MTL - The Global Reshuffle of Space-Chapter 398 air leaking small padded jacket

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  Chapter 398 Little padded jacket leaks air

  Xiao Yuanhang looked at the food that had been wiped out, and finally realized a problem.

   "Linger, don't you hold on?"

  Xiao Yueling, who wrapped the four big plates and four pots round, burped indecently, and didn't care about it.

   "It's just right, it doesn't hold up at all."

  She raised a face that was always unfamiliar to Xiao Yuanhang, and smiled brightly.

   "Dad, you don't know!

  I am not only very strong, but also a kung fu master. In the special forces team, I can be said to be invincible in the whole team. "

  Xiao Yuanhang was speechless. When did his baby become a strongman? Give him back his delicate daughter.

   "Dad, does our family have this inheritance?"

  He looked helplessly at the old man who was watching the joke.

"Yes, I have!

  The ancestor of the Xiao family is so powerful, you don't even know the origin of the Xiao family.

  Of course I don’t understand what’s going on, our family is a thousand-year-old family.

  Unfortunately, there are only three of us, grandparents and grandchildren left.

   Just to tell you about the history of our family, the blood feud with the Suo family. "

  Xiao Yueling doggedly went to make a pot of good tea, while the people on the hospital bed could only drink warm water, but that was also warm water with added ingredients.

   Xiao Yuanhang, who doesn't know the effect of warm water, can only smell the fragrance of tea and drink his own water.

  Xiao Xingzhou talked about the history of the Xiao family from the beginning, and it took nearly an hour to finish.

   "Because of a wooden box passed down from generation to generation, the Suo family destroyed the Xiao family.

  44 years ago, I took you to hide in Nanshan Village..."

  The three generations of grandparents and grandchildren all burst into tears. Even Xiao Yueling, who had heard it once, couldn't help crying. This is a history of blood and tears in her family.

  The once glorious family has become the souls of other people's calculations. Who can accept this result.

  Xiao Yuanhang regretted the choice he made back then. If he hadn't insisted on going his own way, what would happen later.

   "Dad, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have violated your wishes back then."

  Xiao Xingzhou shook his head. He also had a time when he was young. At that time, he had the same temperament as his son.

  Speaking of which, he was also at fault!

  But things have already happened, and it is useless to complain and regret.

  Now, the burden of revenge is on the little granddaughter.

  She is the poorest one.

   They have to pay for their mistakes of the year.

   "Grandpa, Dad, don't blame yourself.

   Isn't there me!

  Before you leave Kyoto, you just stay in the space, and I will take care of the outside affairs. "

  Hearing what his daughter said, Xiao Yuanhang cried even harder...

  The grandpa and grandson really have nothing to do with this big man who loves to cry. It seems that after waking up, any word will make him cry.

  The two looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

  【Before, I didn’t realize that he was a crybaby! 】

  Xiao Xingzhou took a meaningful look at the crybaby and sighed.

   "Son! You are an adult now!"

   "Dad, it's okay!

  With your precious daughter here! "

  Xiao Yueling's mature words made Xiao Yuanhang dumbfounded, looking pitifully at his old father and his precious daughter.

  He didn't know whether to cry or cry...

   Seeing the grandfather and grandson leaving him as the wounded with their hands behind their backs and leaving, Xiao Yuanhang had no choice but to open his mouth.

  The face of crying and smiling is really uncomfortable, and I want to call someone to come back and help him clean up, but I am too embarrassed to open my mouth.

   "Dad, Linger, you all despise me!"

  The man who realized this at this time is really a bit slow.

   Seeing Dabai come in and move the dining table away together, but no shadow of the two people coming in, Xiao Yuanhang panicked a little.

   "Dad, Linger, why don't you come in?"

  Xiao Xingzhou, who was packing up the utensils outside, shook his head and smiled lightly.

   "Linger, your dad is getting more and more childish."

   "Hehe, he is a wounded person, we have to be tolerant.

  Grandpa is not angry, we are not as knowledgeable as he is.

  When Dad recovers from his injury, you train him slowly and leave all the work at home to him. "

  Xiao Yuanhang in the house felt terrified when he heard his daughter's rebellion.

  【His little padded jacket is leaking air! 】

   "Hahaha, good idea!

   Let him do long-term work for us, the kind that only feeds us! "

  Xiao Xingzhou followed suit, his son!

   It's really hard to describe!

  The old man's heart was sore and swollen, with mixed feelings.

  Because of the sudden drop in the temperature outside, Xiao Yueling is not planning to go out for a while, but stays with her crying dad every day in the space.

  When Xiao Yuanhang took off the bandages all over his body, put on the old man's loose clothes, and sat on the chair behind Hei Er.

  A family of three stood in the courtyard full of vitality, Xiao Yuanhang cried again...

  The face that had been criss-crossed with scars, leaving a pale pink scar, as long as it takes a while, it will surely restore the handsome and majestic temperament of the uncle.

  Xiao Yuanhang's appearance is more like his mother Ning Wanyu, only his eyes resemble Xiao Xingzhou.

  It's a pity that the faces of the three generations have nothing in common.

  Three generations of the Xiao family walked together in this magical space, and Xiao Yuanhang greedily looked at the mountains, rivers, plants and trees in front of him.

  The bees that fly by are precious in his eyes.

  Everything is so precious in his eyes.



  Two muffled grunts, overflowing from the mouths of the two people around...

  I saw Xiao Xingzhou and Xiao Yueling bending over and squatting down in pain, their bodies ached like tears.

  The face was distorted in Xiao Yuanhang's eyes.



  The two kept grunting in pain, which frightened Xiao Yuanhang into tears, but he was helpless.

  He could only yell anxiously, wanting to roll off the chair, but suffered from being fixed on the chair.

   "Dad, Linger, what's the matter with you?

  Hei Er, let me go, hurry up! "

  Hei Er was a few steps away from the person behind his back, and now he only listens to his master's orders.

  Xiao Yuanhang's leg bones were shattered and his hamstrings were broken. At this time, he had no possibility of standing.

   Therefore, Xiao Yueling gave Hei Er an order to put Xiao Yuanhang's safety first at all times.

  He slapped the arm of the chair vigorously, but there was nothing he could do, he could only scream in pain.



   Seeing the pain of his closest relatives in front of him, but there is nothing he can do, no doubt stabbing a knife in his heart.

   "Yuanhang, stop calling!

   It will make Linger worry. We are the aftereffects of taking the deformation pill. It will be fine after the pain. "

  Xiao Xingzhou was in so much pain that he couldn't stand his stupid son's howling.

   This little pain is still within their tolerance, and it is much better than the medicine before it was improved.

  The pain after taking it for the first time is the real pain.

  He couldn't bear it a bit, but the little granddaughter still gritted her teeth and endured it.

   At that time, my lips were bitten off.

  Xiao Yuanhang looked at the old father and baby daughter with tears in his eyes, his whole body twisted in pain, and he hated the Suo family even more.

  All the sufferings of his family were caused by the Suo family, but he has no ability to take revenge.

  Nowadays, even walking is black.

  He is a waste!

   After a stick of incense, the two of them, whose sportswear was soaked in sweat, finally recovered from the pain.

  Xiao Xingzhou and Xiao Yueling, who had returned to their original appearance, were really helpless when they saw Xiao Yuanhang crying with tears all over his face.

  (end of this chapter)