MTL - The Female Officer Became a Farmer After Getting Reborn-Chapter 565 565 Farewell

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   Chapter 565 565 Farewell

Mrs. Mo looked at Pan Sheng and said, "King Wen said, "How is the throne? "

  Pan Sheng stood up and replied respectfully: The Taigong said: "Be calm and quiet, be gentle and gentle, be kind and don't argue, be humble and level-minded, and treat things with integrity."

  Mr. Mo nodded, let him sit down, looked at Yang Yang and said, "Zhou Chenxi, King Wen said: How is the Lord Ming?"

   "The Taigong said: "The eyes are precious, the ears are good, the mind is good, and the eyes of the world can see everything, and the ears of the world can hear..."

   Mrs. Mo nodded with satisfaction and started to lecture.

   After class, Pan Sheng walked up to Yang Yang with a smile and pointed at his underwear, "You won't be pushed into the bucket by someone!"

   "You were just pushed into the bucket!" Yang Yang said angrily.

  Qi Dingbang winked at Yangyang and said with a smile, "That eldest lady, didn't find you?"

  Yangyang squinted at him, "I'm too lazy to care about you, it'll be His Highness's class later, I'm leaving."

  Qi Dingbang saw that he didn't want to say anything, so he said, "You go first, I'll go later."

  Yangyang greeted Chu Yao and walked out of the Prince's Academy.

   Jixiang picked him up outside the palace gate and walked back. Seeing him sitting on the car trolley, he smiled and asked, "Eldest young master, did you not finish your homework? You were punished by Mrs. Mo."

  Yang Yang replied in a loud voice, "No, Uncle Xiang."

   Jixiang glanced at him, "A fight with a classmate? Would you like Uncle Xiang to help you?"

   "Without your help, she was beaten and cried by me."

   Jixiang smiled: "It's too embarrassing! Men's family is still crying."

   "It's not a man, it's a woman." Yangyang touched his chest and felt a little pain. Thinking that if he was a man, he would have to knock out his teeth.

   Jixiang laughed loudly after hearing this, "That's why you're wrong. Girls should coax a little bit, and can't use their fists."

  Yangyang shook his head angrily, "She doesn't look like a girl, I'm too lazy to coax her, I'm annoyed when I see her." After speaking, he got into the carriage.

  The two returned home. Seeing that he was mute, Li Yu touched his forehead, "Son, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"Mother, I have something to tell you when I enter the room." Yangyang pulled Li Yu into the room, and pulled up his clothes to show her, "Look, I've been hiding in Gong's room today, and she's still not reluctant. Rao..., bite me like this."

   said this and looked at Li Yu worriedly, "Mother, she bit me here and hugged me. Will her family want me to marry her and be her daughter-in-law?"

   Brat, what did you hear outside?

  Li Yu looked at the teeth marks on Yangyang's chest, and was worried in his heart, will he get tetanus if he bites like this? Li Yu frowned, "Wait for me, my mother will get you something to wash."

  Yangyang nodded. After a while, he saw Li Yu come in with a jug, "Mother, are you going to give me a drink? You haven't told me if her family will force her into me."

  Li Yu wiped his teeth marks with spirits and asked, "Who told you that if you were hugged, you would marry her as a daughter-in-law?"

  Yangyang looked at Li Yu worriedly, "Qi Dingbang said, he said that his brother's daughter-in-law came like this."

"You are still children, there is no such thing. According to what he said, don't you want to marry whoever you want to marry, hug her, and whoever you want to marry, also hug others, these are all pedantic people. nonsense."

  Yangyang breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I'm relieved, it made me worry for so long."

   Li Yu patted him with a smile, "What are you afraid of? Maybe people are worried that you will insist on marrying someone!"

  Yangyang shook his head, "So fierce, I don't want to marry her."

  Li Yu looked at him, "Remember, when you are older, you can't play with girls like this. At that time, people will really ask you to marry her back home!"

   "Understood, I saw my brother and went to do my homework."

  Li Yu nodded and watched with a smile as he strode out.


   When the list of Spring Festival was released, Lin Zexu's job as an examiner finally ended successfully.

After    went home to wash up and rested, Gong Shi told him that Lao Lin had kidnapped Li Yu.

  Lin Zexu suddenly stood up from his chair and looked at Gong Shi in disbelief, "How could this be? Lao Lin is someone we brought from Qingzhou."

   Gong shi said in a serious tone: "It's true that Lao Lin was killed by the bandits long ago, and this Lao Lin was impersonated by the bandits."

   Gong Shi felt scared after thinking about it, "Fortunately, Ayu's kung fu is strong, so he was safe from danger. If he hijacked you and Alan..."

Lin Zexu was as terrified as Mr. Gong, and recalled with a frown: "In that year, he said he contracted the cold and rested at home for a few days. Later, I felt that he was a little different from before, but I couldn't tell where it was. It's different, the only obvious feeling is that the voice is hoarse than before, and he also said that his throat is uncomfortable. Alas! It's really something I never dreamed of, it almost hurt Ayu, it's really a bad thing with good intentions."

   Gong Shi sighed: "Yes! I think so too. Fortunately, Ayu is fine, otherwise we would really have to feel guilty for the rest of our lives."

  Lin Zexu felt that Gong's words came to his heart, nodded and said, "Let's go and see, I heard that Ah Qing is going to Lexian too."

   "Tomorrow is going to leave early in the morning, I'm waiting for you to say goodbye to you!"

   "Well! Let's go and see."

  Lin Zexu went out, Gong Shi followed him out.

   The couple arrived at Li Qing's house. Seeing that Li Yu and his wife were also there, everyone smiled and greeted each other and sat down.

Lin Zexu looked at Li Yu apologetically, and just as he was about to speak, Li Yu stopped the topic with a smile, "Uncle, don't say those apologies again, my aunt has said a lot, don't you take me for granted? Your niece?"

  Lin Zexu listened to Li Yu's words, and an inexplicable sadness filled his heart, "Silly girl, uncle won't say anything, as long as you guys are fine, uncle won't say anything."

  Li Qing stood up and said to Lin Zexu and Zhou Jia, "Uncle, brother-in-law, let's go to the study and talk."

   "Alright." The two nodded at the same time, and went to the study with Li Qing. The library is almost cleaned up

   Zhou Jia told Lin Zexu what had happened during his time in the examination room.

  Lin Zexu said with a heavy heart after hearing this: "It seems that the dormant person has not been idle all these years. Fortunately, he did not take that position."

   Zhou Jia nodded and said, "Just wait for Chu Qing to come back and see if the lurking rebels have been found."

  Li Yu sat and chatted with Gong Shi and Fan Mingfang. Zhou Jia and Li Qing waited until they were invited to dinner before they came out together.

   Early the next morning, Zhou Jia and his wife, Lin Zexu and his wife, sent Li Qing's family to the city gate, where everyone said goodbye.

   Gong shi instructed: "婠婠, Dong'er is still young, you must be careful on the road and protect your children."

  Fan Mingfang nodded and said, "Yes, auntie, sister, you should pay attention to your health at home, and go to Lexian to play when you have time."

  Li Yu nodded, "Okay, I will definitely go."

   (end of this chapter)