MTL - The Fine Food Broadcaster-Chapter 1879 You retired completely

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Latest website: The reason why Kaisha can be the Queen of the Angel Universe, her ability is not generally strong.

At this moment, the angel's blade in his hand was raised high, and a flame sword was formed on this great sword, which shone soaring into the sky. In this flame, the quirky characters flashed light, and the flame kept rushing to the sky , Turned into boundless energy.

When the flames were the brightest, Keisha severely chopped down directly towards Hua Yan.

At the same time, the pair of devil's claws in Liangbing also changed. At first, the pair of devil's claws was gray and black, as if made of cold steel.

But at this time, the pair of devil's claws turned blood red. Not only that, the blood flowing above was like agglomerated with the blood of hundreds of millions of people.

This is the real devil's claw!

After this paw was deformed, he also grasped it fiercely towards Huaying.

He Xijiao drank, and immediately began to fade. As if disappearing, she saw countless ghosts around her. These ghosts were like a dim white light. Each person held an angel in his hand. The blade, stabbed in the past towards Huaying.

The ultimate blow!

Seeing the weapons killed by three people, Hua Yan's eyes narrowed sharply. He knew that he could not resist the blow.

"I won't let you go if I die!" Hua Yan shouted in despair.

"Then you die!" Keisha and Liang Bing and Hexi said at the same time.

Uh ~

Huh ~~

At this instant, the three weapons fell fiercely on Huaying's body.

Just when everyone thought Hua Hua was certain to die, people saw a scene that they could not believe.

Hua Ye disappeared!

That's right, under the gaze of more than 300 demigods, Hua Yan was lost.

"Uh ~ what's going on?"

"What about people?"

"No, right? This product still has this ability?"

People are curious, because they don't see the specific situation, why are they gone?

Only Jia Lan's eyes flickered, and then she looked at the endless sky.

In the battlefield.

Queen Kaisha and Liang Bing and Hexi were all stunned. You three look at me and I look at you, all of them are confused.

They were on the battlefield and faced Hua Huan face to face, but they didn't find out what was going on.

"What about people?" Liang Bing asked, depressed.

Hexi didn't speak.

Queen Kesha looked around with a serious look, and said, "My blow didn't hit him."

"None of mine." Hexi said.

Liang Bing also shook his head.

Ye Fei's whole person is also looking aggressive. His vision is not as sharp as those demigods. The people haven't seen it clearly, and he can't see clearly.

"Post, what's the situation?" He asked, sitting on Ferris's shoulder.

Ferris's golden head shook and said, "I didn't understand."

"Go to Galan."

Ferris wheel led Ye Fei to Jia Lan, and Ye Fei said, "Did you see clearly?"

Jia Lan said, "He was rescued."


This time Ye Fei was even more dumbfounded. Under the gaze of so many demigods, someone could rescue Hua Yao away. Is this too exaggerated? To what extent can this person be so strong?

He didn't know, but he knew that this person was definitely better than everyone at the scene, at least faster than everyone at the scene.

"Who saved it?" Ye Fei quietly swallowed and asked.

Jia Lan shook her head and said, "I didn't see it clearly, I just saw Huayong with one hand."

"Hand? Where did it come from?"

Jia Lan pointed to one direction of the endless void and said, "There."


Ye Fei stopped talking because he looked in that direction, and he could see nothing but black and black.

"Let everyone be careful, the other side is too strong to prevent him from coming back."

Ye Fei told Jia Lan and asked him to convey it to everyone, and then he and Skyrim came to the side of Queen Caesar and Liangbing, and said, "There is a master, Hua Hua has been rescued, you must be careful."

Queen Keisha and Liang Bing and Hexi glanced at each other, then nodded.

"I can't see who it is?" Liang Bing put away the former Diaoerlang as he did, and asked with a serious face.

Ye Fei shook his head and said to his heart that you didn't see it, let alone let me know.

Queen Keisha called Angel Yan over and asked her to tell everyone to be vigilant in case the rescuer of Huayan appears again.

"What do these people do?" Hexi asked the group of Xia Ruoning and Su Mali, and asked.

Liang Bing glanced at these people and said, "Kill them directly, and they will be disgusted when they see the faces of these people."

Queen Keisha said, "Ronin is, after all, our angelic universe."

"It's been a long time since it was betrayed. I guess the reason why Hua Yan was able to break through our first line of defense unimpeded is probably because of her guidance." Hexi said.

"Where's Sumari?"

When asked this sentence, Liang Bing and Queen Keisha all looked at Hexi, because this was Hexi's ex-boyfriend, and they wanted to hear Hexi's opinions more.

Hexi smiled bitterly, and she remembered the scene when she was about to be sucked away by the black hole just now, and Yan wanted to save her, but was stopped by Sumali. Then he gave herself a smile, a smile of death .

"Don't look at me, I have nothing to do with him long ago, we are just enemies now, and my hee enemies are going to die!"

Liang Bing laughed: "Hexi, you really said this to my heart, rest assured, you can't do it, I can do it for you."

Having said that, Liangbing controlled Demon's Claw and grabbed at Sumali directly.

At this time, Sumali and Ruoning were completely desperate. In fact, their abilities were not small. Ronin also served as Kaiser's left front wing guard. Sumali was the first general of Huayu. The killer slaughter God, everyone has the ability to penetrate the world.

But now they don't see any hope of living at all, because they are facing Queen Kesha and Liang Bing and Hexi. All three are demigods, and each one is much stronger than them.

"Just break yourself." Keish glanced at Ruoning and Sumali coldly.

Ruoning smiled bitterly and said, "I already knew that there would be such a day, but I didn't expect it to be so fast."

"You shouldn't betray the angel universe."

"You forced me away!"

Ruoning shouted, "What the **** did I do wrong? Angel Yan what ability can she take over my place? If it wasn't for her, the queen is me now! I have been born and died for you for so many years, and I have made you so big Credit, but in the end, a yellow hair girl took everything from me. If you were me, what would you do ?! "

Ruoning yelled at Queen Kesha as if she were crazy.

Queen Kaisha looked at her coldly, and waited until after she said, "Do you want to know the reason? Because Yan is better than you, her ability may not be stronger than you now, but her mind is broader than you. As a Queen candidate, this is a requirement. "

"Broad-minded? Shit! If you want to drive me away, you can find a reason anyway, Kaisha, thank you for making me once beautiful, and thank you for letting me down now, but everything is over. If there is reincarnation, I I don't want to meet you again, I don't even want to be an angel anymore, I just want to be an ordinary person, let others respect or ignore ordinary people! "

After that, a sharp sword in Ruoning's hand swept straight across his neck.

The blood of angels reddened the sky.

Seeing that Ronin really committed suicide, the cold sweat on Sumari's head came out directly. He looked pale at the people around him, and finally fell on Kesha's body, saying: "I ... I surrender."

"Surender ?! You don't deserve it!" Keisha said.

Among these men of Huaying, if there is a person she hates most, it is definitely Sumari, because he helped Huaying kill too many angel soldiers!

"You ... Hexi, save me, save me! I am your boyfriend, you do not want me, but I have been thinking of you, I love you, and always It has n’t changed, Hexi, give me a chance, give me a chance, okay? I will never do anything to hurt an innocent angel, I will follow you well, even if I am a pet Yes, Hexi, don't let them kill me! "

Tears were almost coming when Sumari spoke.

Hexi smiled, and then slowly walked towards Sumali.

Sumali stood there watching Hexi with a begging expression on his face.


"I'm here, Hexi, I love you."

"Thank you, I used to love you too. At that time, I felt that we could love each other well until the years were running out and we were embracing each other. Unfortunately, you did not give me a chance."

"I give, I give, I give you everything."

"No, my Hexi has a very small heart. I ca n’t hold so much of what you have given me. Hexi is just an ordinary angel. The love I want is also ordinary. Just a smile. "

"I will."

"Well, I know you will, but unfortunately I ..."

Hexi wanted to say that it was a pity that I did n’t need it, but she had n’t finished it. Sumari suddenly got into trouble. She moved when she was n’t ready, and then hid behind Hexi. Her left arm caught him directly On the neck, a small sharp silver blade in the right hand directly hit Hexi's heart, smirking: "Hexi, thank you, I ’ll borrow it for you, I do n’t want to die, as long as they let me leave I guarantee you are fine. "

"Su Mali, what is special about you is personal scum! You dare to touch Hexi with a little hair, and your mother will crush you to death!"

No one expected that Su Mali would use this hand to escape at this time, and Liang Bing screamed angrily.

"Release Hexi, I will consider giving you a way of life, otherwise I would let you die without burial, even if you escape to the sky!" Kesha said coldly.

Sumali grinned and said, "Let ’s go? Kesha, Liang Bing, and those of you who have been invited by them, you are all too powerful one by one. I am so scared. How can I let her go?" I want to live, so do n’t force me. I ’m called by the Sumali people, and you must believe that I have a way to let her die. ”

"Sumali, what are you ... grandma, the old lady really wants to kill you asshole!"

Liang Bing wasn't sure how to scold him. After he scolded, he directly ran over the Devil's Claw, and Kesha stopped it.

"Be careful Hexi! Don't be impulsive."

"Not impulsive? Wait a while, Hexi will be killed by this bastard!"

"He doesn't dare!"

"Hahaha, dare? I have nothing to dare? Don't move, I'll take her life if anyone is moving!" Su Mali held Hexi and said, retreating to a spaceship.

Hexi seemed to be frightened. She didn't speak or resist, but just followed Sumali.

"Sorry, Hexi, if there is a future life, I will definitely be with you, but this life will not work." Su Mali licked his lips and fangs.

Hexi smiled miserably, and said, "Sumali, I think you have been forced to such a point, and it should change. If that is the case, even if I kneel down and ask the queen, Hexi will rescue you. A life, but you chill me too much, you have not changed at all, your cold blood and nausea have penetrated into the bone marrow, you are too disappointed. "

"No way, I just believe in myself."

"You should believe me too, it's just late."

"What do you mean?"

As soon as Sumali asked, he felt a cold on his stomach, and then a sudden pain came to his brain, and then he felt that there was gas in his body running from his stomach.

That is, at this time, Hexi, whom he was about to start to slowly fade, until it disappeared from his hand, and then appeared in front of him.

"My phantom, you know that I can split, and you also know that I have completely lost my heart for you, how can I be willing to give you my true self again?" Hexi said in tears.

"You ... 38! I fight with you ..."

"You can't fight, you can't fight anything."

Hexi whispered softly, and then the angel's blade in his hand gently moved forward, and the sword passed directly from Sumari's left chest.

Su Mali's body stopped in front of Hexi for a moment, his body trembled slightly, blood was flowing from his mouth, his right hand was holding Hexi's angel blade, and the sharp blade cut his hand. Blood was dripping drop by drop.

"Oh ... heh ..."

Sumali wanted to laugh, but a spit of blood spouted from his mouth, and he couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said, "I'm sorry."

Hexi shook her head gently, and said, "It's not important anymore. Goodbye."

After that, Hexi held the hilt of his sword and pulled back fiercely. Sumali was taken forward and rushed forward, then he lay directly on Hexi's shoulder, and the blood sprayed Hexi. All of them.

Hexi held the sword in his right hand and hugged Sumari's waist in his left hand, standing still in the air.

Queen Kaisha and Liang Bing did not advise, they just watched quietly, everyone around looked at quietly, knowing that although Hexi killed Su Mali, she was not happy.

For a long time, just when the time was almost still, Hexi pushed Sumali's body away, then turned and walked away. Sumali's body slowly fell down and disappeared in an endless moment. Starry sky.

"Hey, are you okay?" Liang Bing came and patted Hexi's shoulder and asked.

Hexi's eyes were a little wet, but she smiled a little and said, "Very good."

After that, Hexi's body slowly disappeared.

The incident in the Angel Universe is almost over here. We all know that although Hua Yan has left, he would not dare to come to the Angel Universe again for trouble if he did not have a helper.

However, this matter is hard to say. After all, the person who rescued him is too powerful. If he intervenes in this matter, can the Angel Universe stand up to it?

"Relax, he won't be back so soon." Jia Lan comforted everyone: "That person is not a angelic person, and it is not easy to cross the universe. I believe that person also took a lot of effort. If it is done, will not come again at half past one. "

Ye Fei was relieved and said, "This is better."

As he said, he came to Queen Caesar and said, "Stay in the Angel Universe during this time, just in case."

Queen Keisha smiled and shook her head. "I am your guardian angel, and now you are more important to me than the angel universe."

"They need you more than I do."

"Rest assured that we have the means of contact. If there is any difficulty, they will contact me in time and I will return in time."

Ye Fei thought about the situation at Pearl Island, and Kaisha returned after receiving the signal from the angel universe.

"What if it's too late?" Ye Fei worried.

Queen Keisha laughed: "You have imagined the Angel Universe too fragile ~ ~ This time, even if I do n’t come back, Hua Yao may not be able to succeed. Now the Angel Universe has eighty-one lines of defense. Only one was broken. "



Eighty-one lines of defense, what else is there to worry about?

"Just stay here to appease these pretty little angels. I and others will go back to Pearl Island first and wait until you are done."

"No, Angel Yan is their king now, she will handle it."

"I rely on you, the queen retired quite thoroughly."

Queen Keisha smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth, let Ye Fei take a look around, and hurriedly said, "Go back."


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