MTL - The End of the World-Chapter 4

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Then, when the hot and sinister sunlight shines into the house through the thick layer of double-glazed glass, it becomes gentle and gentle. The sun gradually drifted away. When the gorgeous Caixia formed a beautiful landscape on the distant horizon, Jingxia only told everything.

Because of unconditional trust, he can tell this person everything he knows.

There is no other reason, just because -

He is Ji Chuan.

The cold and expensive face is still a constant indifference, and Jichuan is looking at the table of the ancient wood coffee table with no sorrow. When all the things were finished, Jing Xia was too nervous to swallow, not knowing what to say. He looked down at the blue-and-white porcelain cup in his hand, and saw a few green shoots swaying in the clear tea, and the whirlpool kept going.

Seeing this interesting scene, the big stone that has been suppressed in the heart of Jingxia has finally been removed. Perhaps it is because the secret is shared with others, so he no longer bears alone, so watching this little thing can be amused.

The lips slowly twitched a slight curvature, Jing Xiagang was ready to say something, and a low-magnetic male voice interrupted everything he wanted to say -

"I finally want to know why you are born again?"

The smile was momentarily stiff at the mouth, and Jing Xia’s eyes widened, and the throat was suddenly infarted. The darkness and pain of the eclipse, and the smug laughter of Su Weishang, all of a sudden returned to his brain at this moment, so that he could not breathe.

The thin cold sweat leaked out from the forehead, and Jichuan saw the pale face of the youth, and the scorpion was dangerously smashed. The window bar blocked the daylight from the middle and only illuminated the upper body of the two. In the shadow of the dim light coffee table, Ji Chuan gradually clenched his hands, but the surface was still calm and calm.

Finally calmed down the breath, Jing Xia suddenly whispered without any warning: "What do you want to know about this question? I was in a war between humans and variants, accidentally caught an ugly sucker and white head. The sin of the s-class white lotus variant that comes with the Holy Light, and then reborn. You don't care about this, this is not important."

Ji Chuan is dark and dull, and his tone is skeptical: "A flower...?"

"Well, of course it is true." Simply sit up directly from the sofa and raise an eyebrow with arrogance. Jingxia asked: "What? You still think I am lying to you?"

Ji Chuan was uplifted, and the dark and dark scorpion stared closely at the arrogant young man, who had not moved away for a long time. Just when Jingxia felt that he couldn’t bear the pressure and was about to confiscate the whole confession, I saw that Ji Chuan suddenly moved away from his gaze. He whispered: "No."

"Okay, we have been talking in the study for so long, Grandpa Wang and Qin sister are anxious underneath." Jing Xia raised his right hand and touched his hair, making two laughs from his throat. The dry laughter gently echoed in the quiet study room, and finally completely disappeared. Ji Chuan was just thinking about what he was thinking about, and he ignored the idle and boring youth.

Although he did not get the response from the other party, Jing Xia’s heart did not feel embarrassed, but rather relieved.

Su Weishang’s business... He did not intend to tell Ji Chuan.

Although on the surface, this indifferent man has always made an indifferent look to him. But for more than two decades, Jing Xia knows that Jichuan is really treating himself as a good friend. He can even imagine that when Ji Chuan was informed, he would destroy Su Weishang humanely.

But... he just didn't want this man to know. It’s not just because Su Weishang is the person of their family, but what is the scorpion that is also the family of Jing’s family. more importantly……

Jichuan has a lot to think about.

From the sick and dead who may have emerged, to the subsequent evolution of the species, and even the last ethnic war he can see.

The evolutionary abilities of Kawagawa are much more powerful than him, and he also has the ability to lead the evolutionaries to achieve rare human victories in several animal wars. He has these more important things to think about, so Jing Xia did not intend to let Su Weishang disturb this other small things.

Jing Xia sighed in his heart and gradually bit his lower teeth. It seemed as if Su Weishang’s seemingly gentle and harmless smile appeared. It is such a person who is hypocritical and kind, and is the most preventable. Even if he already knew that Su Weishang was not a good person, he still had the other's tricks, and even did not understand at the end: When did the other's abilities improve to that extent?

Nowadays, because everyone is afraid to go out, even he does not know where Su Weishang is now.

However, Jing Xia is not in a hurry. As long as Su Wei is not dead, he will inevitably appear in human concentration camps. At that time, it must be the day when he will return the pain of the bones to the other side.

"My word makes you gnash your teeth?"

The low and calm voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Jingxia, and all the angry flames that had just ignited in his heart were extinguished. He looked down in disbelief and saw that Ji Chuan was looking at himself with a look of indifference, and looked at himself blankly, then glanced at the white wall opposite.

Jingxia looked confusedly at each other's eyes. I saw that a few dragons and phoenixes were being smashed on the wall with gold, just in line with themselves. Instantly understood the meaning of the other party, Jing Xia coughed twice, and roughly transferred the topic: "Can't see it, you can still write."

"You can't write?"

"……I will."

"Well, I will."


When the great young master finally moved his noble body mercifully from the sofa, when he got up, stepped up, opened the door, and went downstairs, the little tears in Jingxia’s heart had already accumulated into a vast ocean. No matter how many years he is born again, as long as he meets the guy of this iceberg, he never has a chance to discuss it in the other hand!

When he was a child, he was bullied by this person. He was the irony of being turned up by him when he grew up, and he still had to endure his chill!

This day... it’s almost impossible! ! !

The heart is filled with anger and anger, but Jing Xia only shows some frustration on the surface. After all, for more than two decades, this mode of getting along has long been used to it, so it is also rough and thick, and will never be crying like this as a child.

Just down the stairs, Jing Xia saw Qin Chuzhen sitting on the sofa and talking to Wang Guanjia. Both of them held a cup of white steamed hot tea. I didn't know what I was talking about and suddenly laughed together. Qin Chu smiled and lifted his throat, and at a glance he saw Jichuan Cheng and Jing Xia who were coming down from the second floor.

She gently put the white porcelain teacup on the glass coffee table. Just stood up and saw Jichuan stepping forward in a steady pace. He said, "Tonight, go to the restricted area."

The smile at the bottom of the eyes was stagnant, and Qin Chu slowly enlarged the glamorous scorpion and asked strangely: "Why?" After a pause, she calmed the surprise in her heart and continued to ask: "Young Master, The restricted area is a short distance from the city of B. And no one knows what is going on outside, and it is a little dangerous to go out like this."

Wen Yan, Ji Chuan is a clear eyebrow. The beautiful face of the beautiful face showed a hint of helpless grief and quickly disappeared. He sighed low and then said: "The restricted area may have an accident."

As soon as the words landed, the whole living room was quiet.

Wang Guanjia is always in the fog and does not know what the two people are talking about, and Jing Xia is also a brain-like fog only knows to stand behind Ji Chuan. The two words in the restricted area have just been heard from the mouth of Ji Chuan, what seems to be... China’s current top force.

However, he naturally does not understand the meaning of Ji Chuan’s words.

Qin Chu is a beautiful apricot, and he is shocked and unbelievably looking at the man in front of his eyes. Her face became more and more white, and in the end she even had a fine sweat on her forehead, and her lips were so pale that even the bright red lipstick could not be covered.

Although she always hinted at herself in her heart: it is almost impossible to make a move with the power of the penalty zone. However, she has been unconditionally believed in this man since she was a child. Even two years younger than himself, this man has always had a convincing courage. However, this sudden announcement - she is really unacceptable.

"This... How is this possible? Young master, how can the restricted area suddenly happen? They are..." The voice stopped abruptly, and Qin Chu suddenly watched with a glance at Wang Guanjia and Jichuan who were sitting on the sofa. She looked hesitant and didn't know how to continue.

Wang Guanjia naturally understood: "I am old, I don't want to manage anything, I just want to take care of the young master and live together."

Jing Xia saw the sight of Qin Chu's suspicion. Although he felt a trace of loss in his heart, he also understood that this restricted area army must be a big secret. He had to raise his hands to make a surrender to Qin Chu. He had not spoken yet. He heard that Jichuan was cold and cold: "Even if there is no accident, there will be an accident next. Tonight, go to the restricted area."

Qin Chu was a slogan.

Until Qin Chu went to clean up the preparations, and Wang Guanjia also went to the car first, in this no one else's living room, Jing Xia turned around and looked at Ji Chuancheng puzzled and asked: "Achuan, why are you? I know that the restricted area troops must have an accident? I don’t seem to tell you about them."

Ji Chuan has already packed up his own things, wearing a thin black shirt.

At the edge of the sky, the sunset that is slowly sinking exudes the last majesty, and sprinkles this splendid beauty to the land she loves the most. The sun's rays of the setting sun shine on Jiuchuan's cufflinks. The sapphire's spherical cufflinks sparkle with brilliant blue-violet colors, as if sinking a deep blue hole.

Jichuan glanced at Jingxia with his nephew and said: "Because you didn't mention it, so... they should have an accident."

“Hey? What does this mean?”

"The restricted zone troops are the most powerful armed forces in China at present, and they are also an army hidden behind them. They are obeying not only the government, but also all the people. Therefore, if it is true... when the last end is coming Even if no one has evolved, they will definitely stand at the forefront of everyone, blocking the variant of the animal, until the last person dies."

This sound is dull and has no ups and downs. It seems that it is only describing the simplest thing, but listening to Jing Xia’s ear, it seems to be a slap in the heart, and the heartbeat of the heart can not be ignored. -

The boiling taste of the blood that is transmitted from the deepest part of the blood.

Jing Xia felt his throat in his throat, and he suddenly understood the meaning of Ji Chuan.

Because this group of people did not appear, then they must have been before the end of the world -

completely annihilated.

Taking a deep breath, Jing Xia swallowed a mouthful, and suddenly there was a conjecture in his heart. He asked: "Achuan, what is your identity in the restricted area?"

This sentence is like a spell, which makes Jichuan’s action instantly stagnant in the air. I saw him slowly put down the hkp7 pistol in his hand like a silver death, and turned to look at Jingxia.

At sunset, the sunset was completely sunk under the endless mountains, and the tall and tall figure of the man also covered all the light, but Jing Xia seemed to see a touch of light that represented hope. Released in front of your eyes. Ji Chuan's back is quite straight, and the handsome and elegant face is still so cold, but at this time there is more unquestionable majesty.

"Huaxia restricted zone unit a team captain, major Ji Chuan presented, codename ... x."