she asked, "But what's the matter?"

Leng Yan folded the letter: "Mo Zhai and Prince Chiyin finally went to war. According to the strength of the troops, there was a chance of victory, but Prince Chiyin's martial arts were high-strength and weird. Mo Zhai was seriously injured. If it was not Hua Jin's arrival, I am afraid it will fall in Chi Prince Yin is in the hands! "

Lu Chang was surprised: "It is rumored that the prince Chiyin has high martial arts skills and fierce means, and he is not even worthy of Hua Shizi?"

Leng Yan thought of that person, and she didn't want to meet such a person in this quilt: "A bloodthirsty pervert, I'm afraid that few people can kill him!"

Lu Changwen was puzzled: "Mr. Empress, have you met?"

Leng Yan nodded: "Have seen it! But that kind of person has seen it for the first time, and absolutely no one wants to see it for the second time!"

After speaking, Leng Yan thought for a moment, quickly walked to the desk case, picked up a pen and wrote a letter, blown and folded: "Let Xiang Xiang send this to Longyue Li!"

"Yes!" Lu Chang took it out, and Leng Yong called Ziyu to help her change her clothes.

Change the clothes, Ziyu took off her gauze, re-applied the medicine, and then re-enclosed it: "The queen queen is ready for breakfast? The slaves sent someone to prepare it and boiled the bird's nest porridge on purpose. Can the queen queen use a little? "

Leng Ming touched his belly, but he was really hungry: "Come on!"

"Squeak!" Kano, who had been left out, jumped out again to draw Leng's attention and smiled coldly: "You little guy!"

After speaking, I touched it and looked outside, with a touch of love in my eyes: "It's been a long time since I saw Jin Zhi, and it's his birthday soon, but I miss him a bit!"

"Squeak!" Kano swipes twice with a furry tail, not sure what it means, and Leng Mao won't bother to bother.

The center was busy, and the harem came to a pile of Taoist priests because of the events of Hua Yuxuan. Every day, every step was done, and there was fragrant ashes everywhere. There is someone from Lu Chang, and she doesn't need to put on the eyeliner that everyone knows.

It's three days after such a day has passed, lying cold in a hundred gardens bored, looking at the flowers in the garden, boring to count the fallen leaves!

"Squeak!" Now Baihua Garden is Kano's world. There are no outsiders here, and it is full of flowers and trees, so that it can play freely. Lying coldly, chasing after it, watching it play happily.

"Mrs. Queen!" Qing Ling came over: "Someone wants to see you!"


Qing Ling smiled: "You know it after watching it!"

Leng Yan felt a familiar atmosphere coming up, stood up in surprise, looked at the man in the cape, and immediately said his identity: "Lanze! Why are you here?"

Lan Ze opened his cloak to reveal his handsome face, and then untied the straps, still in the same light blue plain clothes, still elegant as blue, people can't move his eyes, smiled toward the cold, his eyes were full of joy and love, his voice was faint But suppressing affectionately: "Some things to discuss with you!"

Leng Yan waved the others, stepped forward and leaned directly into his arms, wrapped his hands around his waist, took a deep breath of Lanxiang on him, and smiled slightly: "But miss me?"

Lanze embraced him, and finally he was filled with tension and concern because of the fullness and tenderness in his arms, and he sighed with satisfaction: "Well! I want to!"

Leng Yan looked up, Lan Ze also looked down. It ’s been too long. Goodbye at this moment. Those lovers suddenly burst out and could n’t hold back anymore. I do n’t know who put on who ’s lips first, and the kiss started like this. , Tight hug, inseparable between lips and teeth!

For a long time, it took a long time for the necks of the two to be sore, and they parted. Lanze pecked at her lips, and her eyes were like peach blossoms, showing tenderness.

Leng Yan grabbed his neck and leaned softly on him: "I haven't heard you play the piano for a long time!"

Lan Ze pinched her hair: "I'm afraid it won't work today. Many people here are familiar with my piano sound. If you hear it, you will be in trouble!"

Leng Yan thought about it, took his hand to sit on the soft couch, and leaned directly on his leg, looking up at him: "You will not come for no reason, but what happened? "

Lan Ze raised her hand and stroked her hair: "Well! Two days ago I received a letter from Long Yijia urgently, meaning to resolve the war peacefully, asking the snow country to stop the war, Feng Yu acknowledged the independence of the snow country, and it is no longer Feng The vassal state of the imperial nation no longer needs to be tribute! "

After speaking, he said, "The snow country's land is already small. This war has used almost all the military and financial resources of the snow country. If it continues, the snow country will be overwhelmed. I discussed it with Brother Leng. The best result is the answer, but I still want to ask what you mean! "

Seeing his frankness and care in his words, he smiled coldly, raised his hand and touched his face: "Fool! Do you still need to ask this thing? Everything is for the best interests. Today's situation is facing the snow country. It ’s the best. Being able to re-independence from Feng Yu ’s independence means that this war is enough. There is no need to fight the people and hurt their money. If you lose both, you will do the same! Besides, you are the regent and you should consider for your country. Why are you asking me? "

Lan Ze said with a smile: "I knew you would say that! I was just worried about you and Long Yi. Now you have torn your faces. I am afraid that the two countries are peaceful. He will be against you!"

"It's really a fool!" Leng Yan pinched his nose and smiled brightly: "But I'm so stupid!"

Lan Ze heard a soft look in her eyes and lowered her head to cover her lips again.

They were satisfied before they separated, the voice was dumb, and there was some emotion in their eyes, but they did not forget the business: "Then I immediately sent someone to send a letter back to Long Yi, and then sent a mission!"

"Don't worry, this kind of thing promised too quickly will make people feel that they are undervalued. You can talk about it for a couple of days, or ask for supplies with Long Yi, or the land occupied by Feng Yu. At least you have to pay back one or two. That's the city! Otherwise it's too cheap for him! "

Lanze laughed when she heard her words, but she was mostly spoiled: "Okay! I all listen to you!"

Leng Yan heard the words and smiled: "Lanze! You will be a strict wife!"

"Wife is strict?"

"Um! I'm afraid of my wife, your wife or wife!"

Lan Ze heard that his eyes softened suddenly, and he always could not say love. He lowered his head and moved closer, and his eyes saw her eyes: "If that person is you, I will!"

Leng Yan touched his heart, closed his eyes and sealed his lips! Sure enough, her heart trembled with this simple love affair!

"Ama!" Lanze sighed, and all disappeared into her kiss.

Leng Yan also missed his taste, and he kissed deeply and kissed unforgettablely! His arms wrapped around his body softly, stroking involuntarily, and inserted one hand into his hair, deepening the kiss.

The ** in Lan Ze's heart was throbbed, and she could not stop turning over and pressed her down, her palms covered her waist, and she touched with nostalgia.

"Woo!" Because he touched a sensitive place, Leng Mo couldn't help groaning, and this sound made Lanze's heart tremble, but he was awake, realizing that it was a garden, and got upset with annoyance: "Ah! Sorry! I'm out of control! "

Leng Yan opened his blurred eyes, and gradually pressed down those **, near his arms, his voice was still a bit low and confusing, chuckling: "If you are not out of control in the face of me, then I should suspect that you are Liuxia Is there something wrong with Hui! "

Lanze looked red: "Ama!"

Leng slaps his face: "Shouldn't have eaten? I'll get someone ready, just because I didn't eat, I'm hungry!"

This Lanzer did not refuse: "Okay!"

Leng Zheng stood up, brushed his hair casually and took his hand in. She was not afraid that anyone in the palace would see it.

Immediately when it was time for lunch, it was ready long ago, and the cold cold was brought in, and the two sat down to eat!

Lan Ze held the bowl and looked at her with a smile, nostalgic: "I haven't eaten with you for a long time!"

Leng Gogou lips, it was like last year's thing to eat here last time, right? He also smiled, and suddenly thought of Lanxiang, he asked, "What about Lanxiang Nini? How is it?"

Lan Ze nodded after hearing the words: "Because you sent her back in time without encountering any danger. Now she is being held in the palace. Xu listened to you, but didn't run out and stayed in the palace!"

Leng Yan knew that Lanxiang was okay, but when he said that, he felt more at ease: "After signing the covenant, she can come if she wants to come, but she still cannot use her identity as a princess. After all, she is too conspicuous and many people stare at her , It's not always good! "

"I know!" Lanze gave her a piece of fish: "Dinner first! Otherwise it will be cold when the dishes are served!"

The two talked on the soft couch after dinner. They talked about the military in the past few months. Of course, it was unavoidable to mention Leng Yue. The look of Leng Yue slightly changed, but they didn't say much. I didn't seem to want to say this when I saw her. The topic, Lan Ze also turned away with interest, and said something happy.

Talking, time passed, and it was getting late, Lan Ze took the cape and put it on, but was pulled by Leng Yan: "What are you doing?"

Lanze looked at her: "It's very late, I'm back to General's Mansion, I live there these days!"

Leng Yan pulled the cloak aside, lifted him by the hand, and then pulled him directly down onto the soft couch, quickly turned over and pressed him down, a playful posture drew his chin, pretending to be evil , Seyan said: "It's been a long time since Ai's family has seen such a beautiful man, so Ai's family has decided to leave you to warm the Ai's family!"

"Ama!" Lan Ze was pressed by her, listening to her words, her face suddenly became hot and ashamed!

—————————— Off topic ——————————

Sex girls! Is this eating? Still not eating it? Hey, this is a very serious question!

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