MTL - The Gate of Extinction-Chapter 366 I let you go

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brush! Zurich cut another vine and grabbed the backpack **** the survivor's shoulder.

The survivor's face suddenly changed, but the next moment, he saw a flash of cold light in Zu Lifeng's other hand, and he didn't know where a small scalpel was so sharp. Cut all the vines on him accurately and picked them out. Although the blood splattered and the pain was extremely painful, the survivors felt a new life.

Although he would lie in bed for at least a week after suffering such a serious injury, it is better to survive than anything. He will never do these broken things in the future, knowing that he is just a little bit heavy, he still eats and waits to die. Although it will usher in a desperate day, it will at least live longer.

Zu Lifeng took him back quickly, and looked at the big tree with vigilance again. It hesitated to chase it, but in the end it still endured, and quickly recovered its injury.

"Ah, ah ..." The survivor uttered a grunt.

Then Zulifeng threw him to the ground, and asked him calmly: "Are you really going to destroy the backpack just now?"

The survivor was awake now, trying to justify, "No, I ... I wouldn't really do that."

"You will do it." Zhang Hexuan released his backpack from him, and Zu Lifeng pointed at the strap that was about to be torn.

"You want us to die with you together." Zuli Feng said.

"No, I ..." The survivor was a little flustered. "Su Brother, as soon as you saved me, you treat me as a fart and let it go! My life is miserable. Really , I went home one day, my mother said that I made a broth for me, I asked her about my dad, and then I found a body in the pot ... that was not my mother at all, it was a monster. She also killed me father……"

He had already kept his word, but many survivors had encounters like him. Many of the things he did later can catch up with this bad. However, with a little hope, he could get a little sympathy from Zurich. Even if not, I hope to impress the two girls. With them helping to speak, Zu Lifeng should not kill himself.

But unfortunately, the expressions of these two girls are more numb than Zu Lifeng.

He had no choice but to continue to look at Zuli Feng, regardless of his severely injured body, and got up and began to slap in the air: "I was wrong. I was fascinated for a moment, because I was too selfish ..."

"Well, I let you go." Zu Lifeng interrupted him.

The survivor said immediately excitedly: "Thank you! Thank you! Brother Su, you have a lot of adults ..."

"You go." Zu Lifeng waved.

The survivor froze for a moment, his expression suddenly turned grey again: "Su Brother, I ..."

"Before I change my mind, hurry up. I can forgive you for beating me, but I can't forgive you for threatening my life. This is already my magnanimous decision and I cherish it." Zurich said coldly.

He did kill the survivor. This is another variable that appears when he violates the future, as does this big tree. If they follow the foreseen process, maybe they won't encounter this weird tree at all. But as he changed the future deeper and deeper, some strange changes that should not have occurred gradually began to appear. This big tree will never be the last.

The survivor looked desperately as he watched Zu Lifeng turn away. Don't say that he is like this now, even in perfect condition. It is impossible to go out alive. Zu Lifeng simply told him to die.

Slowly, however, he struggled to stand up and turned towards the woods. His eyes were full of resentment, and if he found an opportunity, he would have to make Zu Lifeng pay. Who says weak people should be pinged? !! If it wasn't for him to carry things as coolies. Maybe I won't be attacked by vines, but can escape smoothly!

"Wait!" The survivor thought gritted teeth, slowly disappearing between the trees.

On the other side of the tree, during the brief conversation between Zurich and the survivors, it was also deadlocked with this group of humans.

When the vine that had just been broken re-emerged, it suddenly gave off a terrifying breath again. It now knows that if these humans are on the ground one by one, no matter how careful it is, it will definitely suffer, because defense is inevitable.

So after a brief confrontation, it slammed all the vines towards Zu Lifeng and others, and at the same time, a sharp tree root suddenly stuck out underground. Another survivor was too late to escape, pierced the instep by a tree root, and blood flowed instantly. Besides shaking, a vine caught his arm. Although he cut off in time, the place where he was caught was still fuzzy, and there was a blood hole on his wrist, which was almost drilled into it.

Xu Jiang was slightly better, but he was also busy, and soon got a few more abrasions.

Zu Lifeng was dodging sharply, cutting, and at the same time he shouted, "You are better!"

He used the tone of command this time. Although Youjia didn't usually cooperate, at this time, she also knew that if she could not do her best, Zuli would turn her face. .

Long white gold and long hair rose up automatically without wind, and two **** of light condensed on each hand. As the light on her skin gradually dimmed, the two **** of light became brighter. Although still some distance away, Xu Jiang and others felt that the smell of burnt came from their hair, and the energy of this photosphere could not be underestimated.

And when the two **** of light were bright enough, Youjia threw it in front of them, and swiped their fingers across the middle. Implicated by her ten fingers, the two **** of light spheroidized into ten glowing silk threads, and then pushed out by her like a net.

"I haven't seen laser cutting, but this should be pretty much the same!" Although the target was not them at all, Xu Jiang and the survivor both felt that their skin was cut. I did not expect that this beautiful woman who has always brought light effects is so scary! No wonder they are not opponents at all. This series is too far apart!

However, Zu Lifeng knows that the Star Clan lacks growth and needs to be recharged in a timely manner. In general, the combat effectiveness is still not as good as the advanced xenogeneity. For example, when You Jia used this trick at this time, her whole body's light became dim. She put on her coat and her eyes turned gray.

"Ah ~ ah" When the big tree was facing these ten lasers, the vines were continuously cut off, and the cut places were immediately burnt, but when the laser reached it, the protrusions of it immediately sprayed out a wave Viscous liquid, except for a little skin trauma, was not fatally hit.

Underneath the bark that was broken, it turned out to be a pink piece of meat, constantly creeping and making people sick.

But without waiting for the big tree to take a breath, it found out that it was the Zurich that was immediately following the laser.

As Zu Lifeng's bone wings were cut towards it, the remaining vines retracted, completely surrounding Zu Lifeng, and Zu Lifeng did not mean to dodge at all.


The sound of numerous vines piercing the ground came, and one side of the tree became like a huge nest made of vines, and a trace of blood permeated from the middle of the vines.


In the nervous and worried eyes of Xu Jiang and others, the vine was cut sharply into sections, and the figure of Zu Lifeng stunned like a red light. His back was covered with blood, but you can imagine how thrilling it was just inside. And he felt like crazy at this moment.

In a short time, he frantically cut countless vines. At the beginning, the vines still had the ability to counterattack. The clothes on Zu Lifeng's body were continuously punctured and blood continued to shed. Speed ​​up.

"Dead!" Su Lifeng jumped onto the trunk, two bone spears pierced into the trunk instantly, and the whole trunk immediately trembled violently, making wailing noises.

A little bit of black slowly spread from the place where the bone spear penetrated, and the big tree quickly fell down as if withered. It suddenly and violently vibrated several times, both Xu Jiang took a sigh of relief. It always felt that the tree seemed to have the opportunity to fight back again, until the whole tree became as coke. Both of them felt double. A soft leg.

And Zu Lifeng was blood-red, standing on the corpse of this big tree, panting violently, and an empty injection in his hand slowly loosened and fell to the ground.

"It's ... so dangerous ~ ~ Just like he has his own hole cards and means, this big tree also hides the hole cards. In fact, it does have the wisdom equivalent to human beings. After middle school, it can be said that it pretends that the old power has just been exhausted, but the new power is not born. In fact, it also hides a strong toxin.

Zu Lifeng has absorbed a highly toxic advanced xenograft, which has strong anti-toxicity in itself, but this toxin has almost made him accountable. If it wasn't at the critical moment that he injected himself with a genetic agent, and stimulated his potential to make his body more resilient and resistant to toxicity, then he would become a fertilizer for this tree.

This could not help but ring a bell for Zu Lifeng. Since becoming a terrestrial type III, he is indeed a bit of a neglect, even if he has thought of the butterfly effect due to his behavior, it has not caused him enough. Value.

However, this time the harvest was also very rich. Zurich watched a black thread slowly drill out from the dry trunk, then climbed onto his arm placed on the trunk, and remained silent on the elbow. Ground drilling.

A spicy sensation was introduced into the body as it penetrated into it, and Zu Lifeng felt a tingle all over his body. (To be continued.)