MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 15 Yasao fourth 5

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Wei Wuzhen is a person who will have fun for himself, especially good at making fun. Since there is nothing else to play with, then you have to play the blue forget machine.

He said: "Forget the brother."

Blue forgets the machine and does not move.

Wei Wuwei said: "Forget the machine."

I heard nothing.

Wei Wuzhen: "Blue forgets the machine."

Wei Wuzhen: "Blue Zhan!"

Blue forgot to finally stop the pen, his eyes looked up at him coldly. Wei Wuxi hides behind him and raises his hand to defend himself: "You don't want to look at me like this. If you forget your machine, you don't agree, I will call your name. If you are not happy, you can call my name back."

Blue forgets the machine: "Put your legs down."

Wei Wuzhen was extremely misplaced, leaning his body and supporting his legs. Seeing that I finally remembered the blue opening of the machine, and I was able to see the moon and see the moon. He put his legs down according to his words, but his upper body was close to it unconsciously, and his arm was pressed against the book, still a sitting posture. He solemnly said: "Blue Zhan, ask you a question. You - do you really hate me?"

Blue forgets to drop the eyelashes. Wei Wuxi was busy: "Don't. Speak two sentences and ignore people. I want to admit your mistakes and apologize to you. Look at me."

After a pause, he said: "Don't look at me? Also, then I said it myself. That night, I was wrong. I was wrong. I shouldn't over the wall, shouldn't drink, shouldn't fight with you. But I I swear! I didn't deliberately provoke you. I really didn't look at your family's rules. Jiang's family rules are spoken orally, and I haven't written it at all. Otherwise I will definitely not." I will definitely not drink it in front of you. An altar laughs, I bring my back to the room to secretly drink, drink every day, give it to everyone to drink, drink enough.

Wei Wuxi said again: "And let's talk about the truth. Who is the first to call? It is you. If you don't start first, let's talk well and say clearly. But others can beat me, I can't do anything." This can't blame me. Blue Zhan, are you listening? Blue Gongzi, Blue 2 brother, enjoy a face, look at me."

Blue forgot the eyes and did not lift, said: "More than one copy."

Wei Wuzheng said: "Don't be like this. I am wrong."

Blue forgets to unveil him without mercy: "You have no regrets at all."

Wei Wuzhen said without dignity: "Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. You want me to say how many times. Your Majesty said it would be fine."

Forgetting to put a blue pen, no envy Wei thought he had enough to beat yourself up, hee hee was going to throw a smile, but suddenly found the upper lip and lower lip like being stuck in general, laughing. His face changed a lot and he struggled: "Hey? Hey!"

Blue forgot to close his eyes, gently spit out a breath, opened his eyes, and it was a calm look, re-writing, as if nothing happened. Wei Wuzhen had heard the hatefulness of the Blue Family forbidden speech, but he did not believe this evil. You can squat for a long while, the corners of your mouth are red, and you can't open it anyway. After a while, he walked away and threw a piece of paper. Blue forgot to look at the machine and said: "boring."

Wei Wuqi was so angry that he made a roll on the mat. He climbed up and wrote another one. When he photographed the blue forgetting machine, he was again smashed and thrown.

This forbidden language was untied until he finished copying. The next day, I came to the library, and the paper ball that was thrown all over the day was taken away.

Wei Wuzhen has always had a scar and forgot the pain. He had just eaten the forbidden loss on the first day, and he sat for two moments and his mouth was itchy. I did not know what to say and said, and I was banned again. If he couldn't open it, he would graffiti on the paper, stuff it into the blue forgetting machine, and then be thrown into the ball and throw it into the ground. The third day is still the case. The consequence of repeated bans is that Wei Wuzhen did not vacate the fish. He had to copy the weight of one month, and it was almost finished in seven days.

On the seventh day, it was the last day of thinking. Today's Wei Wuzhen is somewhat different. He came to Gusu this time, the sword was thrown to the west, and he never saw him passing by, but this day he brought it, and he slammed it next to the book. It is also the normal state of anti-100% harassment and harassment of the blue forgetting machine. If you don’t speak a word, you can write it when you sit down and listen to it almost surprised.

Blue forgets that there is no reason to give him a forbidden speech. Instead, he looks at him more, as if he does not believe that he is suddenly honest. Sure enough, sitting shortly, Wei Wuzhen was seriously ill, sent a piece of paper and told him to watch.

The blue forgetting machine thought that it was a bit of boring boring words, but the ghosts were swept away and it was actually a portrait. Sitting in danger, sitting by the window and reading, the eyebrows are vivid and vivid, it is himself.

Wei Wuzhen saw that his eyes didn't move away immediately, his mouth twitched, and he picked his eyebrows and blinked. No need to speak, the meaning is obvious: like not like? good or not?

Blue forgets the machine slowly: "There is no leisure, not to copy books, but to doodle. I think you will never want to lift the ban."

Wei Wuzhen blew the ink marks that were not dried, and it didn't matter the earth: "I have already finished copying, and I will not come tomorrow!"

The blue slug machine's slender fingers on the yellow scroll seemed to stagnate, and this turned the next page, and there was no ban on him. Wei Wuzhen couldn’t get up, he flicked the picture and said: "Send you."

The painting was thrown on the mat, and the blue forgetting machine did not mean to take it. These days, Wei Wei wrote to him, to please him, to admit his mistakes, to write the graffiti papers are all treated like this, he used to, do not care, suddenly said: "I forgot, I have to add something to you. ”

After he finished his paper, he added two strokes, looked at the painting, and then looked at the real person and laughed at the ground. Blue forgot to put down the book and glanced at it. It turned out that he had added a flower to his side.

His mouth seemed to be pumping. Wei Wuqi got up and snatched: "‘boring', right, I know you have to be bored. Can you change a word? Or add two more words?"

Blue forgets the machine and says: "It’s boring."

Wei Wuqi clap: "Sure enough, add two words. Thank you!"

Blue forgets to take back his eyes and pick up the book that was placed on the case and reopen it. Just looking at it, it was thrown out like a fire tongue.

What he originally looked at was an ancient book, but it was just a turn of the sweep. The eyes that were all in the eye were all entangled figures, and they were unsightly. The book he had originally watched was actually turned into a spring | palace map with a book cover disguised as a serious book.

I don’t have to think about it, but I also know who is doing the good thing. It must be someone who gives him a hand to look at the painting and remove his attention. What's more, Wei Wuzhen is still there to laugh at the table: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The book was thrown to the ground, and the blue forgot to avoid the snake, and immediately retreated to the corner of the library, and angered and screamed: "Wei Ying-!"

Wei Wuzhen smiled almost to the book, so it is easy to raise his hand: "I am! I am!"

Blue forgot to pull out the dust-proof sword. Since he met, Wei Wuzhen has never seen him in such a disappointing appearance, busy grabbing his own sword, Jianfeng shines out the sheath three points, reminds: " manners! Attention to manners! I also brought a sword today. "You still don't want to have a book collection in your house!" He expected the blue forgetting opportunity to be angry and angry, and specially took the sword from the guard to avoid being killed by the blue forgetting machine. Blue forgot the sword and pointed at him, and almost all the light-colored eyes spurted out the fire: "Who are you!"

Wei Wuwei said: "Who can I be? Man!"

Blue forgets to swear: "I don't know shame!"

Wei Wuwei said: "You must be ashamed of this thing? Don't tell me that you have never seen such a thing. I don't believe it."

If you forget the loss, you will not be stunned, and you will be stunned for a long while. Yang Jian points to him and is covered with frost: "You go out. We played."

Wei Wuqi shook his head again and again: "Do not fight or fight. Yun Shen does not know that it is forbidden to fight." He is going to pick up the book that was thrown out, and Blue forgets to grab it and take it in his hand. Wei Wuzhen’s heart turned, guessing that he would use this evidence to sue him, deliberately said: “What do you snatch? I thought you didn’t read it. I have to watch it again? I don’t have to grab it. I originally lend it to you. watch."

Blue forgets that the entire face is white, one word and one sentence: "I, no, look."

Wei Wuzhen continued to distort right and wrong: "You don't look at what you are doing to steal it? Private possession? This can't be done. I am looking for someone to borrow. You have to go back after reading it... Don't come over, have something to say. You Wouldn't you want to turn in? Let's hand it over to the old... Hand over to your uncle? Blue Ergong, can this kind of thing be given to the elders in the family? He will doubt that you have seen it first, then It’s shame!”

Blue forgets the spirit of the right into the right hand, the book split into thousands of pieces of broken ends, have been raised, falling from the air. Wei Wuzheng has succeeded in stimulating him to destroy the corpse, and he is relieved: "It is a violent thing!" He took another piece of shredded paper that fell on his hair and gave it to the blue to forget: "Blue Zhan, everything." Ok, I just like to throw things. You talk about how many paper **** you throw on the ground these days? You are not addicted to throwing paper **** today. You are tearing paper. You tear it, you can clean it up. I don’t care. "Of course, he has never managed."

Blue forgot to endure and endure, finally can not endure, angered: "Roll!"

Wei Wuwei said: "Well, you are a blue-smelter, and you say that you are a gentleman and a sacred pearl. The most beautiful and ceremonial, but the original is just that. Yunshen does not know where to ban you don't know? And you actually call me 'Rolling'. Are you using this word for the first time..." Blue forgot to pull the sword and stab him. Wei Wuxi was busy jumping on the window sill: "I will roll. I will roll the most. Don't send me!"

He jumped down the library, and the madman was generally rampaged. Breaking into the woods, a group of people were waiting for him. Nie Huai Sang said: "How. Did he read? What expression?"

Wei Wuwei said: "What expression? Hey! He was so loud, didn't you hear it?"

Someone has a reverence: "Hear, he let you roll! Wei brother, the first time I heard the blue forget the machine ‘roll’! How did you do it?”

Wei Wuzhen was full of joy in the spring breeze: "I am grateful, I helped him break this ban today. I saw it, and the blue two sons praised the cultivation and family education, which is all in front of me."

Jiang Cheng said with a black face: "You are proud of a fart! What's so good! Is it a very glorious thing to be shouted? It's really a face of our family!"

Wei Wudao said: "I have the heart to admit his mistakes, he does not blame me. Forbidden me for so many days, I am teasing him what happened? Unfortunately, Huai Sang brother, your treasure spring | Palace. I I haven’t finished reading it yet, it’s wonderful! Lan Zhan’s person is really unrecognizable, and he is not happy to see him, white face.”

Nie Huai Sang said: "It is a pity! How much is there."

Jiang Cheng sneered: "Take the Blue Forgetting Machine and Lan Qiren all offended. You will die tomorrow! No one will give you a corpse."

Wei Wuzhen waved his hand and went to the shoulder of Gou Jiangcheng: "There are so many tubes. I will tease me again. You have given me so many corpses, not bad this time."

Jiang Cheng has a foot in the past: "Scroll! Do this for the next time, don't let me know! Don't ask me to see it!"