MTL - The Female Officer Became a Farmer After Getting Reborn-Chapter 554 554 The person who hooks up

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   Chapter 554 554 People who hook up

Li Yu leaned in Zhou Jia's arms, and after telling him what had happened in the past few days, he said to him: "Xiaoxi, I don't think they can only have a stronghold in Liangjia Village. Liangjia Village is full of continuous mountain beams. Chi said that he had led people over a few mountain ridges before, and he arrived at the only way to enter Beijing from Liangzhou, where he robbed the passing merchants,

He said that all the things he got from the robbery were shipped back to the capital. I think he is lying. I guess there is a bigger stronghold nearby, and it needs a lot of money to support the people inside. Otherwise, what would he do with people robbing so much money? ? "

Zhou Jia nodded and said, "Zhuang Tou, surnamed Chi, is not even afraid of death. How could he explain everything he knew after he woke up? I think his words are half true and false, and the most important thing is still I didn't explain clearly. Tomorrow morning, His Majesty may send someone to see you and listen to your views."

   "That's all I think," Li Yu looked up at Zhou Jia, "Xiaoxi, I forgot to ask Jixiang in Liangjia Village these two days, how is Li Fengqi's investigation?"

Zhou Jia nodded and said: "I asked Uncle Zhou to find out. He has already entered the examination room and now lives near the private school. I heard that he hooked up with a woman who came to Beijing to find relatives. Uncle Zhou also said that the woman Good looking."

   Li Yu said solemnly, "Since Laidi has made up his mind to make up with him, we don't have to be polite to that guy in the future, we have to settle the general account with him."

   "Well! Let's settle with him." Zhou Jia kissed Li Yu dotingly, hugged her and lay down.

   Early the next morning, Li Yu woke up late and saw Yueyue and Xingxing lying on the edge of the bed.

  Yueyue saw Li Yu open his eyes and scratched his cheeks with chubby fingers, "Mother is a little lazy pig, Yueyue and brother have already got up."

   "Mother is not a little lazy pig, but a big lazy pig." Xingxing corrected Yueyue.

  Yueyue nodded, "Yeah! Mother is a lazy pig."

  Li Yu looked at the two babies with a smile and touched their little faces, "Okay, my mother is a big lazy pig, and Yueyue is a little lazy pig. The big lazy pig will get up and eat with the little lazy pig right away."

   "Mother, you are a lazy pig, but Yue'er is not." Yueyue pouted.

  Xingxing grabbed Li Yu's hand, "Mother, hurry up, Madam Liu made Xiao Long Bao, it's delicious!"

  Li Yu got out of bed and kissed the two of them. "Mother hasn't washed up yet! Baby, will you wait for your mother?"

   "Yeah! Let's feed the fish with Chen mama first." After that, he took Yueyue's hand and ran out.

  Li Yu went to the bathroom to wash up. The two little guys had already sat at the dining table. Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Zhang brought millet porridge, steamed buns and eggs, and side dishes.

   The two children took the spoons and ate it by themselves. Madam Liu retreated when they saw Li Yu coming.

  Li Yu put a xiaolongbao on the plate for each of them, "It's delicious, eat it and grow taller."

   "Yeah! Mother is also delicious." The brothers responded in unison.

  The mother and son hadn't had a good meal yet, when Yang Mama came in to report: "Madam, shopkeeper Chu asks to see you."

  Li Yu didn't expect Chu Sihai to come early in the morning, "Oh! Quickly invite him to sit in the living room for a while, I will come later."

  Xingxing looked at Li Yu curiously, "Mother, what is the shopkeeper doing?"

   "The shopkeeper," Li Yu organized the language, "The shopkeeper is the person who helps various shops manage their business."

   "Oh! Is it like a shop selling osmanthus cakes?"

"Smart, mother has finished eating, she's going to receive guests," Li Yu stood up and glanced at Xingxing with a steamed bun, and Yueyue, who was eating porridge, "Baby eat slowly, finish the food in the bowl, Don't leave it behind!"

   "Got it." The two replied together again.

  Li Yu went to the living room in the front yard with a smile. Chu Sihai quickly stood up when Li Yu arrived, smiled and cupped his hands: "Mrs. Li, I came to disturb you early in the morning."

   Li Yu said with a smile, "Why is the shopkeeper being so polite? Have you had breakfast yet?"

   Chu Sihai smiled and nodded, "I've eaten, I'm here to ask you a favor, and I want to ask you for advice."

   "Big shopkeeper, please sit down and talk, you really don't have to be so polite." Li Yu said with a smile.

  Chu Sihai bowed his hands and sat in the chair, "I want to find the truth pills you asked for the gangsters last time, and I also want to ask you for your opinion on what happened in Liangjia Village."

   "Truth Pill..." Li Yu thought for a while before he remembered that it was a pill prepared by Mr. Shiwen in Qingchuan for interrogation.

   said with a smile: "I really don't have this thing right now, but there is a formula from Mr., the big shopkeeper, that thing is prepared with several hallucinogenic medicinal materials.

  If the person you want to interrogate has a strong psychological quality, it is not easy to fall into the illusion, and it is easy to be led astray by him, you should be careful about this. "

   "I will pay attention," Chu Sihai replied respectfully, "Mrs. Li, I don't know if you still treat Liangjiacun..."

   "My opinion in Liangjia Village is... you should send someone to investigate those relatively hidden mountain ridges as soon as possible."

   "Yes, thank you Mrs. Li, there is one more thing you may not know. Your cousin-in-law Li Fengqi has been involved in a fraud case and has been monitored by our people."

   Li Yu was not surprised at all after hearing this, "Li Fengqi is a man who is very serious about fame and fortune. He will do anything for the sake of fame and fortune, and he thinks he is smart and treats others as fools.

There is one thing you may not be aware of. It has been more than a year since Li Fengqi moved out of the courtyard of the Tongzhou Guild Hall. Before leaving, he also threw the Heli book to Laidi. Laidi has signed the Heli book and agreed to cooperate with him. He and away. "

   No wonder he lived outside, thought it was the outer room of the surnamed Li.

Chu Sihai suddenly realized after hearing this, and said with relief: "Mrs. Li, Miss Biao finally made a correct decision, I think those people are just trying to bite you and want to pull Lin Xueshi and your family into this murky water, since You no longer have the slightest relationship with him, and we no longer have any scruples."

  Li Yu nodded with a smile, "Yeah! It's because of our coming to Di that we have been fighting against rats for the past few years. You are welcome, just go check them out and find out all the villains who are hiding behind their backs."

   "Okay, Mrs. Li, where can I find Mr. Wen?"

   "Mr. is in the hospital and didn't come back last night. You can go to the hospital to find him."

   After Chu Sihai said goodbye, Li Yu called Jixiang and said to him, "Go to Di's house and tell her that Li Fengqi has been involved in the Chunyu fraud case, and ask her to hand over the Heli book to you and bring it back to the mansion."

   "It's Madam." Jixiang hurried away.

   Gong Shi, Fan Mingfang and Lin Jia arrived at Zhou's house before and after. Gong Shi saw Li Yu and patted her angrily, "How dare you, girl, fortunately come back safe and sound."

   Fan Mingfang also looked at Li Yu and said, "Sister, you can't take risks like this anymore."

   Lin Jia patted her heart, "Yeah! My cousin is right, cousin, you scared us to death."

  Li Yu looked at the Gong family who were looking at him with concern, and said apologetically, "Aunt, younger brother, cousin, I was reckless and made you worry."

   Cat, thank you for your reward and monthly ticket support!



   (end of this chapter)