MTL - The Existence of Harry Potter-v2 Chapter 16 Who is more unlucky?

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There are some people in this world who always shout, "It's so boring!" and "Life is so lonely as snow!" From the perspective of words and deeds, such people seem to be really boring and lonely, but in reality On, such a person will not be bored and lonely.

"It's so boring! Life is so lonely as snow!" Asker stretched his waist and said, "What about your sister? Why didn't she come?"

"She's not feeling well." Furong replied briefly, squinting at Asker, she moved a little to the side, and opened the distance that Asker had inadvertently shortened.

"I'm not in good health... oh hehe, I think I understand..."

Furong took a deep breath, suppressed her urge to kill, and said sullenly, "Vulgar and vulgar, shameless!"

Asker touched his chin and asked, "You know what I'm thinking?" He took out a small stone from his pocket, which looked like an ordinary one, "I bet a copper nut, You must have misunderstood me, I am a very honest, pure and kind good person..."

"This joke is not funny at all."

Asker stretched out his hand, the pebble lay in his palm, Furong looked at Asker in confusion, and the latter smiled slightly.

"Well, this is for you. Take it back and give Gabriel some water to drink. It will cure all diseases."


Furong took the stone and clenched her hands tightly, making people wonder if the stone would be crushed by her. Soon, her hand relaxed, and with a casual throw, a perfect parabola sent the pebble into the grass behind.

"You don't believe it?" Ask turned to look

"Please get out of my sight, please?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I hate you."

Asker pushed his glasses and nodded, "That's a very good reason, but your words are really hurtful!"

"Really... I thought that when you did all kinds of funny things like a clown, you were ready to accept ridicule and disgust."

Touching his chin, Ask's smile remained the same, with a rare serious tone, "It is true... but, your words still make me very uncomfortable... Few people would say that to me."

"There are some things that don't need to be said." Furong said calmly, but her words were unexpectedly sharp, "You are not as popular as you think."

"It's really boring." Ask smiled and pointed at the grass, the Flying Curse was always so useful, "I think, you still misunderstood, at least, for my purpose, you really misunderstood. "

"Is it……"

Asker nodded. He put the small stone in his pocket and took a step back. "There is something I wanted to say to you, but unfortunately you preempted it..."


"Now, it shouldn't be too late... You're not as popular as you think."


He didn't even say goodbye, and maybe there's no need to say it, because these two people may drift further apart in the future, and the two straight lines will never meet again after passing through the intersection.

The **** dog ran back at some point. Animals always have a very sensitive sense of smell. Even if Asker wanted to dump the **** dog, it would not be an easy task. The **** dog also seemed to have noticed something, and followed Aske's footsteps in a low-key manner without making any movement. This strange atmosphere brought back some memories of him.

It seems... when James first confessed and was rejected by Lily, he seemed to be walking with him like this, right?

How long ago was that?

Ten years?

Twenty years?

The **** dog's eyes narrowed, it was really a good time, the best seven years in life, wasn't it?

There was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, and the **** dog suddenly swooped forward. During this time, he was eating and drinking spicy food, and his body was much better than when he started. He was no longer skinny and looked strong like a dog. He easily knocked down Asker, the **** dog stepped on the human-meat mat, ran a few steps forward, stopped, turned back and stuck out his tongue at Asker, who was a little confused, and wagged his tail.

"If you have the ability, come and hit me!"

"If you have the ability, stand there and don't move, I promise not to kill you!"

There are some things we shouldn't forget, and there are things we don't need to take into account.

I have crossed the mountains and seas, and the crowds have also danced;

The past was rich and rich, but now it is like waking up from a dream;

In the past, I was drowning in bewilderment, and I began to realize that everything is true...

I don't understand, that's okay, there's a translation below—

I once crossed the mountains and the sea, and also crossed the sea of ​​people;

I used to have everything, and in the blink of an eye it was like smoke;

I have been lost and disappointed, lost all directions;

Until I see the ordinary, is the only answer...


Malfoy Manor, England.

Lucius Malfoy got up very early today. After spending an hour grooming, he left the manor and disappeared alone into the darkness of the morning light. About two hours later, it was a new day in Diagon Alley and Gringotts welcomed one of their big clients.

"Good morning, Sir."

As long as you have money, even fairies who don't look right at people will treat you differently. Lucius looked down at the goblin arrogantly with a stern face, and said without emotion: "Get something, Vault 935."

"No problem, please wait a moment."

The goblin quickly checked the relevant information, then he jumped out of his seat and took Lucius to get something. Without the guidance of these goblins, the huge and complex underground vault of Gringotts is a nightmare for anyone trying to play their bad ideas. Except for the labyrinth of tunnels, all kinds of dangerous traps are everywhere, and some key places are even more ferocious. And powerful magical beasts watch over it, including dragons.

There is no need to repeat the process of taking things. When Lucius walked out of Gringotts, he was relieved. At least so far, everything went smoothly. You know, the Ministry of Magic has been paying attention to him recently, because the relationship between the two prisoners and him is unusual, and they are trying to get a breakthrough from Lucius. If it weren't for Lucius' status in the Ministry of Magic, I'm afraid those who are like wolves and tigers, never know what politeness is, and the jackal-like Aurors have already rushed into Malfoy Manor to hunt them down.

"A bunch of idiots."

This is what Lucius said about the current Ministry of Magic. Idiots have the advantage of being idiots, that is, they are easier to be used and easier to turn into tools in their hands. The big people now, they have been blinded by fame and fortune, and Voldemort is about to return, but these people with decisive power have selectively forgotten. If it wasn't for the jailbreak and prison robbery incident some time ago, I'm afraid those sacks of money in the Ministry of Magic would think that now the song and dance are peaceful and harmonious!

Although I despise Muggles, some of Muggle's words are still very reasonable-

No matter how big a country is, it will perish if it is warlike, and although the world is safe, if you forget to fight, you will be in danger!

Shaking his head, Lucius recognized the direction and hurriedly walked towards the exit of Diagon Alley. He wanted to hurry up and go home, and every minute he stayed outside made him Since school is about to start, Diagon Alley is very lively and people come and go. Lucius frowned and rubbed his waist. Just now, a bear boy hit him head on, almost knocking Lucius to the ground.

"It's really uneducated!"

Thinking of the brat who didn't even apologize, Lucius was a little annoyed, and this emotion was magnified when he passed by the Bliss Bookstore and saw the striking red hair of the Weasley family who had been dealing with him all the time.

Evil thoughts rose sharply.

"You're unlucky!"

Lucius smiled coldly and pushed the door of the Lichen Bookstore...

"You're unlucky!"

Asker weighed the purse in his hand, listening to the beautiful sound of Jin Galleon colliding, his eyes narrowed to a slit...


When it’s time to push the book, it’s still a fanfic of fate. The author is a triangular, square, circle and fork, and he can be called a handle, but I sometimes call it XXOO, which seems to be the same.

[bookid=3331771,bookname="The Story of Kotomine Shirou"]

As for the title of the book, I was shocked at the time anyway. Although the name of this Kotomine Shirou was seen in "Second Master's Collapse", this Kotomine Shirou seems to be different from that one.

Speaking of which, fate's UBW is really a money-burning thing. In comparison, what is the theatrical version?