MTL - The Girl in the Iron Cage: Lazy Little Beast Fei-v2 Chapter 2227 Is it male or female?

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The pressure of the Lord of the Dragons on his body made him feel uncomfortable, not to mention taking over the mess in heaven. !!

However, if Xiaoxun is a real emperor, he will not want to, but he will surely enclose the court affairs under his distressed wife, and he will have to do it if he doesn't do it ...

Heavenly Emperor is indeed a good abacus! Knowing the ability to spend Qian Ye, and knowing that he would not really seize power, I wanted to take this opportunity to toss the hot potato of the Emperor Tian to Xiao Yan.

The dying cricket is now, but what about him and Xiaoji? The rest of my life is busy, right? !! What's more, there is that death 400,000 years later ...

Hua Qianye took a sigh of secret, his tone was resolutely resolute: "Your Majesty, you mess up your own mess, Xiao Yan can not pick up your seat, even if she promises I will not agree! Her Majesty still think about other heirs . Anyway, the emperor's family is not just a grandson who is a grandson ... "The most unfortunate is Emperor Shiyin, a former emperor who is here. The one who is absolutely capable of being a good emperor, why drag his family to block the gun ? !!

Tiandi sighed, he naturally understood who Hua Qianye was referring to, and said sadly: "The release is not there, I am afraid that I will not see him in this life."

Hua Qianye's eyes were bright and light: "Your Majesty, rest assured, the release of Shang Shangshen will come back sooner or later. If you have become feathered at that time, he will inevitably provoke this burden for you and succeed as emperor. You, hold on to this heaven until Emperor Shi Yin returns, and return it to him when he returns. "

Keeping the heavenly courts free of internal disturbances and still allowing it to work step by step. This ability takes thousands of nights to be confident.

The emperor sighed, knowing that this road would definitely not work here in Hualong, so he had to give up: "In this case, before the release is released, the heaven affairs will be left to you."

"Hahahaha, in the future, the six realms will become the demon realm. What heaven does not say heaven ?!" A voice suddenly added, the voice was male and female, roaring in the valley.

With the current efforts of Emperor Tian and Hua Qianye, don't say a person, even if a fly flies within a few hundred meters nearby, they can divide the male and female by the vibration of the wings,

Not to mention that Hua Qianye set up an enchantment in a 100-meter radius nearby, no matter what it was going to come in, he was bound to be aware of it. I never expected that a big living person would suddenly come out silently and silently!

That person's skill--

Hua Qianye followed the sound to look at it, and my heart sank again!

Mo Tianya! It was Mo Tianya who was supposed to be chased by his subordinates.

His whole body is faintly dark, but his eyebrows are darker than usual. The eyelashes are long, the corners of the eyes are tall, the thin lips are gorgeous, and a bright red feather-shaped flower on the eyebrow stands. enchanting……

This demon master, has been dissipated after all skills have been dissipated? Looks like the undefeated Oriental who has practiced the sunflower book!

Is he Mo Tianya?

Although it looks like eight points, but the whole body's aura is like a completely different person!

Although he hasn't done any other actions at the moment, the whole body's aura is very shocking. The extremely powerful coercion directly presses over like a mountain, which actually makes Taishan always collapse in front and does not blink. Ye Ye also jumped a few times, a little flustered--