MTL - The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars-Chapter 20 Jedi Knight

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20. Jedi Knight

"So if you can put aside your personal prejudices, that's not the way the Trade Federation does things, and if they really want to mine here, it's definitely not like that," Qui-Gon-Jin said. "Let's fly over there. Go and see who's up at the mining station."

"Wait a minute... there's another huge signal!" said the co-pilot suddenly, "in the synchronous orbit of Endor, and now it's on the other side of the planet. It's a... gosh, the radar shows this thing There are more than 40,000 meters in height!"

"Giant space station?" Qui-Gon Jin was stunned when he heard the size, and then became serious, "How could such a huge space station exist outside the inner circle of the Milky Way? If this is the case, then the owner of this space station conspiracy Surely not small! Let's fly in the direction of the space station, Obi-Wan, and try to contact them."

"Okay." Obi-Wan-Knobi picked up the communicator, turned on the public channel, and called: "Hello, we are... um, we are travelers passing by here, and encountered gravitational chaos when passing through the Model Channel. The attack of the flow, the spacecraft was damaged, I hope you can come over to replenish it. Please reply."

After a while, a woman's voice came from the communication: "Hello traveler, we are the pioneering colony group of the fourth group. I hope you come with good intentions."

"The fourth group?" Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi looked at each other, and both saw deep doubts in each other's eyes.


The outer ring of the Milky Way, the Albario star sector, the Mackieto galaxy.

The Lancer left hyperspace and appeared in the dark universe in an instant. Almost at the same time, Tang Xiao received a hyperspace communication from the mothership. Although the hyperspace core on the mothership cannot be used for unknown reasons, even if it cannot be used for jumping, it is no problem to support hyperspace communication.

"...Is the power of the infrared laser weapon not enough? Is there a way to increase the power output?" Tang Xiao was sitting in the guest seat, talking to Dr. Guan Yan, a mechanic.

"Not for now, because the blade fighter uses a small fission reactor, which can provide very limited energy. If you want to increase the power of the infrared laser turret, you need to install a small nuclear fusion reactor." Dr. Guan Yan said, "This It is also the direction of my next research.”

"That's hard work for you. Before the ghost fighter completes the analysis, try to improve the combat effectiveness of the blade fighter. Okay, let Qi Jian come over." Tang Xiao said.

"Manager, the production plan for 50 blade fighters has been completed recently, and the first round of modification is being carried out in batches to replace the weapon system with an infrared laser turret." Qi Jian's voice came.

"What about the effect?"

"The weapon experiment has also ended. The damage capability of the small laser turret that can be installed on the fighter is about 30% higher than that of the primary electromagnetic gun, but the effective range is only 30 kilometers. This is definitely not comparable to the almost infinite range in the space environment. It is a kinetic weapon, but it can save the space for storing ammunition before, reduce the weight of the body, and improve flexibility. And to be honest, with the performance of the blade fighter, the combat distance is generally within 10 kilometers, and the problem of range can be temporarily Don't think about it."

Tang Xiao nodded, "Let the pilots do more energy weapon shooting training. In the future, our main weapon research direction will be energy weapons."

That's right, as an energy dog ​​in "The Stars", you must climb the energy technology and go straight to the light spear and the arc!

He checked the personnel list again, and found that with the development of the colony, two more elite scientists met the conditions for awakening. One is a computer expert and the other is an engine expert. This is exactly what he needs very much. Immediately arrange to wake up and strengthen it into Dr. Feng Yongwang's team to speed up the development of the Ghost fighter.

Then Tang Xiao found a chief aerospace engineer among the masters and looked at the conditions he needed. This condition is harsh, including ground wind tunnel laboratories, small space docks, and a complete scientific research and technical team.

However, there is no better shortcut to take now. He sent these conditions to Daphne Clement, asking her to do everything possible to meet this demand, and then wake up the chief engineer.

While Tang Xiao was working remotely, the master's voice suddenly interjected, [Manager, please allow me to interrupt. I just received a public channel message that a spacecraft calling itself a traveler requested to board the ship. I hope you can make a decision as soon as possible. 】

"Ask to board the ship? Why are people coming to Endo, a place where birds don't shit? Can you transfer the communication?" Tang Xiao immediately became alert.

[Good manager. Immediately forward hyperspace communications. The communication information includes image data. 】

A holographic projection appeared in front of Tang Xiao, and a middle-aged man in a cloak said politely, "Hello, you must be the manager of the space station on Planet Endor. My name is Kui Gang-jin, traveling. There are some problems with our spacecraft during hyperspace voyage. I hope that we can get repairs and supplies from you. Please help us."

But Tang Xiao's attention was not on this obvious excuse. He just kept staring at this man, and suddenly uttered a sentence for no reason, "You are a Jedi Knight, right?"

The other party was obviously stunned, but then smiled I don't think I wrote the words "Jedi Knight" on my face. "

Tang Xiao said solemnly: "Then, can you tell me the reason why a Jedi Knight suddenly appeared here?" He had already recognized this person.

Jedi Master - Qui-Gon-Jin!

The appearance of Kui Gang-Jin is exactly the same as in the movie. Tang Xiao immediately matched the number when he heard his name, but he did not point it out.

In the communication, Qui-Gon Jin was still talking, "A space station suddenly appeared in the remote galaxy of Endor, and the Galactic Republic must pay attention to this matter."

"Master, it has been confirmed that that huge thing is a spaceship, not a space station!" Another voice interjected.

Kui Gang-Jin's expression also became very serious. He stared at Tang Xiao and said word by word, "So, this is why I came here."

Tang Xiao sighed softly, he didn't expect the matter to go to the Jedi Knights, "This spaceship does not have the ability to travel in hyperspace, and this is completely a civilian spaceship, the purpose of which is to use it on the planet Endor. Colonization. The formalities of this colonial operation on the Republic side are being processed."

"For normal business practices, we will not interfere much, as long as you can prove that it is legal," Qui-Gon Jin said.

"If you don't dislike it, please stop by my mothership for a while, and I'll be back soon." Tang Xiao said.

"In that case, I will be very grateful for your hospitality." Qui-Gon-Jin nodded slightly.

After finishing the communication, Tang Xiao took a deep breath and shook his head. It seems that after this mission is over, it is still necessary to return to the mothership as soon as possible.

It's a pity that his expedition has just begun and is about to end.
