MTL - The Fallen Merman-Chapter 155

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Before pushing open the bathroom door, Bai Chunian turned around and paid attention to the square hanging mirror above the sink.

He stepped back, propped up the edge of the pool with both hands, and looked at the mirror carefully. At first, when he woke up in the bathroom, the mirror had become a monitoring screen. I don't know how to trigger the monitoring display. Bai Chunian touched the edge of the mirror to see if there was a button that could be pressed manually. Couldn't find anything in a circle.

He straightened up, put his pockets in and stood in front of the mirror for a while, staring at himself in the mirror.

He raised his right hand slightly, and the self in the mirror raised his left.

He raised his left hand again, while himself in the mirror still raised his left hand.

Bai Chunian was stunned for a moment, and the white lion alpha in the mirror suddenly raised the corner of his lips, and said with a frivolous smile, "You guys are about to die." He pointed his **** with his raised left hand.

"Ah!" The terrifying image made Bai Chunian suddenly uncontrollably punch him. The mirror shattered like cobwebs, and the broken glass left mottled wounds on Bai Chunian's left fist bone, and blood ran down his fingers. Fingertips flow.

"..." Bai Chunian patted his forehead helplessly. He couldn't even be sure whether it was a hallucination or real surveillance. A slight fear and strong killing intent spread in his heart.

Is the one just now a ghost image, then it is a fake self. He should now be in a room on a different floor than himself. Bai Chunian picked up a large mirror fragment, held it in his hand, and held it tightly.

The fact that Lan Bo's life and death is uncertain makes Bai Chunian feel uneasy in the bottom of his heart. Although he seems to have maintained his composure, he is trapped in such a narrow room with no end. The sense of despair is actually eating away the calm person bit by bit. sanity.

Bai Chunian hated the face in the mirror and wanted to kill him now.

He suddenly became awake again, and held up the fragment of the mirror in his hand, and his own shadow was reflected in the fragment.

"Does the reflection body know that I am the reflection body? I always wanted to kill them." Bai Chunian stared at his blood-stained palm print, "Am I the reflection body."

He touched the suppressor filled with blue medicine on the back of his neck. There was a bump on the suppressor that could be unlocked with a chip. If the suppressor was forcibly dragged, it would start a self-destruction program and inject venom into the experimental subject. in the glands.

A beautiful melody inaudible softly hummed in the communicator beside his ear, like a slowly blooming sea anemone, birds whispered in the clouds, and whales sang along with shell wind chimes.

Lan Bo was lying in the sink of the dining bar, the water flowing down the faucet onto his head, he hummed a song leisurely, and held the note left by Bai Chunian in both hands.

"Rimbo, I heard him singing before, so I confessed my empathic brain all the way, the more I think about it, the more uncomfortable he is, he is a terrifying siren, Satan sent him to confuse me, I It must be an ugly goblin to know what he really is. But he doesn't sing as well as you, really."

The tune around his ears made Bai Chunian's absent-minded eyes gradually clear, and his dense brain was awake.

The muffled sound of a weak metal impact interrupted Lan Bo. Lan Bo's low groaning stopped abruptly. He looked at the roof, then looked around, and asked Bai Chunian, "Did you hear anything."

"You said your song?" Bai Chunian woke up completely and rubbed his temples.

"No, the sound of a 7.62mm sniper shell hitting steel."

"I didn't hear it. Is it near you?"

"It's far away, at least outside the house."

"Forget it, leave it alone. I'm in a mess right now, and I don't understand what's going on. What if we can't get out."

"I don't care. The house will always age and collapse one day. After tens of thousands of years, I'm still here."

"Aren't you lonely for so long? Ah no, it doesn't matter if you're here or not, so I'm not here, right?"

"Not long. But lonely," Rimbaud asked. "How long can you live?"

"Decades? I don't know, but it should be a hundred years at most. Hey, I didn't think about it."

"Such a short day, it's over after a little sleep." Rimbaud thought about the topic of lifespan for the first time, he piled up the notes that Xiaobai left him, put it on his lips and kissed, "Okay. risk."

"Let's continue, when I see my wife, I will ask him to forgive you."

"I don't need it," Rimbaud said. "But I'll forgive you too."

Bai Chunian has already understood the rules of the password. As long as he presses the reverse number according to the password button in the forward room, the speed of opening the door becomes very fast. He easily pushes the door of the bathroom, and the next room is the infirmary.

There was a corpse lying on the ground.

Bai Chunian suddenly thought of something, he didn't think it was dirty, he squatted down and searched the corpse in the researcher's uniform.

The corpse was lying on the side of the cupboard, with his hands rigidly clinging to the edge of the drawer under the cupboard. As Rimbaud had described before, the corpse was wearing plastic slippers and no socks, and there was a small wound on the big toe of his right foot.

Bai Chunian lowered his body to observe, and found that the bottom of the plastic slippers the corpse was wearing had a few small pieces of glass stuck in the bottom. The glass was almost black.

Searching all over the body, there is only this wound on the toe, this is not a fatal injury.

Bai Chunian turned the corpse over. The researcher was slightly fat, about 1.7 meters tall, with a large black mole on his right cheek, wearing black-rimmed glasses, and a broad appearance. However, his earlobes glowed cherry red, and some red spots appeared on his skin.

He leaned closer to the corpse's nose and mouth and sniffed, and there was a very faint smell of bitter almonds. It is almost certain that he died of cyanide poisoning.

Bai Chunian rummaged through his pocket and found an ID card with a card sleeve. He's an Irishman and works for the 109 Institute, and it doesn't look like he's working alone in a department, with at least a dozen colleagues working in it.

"Brother, give me a hand." He took the Irishman's ID card, then lifted the corpse up, supported him on his shoulders, moved to the fingerprint lock step by step, grabbed the Irishman's left index finger and pressed it on the Fingerprint lock.

The fingerprint lock lights up red. mistake.

He had already missed it twice, Bai Chunian thought to himself, there were still two more chances, so he chose the index finger of his right hand and pressed it on the scanning plate.

Still wrong.

With only one last chance left, Bai Chunian's Adam's apple moved slightly, hesitated, and pressed the researcher's left thumb on it.


"...Fuck. Am I so unlucky?" Normal people are only used to recording these four fingers when recording passwords, and they haven't even tried it with the right thumb, but Bai Chunian has no chance to try and make mistakes, make another mistake, restrain The device is about to start a self-destruct program.

Bai Chunian held the researcher's right thumb and hung it above the scanning disk, hovered for more than ten seconds, and finally put it down.

No need, gambling hurts your health.

Bai Chunian put the body back in place, took his identity card, and walked to the next room.

He returned to the cabinet in the infirmary, opened the drawer, and pulled out several boxes of commonly used medicines.

The instructions on the medicine box are all in English, but it can be seen that the letters are reversed, and all the letters are reversed. Bai Chunian looked back at the calendar beside the flower stand. The number on the calendar was 81.

He remembered the number 18 on the calendar as he passed the infirmary. No wonder Rimbaud would answer "Number 81", he really didn't lie.

Bai Chunian asked as he entered the password, "Go to the bathroom over there."

Rimbaud: "Yeah."

"How about the mirror in the bathroom."

"It's nothing, like a normal mirror."

"Hmph..." Bai Chunian confirmed that he had entered a different bathroom from his own, and stepped up to enter the next room.

The door was easily pushed open, and Bai Chunian searched around. He did move two dumbbells behind the door before, but now the two dumbbells have returned to their original positions on the dumbbell rack.

A little bit of blood on the ground also disappeared.

"It's a twist, the fitness room is a twist point." Bai Chunian suddenly realized that there were many signs that confirmed his conjecture about the room.

"Now it seems that we are only trapped in five rooms, the toilet is the first, the second infirmary, the third gym, the fourth dormitory, the fifth dining room, each of the five rooms has a mirror-symmetrical room, see It's two floors up, and it's actually more like two rows of houses with the bottom glued together, and we're standing foot-to-foot."

"If at the beginning I was on the upper floor and you were on the lower floor, we would go through the gym, and I would go to the lower floor and you would go to the upper floor. Every time you pass the gym, there will be a twist, the upper rooms are positive, and the lower rooms are mirror images. of."

Rimbaud: "Oh."

"So I just passed two mirrored rooms. The fitness room I am in at this time is the mirrored fitness room. The next room should be the positive dormitory."

Rimbaud: "Oh..."

"I already fully understand what's going on." Bai Chunian traced the 81 calendar with his fingertips, "This is not an apartment building, but a laboratory free area. The off-duty researchers eat here, Rest. The wallpaper on the wall is not ordinary wallpaper, the principle is similar to the methyl orange-mercury chloride test paper, which is very sensitive, and is used to prevent the leakage of what they are producing or raw materials into the living area."

"Doctor Han said that this thing contains hydrogen cyanide." Bai Chunian touched the suppressor on the back of his neck, and the blue liquid in the suppressor shook slightly, "It is estimated that the researchers are secretly mass-producing this quick-killing device. Test subjects' medicine."

"Do you remember the restaurant with pink wallpaper you passed by? The broken wine bottle should contain this kind of potion. I don't know what means they used to make the potion evaporate in a short time without leaving any traces, but the wallpaper changes. The pink color is the proof that the medicine has been dispersed into the air." Bai Chunian knew that neither Rimbaud nor Rimbaud II could understand him, so he could only talk to himself.


There seemed to be a muffled sound in the corner of the room, Bai Chunian pricked up his ears to listen, and the sound didn't appear again, but one thing, for those who use all kinds of firearms as their daily routine, they can indeed tell that it was a bullet hit in the area. The sound from the steel, but because the steel is too thick, the sound is weak, but it can't be wrong.

"I heard that voice too." Bai Chunian became vigilant and hurried to the next room.

Unsurprisingly, this room is indeed a dormitory.

There are a few **** footprints on the ground, the direction is from the combination lock to the fingerprint lock.

It seems that this was left by the researcher who died in the infirmary.

Bai Chunian scanned every corner of the room carefully, checking for any missing clues, and inadvertently saw the power button under the desk in the corner lit up.

"Well, this one seems to work." Bai Chunian walked over quickly, clicked on the display, took the mouse from the right, and double-tap on the lock screen.

A password is required.

Bai Chunian took out the magnetic identity card he took from the researcher's pocket and swiped it on the card reader under the display screen.

The lock screen turned on smoothly.

Bai Chunian pulled the computer chair over and sat down. This computer is obviously a public computer, which can only be used to temporarily receive messages, and it is not equipped with a keyboard, which is similar to the one in the library.

Bai Chunian is an expert in researching equipment and planning operations, but unfortunately he is not particularly good at computers.

When he was about to give up, the computer desktop showed that he had received an email with the inscription sender: Love launches biubiubiu.

"Hey." Bai Chunian clicked it without thinking. Anyway, he didn't feel bad if it wasn't a virus in his home computer.

After clicking on it, the printer placed under the writing desk made a beeping sound, and then began to spit out A4 sheets one by one.

Bai Chunian bent over and stacked the papers one by one, sat on the computer chair and flipped through them.

These are actually two documents. The cover of the first one reads "Detailed Analysis of IN Infection Agents", which is actually a Chinese document.

Bai Chunian turned it over and roughly summed up some of the characteristics of the In infection medicine.

"It means that this blue agent contains hydrogen cyanide and cyanovirus. The focus is on cyanovirus. The experimental body can only be infected by injection, and it will die within ten minutes after infection, but human beings will die if they inhale too much. This is a highly volatile poison, which evaporates rapidly as soon as it leaves the container, and disappears on its own after three minutes, making it extremely difficult to obtain evidence.”

Rimbaud suddenly responded: "Is it just an infection?"

"Yes, nothing radioactive in it."

The cover of the second document reads "K034 Decided to Destroy the Test Subject's Documents in April", this time the documents are all in English.

Bai Chunian looked at them one by one. There were a total of more than 100 profiles of the experimental subjects. He quickly browsed it, and the variety of experimental subjects surprised Bai Chunian by the variety of his own kind.

Subject 516 Pink Page can produce 10,000 shepherd's purse stuffed buns at a time, and the trigger condition is to eat 20,000 shepherd's purse stuffed buns; experimental subject 707 is a little fat chirp, which makes a specific target feel compassion towards all things, and instantly becomes a Buddha and saves all beings. , Experimental 248 Lazy Caterpillar, reduces the target's work efficiency by 90%, but it is too lazy to use the ability.

and so on.

"Ah... I can understand..." Bai Chunian continued to read the following content.

The last page is the information of the experimental subject Satan.

"Huh? Familiar."

Special Operations Weapon Number 535: Satan

Status: Mature omega

Appearance: first born with double horns

Cultivation direction: "Inner Demon Image", create a reflection body with the same shape as the target, and completely inherit the memory of the body. The reflection body will kill the body and the lovers and relatives of the body, replace the body, and eliminate the fetters.

Cultivation Result: Failed

Seeing this, Bai Chunian's expression froze on his face. There is a note at the back.

Remarks: After research, the experimental subject Satan was unable to realize the inner demon image, but developed a new ability, the J1 differentiation ability "Möbius torque", which can be arbitrarily selected in a closed space for twisting, making the start a twisting point, through the twisting point The goal of is going from a relatively positive space into a relatively negative space.

M2 differentiation ability "future deduction": accurate calculation and substantial demonstration of the development of things in a specific space. External interference will affect the deduction process.

His differentiation ability is so powerful that our existing technical means cannot control it, and if it continues to grow, it may cause irreparable losses, so it will be destroyed.

Signed: Ellen.

Bai Chunian remembered that not long ago, the warden of the International Prisons stepped down, and even the assurances from the 109 Research Institute became unconvincing. The above strictly searched the interior of the research institute in accordance with public opinion, so they were in a hurry to deal with serious inconsistencies. All prescribed test subjects will be destroyed.

It seems that the 109 Research Institute wanted to destroy this batch of experimental bodies as planned this time, but it was unexpectedly overturned. Not only was it thrown by Satan, but many researchers were also lost.

They took him and Rimbaud in such a big circle just to deal with Satan.

If they successfully kill Satan, the 109 Institute's destruction task is completed, and the search results are qualified, everyone will be happy. If they are imprisoned in this ring-shaped room by Satan forever, the 109 Institute will destroy the two powerful helpers of the IOA.

But why didn't Ellen just kill them directly with the infectious agent.

"..." Bai Chunian digested it for a while.

Until Rimbaud asked him: "Little devil, are you still alive?"

"Uh, live." Bai Chunian didn't have a shredder at hand, and it was difficult to carry such a thick stack of documents with him, so he clipped the carbon pen on the first few pages of the documents, and pressed the documents under the pillow of the dormitory bed. Disguised as material that the researcher himself has read. The emails on the computer have been automatically destroyed. With the destruction of the emails, the computer automatically crashes and shuts down after a blue screen for a while.

"I'm in the gym," Rimbaud said.

Bai Chunian stood up and looked at the gym where he came from.

There was a dumbbell tightly stuck between the door and the door frame, which was stuck there when Bai Chu came.

He found that Rimbaud's door did not open under the condition that his door was locked, but that the infrared detection in the center of the room recognized him.

Bai Chunian pulled open the door that he had stuck with the dumbbell, and squeezed his body through the crack.

The gym is empty.

"Lanbo, I have something I want to explain to you, but you listen to me first, I already know how to get out, you do as I say..." Bai Chunian pressed the communicator in his ear, and spoke to the other man. Rimbaud said in a gym.

"No need."

Rimbaud stood in the gym, his hand lightly resting on the suppressor on the back of his neck.

"If it's just an infection," Rimbaud's slender right hand showed the blue veins, and he slammed into the connection between the suppressor and the neck bone, and yanked it violently.

The suppressor made a sharp alarm sound, and in an instant, the blue Infective agent stored in it was injected into Rimbaud's glands. The blood vessels connecting the glands quickly turned blue and black, and quickly spread along the blood vessels to the whole body.

The attack of the infectious agent was extremely painful, Rimbaud gritted his teeth and roared, tearing the suppressor off his neck bone, and the shattered flesh was still attached to the hook.

As the fish tail was recharged with electricity, the rapidly spreading venom in the blood vessels gradually stagnated, as if it had condensed, and then the black and blue slowly poured back.

The blood and light in Rimbaud's body flowed, purifying the pollution and uncleanness that entered the body, and the wound on the back of the neck healed again. In a short dozen seconds, his blond hair glowed, his scales returned to bright, and his whole body exuded a soft light.

He jumped up and fell high, a punch full of power slammed heavily on the ground, and the electric light hissed and exploded at the place where his fist bone landed, splitting the ground into a huge black hole. He put his arm into the hole and fished.

Then he grabbed the collar and pulled Bai Chunian out of the hole.

The two sides connected by the giant cave are two identical gyms.

Bai Chunian saw with his own eyes the blond mermaid with sparkling eyes and shining scales, condescendingly pressing down on him, the dignified attitude of the slightly drooping eyelashes was not who Lan Bo was.

A stack of notes he left fell out of Lan Bo's bandage, and it just landed on Bai Chunian's cheek, and the page with the cat's claw sketch just clasped his face.

Bai Chunian was lying on the ground, raised his hand harmlessly like a cat opening its belly, and said sincerely, "Wife, listen to my explanation about the fact that I was instructing you to deceive myself so much that I almost committed suicide."