MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 11 : Zombies, hate what comes!

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Chapter 11: Zombies, hate what comes!

Xiao Ziling and his party just rushed to the third floor, and they heard a rush of footsteps behind them. Looking back, it was Gao Qijun’s group who also rushed over. As a result, the fire abilities were very powerful and quickly killed. Come in.

The entrance to the third floor has been cleaned up, but the team of Chu Yutian has not seen the trace, and I don’t know where in the supermarket.

Gao Qijun ignored several people at the entrance to Xiao Ziling, and directly ordered his men to collect supplies madly.

When Li Yongjun saw it, he said, "Let's start, everyone is careful." The crowd heard the words and rushed to the cargo rack to collect the food and materials they needed.

Xiao Ziling did not join in it, but observed the traces of the battle all the way, and quietly walked into the depths of the supermarket. In a short while, Chu Yutian’s people were far from his eyes. At this moment, the team is divided into two groups, one is responsible for the alert, one group is collecting food, their goal is easy to store dry goods and easy to carry small volume of food, and strive for everyone to carry the maximum load.

Xiao Ziling was hidden in the blind spot of the alert personnel. He observed the team and found that the team was alone.

It seems that Chu Yutian and his team are acting separately. So where is he? What are you doing?

Xiao Ziling was thinking about it, and suddenly a cold wind came behind him. He didn't even think about it. He turned directly into the front and rolled his middle corner to aim at a fast figure. Who attacked?

The feet were steady, one hand was lightly supported on the ground, and one hand was placed on the back, and the Tang knife was quietly pulled out.

Although there is no one in sight, Xiao Ziling knows that the enemy is hidden behind a cargo rack in front of him, ready to give a fatal blow.

Is it a human or a zombie?

Xiao Ziling directly excludes people. The reason is that they have not done anything to hinder others. Although they observe the team of Chu Yutian, they will not attract their attention. After all, the people who view them are not limited to Xiao Ziling.

Then it should be a zombie. This speed is probably a zombie that has evolved at a speed. Xiao Ziling’s heart is dark: “Rely, is it not a week before there will be an evolutionary zombie? How come here, let me meet it. Nima, what is bad luck.”

"Hey!" A metal-like collision sound. It is the Tang knife, and at this moment, it has a black light, a sharp nail, and a thin arm.

Xiao Ziling’s right leg was on the ground, and he used his force to slide back three meters directly. He stared at the zombie who was roaring at him and dared not distract him.

Sure enough, it is a zombie, and it is a zombie that enters the second order faintly. This is not a single evolution. This means that at least the zombies have two capabilities to be strengthened.

A brief confrontation collision, let Xiao Ziling know that this zombie should be the evolution of speed and hard bones. The brows were tightly wrinkled, and the childish little face was full of pain, and took a sip: "Nima, why do you hate what to do, but don't want people to live?"

Before Xiaosheng’s rebirth, he hated the zombies that met the speed or the hardening of the cortical bones. The speed didn’t need to be said, it offset his advantage, and the zombies with the hardening ability of the cortical bones made Xiao Ziling’s attack every time basically in vain. The undead kind of depression, now I want to vomit blood.

Now there are two evolutions of this zombie. Xiaoziling feels bitter and awkward in his mouth, and his mood is extremely bad. This is a very difficult bone, and maybe it is still the kind that can't be smashed.

Without waiting for Xiao Ziling to think more, the zombies once again waved their claws to attack, and the sizzling stimulation of fresh food made the zombies full of power.

Once again, he escaped the zombie attack. Xiao Ziling’s right leg picked up and the side of the evil side kicked. The zombie was kicked to the ground by his hard life, and the force directly slipped out a dozen meters. The zombies who fell to the ground seemed to feel the pain, and they screamed and suddenly jumped up, and once again flashed into the cargo rack and hid.

There are cargo racks around the Xiaoziling that block the line of sight, and each direction may face a crisis of being attacked.

"Eyes, open!" Under the sunglasses, quietly released the eyes of the soul.

Just there, the 360-degree three-dimensional three-dimensional three-dimensional, clearly revealing the place where the zombies are hiding, Xiao Ziling to step on the ground, with this rebound force directly to the hiding place of the zombies.

"Hey!" A loud noise! The collapsed cargo rack splashed around.

"Oh..." The zombie screamed in the roar of the sky, and Xiao Ziling used all his strength to slash the Tang knife in his hand and cut it to the head and neck of the zombie.

"Hey!" Half of the Tang knife was embedded in the bones, and the painful zombies frantically smashed a punch of revenge, slamming the fresh food that gave it pain.

Xiao Ziling's left arm is a file, and it is flying out by this force. The Tang knife, which was originally held in the right hand, was released from the head and neck because it could not be pulled out. In the Xiaoziling, a scorpion turned over and steadily again. The left arm was faint and numb, and it seemed that the blow was not injured but it still had a certain impact on his arm.

Frowning and looking at the angry and roaring zombies in front of him, Xiao Ziling did not expect to use his primary awakening power to cut the head and neck of this zombie. It seems that this zombie is focused on the evolution of the cortical skeleton, it is no wonder that the speed will be slightly lost.

At this time, Dong Haozhe, who was in charge of the alert, saw that the shelves were suddenly broken down and broken, and there was a loud noise and a roar of zombies. He made a gesture to Chen Jingwen, telling the other person to look at it in the past.

Dong Haozhe carefully approached the place where the sound occurred, and watched the police around to prevent the zombies from appearing deadly and being attacked. Crossing the last shelf that blocked the line of sight, I saw a zombie that was different. The zombies were thin and thin, and they were not covered with carrion like ordinary zombies. Instead, the skin was tight and the skin was light and golden.

Evolutionary zombies! Dong Haozhe was shocked. I did not expect that this supermarket would have evolved zombies. At this time, there was a straight sharp blade at the throat of the zombie, about 2 fingers wide and a bevel at the tail. This is a Tang knife. Confronted with the zombies is a black sportswear with a pair of oversized sunglasses that can cover half of the face.

I can't see the face so that Dong Haozhe can't distinguish between gender and age, but Dong Haozhe first felt that this should be a young man, and he is still very confident about his instincts.

The zombie roared to Xiaoziling, and the unarmed Xiaoziling only relied on speed to dodge. For a while, there was no backhand power. On several occasions, it was only a few risks to avoid the zombie finger, so that the onlookers were frightened, I am afraid that the next second will be horizontal. The corpse is on the spot.

Dong Haozhe was preparing to take the shot, but found a familiar figure behind Xiao Ziling.

He embraced his chest with his hands and looked at the battle calmly. His eyes showed Dong Haozhe temporarily watching and not letting go.

Dong Haozhe smiled and smiled. He relaxed his mind and said: "This kid is lucky, but he was noticed by Chu. Maybe we have one more true partner."

Only the people who are wanted by Chu are the brothers. Others, everything is a cloud.