MTL - The Girl in the Iron Cage: Lazy Little Beast Fei-v2 Chapter 2152 One shot

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It can be seen how strong her desire to escape him ...

I don't know how she would react when she suddenly appeared behind her back? He could hardly wait to see her surprised ...

He increased the speed a bit, and after a while, he really saw the figure of Emperor Yuyu--


Emperor Yudi felt that she hadn't jumped like this when she was so long, and she hadn't jumped so long. She just broke the highest record in history.

The legs are swollen, the whole body is sore, the gasping is in the bellows, and the sweat is like pulp--

But she did not dare to stop at all. She only had this one chance, the only chance to escape, and she could not give up anyway.

Since coming to this weird continent, she has tried her best to roll on the dangerous blade almost every moment. The benefit of this desperately is that her actual skills are getting stronger and stronger. Occasionally the light flashed, and the color of the dresses became darker.

Now she is Yuanjun of the sixth grade. As long as she breaks through the limits of the sixth grade, she can successfully become a god!

If she can escape successfully and return to her body, it will be a great surprise to see Qian Qian Ye, maybe she will praise her for a few words and praise her for being a smart little girl. He is no longer afraid to praise her ...

In addition, she even went to Feng Xiliu to go around. In all likelihood, the kid is still a fairy, and her rank is much higher than him. He should call her an elder sister. This time let him Call your sister to be willing!

Of course, if she can escape, the first is to expose Gu Cangheng's conspiracy to Gu Yaozun Jun and ask him to come to this continent to find her grandfather of Heaven Emperor. Maybe you can also click Mo Tianya by the way to kill the six realms— —

So many so many benefits await her after escaping, so she must win this bet!

Although she didn't bring any hourglass, but in order to prevent Mo Tianya from getting into trouble, she started to count time in her heart from the beginning.

She raised her hand and touched the sweat on her forehead. She drew in a breath. Time should be almost up! She is going to win!

"Xiaoyu, this seat has caught up with you ..." There was a chuckle behind him, the voice was clear, but listening to Emperor Yu's ears was like a magic sound!

Mo Tianya! He caught up in the end!

Damn, she still has half a minute to win!

But for half a minute, she couldn't stand it. Mo Tianya had already flew up, like a giant bat, and flew towards the Emperor Yu: "You lose-"

His body just flew halfway, a white light flickered from the side, straight to his waist!

This white light is just like the scorching sun, brilliant and domineering, and it spreads like a whirlwind of radon, killing in one shot! Deadly move!

If Mo Tianya just fled Emperor Yuyu regardless, he would be hit by that white light. With his current skills, if he carried it hard, he would be dissipated immediately ...

It is an instinct to rescue himself in distress, and he can't help catching Emperor Yu's feathers again. His wrist is flipped, and the black pistol flashes, and a circle of black and red light bursts out, welcoming the white light—

There was a loud noise, the two rays collided together, the black and red rays trembled, and the smoke disappeared in an instant, while the white light remained intact and ran towards him.

Fortunately, Mo Tianya was ready at this moment, taking advantage of the moment when the two rays collided, he swept a few feet to the side.